Publications of Mather Byles


  • Byles, Mather. God glorious in the scenes of the winter. A sermon preach'd at Boston. December 23. 1744 [1745 n.s.]. By Mr. Byles. [Two lines from John]. Boston: Printed by B. Green and Company for D. Gookin, over against the Old South Meeting-House, 1744 [1745 n.s]. ESTC No. W1715. Grub Street ID 326672.
  • Byles, Mather. A poem on the death of His late Majesty King George, of glorious memory: and the accession of our present sovereign King George II. to the British throne. By Mr. Byles. [Three lines in Latin from Virgil]. [Boston: s.n, 1727]. ESTC No. W28905. Grub Street ID 339112.
  • Byles, Mather. A poem presented to His Excellency William Burnet, Esq; on his arrival at Boston, July 19. 1728. By Mr. Byles. [Three lines in Latin from Ovid] Published by order of His Excellency the governour. [Boston: s.n, 1728]. ESTC No. W1716. Grub Street ID 326683.
  • Byles, Mather. The character of the perfect and upright man; his peaceful end described; and our duty to observe it laid down. In a discourse on Psalm XXXVII. 37. By Mather Byles, M.A. [Six lines of quotations]. Boston: Printed for S. Gerrish in Cornhil, MDCCXXIX. [1729]. ESTC No. W37732. Grub Street ID 348520.
  • Byles, Mather. An elegy, address'd to His Excellency Governour Belcher: on the death of his brother-in-law, the Honourable Daniel Oliver, Esq; [Four lines in Latin]. [Boston: Printed by Samuel Kneeland and Thomas Green, for Daniel Henchman, 1732]. ESTC No. W39020. Grub Street ID 349801.
  • Byles, Mather. A discourse on the present vileness of the body, and its future glorious change by Christ. To which is added, a sermon on the nature and importance of conversion. Both occasionally deliver'd at Dorchester April 23. 1732. By Mather Byles, A.M. [Three lines from Claud. Phoenix]. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland & T. Green, for N. Proctor, MDCCXXXII. [1732]. ESTC No. W38099. Grub Street ID 348912.
  • Byles, Mather. On the death of the Queen. A poem. Inscribed to His Excellency Governour Belcher. By the Reverend Mr. Byles. [Four lines in Latin]. Boston in New-England: Printed by J. Draper, for D. Henchman in Cornhill, 1738. ESTC No. W4194. Grub Street ID 351707.
  • Byles, Mather. The glories of the Lord of Hosts, and the fortitude of the religious hero. A sermon preached to the Ancient and Honourable Artillery Company June 2. 1740. Being the anniversary of their election of officers. By Mather Byles, A.M. Pastor of a church in Boston. [Five lines from II Kings]. Boston printed: and may be had at the shops of Thomas Fleet and Joseph Edwards, in Cornhill, 1740. ESTC No. W19865. Grub Street ID 329487.
  • Byles, Mather. Affection on things above. A discourse delivered at the Thursday-lecture in Boston, December 11th 1740. By Mather Byles, V.D.M. and Pastor to a church in Boston. [Three lines from Revelation]. Boston: Printed by G. Rogers and D. Fowle, for J. Edwards and H. Foster in Cornhil, 1740. ESTC No. W37118. Grub Street ID 347882.
  • Byles, Mather. The flourish of the annual spring, improved in a sermon preached at the ancient Thursday lecture in Boston, May 3. 1739. By Mather Byles, A.L.M. Pastor of a church in Boston. [Four lines from Numbers]. Boston: Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle at the printing-office over-against the south-east corner of the townhouse, 1741. ESTC No. W1714. Grub Street ID 326661.
  • Byles, Mather. The visit to Jesus by night. An evening lecture. By Mr. Byles. [Four lines from John]. Boston: Printed and sold by Rogers and Fowle, at the head of Queen-Street, near the town-house, 1741. ESTC No. W35368. Grub Street ID 346034.
  • Byles, Mather. The comet: a poem. Boston: Printed and sold by B. Green and Comp. in Newbury-Street, and D. Gookin, at the corner of Water-Street, Cornhil, 1744. ESTC No. W31195. Grub Street ID 341593.
  • Byles, Mather. The character of the perfect and upright man; his peaceful end described; and our duty to observe it laid down, in a discourse on Psalm XXXVII. 37. To which is added, an exemplification of the subject, in a short account of the peaceful death of Mrs. Anna Byles. By Mr. Byles. [Two lines from Philippians]. Boston: Printed by B. Green and Comp. for D. Gookin, at the corner of Water-Street, Cornhil, 1744. ESTC No. W37733. Grub Street ID 348521.
  • Byles, Mather. Poems on several occasions. By Mr. Byles. [One line in Latin from Horace]. Boston: Printed and sold by S. Kneeland and T. Green, in Queenstreet, 1744. ESTC No. W27710. Grub Street ID 337824.
  • Byles, Mather. The glorious rest of heaven. A sermon at the Thursday-Lecture in Boston, Jan. 3. 1744,5. By Mr. Byles. Published at the request of many of the hearers. [Two lines from Matthew]. Boston: Printed by B. Green and Comp. for D. Gookin, over against the Old South Meeting-House, 1745. ESTC No. W12409. Grub Street ID 321677.
  • Byles, Mather. The prayer and plea of David, to be delivered from blood-guiltiness, improved in a sermon at the ancient Thursday-lecture in Boston, May 16th 1751. Before the execution of a young Negro servant, for poisoning an infant. By Mr. Byles. [Four lines from Psalms]. Boston: Printed and sold by Samuel Kneeland, opposite the prison in Queen-Street, 1751. ESTC No. W28945. Grub Street ID 339156.
  • Byles, Mather. God the strength and portion of His people, under all the exigences of life and death: a funeral sermon on the Honourable Mrs. Katherine Dummer, the lady of His Honour William Dummer, Esq; late lieutenant-governour and commander in chief over this province. Preach'd at Boston, January 9. 1752. The Lord's-Day after her death and burial. By Mr. Byles. [Seven lines of Scripture texts]. Boston; N.E.: Printed by John Draper, 1752. ESTC No. W12426. Grub Street ID 321696.
  • Byles, Mather. Poems. The conflagration, applied to that grand period or catastrophe of our world, when the face of nature is to be changed by a deluge of fire, as formerly it was by that of water. The God of tempest and earthquake. Boston, printed: and sold by D. Fowle in Ann-Street, and by Z. Fowle in Middlestreet, [1755]. ESTC No. W27712. Grub Street ID 337826.
  • Byles, Mather. The man of God throughly [sic] furnished to every good work. A sermon preached at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Mather Byles, to the pastoral office in the First Church of Christ in New-London, Nov. 18. 1757. To which is added the charge given him upon that occasion By his father. [Four lines from Proverbs]. New-London [Conn.]: Printed and sold by Nathanael Green, and Timothy Green, Junr, MDCCLXIII. [1758]. ESTC No. W26060. Grub Street ID 336082.
  • Byles, Mather. The vanity of every man at his best estate. A funeral sermon on the Honorable William Dummer, Esq. late lieutenant governor and commander in chief, over the province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England, who died October 10, 1761. Aged 84 years. By Mr. Byles. [Three lines from Ecclesiastes]. [Boston]: Printed by Green & Russell, in Boston, 1761. ESTC No. W29650. Grub Street ID 339928.
  • Byles, Mather. The glories of the Lord of Hosts, and the fortitude of the religious hero. A sermon preached to the Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company June 2. 1740. Being the anniversary of their election of officers. By Mather Byles, D.D. Pastor of a church in Boston. [Five lines from II Kings]. Boston, New-England: Re-printed by Thomas and John Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, 1769. ESTC No. W12407. Grub Street ID 321675.
  • Byles, Mather. A sermon on the nature and necessity of conversion. By Mather Byles, D.D. Pastor of a church in Boston. [Two lines from Luke]. Boston: Re-printed by Edes and Gill, in Queen-Street, M,DCC,LXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. W3132. Grub Street ID 341726.
  • Byles, Mather. The flourish of the annual spring, improved in a sermon preached at the Thursday lecture in Boston, May 3. 1739. By Mather Byles, D.D. Pastor of a church in Boston. [Three lines from Numbers]. Boston, New-England: Re-printed by Thomas and John Fleet, at the Heart and Crown in Cornhill, 1769. ESTC No. W23139. Grub Street ID 333025.
  • Byles, Mather. A discourse on the present vileness of the body, and it's [sic] future glorious change by Christ. By Mather Byles, D.D. Pastor of a church in Boston. [Two lines from Acts]. Boston, New-England: Re-printed by Thomas and John Fleet, at the Heart & Crown in Cornhill, 1771. ESTC No. W20208. Grub Street ID 329862.
  • Byles, Mather. A sermon on the nature and necessity of conversion. By Mather Byles, D.D. Pastor of a church in Boston. [Two lines from Luke]. Boston, New-England: Printed by Thomas and John Fleet, in Cornhill, 1771. ESTC No. W7243. Grub Street ID 356319.