The double copy-book: or, Instructions to youth; whereby they may with far more ease than usual, be taught to write a fair, useful and ready hand, meerly by diligent tracing over first, the red alphabet and copies, and then copying from the black. At the same time may also be instructed, in the principal parts of the catechism. Engrav’d by William Elder, by the order and direction of the late Sir Charles Cottrel, to which is added a plate, containing all the joinings us’d in the round hand. Price 1 s. 6 d. or 16 s. per doz. 12 d. or 10 s. per doz. 6 d. or 5 s. per doz.

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  • The double copy-book: or, Instructions to youth; whereby they may with far more ease than usual, be taught to write a fair, useful and ready hand, meerly by diligent tracing over first, the red alphabet and copies, and then copying from the black. At the same time may also be instructed, in the principal parts of the catechism. Engrav’d by William Elder, by the order and direction of the late Sir Charles Cottrel, to which is added a plate, containing all the joinings us’d in the round hand. Price 1 s. 6 d. or 16 s. per doz. 12 d. or 10 s. per doz. 6 d. or 5 s. per doz.
  • Instructions to youth
People / Organizations
London: printed by Bernard Lintott, at the Middle Temple-Gate in Fleet-street, and sold by most booksellers and stationers, 1703.
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