The hearts ease, or, A remedy against all troubles. With a consolatory discourse particularly directed to those who have lost their friends and dear relations. To which is now added, two papers printed in the time of the late plague. By Symon Patrick, D.D

All titles
  • The hearts ease, or, A remedy against all troubles. With a consolatory discourse particularly directed to those who have lost their friends and dear relations. To which is now added, two papers printed in the time of the late plague. By Symon Patrick, D.D
  • Hearts ease; Remedy against all troubles; Dr. Patrick's Hearts ease; Consolatory discourse perswading to a chearful trust in God in these times of trouble and danger; Consolatory discourse to prevent immoderate grief for the death of our friends
People / Organizations
London : printed by J. M[acock]. for Francis Tyton at the Three Daggers in Fleet-street near the Inner Temple Gate, 1682. The fifth edition inlarged.; ..
Added name
Patrick, Simon, 1626-1707. Brief exhortation to those who are shut up from our society.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[28], 265, [5], 23, [3], 44, [4] p. ; 12°.
Printer's name from Wing CD

"A consolatory discourse to prevent immoderate grief for the death of our friends" has separate dated title page; pagination is continuous. "A brief exhortation to those who are shut up from our society" and "A consolatory discourse perswading to a chearful trust in God in these times of trouble and danger" each have separate dated title page and pagination. Register is continous throughout

The last leaf bears a vertical half-title: Dr. Patrick's Hearts ease.