The test or, tryal of the goodness & value of spiritual-courts, in two queries: I. Whether the statute of I Edw. 6.2. be in force (against them) at this day, obliging them to summon and cite the Kings subjects (not in their own names and styles, as now they do, but) in the name and stile of the Kings Majesty (as in the Kings Courts Temporal) and under the seal of the Kings arms? II. Whether any of the cannon-law, or how much of the cannon-law is (at this day) the law of England, in Courts Christian? Highly necessary to be perused by all those that have been, or may be cited to appear at Doctors Commons. By Edm. Hickeringill

People / Organizations
London : printed by George Larkin, for the assigns of the author, and are to be sold by most booksellers, 1683.
Added name
Larkin, George, approximately 1642- printer.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[4], 22, 18, [2] p. ; 2°.
Part 2 begins new pagination on 2A1

The last leaf is blank

Factotum initials

Marginal notes

Signatures: A-F]2] G1, 2A-2E]2.
Uncontrolled note
Signatures from DFo