A perfect suruey of the English tongue, taken according to the vse and analogie of the Latine. And serueth for the more plaine exposition of the grammaticall rules and precepts, collected by Lillie, and for the more certaine translation of the English tongue into Latine. Together with sundry good demonstrations, by way of sentences in either tongue. Written and collected by Io: Hewes, Master of Arts.
- All titles
- A perfect suruey of the English tongue, taken according to the vse and analogie of the Latine. And serueth for the more plaine exposition of the grammaticall rules and precepts, collected by Lillie, and for the more certaine translation of the English tongue into Latine. Together with sundry good demonstrations, by way of sentences in either tongue. Written and collected by Io: Hewes, Master of Arts.
- Perfect survey of the English tongue Perfect survey of the English tongue
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London: Printed by Edw: All-de, for William Garret [These are to be solde at M. Lawes shop in Pauls Church-yard, neere Saint Augustines Gate, at the signe of the Foxe], 1624.
- Publication year
- 1624
- ESTC No.
- S115189
- Grub Street ID
- 134884
- Description
- [180] p. ; 4⁰
- Note
- Bracketed imprint information from colophon.
Signatures: A-Y? Z?.
- Uncontrolled note
- RPM 10 /24/96