A sermon of repentaunce. A verye godlye and profitable sermon, preached at Lee in Essex, by Arthur Dent, minister of Gods word. And published at the request of sundry Godly and vvel disposed persons. 1581. the 7. of March.
- All titles
- A sermon of repentaunce. A verye godlye and profitable sermon, preached at Lee in Essex, by Arthur Dent, minister of Gods word. And published at the request of sundry Godly and vvel disposed persons. 1581. the 7. of March.
- Sermon of repentance
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
Imprinted at London: [by T. Dawson?] for Iohn Harison, and are to bee solde at the white Greihound in Paules Churchyarde, 1583.
- Publication year
- 1583
- ESTC No.
- S126076
- Grub Street ID
- 145252
- Description
- [64] p. ; 8⁰
- Note
- Title page line 4 has "verye godlye".--STC.
Printer's name suggested by STC.
Signatures: A-D?.
First leaf is blank except for signature-mark "A"; last leaf is blank.