Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister: viz. F--rd Lord Gr-y of Werk, and the Lady Henrietta Berk----ley, under the borrow'd names of Philander and Silvia. Done into verse, by the author of the Letters from a nun to a cavalier.

All titles
  • Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister: viz. F--rd Lord Gr-y of Werk, and the Lady Henrietta Berk----ley, under the borrow'd names of Philander and Silvia. Done into verse, by the author of the Letters from a nun to a cavalier.
  • Love-letters between a nobleman and his sister. Adaptations
People / Organizations
Dublin: printed for James Dalton, and for James Kelburn, 1739.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[2],96,[6]p. ; 12⁰
"A versification of Aphra Behn's novel with this title, first published in 1683; the lovers were Forde Grey (later Earl of Tankerville) and Lady Berkeley." (Foxon).

'Letters from a nun' variously attributed to Sir Roger L'Estrange and Morgan Keene.
Uncontrolled note
Verify no. of dashes in title. Pagination from Foxon and NUC; D copy lacks final adv. and apparently has other 2 final leaves bound at front - queried Apr.87