Antiquities sacred and profane: or, a collection of critical dissertations on the Old and New Testament. Necessary for all those who desire to have a thorough knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Written in French by P. Calmet, a Benedictine, Abbot of St. Leopold's of Nancy. Done into English, with additional notes, by N. Tindal, M.A. Vicar of Great Waltham in Essex. Illustrated with copper-plates

All titles
  • Antiquities sacred and profane: or, a collection of critical dissertations on the Old and New Testament. Necessary for all those who desire to have a thorough knowledge of the Holy Scriptures. Written in French by P. Calmet, a Benedictine, Abbot of St. Leopold's of Nancy. Done into English, with additional notes, by N. Tindal, M.A. Vicar of Great Waltham in Essex. Illustrated with copper-plates
  • Discours et dissertations sur tous les livres de l'Ancien [et du Nouveau] Testament. English
People / Organizations
London : printed for J. Roberts, in Warwick-lane; and sold by J. Knapton, and W. and J. Innys, In St. Paul's Church-yard; J. Pemberton, and T. Woodward, in Fleetstreet; S. Wilmot, and W. Wells at Oxford; C. Crownfield, at Cambridge, M.DCC.XXVII. [1727]
Publication year
Grub Street ID
vii,[1],97,[3],149,158-183,[1],328p. ; 4°.
The 328 p. section has many misnumberings, but text is continuous.