The celebrated lecture on heads; which has been exhibited upwards of one hundred successive nights, to crouded audiences, and met with the most universal applause. Part I. Introduction. Alexander the Great-Cherokee Chief-Quack Doctor-Cuckold-Lawyer-Humourous Oration in praise of the Law-Horse Jockies-Nobody-Lottery of Life-Nobody's, Somebody's, Anybody's, and Everybody's Coats of Arms - Family of Nobody - Vanity - Wit - Judgment -Genius-Architecture Painting - Poetry-Astronomy Music-Statues of Honesty and Flattery. Part II. Ladies Heads-Riding Hood -Ranclagh Hood-Billingsgate -Laughing and Crying Philosophers Venus's Girdle-Cleopatra-French Night Cap-Face Painting - Old Maid-Young Married Lady-Old Batchelor Lass of the Spirit - Quaker Two Hats contrasted-and Two Heads contrasted. Part III. Physical Wig-Dissertation on Sneezing and Snuff-Taking-Life of a Blood-Woman of the Town - Tea Table Critic-Learned Critic-City Politician humourously Described-Gambler's Three Faces-Gambler's Funeral a
- All titles
- The celebrated lecture on heads; which has been exhibited upwards of one hundred successive nights, to crouded audiences, and met with the most universal applause. Part I. Introduction. Alexander the Great-Cherokee Chief-Quack Doctor-Cuckold-Lawyer-Humourous Oration in praise of the Law-Horse Jockies-Nobody-Lottery of Life-Nobody's, Somebody's, Anybody's, and Everybody's Coats of Arms - Family of Nobody - Vanity - Wit - Judgment -Genius-Architecture Painting - Poetry-Astronomy Music-Statues of Honesty and Flattery. Part II. Ladies Heads-Riding Hood -Ranclagh Hood-Billingsgate -Laughing and Crying Philosophers Venus's Girdle-Cleopatra-French Night Cap-Face Painting - Old Maid-Young Married Lady-Old Batchelor Lass of the Spirit - Quaker Two Hats contrasted-and Two Heads contrasted. Part III. Physical Wig-Dissertation on Sneezing and Snuff-Taking-Life of a Blood-Woman of the Town - Tea Table Critic-Learned Critic-City Politician humourously Described-Gambler's Three Faces-Gambler's Funeral a
- Lecture on heads
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London : printed by Richard Bond, for R. Richards, near Bartlet's Buildings, Holborn, MDCCLXV.[1765]
- Publication year
- 1765
- ESTC No.
- T163851
- Grub Street ID
- 202206
- Description
- [2],21,[1]p.,plate ; 8°.
- Note
- Anonymous. By George Alexander Stevens
Originally published in 1764 as 'A lecture on heads'.