A philosophico-critical history of the deluge. Wherein are considered, I. The manner of the deluge. II. The case of marine bodies dug out of the earth. III. The errours of some modern theorists, ... By Dr. Arbuthnot, and Dr. Wotton. With other curious pieces.

All titles
  • A philosophico-critical history of the deluge. Wherein are considered, I. The manner of the deluge. II. The case of marine bodies dug out of the earth. III. The errours of some modern theorists, ... By Dr. Arbuthnot, and Dr. Wotton. With other curious pieces.
  • Dean Swift's literary correspondence.
People / Organizations
London: printed for E. Curll, 1741.
Publication year
Grub Street ID
[3],230-310,[10]p. ; 8⁰
This is Curll's reissue of his 'Dean Swift's literary correspondence', minus the 'Letters' and with a new titlepage; "Price 2s." immediately following imprint date.

Contains: Arbuthnot's 'Examination of Dr. Woodward's account of the deluge'; Wotton's synopsis of A. Scilla's 'De corporibus marinis ..'; and 'Classical remarks. Bishop Atterbury to Dr. Freind'.

With five final advertisement l'eaves.
Uncontrolled note
Verify pagination of advertisements. Not in Griffith or Teerink. N/A queried re final advert. leaves; MRc copy (ends at p. 310) matched to this record