The citizen's monitor: shewing the necessity of a salutary police, executed by resolute and judicious magistrates, Assisted by the pious labours of zealous Clergymen, For the Preservation of the Lives and Properties of the People, And the happy Existence of the State. With observations on the late tumults, the merits of the soldiery, and the London Volunteer Police Guard. In twenty-nine letters. By Jonas Hanway, Esquire
- All titles
- The citizen's monitor: shewing the necessity of a salutary police, executed by resolute and judicious magistrates, Assisted by the pious labours of zealous Clergymen, For the Preservation of the Lives and Properties of the People, And the happy Existence of the State. With observations on the late tumults, the merits of the soldiery, and the London Volunteer Police Guard. In twenty-nine letters. By Jonas Hanway, Esquire
- Defects of police the cause of immorality
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London : printed for Dodsley, in Pall Mall; Sewell near the Royal Exchange; and Bew, in Pater-Noster Row, M.DCC.LXXX [1780]
- Publication year
- 1780
- ESTC No.
- T93953
- Grub Street ID
- 313576
- Description
- xxix,[1],xxiv,288p. ; 4°.
- Note
- First published in 1775 as 'The defects of police the cause of immorality'.