A bag of nuts, ready cracked: or, Instructive fables, ingenious riddles, and merry conundrums. By the celebrated and facetious Thomas Thumb, Esq. Published for the benefit of all little masters and misses who love reading as well as playing.
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
Worcester, (Massachusetts): Printed by Isaiah Thomas, and sold at his book-store, MDCCLXXXVI. [1786]
- Added name
Thomas, Isaiah, 1749-1831, printer.
- Publication year
- 1786
- ESTC No.
- W27106
- Grub Street ID
- 337196
- Description
- xiii,[1],15-95,[1]p. : ill. ; 16⁰
- Note
- First and last leaves pasted to decorated paper wrapper.
- Uncontrolled note
- Signatures: [A]?? B-C?? ([A]1 recto, C16 verso blank)