Conversations on the plurality of worlds. By M. de Fontenelle. A new translation from the last edition of the French, with great additions, Extracted from the best modern Authors, on many Curious and Entertaining Subjects. Adorned with copper-plates, Containing a great Variety of Figures for illustrating the Additions: Also, an Explanation of the Terms of Art used in the Work, in Alphabetical Order, &c. The second edition. By a gentleman of the Inner-Temple.

All titles
  • Conversations on the plurality of worlds. By M. de Fontenelle. A new translation from the last edition of the French, with great additions, Extracted from the best modern Authors, on many Curious and Entertaining Subjects. Adorned with copper-plates, Containing a great Variety of Figures for illustrating the Additions: Also, an Explanation of the Terms of Art used in the Work, in Alphabetical Order, &c. The second edition. By a gentleman of the Inner-Temple.
  • Entretiens sur la pluralité des mondes. English
People / Organizations
London: printed for Thomas Caslon, at No. 4, opposite Stationers-Hall, Ludgate-Street, MDCCLXVII. [1767]
Publication year
Grub Street ID
lxiv,401,[1]p.,plates ; 8⁰
Gentleman of the Inner-Temple = William Gardiner, according to Eu catalogue.