The virtues of common water: or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers. Gathered from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. By John Smith, C.M. To which is added, some rules for preserving health by diet. The tenth edition, with additions communicated by Mr. Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S. and others.

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  • The virtues of common water: or the advantages thereof in preventing and curing many distempers. Gathered from the writings of several eminent physicians, and also from more than forty years experience. By John Smith, C.M. To which is added, some rules for preserving health by diet. The tenth edition, with additions communicated by Mr. Ralph Thoresby, F.R.S. and others.
  • Curiosities of common water
People / Organizations
Dundee: printed by T. Colvill and son, for G. Milln, bookseller, 1799.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
56p. ; 8⁰