Observations upon the statute of 22 Car. II. cap. I. entituled, An act to prevent and suppress seditious conventicles. By Sir Edmund Saunders, Kt. late Lord Chief Justice of England
- People / Organizations
- Imprint
London : printed for Tho. Dring, at the corner of Chancery-Lane in Fleetstreet, 1685.
- Added name
England and Wales. Public General Acts. 1670-1671. 22 & 23 Car.II.c.1.
- Publication year
- 1685
- ESTC No.
- R9546
- Grub Street ID
- 129623
- Description
- [16], 23, [1], 102, 105-125, [1] p. ; 8°.
- Note
- "The Lord Saunders .. did write this explanation .. so far as page 79 .. for the residue, as it had not the same authour, so neither doth it expect the same authority, it being added as an essay to supply what was left undone"--To the reader
First leaf is blank
Leaves H1-4 are cancels.