The experienced market man and woman: or, Profitable instructions, to all masters and mistresses of families, servants and others, to know the goodness of all sorts of provisions, and prevent being cheated and imposed on, viz. Butchers meat, to know whether young or old, fresh kil'd or stale. To discover bull-beef, ram-mutton, and other cheats, bacon, hams, brawns, venison, &c. to know good from bad. How to know all sorts of poulterers ware, as fowl young or old, fat or lean, new or stale, with egg or not, hairs, rabits [sic], leverets, &c. To know the goodness or badness of all sorts of fish, fresh and salt; by many signs and tokens, and to distinguish kinds near a like one from the other, directions to prevent being defrauded in buying butter, eggs, cheese, bread; English and outlandish fruits, and other things that may turn to much profite and advantage.

All titles
  • The experienced market man and woman: or, Profitable instructions, to all masters and mistresses of families, servants and others, to know the goodness of all sorts of provisions, and prevent being cheated and imposed on, viz. Butchers meat, to know whether young or old, fresh kil'd or stale. To discover bull-beef, ram-mutton, and other cheats, bacon, hams, brawns, venison, &c. to know good from bad. How to know all sorts of poulterers ware, as fowl young or old, fat or lean, new or stale, with egg or not, hairs, rabits [sic], leverets, &c. To know the goodness or badness of all sorts of fish, fresh and salt; by many signs and tokens, and to distinguish kinds near a like one from the other, directions to prevent being defrauded in buying butter, eggs, cheese, bread; English and outlandish fruits, and other things that may turn to much profite and advantage.
  • Profitable instructions Experienced mercat man, &c
People / Organizations
Edinburgh: printed and sold by James Watson, in Craigs Closs, on the North side of the Cross, 1699.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
16 p. ; 8⁰