A letter to the Reverend Mr. Whitefield, occasion'd by his pretended answer to the first part of the Observations on the conduct and behaviour of the Methodists. By a gentleman of Pembroke-College, Oxon

People / Organizations
London] : Printed for M. Cooper, London; and sold by J. Wilson, and R. Evans, in Bristol; S. Mountford, and E. Wolley, in Worcester; J. Fletcher in Oxford; T. Boddely in Bath; P. Hodges in Hereford, and at the printing-office in Gloucester, [1744
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[2],iv,49,[1]p. ; 8°.
Signed at end: J. B

With a half-title

Advertised in the 'Bristol Oracle and Country Advertiser' of 19 May 1744.
Uncontrolled note
The GLOr copy has a cropped MS. note identifying "a gentleman of Pembroke-College, Oxon" as: Mr Jos: Bay[...] of ye city of Glouce[ster] - this may be Joseph Baylis, son of Edward Baylis of Gloucester, who matriculated at Pembroke College, aged 14, in 1737 (B.A. in 1740 and M.A. in 1743). Further confirmation needed