The compleat midvvife's practice enlarged, in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man. Containing a perfect directory, or rules for midwives and nurses. As also a guide for women in their conception, bearing, and nursing of children: from the experienc of our English, viz. Sir Theodore Mayern, Dr. Chamberlain, Mr. Nich. Culpeper, and others of forreign nations. With instructions of the Queen of France's midwife to her daughter, a little before her death, touching the practice of the said art. The third edition enlarged, with the addition of Sir Theodore Mayern's rare secrets in midwifry, with the approbation of sundry the most knowing professors of midwifry now living in the city of London and other places ... With a further discovery of those secrets kept close in the brest of Mr. Nich. Culpeper, ... A work so plain, that the weakest capacity may easily attain ... Illustrated with severall cutts in brass

All titles
  • The compleat midvvife's practice enlarged, in the most weighty and high concernments of the birth of man. Containing a perfect directory, or rules for midwives and nurses. As also a guide for women in their conception, bearing, and nursing of children: from the experienc of our English, viz. Sir Theodore Mayern, Dr. Chamberlain, Mr. Nich. Culpeper, and others of forreign nations. With instructions of the Queen of France's midwife to her daughter, a little before her death, touching the practice of the said art. The third edition enlarged, with the addition of Sir Theodore Mayern's rare secrets in midwifry, with the approbation of sundry the most knowing professors of midwifry now living in the city of London and other places ... With a further discovery of those secrets kept close in the brest of Mr. Nich. Culpeper, ... A work so plain, that the weakest capacity may easily attain ... Illustrated with severall cutts in brass
  • Compleat midwifes practice
  • Compleat midwife's practice enlarged; Rare secrets brought to light
People / Organizations
London] : Printed for Nath. Brook at the Angel in Corn-hill, 1663.
Added name
Boursier, Louise Bourgeois, approximately 1563-1636.; Culpeper, Nicholas, 1616-1654.; Mayerne, Th'eodore Turquet de, Sir, 1573-1655.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[24], 321, [22] p., [5] leaves of plates : port. ; 8°.
An expanded edition of "The compleat midwifes practice" (Wing C1817C), originally published in 1656 and attributed to Thomas Chamberlayne

With engraved frontispiece illustration depicting Louise Bourgeois Boursier, midwife to the Queen of France

"The words "Sir Theodore ... Culpeper." are enclosed in braces on the title page

"Rare secrets brought to light" has a separate dated title page; pagination and register are continuous

Identified as Wing (2nd ed.) C99 on UMI microfilm set "Early English books, 1641-1700", reel 1546.