Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satan's devices: or, a salve for the sores of believers and unbelievers. Being a companion both for those who live by faith in Christ, and those who do not; who slight or neglect ordinances. under a pretence of living above them; who are growing, (in spirituals) or decaying; who are tempted, or deserted; afflicted, or opposed; who have assurance, or who want assurance. By Thomas Brooks, Late Minister of the Gospel of St. Margaret's, Fish-Street-Hill.
Evesham: printed by J. Agg; and sold by L.J. Higham, No. 159, St. John's-Street, Clarkenwell; J.S. Jordan, Fleet-Street; J. Matthews, Strand; Terry, Pater-Noster-Row, London; T. Lucas, Birmingham; M. Lackman, Coventry; and to be had of all the Booksellers, 1792.
ESTC No. T104710.Grub Street ID 158215.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satan's devices: being, a companion for Christians of all denominations. By Thomas Brooks, ...
Leeds: printed by Edward Baines; and sold by A. Newsom, J. Binns. T. Hannam, J. Smith, Leeds; [and 4 in London, 1 in Nottingham, and 1 in Glasgow], 1799.
ESTC No. T104503.Grub Street ID 158019.
Brooks, Thomas.
The glorious day of the saints appearance; calling for a glorious conversation from all beleevers. Delivered in a sermon by Thomas Brooks, preacher of the Gospel at Thomas Apostles, at the interment of the corps of that renowned commander, Colonell Thomas Rainsborough. Who was treacherously murthered on the Lords day in the morning at Doncaster, October 29. 1648. and honourably interred the 14th of November following, in the chappell at Wapping neare London.
London: printed by M.S. for Rapha Harford, and Matthew Simmons, and are to be sold at the Bible in Queens-head Alley in Pater-noster-row, and in Aldersgate-streete, 1648.
ESTC No. R205359.Grub Street ID 82132.
Brooks, Thomas.
Gods delight in the progresse of the upright. Especially, in magistrates uprightnesse and constancy in wayes of justice and righteousnesse, in these apostatizing times, notwithstanding all discouragements, oppositions, &c. Presented in a sermon before the Honorable House of Commons at their last monethly fast, December 26. 1648. By Thomas Brooks, preacher of the Gospel at Thomas Apostles.
London: printed by M.S. for R. Harford at the Bible in Queens-head-alley in Paternoster-row, and Thomas Brewster at the west end of Pauls, 1649.
ESTC No. R21947.Grub Street ID 94004.
Brooks, Thomas.
The hypocrite detected, anatomized, impeached, arraigned, and condemned before the Parliament of England. Or, a word in season. Shewing hypocrites to be the prime objects of Gods wrath; and the grounds of it: with speciall lessons that we are to learn from it. Expressed in a sermon preached before the Parliament of England, upon their last thanksgiving day, being the 8th of Octob. 1650. for the late great victory that the Lord of Hosts gave our army over the Scots army in a battell at Dunbarr: Septemb. 3. 1650. By Thomas Brooks, a weak and unworthy teacher of the Gospel at Thomas Apostles London.
London: printed by Fr: Neile for Hanna Allen at the Crown in Popes-head-Alley, 1650.
ESTC No. R206529.Grub Street ID 83036.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satans devices. Or, salve for all mens sores. Being a companion for all that are in Christ, or out of Christ; that are high, or low, learned, or illiterate, staggering, or wandering; that slight, or neglect ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in spiritualls) or decaying; that are tempted, or deserted, afflicted, or opposed; that have assurance, or that want assurance; that are self-seekers, or the common-wealths caterpillars; that are in love sweetly united, or that yet have their spirits too much imbittered, &c. By Thomas Brookes, a willing servant unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious gospel of Christ, at Margarets fish-street hill. Imprimatur Joseph Caryl. July 16. 1652.
London: printed by Matthew Simmons, for John Hancock and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head Alley, next to Corn-hill, 1652.
ESTC No. R229777.Grub Street ID 102189.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satans devices. Or, salve for believers and unbelievers sores. Being a companion for those that are in Christ, or out of Christ; that are high, or low, learned, or illiterate, staggering, or wandering; that slight, or neglect ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in spiritualls) or decaying; that are tempted, or deserted, afflicted, or opposed; that have assurance, or that want assurance; that are self-seekers, or the common-wealths caterpillars; that are in love sweetly united, or that yet have their spirit too much imbittered, &c. By Thomas Brookes, a willing servant unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious gospel of Christ, at Margarets fish-street hill.
London: printed by M. Simmons, for John Hancock at the first shop in Popes-head Alley, next to Corn-hill, 1653.
ESTC No. R209534.Grub Street ID 85766.
Brooks, Thomas.
Cases considered and resolved. Wherein all the tender godly conscientious ministers in England (whether for a Congregationall, or a Presbyteriall way) are concerned. Or pills to purge malignants. And all prophane, ignorant, and scandalous persons. (But more particularly calculated for the meridian of Margarets Fishstreet-hill) from those grosse conceits that they have of their childrens right to baptisme; and of their owne right to the Supper of the Lord, &c. Also good councell to bad men. Or friendly advise (in severall particulars) to unfriendly neighbours. By Thomas Brooks, a willing servant unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious Gospel of Christ, at Margarets Fishstreet-hill.
London: printed by M. Simmons, for John Hancock and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-Head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1653.
ESTC No. R207067.Grub Street ID 83496.
Brooks, Thomas.
A beleevers last day is his best day. A sermon preached at the funerall of Mrs Martha Randoll at Christ-Church London, June 28. 1652. By Thomas Brooks, minister of the Gospel at Margarets Fish-street hill.
London: printed for T. Underhill, 1653.
ESTC No. R24129.Grub Street ID 107945.
Brooks, Thomas.
Heaven on earth; or a serious discourse touching a wel-grounded assurance of mens everlasting happiness and blessedness. Discovering the nature of assurance, the possibility of attaining it, the causes, springs, and degrees of it, with the resolution of several weighty questions. By Thomas Brooks, preacher of the Gospel at Margarets Fishstreet-Hill.
London: printed by R.I. for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head Alley in Corn-hill, 1654.
ESTC No. R209539.Grub Street ID 85771.
Brooks, Thomas.
Ton anexichniaston plouton [sic] tou Christou. The unsearchable riches of Christ. Or meat for strong men. Milke [for] babes. Held for th in twenty-two sermons from Ephesians 3.8. By Thomas Brookes, preacher of the Word at Margarets New-Fishstreet.
London: printed by Mary Simmons, for John Hancock, at the first shop in Popes-head-alley, next to Cornhill, 1655.
ESTC No. R207375.Grub Street ID 83765.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satans devices. Or, Salve for believers & unbelievers sores. Being a companion for those that are in Christ, or out of Christ; that slight, or neglect ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in spiritualls) or decaying that are tempted, or deserted; afflicted, or opposed; that have assurance, or that want assurance, &c. By Thomas Brookes, a willing servant unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious Gospel of Christ, at Margarets Fish-street-hill.
London: printed by M. Simmons, for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1656.
ESTC No. R1005.Grub Street ID 58447.
Brooks, Thomas.
A string of pearles: or, The best things reserved till last. Discovered, in a sermon preached in London, June 8. 1657. At the funeral of (that triumphant saint) Mris. Mary Blake, late wife to (his worthy friend) Mr. Nicholas Blake merchant, with an elegy on her death. By Thomas Brooks (her much endeared friend, spiritual father, pastor, and brother, in the fellowship of the Gospel, and) preacher of the Word at Margarets New-Fish-street.
London: printed by R.I. for John Hancock, and are to bee sold at the first shop in Popes-head Alley, near the Exchange, 1657.
ESTC No. R208817.Grub Street ID 85039.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women, and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honor of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applied. Also the young mans objections answered. And the old mans doubts resolved. By Thomas Brooks preacher of the Gospel at Margarets new Fish-street-hill.
London: printed by R[obert]. I[bbitson]. for John Hancock, to be sold at the first shop in Pope head Alley next to Corn hill neer the Exchange, 1657.
ESTC No. R170826.Grub Street ID 65358.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and vvomen, and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely, and faithfully applyed. Also the young mans objections answered and the old mans doubts resolved. By Thomas Brooks preacher of the gospel at Margarets new Fishstreet-hill.
London: printed by R.I. for John Hancock, to be sold at the first shop in Popeshead-Alley next to Corn-hill neer the Exchange, 1657.
ESTC No. R214145.Grub Street ID 89465.
Brooks, Thomas.
Heaven on earth. Or A serious discourse touching a well-grounded assurance of mens everlasting happiness and blessedness. Discovering the nature of assurance, the possibility of attaining it, the causes, springs, and degrees of it; with the resolution of severall weighty questions. By Thomas Brooks, preacher of the Gospel at Margarets Fishstreet-Hill.
London: printed by MS for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head Alley in Cornhill, 1657.
ESTC No. R18817.Grub Street ID 76175.
Brooks, Thomas.
A believers last day is his best day. A sermon preached at the funerall of Mris Martha Randoll, at Christs Church, London, June 28. 1651. By Thomas Brooks, minister of the Gospel at Margarets Fish-street-hill.
London: printed, and are to be sould by John Hancock at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1657.
ESTC No. R212647.Grub Street ID 88209.
Brooks, Thomas.
Anexichniastoi ploutoi tou Christou. The unsearchable riches of Christ. Or, meat for strong men, and milke for babes. Held forth in twenty-two sermons from Ephesians III. VIII. By Thomas Brookes, preacher of the Word at Margarets New-Fishstreet.
London: printed by M.S. for John Hancock at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1657.
ESTC No. R24145.Grub Street ID 107958.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satans devices. Or, Salve for believers & unbelievers sores. Being a companion for those that are in Christ, or out of Christ; that slight or neglect ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are gowing (in spirituals) or decaying; that are tempted, or deserted; afflicted, or opposed; that have assurance, or that want assurance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, a willing servant unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious gospel of Christ, at Margarets, Fish-Street-hill.
London: printed by M. Simmons, for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1658.
ESTC No. R28538.Grub Street ID 111600.
Brooks, Thomas.
The silent soul, with soveraign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest and sorest trials and troubles, the saddest and darkest providences and changes, with answers to divers questions and objections that are of greatest importance, all tending to win and work souls to bee still, quiet, calm and silent under all changes that have, or may pass upon them in this world, &c. By Thomas Brooks preacher of the word at Margarets New Fish-street London, and pastro of the Church of Christ meeting there.
London: printed by R[obert]. I[bbitson]. for John Hancock, to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley next to Corn-hill, 1659.
ESTC No. R29136.Grub Street ID 112152.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women, and a crown of glory for old men and women, or, The happiness of being good betimes and the honour of being an old disciple clearly and fully discovered and closely and faithfully applied : also the young mans objections answered and the old mans doubts resolved / by Thomas Brooks.
London: Printed by R.I. for John Hancock, 1659.
ESTC No. R26557.Grub Street ID 109856.
Brooks, Thomas.
Heaven on earth. Or A serious discourse touching a well-grounded assurance of mens everlasting happiness and blessedness. Discovering the nature of assurance, the possibility of attaining it, the causes, springs, and degrees of it; with the resolution of severall weighty questions. By Thomas Brooks, preacher of the Gospel at Margarets Fish-street-Hill.
The third edition corrected and amended..
London : printed by M.S. for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head Alley next to Cornhill, 1660.
ESTC No. R26559.Grub Street ID 109858.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women, and, a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applied. Also, the young mans objections answered. And the old mans doubts resolved. By Thomas Brooks preacher of the Gospel at Margarets New Fishstreet-hill.
The third edition corrected..
London : printed by R.I. for John Hancock, to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, next to Corn-hill, near the Exchange, 1660.
ESTC No. R209951.Grub Street ID 86165.
Brooks, Thomas.
A string of pearls: or, The best things reserved till last. Discovered in a sermon preached in London, June 8. 1657. At the funeral of (that triumphant saint) Mris. Mary Blake, late wife to (his worthy friend) Mr. Nicholas Blake, merchant, with an elegy on her death. By Thomas Brooks (her much endeared friend, spiritual father, pastor, and brother, in the fellowship of the Gospel, and) preacher of the word at Margarets New-Fish-street.
The second edition corrected..
London : printed by R.I. for John Hancock, at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, neer the Exchange, 1660.
ESTC No. R209953.Grub Street ID 86167.
Brooks, Thomas.
A believers last day is his best day. A sermon preached at the funerall of Mris [sic] Martha Randoll, at Christs Church, London, June 28. 1651. By Thomas Brooks, minister of the Gospel at Margarets Fish-street-hill.
London : printed, and are to be sould [sic] by John Hancock at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1660.
ESTC No. R39628.Grub Street ID 121505.
Brooks, Thomas.
The silent soul, with soveraign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest and sorest trials and troubles, the saddest and darkest providences and changes, with answers to divers questions and objections that are of greatest importance; all tending to win and work souls to be still, quiet calm and silent under all changes that have, or may pass upon them in this world, &c. By Thomas Brooks preacher of the Word at Margarets New Fish-street London, and pastor of the Church of Christ meeting there.
London : printed for John Hancock, to bee sold at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, next to Cornhil, 1660.
ESTC No. R233342.Grub Street ID 104902.
Brooks, Thomas.
The silent soul, with soveraign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest and sorest trials and troubles, the saddest and darkest providences and changes, with answers to divers questions and objections that are of greatest importance, all tending to win and work souls to bee still, quiet, calm and silent under all changes that have, or may pass upon them in this world, &c. By Thomas Brooks preacher of the Word at Margarets New Fish-street London, and pastor of the Church of Christ meeting there.
London : printed by R.I. for John Hancock, to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley next to Corn-hill, 1660.
ESTC No. R209789.Grub Street ID 86015.
Brooks, Thomas.
Anexichniastoi ploutoi tou Christou. The unsearchable riches of Christ. Or, meat for strong men, and milke for babes. Held forth in twenty-two sermons from Ephesians III. VIII. By Thomas Brooks, preacher of the word in London.
The third edition corrected and amended..
London : printed by M.S. for John Hancock at the first shop in Popes head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1661.
ESTC No. R32866.Grub Street ID 115532.
Brooks, Thomas.
A string of pearls, or, The best things reserved till last discovered in a sermon preached in London, June 8, 1657, at the funeral of ... Mris. Mary Blake, late wife to ... Mr. Nicholas Blake, merchant, with an elegy on her death / by Thomas Brooks.
The third edition corrected..
London : Printed by R.I. for John Hancock .., 1661.
ESTC No. R36380.Grub Street ID 118666.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satans devices. Or, Salve for believers & unbelievers sores. Being a companion for those that are in Christ, or out of Christ; that slight or neglect ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in spirituals) or decaying; that are tempted, or deserted; afflicted, or opposed; that have assurance, or that want assurance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, formerly a willing servant unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious Gospel of Christ, at St. Margarets Fish-street-hill.
London : printed by M. Simmons, for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1661.
ESTC No. R230499.Grub Street ID 102810.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satans devices. Or, Salve for believers & unbelievers sores. Being a companion for those that are in Christ, or out of Christ; that slight or neglect ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in spirituals) or decaying; that are tempted, or deserted; afflicted, or opposed; that have assurance, or that want assurance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, a willing servant unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious Gospel of Christ, at Margarets Fish-street-hill.
The fifth edition, corrected and enlarged..
London : printed by M. Simmons, for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1661.
ESTC No. R12470.Grub Street ID 60646.
Brooks, Thomas.
An arke for all Gods Noahs in a gloomy stormy day; or, The best wine reserved till last. Or, The transcendent excellency of a believers portion above all earthly portions whatsoever: discovered in several sermons, which may be of singular use at all times, but especially in these breaking times, wherein many have, and many daily do break for more than their all, and wherein many thousands are turned out of all, &c. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the gospel at Mararets New Fishstreet, and still preacher of the Word in London, and pastor of a congregation there.
London : printed by M.S. for Henry Cripps, at the first entrance into Popes-head Alley, next to Lombard-street, 1662.
ESTC No. R6208.Grub Street ID 126567.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women, and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applied. Also, the young mans objections answered. And the old mans doubts resolved. By Thomas Brooks preacher of the Gospel at Margarets New Fishstreet-hill.
The fourth edition corrected..
London : printed by R[obert]. I[bbitson]. for John Hancock, to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, next to Cornhill, near the Exchange, 1662.
ESTC No. R225527.Grub Street ID 98690.
Brooks, Thomas.
The crovvn & glory of Christianity: or Holiness, the only way to happiness· Discovered in LVIII. sermons, from Heb. 12.14. Where you have the necessity, excellency, rarity, beauty and glory of holiness set forth; with the resolution of many weighty questions and cases. Also motives and means to perfect holiness: with many other things of very high and great importance to all the sons and daughters of men, that had rather be blessed then cursed, saved then damned. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the Gospel at Margarets New Fish-street, and still preacher of th Word in London, and pastor of a congregation there.
London : printed for H. Crips, J. Sims, and H. Mortlock, and are to be sold at their shops, at the entrance into Popes-head Alley out of Lumbard street, and at the sign of the Cross-keyes, and at the Ph.nix in St. Pauls Church-yard, near the little north door, 1662.
ESTC No. R36378.Grub Street ID 118664.
Brooks, Thomas.
An arke for all Gods Noahs in a gloomy stormy day; or, The best wine reserved till last. The transcendent excellency of a believers portion above all earthly portions whatsoever: discovered in several sermons, which may be of singular use at all times, but especially in these breaking times, wherein many have, and many daily do break for more than their all, and wherein many thousands are turned out of all, &c. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the gospel at Margarets New Fishstreet, and still preacher of the Word in London, and pastor of a congregation there.
London : printed by M[ary]. S[immons]. for John Hancock at the first entrance into Popes-head Alley, next to Cornhill, 1662.
ESTC No. R173081.Grub Street ID 66772.
Brooks, Thomas.
Heaven on earth. Or A serious discourse touching a well-grounded assurance of mens everlasting happiness and blessedness. Discovering the nature of assurance, the possibility of attaining it, the causes, springs, and degrees of it; with the resolution of several weighty questions. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the Gospel at St. Margarets Fish-street-Hill.
London : printed by M.S. for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-Head-Alley next to Cornhill, 1664.
ESTC No. R24239.Grub Street ID 108044.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women, and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applied. Also, the young mans objections answered, and the old mans doubts resolved. By Thomas Brooks heretofore preacher of the Gospel at St. Margarets New Fishstreet-hil.
The fifth edition corrected..
London : printed by R.I. for John Hancock, to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head-Ally, next to Cornhill, near the Royal-Exchange, 1664.
ESTC No. R221230.Grub Street ID 95422.
Brooks, Thomas.
A believers last day is his best day. A sermon preached at the funerall of Mris Martha Randoll, at Christs-Church, London, June 28. 1651. By Thomas Brooks, late minister of the Gospel at St. Margarets Fish-street-hill.
London : printed, and are to be sold by John Hancock at the first shop in Popes head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1665.
ESTC No. R37164.Grub Street ID 119409.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women and a crown of glory for old men and women, or, The happiness of being good betimes and the honour of being an old disciple clearly and fully discovered and closely and faithfully applied : also, the young mans objections answered and the old mans doubts resolved / by Thomas Brooks, heretofore preacher of the Gospel at St. Margarets New Fishstreet-hil.
The sixth edition corrected..
London : Printed by R.I. for John Hancock .., 1665.
ESTC No. R35798.Grub Street ID 118159.
Brooks, Thomas.
The privie key of heaven; or, Twenty arguments for closet-prayer: in a select discourse on that subject: with the resolution of several considerable questions: the main objections also against closet-prayer, are here answered; cautions propounded, and the point improved; with several other things of no small importance, in respect of the internal and eternal welfare of the Christian reader. With twenty special lessons (in the epistle dedicatory to some afflicted friends) that we are to learn by that severe rod, the pestilence that now rageth in the midst of us. By Thomas Brooks, minister of the Gospel.
London : printed for, and are to be sold by John Hancock, at the first shop in Popes-head Alley, next to Cornhil, 1665.
ESTC No. R24146.Grub Street ID 107959.
Brooks, Thomas.
A heavenly cordial for all those servants of the Lord that have had the plague (and are recovered) or that now have it; also for those that have escaped it, though their relations and friends have been either visited, or swept away by it. Or, thirteen divine maximes or conclusions in respect of the pestilence, which may be as so many supports, comforts, and refreshing springs, both to the visited and preserved people of God in this present day. Also ten arguments to prove that in times of common calamity, the people of God do stand upon the advantage ground, as to their outward preservation and protection above all other people under heaven. Also eight reasons why some of the precious servants of the Lord have fallen by the pestilence in this day of the Lords anger. By Thomas Brooks, late minister of the Gospel in London.
London : printed for, and are to be sold by John Hancock, at the first shop in Popes-head Alley, next to Cornhill, 1666.
ESTC No. R29135.Grub Street ID 112151.
Brooks, Thomas.
An arke for all Gods Noahs in a gloomy stormy day; or, The best wine reserved till last. Or, The transcendent excellency of a believers portion above all earthly portions whatsoever. Discovered in several sermons, which may be of singular use at all times, but especially in these breaking times, wherein many have, and many daily do break for more than their all, and wherein many thousands are turned out of all, &c. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the gospel at Margarets New-Fish-street, and still preacher of the word in London, and pastor of a congregation there.
London : printed by M[ary]. S[immons]. for John Hancock, at the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, next to Cornhill, 1666.
ESTC No. R225434.Grub Street ID 98610.
Brooks, Thomas.
An arke for all Gods Noahs in a gloomy stormy day; or, The best wine reserved till last. Or, The transcendent excellency of a believers portion above all earthly portions whatsoever: discovered in several sermons, which may be of singular use at all times, but especially in these breaking times, wherein many have, and many daily do break for more than their all, and where[i]n many thousands are turned out of all, &c. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the Gospel at Margarets New Fish-street, and still preacher of the Word in London, and pastor of a congregation there.
London : printed by R.I. for Henry Cripps, at the first entrance into Popes-head Alley, next to Lombard-street, 1666.
ESTC No. R33271.Grub Street ID 115910.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women, hand a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, the happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applied. Also, the young mans objections answered and the old mans doubts resolved. By thomas brooks heretofore preacher of the gospel at St. Margarets New Fishstreet-hil.
The seventh edition corrected..
London : printed by R[obert]. I[bbitson]. for John Hancock, to be sold at his shop in Broad-street, over against the Church, 1667.
ESTC No. R170827.Grub Street ID 65359.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and vvomen, and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applied. Also, the young mans objections answered and the old mans doubts resolved. By Thomas Brooks heretofore preacher of the Gospel at St. Margarets New Fish street-hill.
The eighth edition corrected..
London : printed by W[illiam]. R[awlins]. for J[ohn]. Hancock, to be sold at his shop over-against Gresham-Colledge in Bishops-gate-Street next to the White-Lyon, 1668.
ESTC No. R225412.Grub Street ID 98596.
Brooks, Thomas.
A string of pearls: or, The best things reserved till last. Discovered in a sermon preached in London, June 8, 1657. At the funeral of (that triumphant saint) Mrs. Mary Blake, late wife to (his worthy friend) Mr. Nicholas Blake, merchant: with an elegy on her death. By Thomas Brooks (her much endeared friend, spiritual father, pastor, and brother, in the fellowship of the Gospel, and) preacher of the word at Margarets New-Fish-street.
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at his shops over against the Church in Broadstreet, and over against the Exchange in Bishop's-gate-street, next Great S. Hellen's Gate, 1668.
ESTC No. R37482.Grub Street ID 119713.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women, and [a] crown of glory for old men and women. Or, [T]he happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. [Cl]early and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applyed. Also the young mans objections answered, and the old mans doubts resolved. Thomas Brooks heretofore preacher o[f] the Gospel at St. Margarets New Fish street-hill.
The last edition..
London : printed by W[illiam]. R[awlins]. for J[ohn]. Hancock, to be sold at his shop over-against Gresham-Colledge in Bishops-gate-Street next to the White Lyon, and at the first shop in Popes-Head-Alley, next to Cornhill 1669.
ESTC No. R229480.Grub Street ID 101952.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satan's devices or, Salve for believers and unbelievers sores being a companion for those that are in Christ or out of Christ, that slight or neglect ordinances under a pretence of living above them, that are growing (in spirituals) or decaying, that are tempted or deserted, afflicted or opposed, that have assurance or that want assurance &c. / by Thomas Brooks.
London : Printed by H. Lloyd for John Hancock, 1669.
ESTC No. R27229.Grub Street ID 110415.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian under the smarting rod: with soveraign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, a Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest and sorest tryals and troubles, the saddest and darkest providences and changes; with answers to divers questions and objections that are of greatest importance; all tending to win and work souls to be still, quiet, calm, and silent under all changes that have, or may pass upon them in this world, &c. By Thomas Brooks late preacher of the Word at St. Margarets New Fish-street, London.
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-head Alley, next to Cornhil, 1669.
ESTC No. R29908.Grub Street ID 112820.
Brooks, Thomas.
A cabinet of choice jevvels or, A box of precious ointment. Being a plain discovery of what men are worth for eternity, and how 'tis like to go with them in another world. Here is also a clear and large discovery of the several rounds in Jacob's ladder, that no hypocrite under heaven can climb up to. Here are also such closs, piercing, distinguishing and discovering evidences as will reach and suit those Christians who are highest in grace and spiritual enjoyments; and here are many evidences, which are suited to the capacities and experiences of the weakest Christians in Christ's school: and here Christians may see as in a glass, what a sober use and improvement they ought to make of their evidences for heaven; and how in the use of their gracious evidences they ought to live. First, upon the free grace of God. Secondly, upon the mediatory righteousness of Christ. Thirdly, upon the covenant of grace: with several other points of grand importance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, formerly preacher o.
London : printed and are to be sold by John Hancock at the first shop in Popes-Head-Alley in Cornhil, at the sign of the three Bibles, or at his shop in Bishops-Gate-Street, near great St. Hellins, 1669.
ESTC No. R1926.Grub Street ID 77028.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applyed. Also the young mans objections answered, and the old mans doubts resolved. By Thomas Brooks heretofore preacher of the Gospel at St. Margarets New Fish-Street-hill.
The last edition..
London : printed for J. Hancock, and are to be sold at the sign of three Bibles, being the first shop in Popes-Head Alley, next to Cornhil, 1670.
ESTC No. R214302.Grub Street ID 89606.
Brooks, Thomas.
London's lamentations: or, A serious discourse concerning the late fiery dispensation that turned our (once renowned) city into a ruinous heap. Also the several lessons that are incumbent upon those whose houses have escaped the consuming flames. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the Word at S. Margarets New-Fish-street, where that fatal fire first began that turned London into a ruinous heap.
London : printed for John Hancock and Nathaniel Ponder, and are to be sold at the first shop in Popes-Head-Alley in Cornhil, at the sign of the Three Bibles, or at his shop in Bishopsgate-street, and at the sign of the Peacock in Chancery-lane, 1670.
ESTC No. R24240.Grub Street ID 108046.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satan's devices. Or, Salve for believers and unbelievers sores. Being a companion for those that are in Christ, or out of Christ; that slight or neglect ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in spirituals) or decaying; that are tempted, or deserted; afflicted or opposed; that have assurance, or that want assurance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, formerly a willing servant unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious Gospel of Christ at S. Margarets Fishstreet-hill.
The seventh edition..
London : printed by R. White, for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the Three Bibles, the first shop in Popes-head-Alley, next to Cornhil, 1671.
ESTC No. R229481.Grub Street ID 101953.
Brooks, Thomas.
Anexichniastoi ploutoi to=u Christo=u. = The unsearchable riches of Christ. Or, meat for strong men; and milk for babes. Held forth in XXII. sermons from Ephes. 3. 8. By Thomas Brooks, preacher of the word in London.
The fourth edition corrected and amended..
London : printed for John Hancock, at the first shop in Popes-Head-Alley, next to Cornhil, at the sign of the three Bibles, 1671.
ESTC No. R216300.Grub Street ID 91220.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian under the smarting rod: with soveraign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, a Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest and sorest tryals and troubles, the saddest and darkest providences and changes; with answers to divers questions and objections that are of greatest importance; all tending to win and work souls to be still, quiet, calm, and silent under all changes that have, or may pass upon them in this world, &c. By Thomas Brooks late preacher of the Word at St. Margarets New Fish-street, London.
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head Alley, at the three Bibles, 1671.
ESTC No. R227640.Grub Street ID 100540.
Brooks, Thomas.
A string of pearls: or, The best things reserved till last. Discovered in a sermon preached in London, June 8. 1657. at the funeral of (that triumphant saint) Mrs. Mary Blake, late wife to (his worthy friend) Mr. Nicholas Blake, merchant: with an elegy on her death. By Thomas Brooks (her much endeared friend, spiritual father, pastor, and brother, in the fellowship of the Gospel, and) preacher of the word at Margarets New-Fish-street.
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes-head-alley, at the three Bibles, 1671.
ESTC No. R173086.Grub Street ID 66777.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women. or, the happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applyed. Also The young mans objections answered, and the old mans doubts resolved. By Thomas Brooks heretofore preacher of the gospel at St. Margarets New Fish-Street-hill.
The tenth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the three bibles, being the first shop in Popes-Head Alley, nest to Cornhil, 1672.
ESTC No. R215063.Grub Street ID 90177.
Brooks, Thomas.
Heaven on earth: or A serious discourse touching a well-grounded assurance of mens everlasting happiness and blessedness. Discovering the nature of assurance, the possibility of attaining it, the causes, springs, and degrees of it; with the resolution of several weighty questions. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the Gospel at St. Margarets Fish-street-Hill.
The fifth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, Senior and Junior, and are to be sold at the Three Bibles, being the first shop in Popeshead-Alley next to Cornhill, 1973 [i.e. 1673].
ESTC No. R36379.Grub Street ID 118665.
Brooks, Thomas.
A believers last day, is his best day. A sermon preached at the funeral of Mris Martha Randoll, at Christs Church, London, June 28. 1651. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the Gospel at St. Margarets Fish-street-hill.
London : printed for John Hancock, senior and junior, and are to be sold at the Three Bibles, being the first shop in Popeshead-Alley next to Cornhill, 1673.
ESTC No. R231246.Grub Street ID 103389.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applyed. Also the young mans objections answered, and the old mans doubts resolved. By Thomas Brooks heretofore preacher of the Gospel at St. Margarets New Fish-Street-hill.
The eleventh edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the three Bibles, being the first shop in Popes-Head Alley, next to Cornhil, 1674.
ESTC No. R212681.Grub Street ID 88242.
Brooks, Thomas.
A string of pearls: or, The best things reserved till last. Discovered in a sermon preached in London, June. 8. 1657. At the funeral of (that triumphant saint) Mrs. Mary Blake, late wife to (his worthy friend) Mr. Nicholas Blake, merchant: with an elegy on her death. By Thomas Brooks (her much endeared friend, spiritual father, pastor, and brother, in the fellowship of the Gospel, and) preacher of the Word at Margarets New-Fish-street.
The eighth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at his shop on Popes-head-ally, at the three Bibles, 1674.
ESTC No. R228066.Grub Street ID 100802.
Brooks, Thomas.
A string of pearls: or, The best things reserved till last. Discovered in a sermon preached in London, June 8. 1657. at the funeral of (that triumphant saint Mrs. Mary Bl[a]k[e], late wife to (his worthy friend,) Mr. Nicholas Blake merchant, with an elegy on her death. B Thomas Brooks (her much endeared friend, spiritual father, pastor and brother, in he [sic] fellowship of the Gospel, and) preacher of the word at Margarets New-Fish-street.
The ninth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, and a[r]e to be so[l]d at his shop in Popes-head Alley, at the three Bibles, 1674.
ESTC No. R176636.Grub Street ID 69084.
Brooks, Thomas.
A golden key to open hidden treasures. Or the covenant of grace, and the covenant of redemption, largely opened, handled and improved, with the resolution of many important questions and cases, concerning both the covenants ... The second and last part. By Thomas Brooks.
London : printed for Dorman Newman, at the Kings Arms in the Poultry, and at the Ship and Anchor at the bridg-foot on Southwark-side, 1675.
ESTC No. R176332.Grub Street ID 68911.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mvte Christian under the smarting rod; with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest and sorest trials and troubles, the saddest and darkest providences and changes, with answers to divers questions and objections that are of greatest importance; all tending to win and work souls to be still, quiet, calm and silent under all changes that have, or may pass upon them in this world, &c. The sixth edition corrected. By Thomas Brooks .
London : printed for John Hancock sen. & jun. at the Three Bibles in Popes-Head-alley in Cornhill, 1675.
ESTC No. R170828.Grub Street ID 65360.
Brooks, Thomas.
Paradice opened, or the secreets, mysteries, and rarities of divine love, of infinite wisdom, and of wonderful counsel, laid open to publick view. Also the covenant of grace, and the high and glorious transactions of the Father and the Son in the covenant of redemption opened, and improved at large, with the resolution of divers important questions and cases concerning both covenants. You have further, several singular pleas, that all sincere Christians may safely and groundedly make to those ten scriptures in the Old and New Testament, that speak of the general judgment, and of that particular judgment, that must certainly pass upon them all after death. With some other points of high importance, that tend to the peace, comfort, signal and eminent presence of the Lord with his people in their greatest troubles, deepest distresses, and most deadly dangers Being the second and last part of the Golden Key. By Thomas Brooks, .
London : printed for Dorman Newman, at the King's Arms in the Poultry and at the Ship and Anchor at the Bridg-foot on Southwark-side, 1675.
ESTC No. R11759.Grub Street ID 60014.
Brooks, Thomas.
A golden key to open hidden treasures, or Several great points, that refer to the saints present blessedness, and their future happiness, with the resolution of several important questions. Here you have also the active and passive obedience of Christ vindicated and improved, against men of corrupt minds, &c. ... You have farther eleven serious singular pleas, that all sincere Christians may safely and groundedly make, to those ten Scriptures in the Old and New Testament, that speak of the general judgment, and of that particular judgment, that must certainly pass upon them all immediately after death, ... By Tho. Brooks late preacher of the Gospel, at Margarets-New-Fish-street.
London : printed for Dorman Newman, at the King's-Arms in the Poultrey; and at the Ship and Anchor, at the Bridg-foot, on Southwark side, 1675.
ESTC No. R20167.Grub Street ID 79030.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women. Or, The happiness of being good betimes, and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applyed. Also the young mans objections answered, and the old mans doubts resolved. By Thomas Brooks heretofore preacher of the Gospel at St. Margarets New Fish-Street-hill.
The twelfth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the three Bibles, being the first shop in Popes-Head Alley, next to Cornhil, 1676.
ESTC No. R225411.Grub Street ID 98595.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satan's devices: or, Salve for believers and unbelievers sores. Being a companion for those that are in Christ, or out of Christ; that slight or neglect ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in spirituals) or decaying; that are tempted, or deserted; afflicted or opposed; that have assurance, or that want assurance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, formerly a willing servant unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious Gospel of Christ at St. Margarets Fishstreet-hill.
The eighth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the three Bibles, the first shop in Popes-head Alley, next to Cornhill, 1676.
ESTC No. R224011.Grub Street ID 97740.
Brooks, Thomas.
A string of pearls: or, The best things reserved till last. Discovered in a sermon preached in London, June 8. 1657. at the funeral of (that [sic] triumphant saint Mrs. Mary Blake, late wife to (his worthy friend,) Mr. Nicholas Blake merchant, with an elegy on her death. By Thomas Brooks (her much endeared friend, spiritual father, pastor and brother, in he [sic] fellowship of the Gospel, and) preacher of the word at Margarets New-Fish-street.
The ninth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at his shop in Popes head Alley, at the three Bibles, 1678.
ESTC No. R175609.Grub Street ID 68437.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian under the smarting rod; with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest and sorest trials and troubles, the saddest and darkest providences and changes, with answers to divers questions and objections that are of greatest importance; all tending to win and work souls to be still, quiet, calm and silent under all changes that have, or may pass upon them in this world, &c. The seventh edition, corrected. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the Word at St. Margarets New-Fish-Street, London.
London : printed for John Hancock at the Three Bibles in Popes-Head-Alley in Cornhill, 1679.
ESTC No. R173083.Grub Street ID 66774.
Brooks, Thomas.
The dying ministers last sermon left as a legacy to friends and hearers. With the last sayings of that faithful divine, Mr. Brooks late Minister of the Gospel who was struck with pangs of death in his pulpit, and taken from thence lying in a trance for some time, and coming to himself again, wrote this last sermon for the benefit of all good people, both young and old. With his last prayers, and good and godly exhortations, with his speech he spoke so soon as he came out of his trance. To which is added the Childs duty towards his parents.
London] : printed For J. Conyers in Duck-lane, [1680.
ESTC No. R173082.Grub Street ID 66773.
Brooks, Thomas.
The privie key of heaven; or Twenty arguments for closet-prayer: in a select discourse on that subject: with the resolution of several considerable questions; the main objections also against closet-prayer are here answered; cautions propounded, and the point improved; with several other things of no small importance, in respect of the internal and eternal welfare of the Christian reader. By Thomas Brooks .
London : printed for, and are to be sold by John Hancock ..., 1681.
ESTC No. R173085.Grub Street ID 66776.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satan's devices: or, Salve for believers and unbelievers sores. Being a companion for those that are in Christ or out of Christ, that slight or neglect ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in spirituals) or decaying that are tempted, or deserted; afflicted or opposed; that have assurance, or that want assurance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, formerly a willing servant, unto God, and the faith of his people, in the glorious Gospel of Christ at St. Margarets Fishstreet-hill.
The ninth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the three Bibles over against the Royal-Exchange in Cornhil, MDCLXXXII. [1682].
ESTC No. R212636.Grub Street ID 88200.
Brooks, Thomas.
A string of pearls: or, The best things reserved till last[.] Discovered in a sermon preached in London, June 8. 1657. At [the] funeral of that triumphant [saint] Mrs. Mary Blake, late wife to (his worthy friend) Mr. Nicholas Blake merchant, with an elegy on her death. B Thomas Brooks (her much endeared friend, spiritual father, pastor and brother, in the fellowship of the Gospel, and) preacher of the Word at Margarets New Fish-street.
The tenth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the Three Bibles, over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1684.
ESTC No. R212628.Grub Street ID 88192.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian under the smarting rod: with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest and sorest tryals and troubles, the saddest and darkest providences and changes, with answers to divers questions and objections that are of greatest importance; all tending to win and work souls to be still, quiet, calm, and silent under all changes that have, or may pass upon them in this world, &c. The eighth edition, corrected. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the Word at St. Margaret New-Fish-Street, London.
London : printed for John Hancock, and are to be sold at the Tores Bibles, over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1684.
ESTC No. R173084.Grub Street ID 66775.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women: or, The happiness of being good betimes: and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applyed. Also the young mans objections answered, and the old mans doubts resolved. By Tho. Brooks, heretofore preacher of the gospel at St. Margarets New Fish-street Hill.
The sixteenth edition..
London : printed by J. A[stwood]. for John Hancock near the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1690.
ESTC No. R223962.Grub Street ID 97708.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women: or, The happiness of being good betimes: and the honour of being an old disciple. Clearly and fully discovered, and closely and faithfully applyed. Also the young mans objections answered, and the old mans doubts resolved, by Tho. Brooks, heretofore preacher of the Gospel at St. Margarets New Fish-street Hill.
The seventeenth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock near the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1693.
ESTC No. R26558.Grub Street ID 109857.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian under the smarting rod: with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest and sorest tryals and troubles, the saddest and darkest providences and changes; whith answers to divers questions and objections that are of greatest importance; all tending to win and work souls to be still, quiet, calm and silent under all changes that have or may pass upon them in this world, &c. The ninth edition, corrected. By Thomas Brooks, late preacher of the Word at St. Margarets New-Fish-Street, London.
London : printed for John Hancock, near the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1698.
ESTC No. R30251.Grub Street ID 113134.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women: ... By Tho. Brooks, .
The eighteenth edition..
London : printed by, and for B. Harris, 1701.
ESTC No. T186285.Grub Street ID 222445.
Brooks, Thomas.
A string of pearls: or, the best things reserved till last. Discovered in a sermon preached in London, June 8. 1657. At the funeral of ... Mrs. Mary Blake, ... By Thomas Brooks.
The fourteenth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, and sold by the booksellers of London, 1703.
ESTC No. N25016.Grub Street ID 14364.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satan's devices: or, salve for believers and unbelievers sores being a companion for those that are in Christ or out of Christ, that slight or neglect Ordinances, under a pretence of living above them; that are growing (in Spirituals) or decaying; that are Tempted, or Deserted; Afflicted or opposed; that have Assurance, or that want Assurance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, formerly Preacher at St Margarets Fishstreet-Hill.
The tenth edition..
London : printed for John Hancock, in Castle-Alley near the Royal-Exchange, 1705.
ESTC No. T104504.Grub Street ID 158020.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian under the smarting rod: with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, a Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, ... The tenth edition, corrected. By Thomas Brooks, .
London : printed and sold by James Woodward, 1709.
ESTC No. T170132.Grub Street ID 207869.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women. ... By Tho. Brooks, .
The eighteenth edition..
London : printed by and for Benjamin Harris, 1717.
ESTC No. T190059.Grub Street ID 225309.
Brooks, Thomas.
Heaven on earth: or, a serious discourse touching a well-grounded assurance of mens everlasting happiness and blessedness. ... By Thomas Brooks, ...
Edinburgh: printed by T. Lumisden and J. Robertson, for David Duncan in Caltoun: and sold by Mr. A. Martin and H. Deans in the Parliament-Closs; and by G. Lyon in Dundee, Mr. A. Aitkin in Kirkaldy, and D. Walker in Strathmiglo, 1728.
ESTC No. T166757.Grub Street ID 204915.
Brooks, Thomas.
The silent soul, with soveraign [sic] antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, A Christian with an olive leaf in his mouth, when he is under the greatest afflictions, the sharpest and sorest trials and troubles, the saddest and darkest providences and changes, with answers to divers questions and objections that are of greatest importance; all tending to win and work souls to be still, quiet, calm, and silent under all changes that have, or may pass upon them in this world, &c. By Thomas Brooks, Preacher of the Word at Margarets New-Fish-Street, London, and Pastor of the Church of Christ meeting there. [Two lines from Habakkuk].
Boston: Re-printed for Nicholas Boone, & are to be sold at the Sign of the Bible in Cornhill, 1728.
ESTC No. W3313.Grub Street ID 343691.
Brooks, Thomas.
Afaleu [sic] aru [sic] i bobl jfengc [sic]. A choron gogoniant i hen bobl ... Gan T. Brooks ...
Caerfyrddin: preintiedi gan N. Thomas ac yno ar werth gan Samuel Lewis, [1732].
ESTC No. T164582.Grub Street ID 202858.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian, under the smarting rod: with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents; or, a Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, ... The twelfth edition. By Thomas Brooks, ...
Glasgow: printed by Mr. Alexander Carmichael, James and John Browns, Mris. Brown, and Alexander Miller, in company, 1734.
ESTC No. T170140.Grub Street ID 207876.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satan's devices, or, salve for believers and unbelievers sores. ... By Thomas Brooks.
Glasgow: printed for Archibald Grier, chapman in the parish of Moffat, 1735.
ESTC No. T206544.Grub Street ID 235999.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian, under the smarting rod: with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, a Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, ... The thirteenth edition. By Thomas Brooks, ...
Glasgow: printed by William Duncan, and are to be sold at his shop, 1736.
ESTC No. T170137.Grub Street ID 207872.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian under the smarting rod; with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, a Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, ... The thirteenth edition. By Thomas Brooks, ...
Glasgow-College: printed by Alexander Miller, and are to be sold at his shop, 1738.
ESTC No. T170143.Grub Street ID 207878.
Brooks, Thomas.
An ark for all God's Noahs in a gloomy stormy day; or the best wine reserved till last: ... Discovered in several sermons, ... By Thomas Brooks ...
Glasgow-College: printed by Alex. Millar, and are to be sold in his shop, 1738.
ESTC No. T186310.Grub Street ID 222470.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women: and a crown of glory for old men and women: ... By Thomas Brooks.
[Glasgow]: Glasgow-College printed by Alexander Millar, and are to be sold at his shop, 1738.
ESTC No. N30321.Grub Street ID 19290.
Brooks, Thomas.
The godly man's ark: or city of refuge, in time of trouble. By the Rev. Mr Thomas Brooks.
Newcastle: printed in this present year, [1750?].
ESTC No. T163038.Grub Street ID 201733.
Brooks, Thomas.
The godly man's ark: or, city of refuge, in time of trouble. By the Rev. Mr Thomas Brooks.
Newcastle: printed and sold by J. White, [1750?].
ESTC No. T163040.Grub Street ID 201735.
Brooks, Thomas.
The godly man's ark, or city of refuge, in time of trouble. By the Reverend Mr Thomas Brooks.
Newcastle: printed and sold by John White, [1760?].
ESTC No. T163042.Grub Street ID 201737.
Brooks, Thomas.
A cabinet of choice jewels or, a box of precious ointment. Being a plain discovery of, or, what men are worth for eternity, and how it is like to go with them in another world. Here is also a clear and large discovery of the several pounds in Jacob's ladder, that no hypocrite under heaven can climb up to. Here are also such close. piercing, distinguishing and discovering evidences as will reach and suit those Christians who are highest in grace and spiritual enjoyments; and here are many evidences, which are suited to the capacities and experiences of the weakest Christians in Christ's school: and here Christians may see as in a glass, what a sober use and improvement they ought to make of their evidences for heaven; and how in the use of their gracious evidences they ought to live. First, upon the free grace of God. Secondly, upon the Mediatory righteousness of Christ. Thirdly, upon the covenant of grace: with several other points of grand importance, &c. By Thomas Brooks, Preacher of.
Glasgow: printed for Robert Smith Bookseller at the sign of the gilt Bible, Salt-Mercat, 1762.
ESTC No. T120709.Grub Street ID 171716.
Brooks, Thomas.
A golden key to open hidden treasures, or several great points, that refer to the saints present blessedness, and their future happiness, with the resolution of several important questions. Also, the active and passive obedience of Christ vindicated and improved; against men of corrupt minds, &c. who boldly, in pulpit and press contend against those glorious truths of the gospel. To which is added, Eleven serious singular Pleas, that all sincere Christians may safely and groundedly make, to those ten scriptures in the Old and New Testament, that speak of the general judgment, and of that particular judgment, that must certainly pass upon them all immediately after death. The Godhead and manhood of Christ, is here largely proved, and improved against all gainsayers, by what names and titles soever they are distinguished and known among us. Several things concerning hell, and hellish torments, opened, cleared and improved against all Atheists, and all others that boldly assert, that ther.
Glasgow: printed for Robert Smith Bookseller, at the Sign of the Gilt-Bible, near the Head of the Salt-Mercat, MDCCLXIII. [1763].
ESTC No. T104021.Grub Street ID 157626.
Brooks, Thomas.
An ark for all God's Noahs in a gloomy stormy day; or, the best wine reserved till last: Or, The transcendent Excellency of a Believer's Portion above all earthly portions whatsoever. Discovered in several sermons, which may be of singular Use at all Times, but especially in these breaking Times, wherein many have, and many daily do break for more than their All, and wherein many thousands are turned out of all, &c. By Thomas Brooks late Preacher of the Gospel at Margaret's New Fish-Street.
Glasgow: printed by John Robertson, Salt-Mercat, M,DCC,LXVI. [1766].
ESTC No. T105144.Grub Street ID 158513.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian under the smarting rod: with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, a Christian with an olive-leaf in his mouth, ... The eleventh edition, with a recommendatory preface by the Rev. Mr. Peckwell. By Thomas Brooks, .
London : printed for J. Mathews, and J. French: and sold by Buckland, and Keith, 1776.
ESTC No. T104706.Grub Street ID 158213.
Brooks, Thomas.
A treatise on assurance. By the late Reverend Thomas Brooks, Preacher at St. Mary's Fishstreet-Hill, London.
Edinburgh : printed for, and sold by Æneas Mackay Stationer, Parliament-Square, MDCCLXXVII. [1777].
ESTC No. T103394.Grub Street ID 157021.
Brooks, Thomas.
A treatise on assurance. By the Late Reverend Thomas Brooks, preacher at St. Mary's, Fish-street-hill, London.
A new edition, considerably amended and abriged..
London : Printed for J. Matrews, No. 18, in the Strand; and J. Buckland, No. 58, in Paternoster-Row, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778].
ESTC No. T176617.Grub Street ID 213637.
Brooks, Thomas.
Afalau aur i bobl ifeingc; a choron gogoniant i hen bobl: Neu'r Dedwyddwch o fod yn dda yn Amserol, a'r Anrhydedd o fod yn hen Ddisgybl. Hefyd, Gwrth-Ddadleuon y Gwr isangc wedi eu hatteb; ac Amheuon yr hen Wr wedi eu dattod. Gan T. Brooks, Gynt Gweinidog yr Efengyl yn Llundain.
Mwythig: argraphwyd gan T. Wood, lle gellir cael argraphu pob math o lyfrau Cymraeg wedi eu diwigio yn ofalus, gan Ifan Tomas, 1782.
ESTC No. T137142.Grub Street ID 185209.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian, under the smarting rod: with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: Or, A Christian with an Olive-Leaf in his Mouth, when he is under the greatest Afflictions, the sharpest and forest Trials and Troubles, the saddest and darkest Providences and Changes: With Answers to divers Questions and Objections that are of great Importance: All tending to win and work Souls to be still, quiet, calm, and silent under all Changes that have, or may pass upon them in this World. The fourteenth edition. By Thomas Brooks, Late Preacher of the Word at St. Margaret's New-Fish-Street, London.
Falkirk: printed and sold by Patrick Mair, At his New Printing-Office, in the High Street, opposite to the Cross-Well, M.DCC.LXXXIII. [1783].
ESTC No. T104502.Grub Street ID 158018.
Brooks, Thomas.
Afalau aur i bobl ifeingc; a choron gogoniant i hen bobl: ... Gan T. Brooks, ... Gyd â rhagymadrodd gan y Parch. E. Williams ... Y trydydd argraphiad yn Gymraeg.
Mwythig: argraphwyd gan T. Wood, lle gellir cael argraphu pob math o lyfrau Cymraeg wedi eu diwigio yn ofalus, gan Ifan Tomas, 1783 [1784].
ESTC No. T115774.Grub Street ID 167461.
Brooks, Thomas.
The mute Christian, under the smarting rod: with sovereign antidotes against the most miserable exigents: or, a Christian with an olive leaf in his mouth ... The fifteenth edition. By Mr. Thomas Brooks, ...
Glasgow:: printed by J. Mennons, for George Beaton, 1786.
ESTC No. T170147.Grub Street ID 207882.
Brooks, Thomas.
A cabinet of choice jewels; or, a box of precious ointment. Being a plain discovery of, or, what men are worth for eternity, ... By Thomas Brooks, ...
Glasgow: printed by J. Mennons, for George Beaton, 1786.
ESTC No. N43591.Grub Street ID 29331.
Brooks, Thomas.
Apples of gold for young men and women; and a crown of glory for old men and women. ... By Thomas Brooks.
Glasgow: printed by John Mennons, MDCCIXXXVII [1787].
ESTC No. N42752.Grub Street ID 28819.
Brooks, Thomas.
A treatise upon the covenant of grace; wherein the entail is, first proven. ... To which are added, sixteen sermons, ... explaining and confirming that great doctrine. By Mr. Thomas Brooks, ...
Glasgow: printed for the booksellers, 1793.
ESTC No. N47731.Grub Street ID 32374.
Brooks, Thomas.
Precious remedies against Satans devices; being a companion for Christians of all denominations. To which is added, Impediments to assurance, and the means of removing them. By the late reverend Thomas Brooks preacher at St. Mary's Fish Street Hill, London.
London : sold by J. Davis, at the depository of the Religious Tract Society, 56, Paternoster Row; By J. Nisbet, 21, Berners Street; and by other booksellers, [1799 or later].
ESTC No. R42815.Grub Street ID 123998.