By the Quene. The Quenes hyghnes vpon many great considerations for the benfyte of her common weale, dothe wyll and straigtlye commaund al maner of persons of what condition soeuer they be ... to absteyne from kyllyng, dressyng, or eatyng of anye fleshe, vpon all such vsuall fastynge dayes ...

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  • By the Quene. The Quenes hyghnes vpon many great considerations for the benfyte of her common weale, dothe wyll and straigtlye commaund al maner of persons of what condition soeuer they be ... to absteyne from kyllyng, dressyng, or eatyng of anye fleshe, vpon all such vsuall fastynge dayes ...
  • Proclamations. 1558-02-07
  • By the Quene. The Quenes hyghnes upon many great considerations for the benfyte of her common weale, dothe wyll and straigtlye commaund al maner of persons of what condition soever they be .. to absteyne from kyllyng, dressyng, or eatyng of anye fleshe, upon all such usuall fastynge dayes
People / Organizations
Imprinted at London: By Rychard Iugge and Ihon Cawodde, prynters to the Quenes Maiestie, [1559]
Publication year
Grub Street ID
1 sheet ([1] p.) ; 1⁰
A proclamation against eating of flesh in Lent.

Publication date from STC.

At end of text: Geuen at oure palayce of Westmynster the .vij [sic] day of february the fyrst yeare of oure raygne.

Imprimatur at foot of page: Cum priuilegio Regi¾ Maiestatis.