A booke of the inuention of the art of nauigation, and of the greate trauelles whiche they passe that saile in Gallies: compiled by the famous Sir Anthonie of Gueuara, bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, and counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fift. Dedicate by the said authour, vnto the famous Sir Frances de la Cobos, great comptroller of Leon, and counseller vnto the said Emperour Charles the fift. Wherein are touched most excellent antiquities, and notable aduertisements for such as saile in Gallies.

All titles
  • A booke of the inuention of the art of nauigation, and of the greate trauelles whiche they passe that saile in Gallies: compiled by the famous Sir Anthonie of Gueuara, bishop of Mondonnedo, preacher, chronicler, and counseller vnto the Emperour Charles the fift. Dedicate by the said authour, vnto the famous Sir Frances de la Cobos, great comptroller of Leon, and counseller vnto the said Emperour Charles the fift. Wherein are touched most excellent antiquities, and notable aduertisements for such as saile in Gallies.
  • Booke of the invention of the art of navigation Booke of the invention of the art of navigation
People / Organizations
Imprinted at London: [By H. Middleton] for Ralph Newberrie dwelling in Fleetestreate, Anno. 1578.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[58] p. ; 4⁰
A translation from the Spanish by Edward Hellowes, who signed the dedication.

Printer's name from STC.
Uncontrolled note
RPM 10/17/96