A discovery of the true cause of the wonderful multiplication of corn; with some general remarks upon the nature of trees and plants. By Dr. Wolfius, Member of the Royal Societies of London and Berlin, and Professor of Mathematicks at the University of Marbourg
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- A discovery of the true cause of the wonderful multiplication of corn; with some general remarks upon the nature of trees and plants. By Dr. Wolfius, Member of the Royal Societies of London and Berlin, and Professor of Mathematicks at the University of Marbourg
- Erläuterung der Entdeckung der wahren Ursach von der wunderbahren Vermehrung des Getredes. English
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- Imprint
London : printed for J. Roberts, in Warwick-Lane, 1734.
- Publication year
- 1734
- ESTC No.
- T131469
- Grub Street ID
- 180453
- Description
- [8],50p.,plate ; 8°.
- Note
- Price from imprint: price One Shilling.