Magnæ Britanniæ notitia: or, the present state of Great Britain; with divers remarks upon The Antient State thereof. By John Chamberlayne, Esq; To which is added, A Compleat List of the Queen's Houshold; as also that of their Royal Highnesses the Prince of Wales, the Princess Royal, the Princess Emelia and the Princess Carolina, never yet printed. With His Majesty's Royal Privilege

People / Organizations
London : printed for D. Midwinter, J. Tonson, T. Wotton, B. Motte, T. Osborn, and J. Shuckburgh, 1729. The thirtieth edition of the south part, called England; and the ninth of the north part, called Scotland. .. In two parts. ..; ..
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[22],448;129,[1],129-266,*263-*266,267-270;62p.,plate ; 8°.
The second part has a separate titlepage: 'A general list or catalogue of all the offices and officers employed in the several branches of His Majesty's government, .. ' dated 1728 and separate pagination and register

'A list of all the offices and officers in North-Britain, or Scotland. Part II.' has separate pagination and register.
Uncontrolled note
Prelims. include an imprimatur leaf and an advertisement leaf