The plaine mans path-way to heauen: wherin euery man may cleerly see whether he shall be saued or damned. Set foorth dialogue-vvise, for the better vnderstanding of the simple: By Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South-Shoobery: in Essex. Corrected and amended with a table of all the principall matters; and three prayers necessary to be vsed in priuate families heereunto added.
- All titles
- The plaine mans path-way to heauen: wherin euery man may cleerly see whether he shall be saued or damned. Set foorth dialogue-vvise, for the better vnderstanding of the simple: By Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South-Shoobery: in Essex. Corrected and amended with a table of all the principall matters; and three prayers necessary to be vsed in priuate families heereunto added.
- Plaine mans path-way to heaven
- Plain man's path-way to heaven Plaine mans path-way to heaven
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London: printed by Melchisedech Bradwood, for Edw. Bishop, and are to bee solde in Pauls Church-yard, at the signe of the Brasen Serpent, 1610.
- Publication year
- 1610
- ESTC No.
- S113576
- Grub Street ID
- 133306
- Description
- [8], 288, 297-328, 323-395, [31] p. ; 8⁰
- Note
- An edition of: Dent, Arthur. The plain man's path-way to heaven.
Edition statement printed after "Essex" on title page.
Main text ends on 2C5r; table on 2C5v-2C8r; Prayers on 2D1r-2E4v in this and subsequent editions to 1635.
Signatures: A? B-2D? 2E?.
- Uncontrolled note
- Signatures from DFo