A bryefe and necessary catechisme or instruction very needefull to be knowne of al housholders, wherby they may the better teache and instructe theyr families in such pointes of Christian religion as is most meete : not onelye of them throughlye to be understoode, but also requisite to be learned by harte, of all such as shall be admitted vnto the Lordes Supper.
- All titles
- A bryefe and necessary catechisme or instruction very needefull to be knowne of al housholders, wherby they may the better teache and instructe theyr families in such pointes of Christian religion as is most meete : not onelye of them throughlye to be understoode, but also requisite to be learned by harte, of all such as shall be admitted vnto the Lordes Supper.
- Briefe and necessary catechisme or instruction.
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
Imprinted at London: By John Charlewood, 1577.
- Publication year
- 1577
- ESTC No.
- S4603
- Grub Street ID
- 148564
- Description
- [72] p
- Note
- Added t.p. at p. [25].
"To the Christian reader" dated and signed: "From my chamber the xxii. of Aprill. 1572 ... Ed. De."
Title within ornamental border.
Signatures: A? B?, ?A-C?.
- Uncontrolled note
- Unedited record