Parish of St. Giles in the Fields


  • Parish of St. Giles in the Fields


  • Parish of St. Giles in the Fields

Maps & Views


from New remarks of London, by the Worshipful Company of Parish Clerks (1732)

[Parish of st. Giles in the Fields]

Remarkable Places and Things are Bloomsbury-square, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, a small part of Lincoln's-Inn, and the Terras-walk in the Gardens; part of Lincoln's-Inn Play-house.

Here is a Charity-school, endowed by the late Earl of Southampton.

At end of Monmouth-street are Alms-houses for 20 poor Women, with these Inscriptions, viz.

St. Giles's in the Fields, Anno Dom. 1656.

This Ground was given and granted by Lease unto this Parish by the Right Honourable the Earl of southampton, for the term of 500 Years, for the only and sole use of Alms-houses. Whereon they built these 5 Houses, and enclosed within the bounds of the said Grant. Which Fabrick was erected and built at the Cost and Charge of the said Parish, in the Year above-written,


Thomas Blythe,
John Seagood,


In Memory that Henry Carter of this Parish did give in the hands of the Church-Wardens and other Gentlemen of the Vestry, the sum of 50l. to the Intent that the Interest thereof should be distributed amongst the Poor of this Alms-house in this manner, viz. 5 s. the 1st Sunday in every Month, and 5 s. on Christmas-Day and Good-Friday, in every Year, by the Church-Wardens, from Time to Time for ever. Given the 16th of December, 1674.


Henry Hargood,
Henry Rogers,


I know not how it comes to pass, but some poor old Women are put in here without any of the above-mentioned Allowance, and the most that any of them receive is but 2 s. per Month; tho' 5 s. more is paid monthly for their Use, arifing from a Piece of Ground that was contiguous to these Alms-houfes at the west end of them.

Here is a Work-house in this Parish, erected at the Charge of the Parish to maintain their Poor in it.

This Parish begins at the sign of the Boot and Grid iron in Holborn, extending on the south side thereof to Great Turn-stile, and from thence to Drury-lane-end and farther westward to St. Giles's Pound, and from Great Turn-stile, taking in all Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, the Terras walk in Lincoln's-Inn-Gardens, and the Chambers at the north-end of Searl-square in that Inn, it extends southward 3 shops on the east side of Searl-Street, and 2 shops and one house on the west side of the same street, and takes in also Louche's-buildings to the Black-jack, exclusive.

In Duke-street it extends on the south side to one House, beyond the stable-yard, adjoining to the Popish Chapel, inclusive, and on the north side of that street to Great Wild-street, which it takes in; and also all Princes-street, all the east side of Drury-lane beginning at one House fouthward of the Rummer and Horfefhoe Tavern to St. Giles's-street: And on the west side of Drury-lane beginning at Little Turn-stile-alley, it reaches northward to St. Giles's-street. It takes in also the north sides of Little Turn-stile-alley-and Castle-street, to Cock and Pye-fields, all those Fields, the east sides of West street, and Hog-lane, or Crown-street.

On the north side of St. Giles's-street, it begins at Dyot street, taking in the west side of that street, and extends westward thro' St. Giles's-street and High-street to the end of Tottenham-court-row, together with all Lanes, Streets, Courts, &c. in this Circuit.

This Parish consifts of 5 Divisions, viz. The First Part of the old Town, Part of the second old Town, Part of the old Town, Holborn-end, and Drury-lane.


Streets, Lanes, Courts, Alleys, &c.
In the First Part of the old Town.   Lumbard-street
  Cock and Pye-fields and therein ——— Hog-lane, or Crown-street
  Great St. Andrew-st.   Dudley-court
  Little St. Andrew-st.   Wood-yard
  Great White-lion-st.   Farmer's-court
  Little White-lion-st.   Brown's-gardens and therein
  Great Earl-street   2 Brewers-yard
  Little Earl-str. and Queen's-street   Frying-pan-alley
  Neal's-yard   Steed well-street
  King-street   Vinegar-street
  Orange-court   Stacey-street
Part of Castle-street   Phænix-street, and
——— West-street   Plough-yard
  Monmouth-street   Banifters-alley
  Monmouth-court   Middle-row
  Lloyd's-court ——— Bowl-yard
  Denmark-street   Rose and Crown-ya.
Part of St. Giles's-street   Salutation-court
——— High-street   Lamb-alley
In the second Part of the old Town. ——— Crown-court
    ——— Vinegar-yard
——— Great Russel-street ——— Dyot-street
  Wyan's-court   Church-lane
  Tottenham-court-r.   Church-street
  Weld's-yard   Fletcher's-court
——— High-street   Ivy-street
——— Lawrence-lane   Farmer's-court
  Maynard-street ——— Buckridge-street
——— St. Giles's-street   Carriers-street
——— Duke-street   Holborn-end.
  Fletcher's court ——— Holborn
——— Buckridge-street   Gridiron-court
  Earl's-court   Great Turn-stile
——— High-street   Whetstone's-park
  St. Giles's-street   Titchburn-court
——— Dyot-street   Feather's-court
  New-street   Queen's-court
——— Hart-street   Monmouth-court
  Stable-yard   Gregory's-court
      Little Turn-stile
In the Third Part of the old Town.   New Turn-stile
      Little Princes-street
——— Holborn   Little Queen-street
  Dumb-alley   Stone-cutters-alley
  Smart's-buildings   Lincoln's-inn-fields
——— Coal-yard   Holborn-row
——— St. Giles's-street   Portugal-row
  Eagle and Child-ya.   Arch-row
  Hampshire Hog, or Winckers-yard   Louches-buildings
    ——— Searl-street
  Drury-lane.   Lyon-court
      Carter's-rents, or all.
  Drury-lane   Parkhurst's-lane
——— Turn-stile-alley   Hart-court
  Princes-court   St. Thomas's-street
  Calender's-court   Cross-lane, or street
  Bear and Ragged staff-court   Ray's-court
  Short's-gardens   Great Queen-street
——— Crown-court   Bull-head-court
  King head-court   Great Wild-street
  Brownlow-street   Wild-passage
——— Castle-street   Wild-court
  Nottingham-court   Little Wild-str. or Little Lincoln-str.
  New Belton-street   Golden-ball-court
  Old Belton-street   Cockpit-alley
——— Vinegar yard   Holford's-alley
——— Bowl-yard   Colson's-court
——— Coal-yard   Princes-street
  Lukener's-lane, or Charles-street ——— -Duke-street
      Little Duke-street


No of Houses upwards of 2000.