Publications of Michael Drayton


  • Drayton, Michael. The harmonie of the church. Containing, the spirituall songes and holy hymnes, of godly men, patriarkes and prophetes: all, sweetly sounding, to the praise and glory of the highest. Now (newlie) reduced into sundrie kinds of English meeter: meete to be read or sung, for the solace and comfort of the godly. By M.D. London: Printed by [T. Orwin for] Richard Ihones, and at the Rose and Crowne, neere Holborne Bridge, 1591. ESTC No. S116525. Grub Street ID 136212.
  • Drayton, Michael. Matilda the faire and chaste daughter of the Lord Robert Fitzwater, the true glorie of the noble house of Sussex. At London: Printed by Valentine Simmes, for N.L. and Iohn Busby, 1594. ESTC No. S783. Grub Street ID 149404.
  • Drayton, Michael. Endimion and Ph?be. Ideas Latmus. Ph?bus erit nostra princeps et carminis author. At London: Printed by Iames Roberts, for Iohn Busbie, [1595]. ESTC No. S116519. Grub Street ID 136206.
  • Drayton, Michael. The legend of Piers Gaveston by Michael Drayton. London: [A. Jeffes for J. Busby?, 1595?]. ESTC No. S1904. Grub Street ID 146306.
  • Drayton, Michael. Mortimeriados. The lamentable ciuell vvarres of Edward the second and the barrons. At London: Printed by I[ames] R[oberts] for Mathew Lownes, and are to bee solde at his shop in S. Dunstans Churchyard, 1596. ESTC No. S116526. Grub Street ID 136213.
  • Drayton, Michael. The tragicall legend of Robert, Duke of Normandy, surnamed Short-thigh, eldest sonne to William Conqueror. VVith the legend of Matilda the chast, daughter to the Lord Robert Fitzwater, poysoned by King Iohn. And the legend of Piers Gaueston, the great Earle of Cornwall: and mighty fauorite of king Edward the second. By Michaell Drayton. The latter two, by him newly corrected and augmented. At London: Printed by Ia. Roberts for N. L[ing] and are to be solde at his shop at the West doore of Paules, 1596. ESTC No. S116748. Grub Street ID 136436.
  • Drayton, Michael. Englands heroicall epistles. By Michaell Drayton. At London: Printed by I[ames] R[oberts] for N. Ling, and are to be sold at his shop at the vvest doore of Poules, 1597. ESTC No. S111950. Grub Street ID 131713.
  • Drayton, Michael. Englands heroicall epistles. By Michaell Drayton. At London: printed by J. R[oberts] for N. Ling, and are to be sold at his shop at the vvest doore of Poules, 1598. ESTC No. S91774. Grub Street ID 150739.
  • Drayton, Michael. Englands heroicall epistles. Nevvly enlarged. VVith Idea. By Michaell Drayton. At London: Printed by I. R[oberts]. for N. L[ing]. and are to be sold at his shop, at the vvest doore of Poules, 1599. ESTC No. S116520. Grub Street ID 136207.
  • Drayton, Michael. Englands heroicall epistles. Nevvly corrected. VVith Idea. By Michaell Drayton. At London: printed by I. R[oberts]. for N. L[ing]. and are to be sold at his shop, in Paules Churchyard at the signe of the Crane, 1600. ESTC No. S126696. Grub Street ID 145626.
  • Drayton, Michael. Englands heroicall epistles. Nevvly corrected. VVith Idea. By Michaell Drayton. At London: Printed by I. R[oberts] for N. L[ing] and are to be sold at his shop in Fleetstreete, neere Saint Dunstones Church, 1602. ESTC No. S116347. Grub Street ID 136035.
  • Drayton, Michael. Moyses in a map of his miracles. By Michael Drayton Esquire. At London: printed by Humfrey Lownes, and are to be sold by Thomas Man the younger, 1604. ESTC No. S234. Grub Street ID 146734.
  • Drayton, Michael. The owle. By Michaell Drayton Esquire. London: printed by E.A. for E. VVhite and N. Ling. and are solde neere the little north doore of S. Paules Church, at the signe of the Gun, 1604. ESTC No. S1539. Grub Street ID 145970.
  • Drayton, Michael. The ovvle. By Michaell Drayton Esquire. London: printed by E[dward]. A[llde]. for E. VVhit and N. Ling: and are to be solde neere the litle north doore of S. Paules Church, at the signe of the Gun, 1604. ESTC No. S125213. Grub Street ID 144468.
  • Drayton, Michael. The ovvle. By Michaell Drayton Esquire. London: printed by E[dward]. A[llde]. for E. VVhit and N. Ling: and are to be solde neere the little north doore of S. Paules Church, at the signe of the Gun, 1604. ESTC No. S124789. Grub Street ID 144092.
  • Drayton, Michael. Poly-Olbion by Michaell. Drayton Esqr:. London: printed [by Humphrey Lownes] for M Lownes. I Browne. I Helme. I Busbie, [1612]. ESTC No. S121629. Grub Street ID 141205.
  • Drayton, Michael. Poly-Olbion. or A chorographicall description of tracts, riuers, mountaines, forests, and other parts of this renowned isle of Great Britaine, with intermixture of the most remarquable stories, antiquities, wonders, rarityes, pleasures, and commodities of the same: digested in a poem by Michael Drayton, Esq. With a table added, for direction to those occurrences of story and antiquitie, whereunto the course of the volume easily leades not. London: printed by H[umphrey] L[ownes] for Mathew Lownes: I. Browne: I. Helme, and I. Busbie, 1613. ESTC No. S121632. Grub Street ID 141208.
  • Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michael Drayton Esquire, newly corrected by the author. London: printed by W. Stansby for Iohn Smethwicke, and are to bee sold at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard, vnder the Diall, 1613. ESTC No. S412. Grub Street ID 148211.
  • Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michael Drayton, Esquire. Viz. The barons vvarres, Englands heroicall epistles, Idea, Odes [...]. London: Printed by William Stansby for Iohn Smethwicke, and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreete, 1620 [1619]. ESTC No. S122336. Grub Street ID 141887.
  • Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michael Drayton Esquire. Viz. The barons warres, Englands heroicall epistles, Idea, Odes, The legends of Robert, Duke of Normandie, Matilda, Pierce Gaveston, and, Great Cromwell, The Owle, Pastorals, contayning Eglogues, with the Man in the moone. London: printed by W. Stansby for Iohn Swethwicke [sic], and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard in Fleet-streete vnder the Diall, [1619]. ESTC No. S125214. Grub Street ID 144469.
  • Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michael Drayton Esqvire. Viz. The barons warres, Englands heroicall epistles, Idea, Odes ... London: printed by W. Stansby for Iohn Swethwicke [sic], and are to be sold at his shop in Saint Dunstanes Church-yard in Fleet-streete vnder the Diall, [1619]. ESTC No. S121618. Grub Street ID 141195.
  • Drayton, Michael. Poems: by Michael Drayton, Esquire. The barons vvarres, Englands heroicall epistles, Idea, Odes, viz. the legends of Robert, Duke of Normandie, Matilda, Pierce Gaueston, and, Great Cromwell, The Owle, pastorals, contayning Eglogues, vvith the Man in the Moone. London: printed by VV. Stansby for Iohn Smethvvicke, [1619]. ESTC No. S4038. Grub Street ID 148145.
  • Drayton, Michael. The second part, or a continuance of Poly-Olbion from the eighteenth song. Containing all the tracts, riuers, mountaines, and forrests: intermixed with the most remarkable stories, antiquities, wonders, rarities, pleasures, and commodities of the east, and northerne part of this isle, lying betwixt the two famous riuers of Thames, and Tweed. By Michael Drayton, Esq. London: Printed by Augustine Mathewes for Iohn Marriott, Iohn Grismand, and Thomas Dewe, 1622. ESTC No. S121634. Grub Street ID 141210.
  • Drayton, Michael. The second part, or a continuance of Poly-Olbion from the eighteenth song. Containing all the tracts, riuers, mountaines, and forrests: intermixed with the most remarkable stories, antiquities, wonders, rarities, pleasures, and commodities of the east, and northerne part of this isle, lying betwixt the two famous riuers of Thames, and Tweed. London: Printed by Augustine Mathewes for Iohn Marriott, Iohn Grismand, and Thomas Dewe, 1622. ESTC No. S121637. Grub Street ID 141213.
  • Drayton, Michael. A chorographicall description of all the tracts, riuers, mountains, forests, and other parts of this renowned isle of Great Britain, with intermixture of the most remarkeable stories, antiquities, wonders, rarities, pleasures, and commodities of the same. Diuided into tw bookes; the latter containing twelue songs, neuer before imprinted. Digested into a poem by Michael Drayton. Esquire. With a table added, for direction to those occurrences of story and antiquitie, whereunto the course of the volume easily leades not. London: printed [by Humphrey Lownes and Augustine Mathewes] for Iohn Marriott, Iohn Grismand, and Thomas Dewe, 1622. ESTC No. S121639. Grub Street ID 141215.
  • Drayton, Michael. The battaile of Agincourt. Fought by Henry the fift of that name, King of England, against the whole power of the French: vnder the raigne of their Charles the sixt, anno Dom. 1415. The miseries of Queene Margarite, the infortunate vvife, of that most infortunate King Henry the sixt. Nimphidia, the court of Fayrie. The quest of Cinthia. The shepheards Sirena. The moone-calfe. Elegies vpon sundry occasions. By Michaell Drayton Esquire. London: printed [by Augustine Mathewes] for William Lee, at the Turkes Head in Fleete-Streete, next to the Miter and Phænix, 1627. ESTC No. S121619. Grub Street ID 141196.
  • Drayton, Michael. England's heroical epistles, written in imitation of the stile and manner of Ovid's epistles: with annotations of The chronicle history. By M. Drayton Esq; Newly corrected and amended. Licensed according to order. London : printed for S. Smethwick, and sold by Benjamin Crayle at the Peacock and Bible, at the west-end of St. Pauls, 1689. ESTC No. R174742. Grub Street ID 67846.
  • Drayton, Michael. England's heroical epistles, written in imitation of the stile and manner of Ovid's Epistles: with annotations of the chronicle history. By Michael Drayton Esq; Newly corrected and amended. Licensed according to order. London : printed for S. Smethwick, in Dean's Court, and R. Gilford, without Bishops-Gate, [1695?]. ESTC No. R22515. Grub Street ID 98466.
  • Drayton, Michael. England's heroical epistles, written in imitation of the stile and manner of Ovid's epistles: with annotations of The chronicle history. By M. Drayton Esq; Newly corrected and amended. Licensed according to order. London : printed for J[oshua]. Conyers at the Bible and Anchor in Cornhil, 1697. ESTC No. R171836. Grub Street ID 65924.
  • Drayton, Michael. England's heroical epistles, written in imitation of the stile and manner of Ovid's Epistles. With annotations. By Michael Drayton, Esq;. London : [s.n.], Printed in the Year M.DCC.XXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. T124932. Grub Street ID 175106.
  • Drayton, Michael. England's heroical epistles, written in imitation of the stile and manner of Ovid's Epistles. With annotations. By Michael Drayton, Esq;. London : printed for J. Hazard , at the Bible, near Stationer's Hall ; L. Gilliver and J. Clarke , at Homer's Head in Fleetstreet ; and R. Dodsley, at Tully's Head, Pall-Mall, M.DCC.XXXVII. [1737]. ESTC No. N6325. Grub Street ID 45462.
  • Drayton, Michael. The works of Michael Drayton, Esq; A Celebrated Poet in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King James I. and Charles I. Containing, I. The Battle of Agincourt. II. The Barons Wars. III. England's Heroical Epistles. IV. The Miseries of Queen Margaret, the Unfortunate Wife of the most Unfortunate King Henry VI. V. Nymphidia: or the Court of Fairy. VI. The Moon-Calf. Vii. The Legends of Robert Duke of Normandy, Matilda the Fair, Pierce Gaveston, and Tho. Cromwell E. of Essex. Viii. The Quest of Cynthia. IX. The Shepherd's Sirena. X. Poly-Olbion, with the Annotations of the learned Selden. XI. Elegies on several Occasions. XII. Ideas. Being all the writings of that celebrated author, now first collected into one volume. London : printed by J. Hughs, near Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, and sold by R. Dodsley, at Tully's-Head, Pall-Mall; J. Jolliffe in St. James's-Street; and W. Reeve in Fleet-Street, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. N25790. Grub Street ID 15148.
  • Drayton, Michael. The works of Michael Drayton, Esq; A Celebrated Poet in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King James I. and Charles I. Containing, I. The Battle of Agincourt. II. The Barons Wars. III. England's Heroical Epistles. IV. The Miseries of Queen Margaret, the Unfortunate Wife of the most Unfortunate King Henry VI. V. Nymphidia: or the Court of Fairy. VI. The Moon-Calf. Vii. The Legends of Robert Duke of Normandy, Matilda the Fair, Pierce Gaveston, and Tho. Cromwell E. of Essex. Viii. The Quest of Cynthia. IX. The Shepherd's Sirena. X. Poly-Olbion, with the Annotations of the learned Selden. XI. Elegies on several Occasions. XII. Ideas. Being all the writings of that celebrated author, now first collected into one volume. London : printed by J. Hughs, near Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, and sold by R. Dodsley, at Tully's-Head, Pall-Mall; J. Jolliffe in St. James's-Street; and W. Reeve in Fleet-Street, MDCCXLVIII. [1748]. ESTC No. T136681. Grub Street ID 184827.
  • Drayton, Michael. The history of Queen Mab; or, the court of fairy. Being the story upon which the entertainment of Queen Mab, now exhibiting at Drury-Lane, is founded. By Michael Drayton, Esq; Poet Laureat to King James I. and King Charles I. London : printed for M. Cooper in Pater-Noster-Row, 1751. ESTC No. N33367. Grub Street ID 21849.
  • Drayton, Michael. The history of Queen Mab; or, The court of Fairy. Being the story upon which the entertainment of Queen Mab, exhibited at Drury-lane, is founded. By Michael Drayton, Esq; a celebrated poet in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King James I. and Charles, I. The second edition, to which is added, an historical essay on the life and writings of the author. London : Printed for W. Reeve at Shakespear's Head, opposite Crane Court, Fleetstreet, 1751. ESTC No. T167691. Grub Street ID 205735.
  • Drayton, Michael. The works of Michael Drayton, Esq; A celebrated poet in the reigns of Queen Elizabeth, King James I. and Charles I. Containing, I. The battle of Agincourt. II. The barons wars. III. England's Heroical epistles. IV. The miseries of queen Margaret, the unfortunate wife of the most unfortunate king Henry VI. V. Nymphidia: The court of Fairy. VI. The Moon Calf. VII. The legends of Robert Duke of Normandy, Matilda the fair, Pierce Gaveston, and Tho. Cromwell Earl of Essex. VIII. The Quest of Cynthia. IX. The Shepherd's Sirena. X. Poly-olbion, with the annotations of the learned Selden. XI. Elegies on several occasions. XII. Ideas. XIII. The Owl. XIV. The man in the moon. XV. Odes and other Lyrick Poesies. XVI. Pastorals. XVII. The Muses Elysium. XVIII. Noah's Flood. XIX. Moses his birth and miracles. XX. David and Goliah. [sic] In four volumes. London : printed by J. Hughs, for W. Reeve, at Shakespear's head in Fleet-street, MDCCLIII. [1753]. ESTC No. T136687. Grub Street ID 184833.
  • Drayton, Michael. England's heroical epistles, By Michael Drayton. Withe notes and illustrations. London : Printed for J. Johnson, No. 72, St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCLXXXVIII. [1788]. ESTC No. N6327. Grub Street ID 45479.
  • Drayton, Michael. The poetical works of Michael Drayton, Esq. Containing his Poly-Olbion, Barons Wars, England's Heroical Epistles, Battle of Agincourt, Elegies, Legends, Ideas, Nymphidia, Quest of Cynthia, Sonnets, To which is prefixed the life of the author. Edinburgh: printed by Mundell and Son, Royal Bank Close. Anno, 1793. ESTC No. T202630. Grub Street ID 233479.
  • Drayton, Michael. A complete edition of the poets of Great Britain. Volume the third. Containing Drayton Carew & Suckling. London : printed for James Evans. North America: Boston, for Messrs Thomas & Andrews E Larkin Jun & David West. Worcester, for Mr. Isaiah Thomas. Providence Rhode Island, for Messrs. Carter & Wilkinson, [1793]. ESTC No. N63945. Grub Street ID 46022.