But soon receiv’d its mortal Wound, Thy Strength avail’d not in thy Wealth. One Week we saw thee Blith and Gay, Who in the Night, us Spirits gave; The Next a lifeless Lump of Clay, To bury in a lonesome Grave.

A KEY to the Flash Dialogue.

To hike, is, To go home. —— A Grunter’s Gig, a Hog’s Cheek. —— Si-Buxom, Six-pence. —— A Cat’s Head, a Half penny Rowl. —— A Whyn, a Penny —— A Gage of Rum Slobber, a Pot of Porter. —— Thrums, Three pence. —— Max, Geneva. —— Meg, a Half-penny. —— A Traveller, a Shilling. —— Kinchin, a little Child. —— Doss, to sleep. —— Pad, Bed. —— Grapple, to lay hold on. —— Trotters, Legs. Bilby’s Ball, Tyburn House. —— Ken, a House. —— Darkee, the Night. —— Dudders, Fellows that sell Spital-fields Handkerchiefs for India ones. —— Duffers, Those who sell British Spirituous Liquors for Foreign. — — Files, Pickpockets. —— Buffers, Affida­vit-Men, —— Slangers, Thieves who hand Goods from one to the other, after they are stole. —— A Buttock, a Whore. —— Porpus, an ignorant swaggering Fellow. —— Rum or Quiddish, Good-natur’d. —— To puff, to impeach. —— Clout, a Handkerchief. —— Derrick, to go away; —— Sluicing her Gob, wetting her Mouth, or drinking. —— Tinney, the Fire. —— Froe-File-Buttock, a Woman Pick-pocket. —— Fam, a Ring. —— Dasies, Diamonds. —— T’other Side, Southwark. Half a Slat, 10s. 6d. Bull’s Eye, 5s. To tout the Mort, to find out the Wo­man. Snitch about the Peeps and Nasous, a Fillip on the Nose and Eyes. Old Codger, an old Man. Day Lights, Eyes. Oliver wheedles, the Moon shines. To nap the Pad, to go to Bed.