The plain mans path-way to heaven. Wherein every man may clearly see whether he shall be saved or damned. Set forth dialogue-wise: for the better understanding of the simple. By Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South-Shooberry in Essex. Corrected and much amended; with a table of all the principal matters; and three prayers, necessary to be used in private families, hereunto added by the same author

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  • The plain mans path-way to heaven. Wherein every man may clearly see whether he shall be saved or damned. Set forth dialogue-wise: for the better understanding of the simple. By Arthur Dent, preacher of the word of God at South-Shooberry in Essex. Corrected and much amended; with a table of all the principal matters; and three prayers, necessary to be used in private families, hereunto added by the same author
  • Plaine mans path-way to heaven
People / Organizations
London : printed for M. Wotton and G. Conyers, at the Three Pigeons over against the Inner-Temple-Gate in Fleetstreet; and at the Golden Ring on Ludgate-Hill, over against the Old Bayly, 1684.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[6], 247, [21] p. ; 12°.