Quibble, Jasper.
Wit a-la-mode. Or, pithy questions to prevent dulness in modern conversation. Humbly Dedicated to all the Coxcombs in the Cities of London and Westminster. By Jasper Quibble, Esq; Doctor of Nonsense in Covent-Garden. My Lines are dull; tho' they may chance to hit, When they're enliven'd by my Reader's Wit.
London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXLV. [1745].
ESTC No. T120638.Grub Street ID 171650.
Quibble, Jasper.
You are all as wise as myself. Being significant answers to Wit a-la-mode, &c. By Jasper Quibble, Esq;.
London : printed for M. Cooper at the Globe in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXLV. [1745].
ESTC No. N25898.Grub Street ID 15257.