Publications of John Graham


  • Graham, John. The obligations which the profession of the Christian religion, lays men under to depart from iniquity, open'd & apply'd in a sermon preached on Wednesday May 29. 1723. By John Graham, M.A. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Stafford. Being the day of his ordination. To which is prefixed, a preface, by Mr. Timothy Edwards, of Windsor, the Rev'd Presbyter that gave him his charge. [Texts]. New-London [Conn.]: Printed & sold by T. Green, 1725. ESTC No. W36099. Grub Street ID 346787.
  • Graham, John. The Christian's duty of watchfulness against error, and establishment in the truth: opened and urged, in a lecture-sermon, preach'd at New-Milford on Wednesday August 23. 1732. (Occasioned by the growth and spreading of Quakerism in that place.) By John Graham, M.A. Minister of God's Word in Southbury. [Seven lines of Scripture texts]. N. London [i.e., New London, Conn.]: Printed and sold by T. Green, 1733. ESTC No. W11829. Grub Street ID 321055.
  • Graham, John. The duty of renewing their baptismal covenant proved and urged upon the adult children of professing parents. By John Graham, A.M. Pastor of the Church in Southbury. Boston: Printed by S. Kneeland & T. Green, for D. Henchman, in Corn-Hill, 1734. ESTC No. W38272. Grub Street ID 349092.
  • Graham, John. Some remarks upon a second letter from the Church of England minister, to his dissenting parishioners. By J.G. V.D.M. [One line from Romans]. Boston: Printed for D Henchman, over against the Brick-Meeting-House in Cornhil, 1736. ESTC No. W3515. Grub Street ID 345839.
  • Graham, John. The sufficiency of a worm to the work of an angel. A sermon preach'd at the ordination of the Reverend Mr. John Graham, Jun. to the work of the ministry, and pastoral charge of the Second Church of Christ in Suffield. By his father the Rev. Mr. John Graham, Pastor of the Church of Christ in Southbury, on Wednesday, Octob. 22, 1746. Boston: N.E.: Printed by Rogers and Fowle in Queen-Street, [1746]. ESTC No. W22373. Grub Street ID 332197.
  • Graham, John. Such as have grace fittest to teach the doctrines of grace, explained and proved. Being a sermon preach'd in the Second Society of Coventry, October 9th 1745. At the ordination of the Reverend Mr. Nathan Strong to the work of the ministry there. By John Graham, M.A. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Southbury. Boston: Printed for S. Kneeland and T. Green, in Queen Street, over against the prison, 1746. ESTC No. W36100. Grub Street ID 346790.
  • Graham, John. The spiritual watchman: or, Gospel ministers, consider'd as spiritual watchmen, must give an account unto God for all the souls committed to their care and charge. In a sermon, preached by the Rev. Mr. John Graham, A.M. Pastor of the Church of Christ in Southbury, on January 25th, A.D. 1749-50, in Rumbout's precinct, at the ordination of his son, the Rev. Mr. Chauncey Graham, B.A. to the work of the Gospel ministry, and pastoral watch and charge, of the Presbyterian congregations in the precincts of said Rumbout and Poghkeepsie [sic], in Dutchess County. [Thre lines from Ezekiel]. New-York: Printed by James Parker, 1750. ESTC No. W22353. Grub Street ID 332176.
  • Graham, John. A letter to a member of the House of Representatives of the colony of Connecticut, in vindication of Yale-College against the false aspersions, and scandalous misrepresentations contain'd in a late anonymous pamphlet, intituled, A letter to a member of the lower House, &c. With a more important proposal to the Honourable, the General Assembly, than that which is contained in the said pamphlet. By a witness to truth, and lover of religion and learning. [Eleven lines of quotations]. [New London, Conn.]: Printed [by Timothy Green.], 1759. ESTC No. W13492. Grub Street ID 322828.
  • Graham, John. An answer to Mr. Gale's pamphlet; entituled, A calm and full vindication, &c. Relating to Yale College. Wherein is clearly shewn, that he has no ways vindicated himself from the misrepresentations made in his former piece; and in his last, has made sundry more, as foreig from the truth: and his injurious and abusive reflections, on the worthy governors of the College, are censured, in as calm and soft terms, as the nature of the case can allow. By John Graham, A.M. and Pastor of the Church of Christ in Southbury. [Four lines of Scripture texts]. New-Haven: Printed by James Parker and Company, 1759. ESTC No. W11640. Grub Street ID 320853.
  • Graham, John. A few remarks on the remarker; shewing, that Mr. Gale's inferences from the contents of a letter, villanously [sic] intercepted and broke open, are entirely groundless and injurious. By John Graham, A.M. [Five lines of quotations]. New-Haven: Printed by Parker, and Company, at the post-office, 1760. ESTC No. W12122. Grub Street ID 321370.