The converted mans new birth, or Englands warning-peece sent from God to this sinful nation, either speedily to repent, or else sudden destruction to the whole kingdome. Also describing the direct way to go to heaven: wherein all men may clearely see whether their soules shall be saved yea or no, at or before the day of their death. Shewing the principall care, and vehement desire which every one ought to take in seeking their salvation: with the spirituall battell between the regenerate man, and Satan, in these daies of perill & danger. Here is also laid open the true estate of the regenerate man, with the certainty of his salvation; with an excellent mark to know the child of God, which hath truely repented, and concluding with a right zealous and godly prayer, out of the pure fountaine of Holy Scripture. Dedicated to all the elect children of God, which truly repent. Newly published by John Andrewes, preacher of Gods Word: first seene and allowed.

All titles
  • The converted mans new birth, or Englands warning-peece sent from God to this sinful nation, either speedily to repent, or else sudden destruction to the whole kingdome. Also describing the direct way to go to heaven: wherein all men may clearely see whether their soules shall be saved yea or no, at or before the day of their death. Shewing the principall care, and vehement desire which every one ought to take in seeking their salvation: with the spirituall battell between the regenerate man, and Satan, in these daies of perill & danger. Here is also laid open the true estate of the regenerate man, with the certainty of his salvation; with an excellent mark to know the child of God, which hath truely repented, and concluding with a right zealous and godly prayer, out of the pure fountaine of Holy Scripture. Dedicated to all the elect children of God, which truly repent. Newly published by John Andrewes, preacher of Gods Word: first seene and allowed.
  • Converted mans new birth Englands warning-peece sent from God to this sinful nation
People / Organizations
Printed at London: by W. Wilson, dwelling in Little Saint Bartholomewes, 1648.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[24] p. ; 8⁰
Signatures: A? B?.Citation/references Wing (2nd ed., 1994), A3120

Thomason, E.1111[2]