Second edition. This day is published, (sold by all booksellers and stationers) number I. Price one shilling, also part I. on fine paper, ... of an improved edition, in quarto, of Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible: ... London: - printed for C. Taylor,
- All titles
- Second edition. This day is published, (sold by all booksellers and stationers) number I. Price one shilling, also part I. on fine paper, ... of an improved edition, in quarto, of Calmet's Dictionary of the Holy Bible: ... London: - printed for C. Taylor,
- Dictionnaire historique, critique, chronologique, geographique et litteral de la Bible. English. Advertisement
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London] : S. Gosnell, printer, [1797?
- Publication year
- 1797
- ESTC No.
- T226674
- Grub Street ID
- 248172
- Description
- [2]p. ; 1/8°.
- Note
- Imprint from colophon
An advertisement for the second edition of 'Calmet's dictionary of the Holy Bible', which was published in 1798; this dictionary originally titled 'Dictionnaire historique, critique, chronologique, geographique et litteral de la Bible'.
- Uncontrolled note
- Expand colophon as address of printer needed. O copy dated in modern script: 1797; presumably found in a 1797 periodical - verify date