Browne, Simon.
A caveat against evil company. By S. Brown.
London : printed by R. Tookey for R. Simpson, 1706.
ESTC No. T220759.Grub Street ID 244292.
Browne, Simon.
A caveat against evil company.
London : printed by R. Tookey, for R. Simpson, at the Harp in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1706.
ESTC No. T86766.Grub Street ID 306879.
Browne, Simon.
An ordination sermon preach'd at Chichester, Jan. 9th 1706/7. Wherein The Notion of Ordination is Stated, Popular Pretences are briefly Refuted, and the Power of presbyters to Ordain, is modestly Vindicated. By Simon Browne, Minister in Portsmouth.
London : printed for R. Sympson, at the Harp in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1707.
ESTC No. T59241.Grub Street ID 285262.
Browne, Simon.
The true character of the real Christian, or Sincere Good-Man; from Psal. cxix. 113. Wherein the nature of a religious hatred to vain thoughts, and a love to the law of God, is explain'd, and these Passions are prov'd to be the Real and Distinguishing Property of the True Christian. By Simon Browne, Minister in Portsmouth.
London : printed by R. Brugis, for Ralph Sympson, at the Harp in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1709.
ESTC No. T181973.Grub Street ID 218494.
Browne, Simon.
Uncommon blessings of Providence, how to be improv'd by a sinful nation. A sermon preach'd February the 17th 1708/9. Being a day of publick Thanksgiving ... By Simon Browne,.
London : printed for R.B. for the author, and sold by R. Sympson, [1709].
ESTC No. N51008.Grub Street ID 35028.
Browne, Simon.
The charge of Schism against the Dissenters, discharg'd; in reply to a tract of the Reverend Mr. Norris on this subject. Wherein the Extent of the Toleration Act is consider'd, and 'tis prov'd that by Virtue of it, the Dissenters are no longer Offenders against humane Laws by their Separation, and that they are not guilty of Schism by Virtue of any Law of God. By S. Browne, of Portsmouth, Minister.
London : printed by J. Humfreys, for John Lawrence, at the Angel in the Poultry, 1710.
ESTC No. T85120.Grub Street ID 305459.
Browne, Simon.
The guilt and provocation of taking encouragement to sin, from the mercies of God. Represented in a sermon preach'd Nov. 7. 1710. Being a day of publick thanksgiving for the successes in Spain and Flanders. By Simon Browne, Minister in Portsmouth.
London : printed, for Nath. Cliff, and Daniel Jackson, at the Bible and Three Crowns, the lower End of Cheapside, near Mercers-Chappel, 1711.
ESTC No. T85124.Grub Street ID 305463.
Browne, Simon.
The real Christian, or Sincere good man, describ'd. In a discourse from Psalm CXIX. 113. Wherein the nature of a religious hatred to vain thoughts, and a love to the law of God, is explain'd; and these passions are prov'd to be the real and distinguishing property of the true Christian. By Simon Browne, minister in Portsmouth. With a recommendatory preface, by Daniel Williams, D.D. Joshua Oldfield, D.D. Mr. Benjam. Robinson, and Samuel Rosewell, M.A.
London : Printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Old-Change, 1714.
ESTC No. T206789.Grub Street ID 236176.
Browne, Simon.
A noble king a blessing to a land. A sermon preach'd at Portsmouth, January 20, 1714/15. Being the day of publick thanksgiving for the peaceable accession of our sovereign King George to the throne of Great-Britain. With two hymns sung upon that occasion. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in Cheapside near the Poultrey, 1715.
ESTC No. T85125.Grub Street ID 305464.
Browne, Simon.
Jewish and popish zeal describ'd and compar'd. A sermon preach'd at Portsmouth, Nov. 5. 1715. Wherein the inconsistency of popery with true religion is manifested, and the chief pretences for the present rebellion in Britain are consider'd and expos'd. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for John Clark, 1715.
ESTC No. T86773.Grub Street ID 306886.
Browne, Simon.
The error of them who devise evil. A sermon preach'd in the Old-Jewry, Nov. 5. 1716. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, near Cheapside; and S. Cruttend[e]n and T. Cox, at the Bible and Three Crowns in Cheapside, near Mercers Chappel, MDCCXVI [1716].
ESTC No. T85121.Grub Street ID 305460.
Browne, Simon.
Religion and loyalty. A sermon preach'd January 30. 1715/16 . Wherein true religion is heartily recommended; the certain duty of British subjects to their sovereign is represented; and those, who in times past have impropriated loyalty, are modestly minded of their present duty. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, near Cheapside, 1716.
ESTC No. T85126.Grub Street ID 305465.
Browne, Simon.
A caveat against evil company. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, near Cheapside, 1716.
ESTC No. T86770.Grub Street ID 306883.
Browne, Simon.
Joy and trembling. A sermon Preach'd in the Old Jewry, June 7. 1716. Being The Day of Publick Thanksgiving for the Suppression of the Late Unnatural and Monstrous Rebellion. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for Eben. Scadgel, Bookseller, at the Ted-Canister in Bartholomew-Close, near Little-Britain, M.DCC.XVI. [1716].
ESTC No. T6347.Grub Street ID 288731.
Browne, Simon.
Joy and thankfulness to God, recommended to all who favour Our Sovereign's righteous cause. A sermon preached in the Old-Jewry, Aug. 1. 1717. Being the anniversary of His Majesty King George's happy accession to the British throne. By S. Browne.
London : Printed for E. Scadgell in Bartholomew-Close, 1717.
ESTC No. T202032.Grub Street ID 233090.
Browne, Simon.
The guilt and infamy of national ingratitude. A sermon preached in the Old-Jewry, November 5. 1717. By S. Browne.
London : printed for E. Scadgell, 1717.
ESTC No. T65906.Grub Street ID 290717.
Browne, Simon.
A dissuasive from youthful lusts. A sermon preached in the Old-Jewry, Wednesday, Octob. 16. 1717. To a society of young men. By S. Browne.
London : printed for E. Scadgell, 1717.
ESTC No. T224894.Grub Street ID 246973.
Browne, Simon.
The guilt and infamy of national ingratitude. A sermon preached in the Old-Jewry, November 5. 1717. By S. Browne.
The second edition..
London : printed for E. Scadgell, 1717.
ESTC No. T166527.Grub Street ID 204747.
Browne, Simon.
The evil and absurdity of persecution. A sermon preach'd November 5. 1718. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for Robert Cruttenden, [1718].
ESTC No. T85122.Grub Street ID 305461.
Browne, Simon.
A sermon preach'd before the Societies for reformation of manners, at Salters-Hall, June 30, 1718. By S. Browne. Publish'd at their Request.
London : printed for Eman. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row; and E. Scadgell in Bartholomew-Close, MDCCXVIII. [1718].
ESTC No. T6348.Grub Street ID 288742.
Browne, Simon.
God glorified by offering praise. A sermon preach'd at Mr. Harris's meeting-place in Goodman's-Fields, August 1, 1719. (the anniversary of His Majesty's happy accession to the throne.) To the society who attend the evening lecture on the Lord's day at the same place. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for John Clark, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, near Cheapside, [1719].
ESTC No. T85123.Grub Street ID 305462.
Browne, Simon.
Hymns and spiritual songs. In three books. I. On various subjects. II. Adapted to the Lord's supper. III. In particular measures. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for Eman. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XX. [1720].
ESTC No. T86768.Grub Street ID 306881.
Browne, Simon.
A defence of the scripture, as the only standard of faith. In answer to a preface, first publish'd at Edinburgh, before a collection of confessions; and since publish'd by it self at London. In which the prefacer's account of the ends and uses of creeds and confessions of faith is examin'd; and what is said of their justice, reasonableness, and necessity, as a publick standard of orthodoxy, is fully considered. By the author of the occasional paper.
London : Printed for Eman. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-noster-Row, M.DCC.XXI. [1721].
ESTC No. T12450.Grub Street ID 174692.
Browne, Simon.
God's goodness to a people, in setting a wise and good king over them. A sermon Preach'd at Little St. Hellens, May the 29th 1721. To the society Which Supports the Morning-Lecture There. By Simon Browne. Published at the Desire of the Society, and all the Ministers who heard it.
London : printed for Eman. Matthews, at the Bible in Paternoster-Row; and R. Ford, at the Angel in the Poultry, M.D.CC.XXI. [1721].
ESTC No. T6346.Grub Street ID 288721.
Browne, Simon.
A letter to the Reverend Mr. Thomas Reynolds, ... By Simon Browne.
London : printed for Eman. Matthews, 1722.
ESTC No. T38364.Grub Street ID 267842.
Browne, Simon.
Sermons on several subjects. As, Right receiving the Word preached. Christ a Blessing to Jews and Gentiles. Living and Dying to the Lord. The Incarnation. The pouring out the Holy Ghost on the Apostles, the Effect of Christ Exaltation. Laying up Treasure in Heaven. Walking that will please God. The Evidence of Miracles for Christianity. Abounding more and more in what will please God. Of the Use and Abuse of God's Judgments on others. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for E. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row, 1722.
ESTC No. T86767.Grub Street ID 306880.
Browne, Simon.
A letter to the Reverend Mr. Thomas Reynolds, on occasion of a passage in his funeral-sermon for the late pious Mr. Pomfret, and his preface to it. By Simon Browne.
The second edition corrected, with a postscript..
London : printed for Eman. Matthews, at the Bible in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXXIII. [1723].
ESTC No. N2565.Grub Street ID 15000.
Browne, Simon.
A sober and charitable disquisition concerning the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity; particularly with regard to worship, and the Doctrine of Satisfaction: Endeavouring to shew, That those in the different Schemes should bear with each other in their different Sentiments; nor separate Communions, and cast one another out of Christian Fellowship on this Account. In a letter to the Reverend ----.
London : printed for John Gray, at the Cross Keys in the Poultry, near Cheapside, M.DCC.XXXII. [1732].
ESTC No. T48476.Grub Street ID 276360.
Browne, Simon.
A defence of the religion of nature, and the Christian revelation; against the defective account of the one, and the exceptions against the other, in a book, entitled, Christianity as old as the creation. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for Richard Ford, at the Angel in the Poultry, near Stocks Market, M.DCC.XXXII. [1732].
ESTC No. T86771.Grub Street ID 306884.
Browne, Simon.
A fit rebuke to a ludicrous infidel: in some remarks on Mr. Woolston's fifth discourse on the miracles of our Saviour. With a preface concerning the prosecution of such writers by the civil powers. By Simon Browne.
London : printed for Richard Ford, at the Angel, in the Poultry, near Stocks-Market, M.DCC.XXXII. [1732].
ESTC No. T35590.Grub Street ID 265690.
Browne, Simon.
The close of the defense of the religion of nature and the Christian revelation: in answer to Christianity as old as the creation. In an address to Christian ministers and the Christian people. By the late Reverend Simon Browne.
London : printed for Richard Ford, at the Angel in the Poultry, over-against the Compter, 1733.
ESTC No. T86772.Grub Street ID 306885.
Browne, Simon.
Hymns and spiritual songs. In three books. I. On various subjects. II. Adapted to the Lord's supper. III. In particular measures. Design'd as a supplement to Dr. Watts's Hymns. By Simon Browne.
The second edition..
London : printed for James Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, on London-Bridge, MDCCXLI. [1741].
ESTC No. T86765.Grub Street ID 306878.
Browne, Simon.
Hymns and spiritual songs. In three books. I. On various subjects. II. Adapted to the Lord's supper. III. In particular measures. Design'd as a supplement to Dr. Watts's Hymns. By Simon Browne.
The third edition..
London : printed for S. Crowder and Co., 1760.
ESTC No. T86769.Grub Street ID 306882.
Browne, Simon.
A sober and charitable disquistion, concerning the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity, particularly with regard to worship, and the Doctrine of Satisfaction. Endeavouring to Shew, That those in the different Schemes should bear with each other in their different Sentiments, and not Separate Communions, nor cast one another out of Christian Fellowship on this Account. In a letter to the Reverend *****. By the late Rev. and learned Mr. Simon Browne.
The second edition..
London : printed for W. Harris, No. 70. St. Paul's Church-Yard, [1770?].
ESTC No. T27283.Grub Street ID 259217.
Browne, Simon.
A sober and charitable disquistion concerning the importance of the doctrine of the Trinity; particularly with regard to worship, ... By ... Mr. Simon Browne. To which is added a calm enquiry, whether we have any warrant from Scripture for addressing ourselves in prayer or praise directly to the Holy Spirit. By Martin Tomkins.
The second edition..
London : printed for W. Harris, 1774.
ESTC No. T143429.Grub Street ID 190516.