Publications of Benjamin Gale


  • Gale, Benjamin. The present state of the colony of Connecticut considered. In a letter from a gentleman in the eastern part of said colony, to his friend in the western part of the same. [New London, Conn.: Printed by T. Green], Printed in the year, 1755. ESTC No. W6799. Grub Street ID 355846.
  • Gale, Benjamin. A reply to a pamphlet, entitled the Answer of the friend of the West, &c. With a prefatory address to the freemen of His Majesty's English colony of Connecticut. By A.Z. [New London, Conn.]: Printed [by T. Green], M,DCC,LV. [1755]. ESTC No. W36297. Grub Street ID 347002.
  • Gale, Benjamin. A letter to a member of the Lower House of Assembly of the colony of Connecticut: shewing, that the taxes of Yale-College, are stated higher than necessary to defray the annual expences of that school; by which a very considerable addition is made to the college treasury annually. With some general observations on the laws and government of that society. By a lover of truth, and his country. [One line of Latin quotation]. New-Haven: Printed by James Parker, and Company, at the post-office, 1759. ESTC No. W13493. Grub Street ID 322829.
  • Gale, Benjamin. A calm and full vindication of a letter, wrote to a member of the Lower House of Assembly: shewing that the taxes imposed on the students of Yale-College, are stated higher than to defray the annual expences of that school. Clearly evincing, both by the quarter-bills, an the general account current, as the same hath been adjusted by the Rev'd president and fellows, that the accounts therein contained, are genuine and true. Being a full answer to a letter, wrote to a member of the House of Representatives, in vindication of Yale-College; with some further remarks o the laws and government of that Society: inscribed to the Honourable, the General Assembly of His Majesty's English colony of Connecticut. By Benjamin Gale, A.M. [Seven lines of quotations]. New-Haven: Printed by James Parker, and Company, 1759. ESTC No. W30192. Grub Street ID 340509.
  • Gale, Benjamin. A few breif [sic] remarks on Mr. Graham's answer; and on his vindication of Mr. President Clap, published in the Connecticut gazette, of October last; and on a letter to the president, of the 8th of August last, sign'd John Graham; and on a propos'd address to the freemen, sign'd Philalethos, inclos'd in said letter; both which are said to be in the hand-writing of the Rev'd Mr. John Graham. By Benjamin Gale A.M. [Two lines from Hosea]. New-Haven: Printed by J. Parker, and Company, 1760. ESTC No. W12210. Grub Street ID 321466.
  • Gale, Benjamin. A debate betwen the Rev'd Mr. Byles, late Pastor of the First Church in New-London, and the brethren of that church: held at the meeting-house, previous to his leaving said society; containing the substance or heads of the discourse, which then passed. As also a specimen of one of the many volumes which Mr. Byles is supposed to have been convinced by, &c. By A.Z. Esq; See 34th Chap. of Ezekiel. To which are added some remarks. New-London [Conn.]: Printed [by Timothy Green] in the year 1768. Sold at Draper's printing-office, Boston, [1768]. ESTC No. W20105. Grub Street ID 329749.
  • Gale, Benjamin. A debate between the Rev. Mr. Byles, late Pastor of the First Church in New-London, and the brethren of that church; held at the meeting-house, previous to his leaving said society; containing the substance or heads of the discourse which then passed. As also a specimen of one of the many volumes which Mr. Byles is supposed to have been convinced by, &c. By A.Z. Esq; See 34th chap. of Ezek. [New-London, Conn.?]: Printed [by Timothy Green?], in the year 1768. ESTC No. W39399. Grub Street ID 350107.
  • Gale, Benjamin. Doct. Gale's letter, to J.W. Esquire, containing a narrative of the principal matters, of a public and interesting nature, which were subjects of the debates and resolves of the General Assembly of the colony of Connecticut, during their sessions in May, 1769. [Three lines from Persius]. Hartford: Printed and sold by Green & Watson, near the Great-Bridge, 1769. ESTC No. W20243. Grub Street ID 329898.
  • Gale, Benjamin. Observations, on a pamphlet, entitled Remarks on Dr. Gale's letter to J.W. Esq; signed E.D. Of which the Hon. Eliphalet Dyer is the reputed author. Shewing, from the matters therein contained, that such an imputation is highly injurious to the character of that worthy patriot. By Benjamin Gale, A.M. [Twelve lines of quotations]. Hartford: Printed by Green & Watson, near the Great Bridge, [1770]. ESTC No. W28700. Grub Street ID 338887.
  • Gale, Benjamin. Brief, decent, but free remarks, and observations, on several laws passed by the Honorable Legislature of the state of Connecticut, since the year 1775. A friend to his country [Two lines from The North Briton]. Hartford: Printed by Hudson & Goodwin, M,DCC,LXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. W23123. Grub Street ID 333008.
  • Gale, Benjamin. A brief essay, or, An attempt to prove, from the prophetick writings of the Old and New Testament, what period of prophecy the Church of God is now under; and from them shew, what events revelationists may expect will take place during the present period. By Benjamin Gale, A.M. [Nine lines of Scripture texts]. New-Haven: Printed by Thomas & Samuel Green, [1788]. ESTC No. W30036. Grub Street ID 340343.