Publications of William Smith

Note: The following printer, bookseller, or publisher lists are works in progress. They are generated from title page imprints and may reproduce false and misleading attributions or contain errors.

What does "printed by" mean? How to read the roles ascribed to people in the imprints.

In terms of the book trades, the lists below are sorted into up to four groups where: the person is designated in the imprint as having a single role:

  1. "printed by x"; or
  2. "sold by x"; or
  3. "printed for x" or "published by x";

or as having multiple roles in combination (which suggests a likelihood that the person is a trade publisher):

  1. "printed and sold by x"; "printed: and sold by x"; "printed for and sold by x"; or "printed by and for x" and so on.

On this last point, trade publishers such as Mary Cooper appeared in imprints as having "printed" or "published" the work, though they did not own the copyright. The lists below reflect only the information on the imprint, except where ESTC provides extra information.

Printers (owners of the type and printing presses, and possibly owners of the copyright) may be identified by the words printed by, but printed by does not universally designate a person who is a printer by trade. Booksellers may be identified by the words sold by, but sold by encompasses a number of roles. Booksellers or individuals who owned the copyright are generally identified by the words printed for, but nothing should be concluded in this regard without further evidence, especially since "printed for" could signify that the named person was a distributor rather than a copyright holder. Trade publishers, who distributed books and pamphlets but did not own the copyright or employ a printer—and were not printers themselves—might be identified by the words printed and sold by. Furthermore, works from this period often display false imprints, whether to evade copyright restrictions, to conceal the name of the copyright holders, or to dupe unwitting customers. Ultimately, one must proceed with caution in using the following lists: designations in the imprints may not reliably reflect the actual trades or roles of the people named, and the formulas used in imprints do not consistently mean the same thing.

David Foxon discussed the "meaning of the imprint" in his Lyell Lecture delivered at Oxford in March 1976, with particular attention to "publishers" in the eighteenth-century context:

The fullest form of an imprint is one which names three people, or groups of people:
     London: printed by X (the printer), for Y (the bookseller who owned the copyright), and sold by Z.
In the eighteenth century the printer's name is rarely given, at least in works printed in London, and the form is more commonly:
     London: printed for Y, and sold by Z.
Very often in this period, and particularly for pamphlets, it is further abbreviated to:
     London: printed and sold by Z.
It is this last form which is my present concern. Z is usually what the eighteenth century called 'a publisher', or one who distributes books and pamphlets without having any other responsibility—he does not own the copyright or employ a printer, or even know the author.

D. F. McKenzie coined the term "trade publisher" for these publishers in his Sandars Lectures, also in 1976, on the grounds that their principal role was to publish on behalf of other members of the book trade (Treadwell 100).

Michael Treadwell cautions that "In this period the imprint 'London: Printed and sold by A.B.' normally means 'Printed at London, and sold by A.B.' and must not be taken to mean that A.B. is a printer in the absence of other evidence." Further, "The imprint 'published by' occurs only rarely in Wing and is almost always associated with the name of a trade publisher" (104). While there are exceptions to the rule, it is "certain," he explains, "that anyone who made a speciality of distributing works for others will show a far higher proportion than normal of imprints in one of the 'sold by' forms" (116), which appear in the imprint as "sold by," "printed and sold by," or "published by" (104). Treadwell gives Walter Kettilby as an example of "a fairly typical copyright-owning bookseller" (106)—his role is almost always designated by the phrase "printed for" on imprints.

A final caution: publisher is a word that should be used with some deliberation. Samuel Johnson defines it simply as "One who puts out a book into the world," but "published by" rarely appears on the imprint until later in the eighteenth century, and then primarily associated with newspapers and pamphlets. Treadwell observes that John Dunton names only five publishers among the 200 binders and booksellers in his autobiographical Life and Errors (1705) wherein he undertakes "to draw the Character of the most Eminent [Stationers] in the Three Kingdoms" (100). Treadwell also remarks, however, that "in law, anyone who offered a work for sale 'published' it. In this sense every work had one or more 'publishers', and every bookseller, mercury, and hawker was a 'publisher'" (114).


  • Terry Belanger, "From Bookseller to Publisher: Changes in the London Book Trade, 1750–1850," in Book Selling and Book Buying. Aspects of the Nineteenth-Century British and North American Book Trade, ed. Richard G. Landon (Chicago: American Library Association, 1978).
  • Bricker, Andrew Benjamin. "Who was 'A. Moore'? The Attribution of Eighteenth-Century Publications with False and Misleading Imprints," in The Papers of the Bibliographical Society of America 110.2 (2016).
  • John Dunton, The Life and Errors of John Dunton (London: Printed for S. Malthus, 1705).
  • John Feather, "The Commerce of Letters: The Study of the Eighteenth-Century Book Trade," Eighteenth-Century Studies 17 (1984).
  • David Foxon, Pope and the Early Eighteenth-Century Book Trade, ed. James McLaverty (Oxford University Press, 1991).
  • Samuel Johnson, Dictionary of the English Language, (printed for J. and P. Knapton; T. and T. Longman; C. Hitch and L. Hawes; A. Millar; and R. and J. Dodsley, 1755).
  • D.F. McKenzie, The London Book Trade in the Later Seventeenth Century (Sandars lectures in bibliography, 1977).
  • Michael Treadwell, "London Trade Publishers 1675–1750," The Library sixth series, vol. 4, no. 2 (1982).

Printed by William Smith

  • Dodsley, Robert. The songs and duetto, in The blind beggar of Bethnal Green; as perform'd by Mr. Lowe, and Mrs. Clive, at the Theatre-Royal, in Drury-Lane. With the favourite songs, sung by Mr. Lowe, in The merchant of Venice, at the said theatre. To which will be added, a collection of new songs and ballads, the words carefully selected from the best poets. Compos'd by Thomas Augustine Arne. . London : printed by William Smith; and sold by the author, [1741?]. ESTC No. N24553. Grub Street ID 13909.


  • Smith, William. Chloris, or The complaint of the passionate despised shepheard. By William Smith. Imprinted at London: By Edm. Bollifant, 1596. ESTC No. S113473. Grub Street ID 133208.
  • Smith, William. Qvi non credit condemnabitvr Marc. 16. Or A discourse prouing, that a man who beleeueth in the Trinity, the Incarnation, the Passion &c. & yet beleeueth not all other inferiour articles of Christian fayth, cannot be saued. And consequently, that both the Catholike, and the Protestant (seeing the one necessarily wanteth true fayth) cannot be saued. Written by William Smith, Priest. At S. Omers: [by the English College Press] for Iohn Heigham, with permission, anno 1625. ESTC No. S124609. Grub Street ID 143959.
  • Smith, William. Severall letters of great importance, and good successe. Lately obtained against the fellowship of Bristow, by Captain William Smith, Captain of His Majesties ship called the Swallow, now in service for the King and Parliament. And likewise the Lord Admiralls design upon Bristoll, and the Navy making ready there under the command of Sir Iohn Pennington. London: printed for Lawrence Blaiklock, at the signe of the Sugar-loafe neare Temple Barre, 1643. ESTC No. R13177. Grub Street ID 61296.
  • Smith, William. A relation and vindication of one William Smith, alias, Dowsing, a souldier in service of the state, against Iohn Wilson, and Captaine Edward Story, his adversaries. Who surreptiously, and maliciously, by false information, obtained a commission of bankrupt against him i his absence. And the wisedome, equitie, and impartiallity of the right honourable Henry, Earl of Kent; Oliver, Earle of Bullingbrooke; and the other commissioners for the custody of the great Seale of England, in calling his adversaries to accompt before them, and righting his wrong. Printed at London: for Iohn Grove, and are to be sold at his shop in Chancery Lane neer the Rolls, 1644. ESTC No. R11897. Grub Street ID 60126.
  • Smith, William. A true and exact relation of the proceedings and victorious successe of the ships in the service of the King and Parliament, which were sent for the reliefe of Ireland, under the command of Captaine Swanley, Admirall: in the taking divers ships in Milford Haven. As also their valorous undertakings (& the wonderfull blessing of God upon them) in the principality of Wales, in taking divers castles, commanders, ammunition, souldiers, and in the totall subduing of the county of Pembroke. Written by Captain William Smith, Vice-admirall in the same voyage. Printed at London: by Richard Cotes, 1644. ESTC No. R13021. Grub Street ID 61152.
  • Smith, William. An exact relation of that famous and notable victorie obtained at Milford-Haven against the Earle of Carbery his forces; by the admirall and vice-admirall of the Irish Seas. The manner of the fight, the taking of the town of Tinby, two ships and foure castles with their ordnance. Also a list of the names of the commanders taken, with six or seven hundred common souldiers now prisoners: with their severall letters and summons sent to the abovesaid towne and castles, and their answers. Written by Captaine William Smith Vice-Admirall and Commander of his Majesties ship the Swallow imployed in that service; and by him presented to the Right Honourable Robert, Earle of Warwick, Lord High Admirall of England. Printed according to order. London: printed by Moses Bell, 25. Iuly 1644. ESTC No. R3730. Grub Street ID 119538.
  • Smith, William. Newes from Smith the Oxford jaylqr [sic]. With the arraignment of Mercurius Aulicus, who is sentenced to stand in the pillory three market dayes, for his notorious libelling against state and kingdome. London: printed for J. B., 1645. ESTC No. R10371. Grub Street ID 58747.
  • Smith, William. The safe vvay to glory, in several exercises of general use. By William Smyth M. Ar. R. of Cotton in Suff. London: printed by Evan Tyler, for Ed. Dod, at the signe of the Gunne, in Ivy Lane, 1656. ESTC No. R209170. Grub Street ID 85389.
  • Smith, William. The lying spirit in the mouth of the false prophet made manifest, who seeks to pervert the right way of the Lord, and openth his mouth against the lord of life, and denies his light within, as appeareth in a book, entituled, The doctrine of the light within, the natural man, leading to eternal life, examined by scripture-light: set forth by H.H. which is owned by Henoch Hovvey, called a Baptist in Lincolne, for whom it is printed, and by him dispersed abroad. Some things therein being here answered in the light of the lord. With the spirits testimony to the true light which every man that cometh into the world is enlightened withall, leading to eternal life, which hath unity with that light and spirit that gave forth the scriptures. Declared in the movings of the Lord for the truths sake, and that all deceit might be made manifest. By one who is a lover o all those who love truth in the inward part. W.S. London,: printed for Thomas Simmons at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1658. ESTC No. R184394. Grub Street ID 73971.
  • Smith, William. The reign of the whore discovered. And her ruine seen. Her merchants the priests examined, and with the Romish Church (their elder sister) compared and found agreeable in many things. And their market places (which was formerly the papists mass-houses, and are now commonly called churches) searched, ... Some queries also for those people that pay tythes, and priests that receive tythes, to consider and answer. And whereas their cry hath been loud against us the people of God called Quakers, that we are Jesuits, and Jesuitical; in tryal they are found false accusers, ... Also the substance of a dispute which was the 15th. day of the 2d. month, called April, 1659. at the Bridge-House in Southwark, between VVilliam Cooper, VVilliam VVhitaker, Thomas VVoodsworth, VVieles, VVatkins, Cradicut, and others who profess themselves ministers of Christ; and som of the people call'd Quakers; ... VVritten in that which gives to see over all the popish train, and Cains race, to the beginning, before . London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R33983. Grub Street ID 116534.
  • Smith, William. A right dividing, or a true discerning, shewing the use of the sword, and how and where it is in its place, and what it is to be laid upon. That that is not so much as a figure, the shadow of a thing, which answereth not the substance, but signifies nothing. And that suc who are come to the life and substance are come to the end of all figures, in whom the figures and shadowes end. Given forth by a Friend of Israels commonwealth, whom by the strangers thereof, is reproachfully called a Quaker. W.S. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R40107. Grub Street ID 121944.
  • Smith, William. The faithful witness: or, A hand of love reached forth, that the blind may be guided, and the scattered gathered. Also, mans sinne and rebellion declared and the long-suffering of the Lord shewed. With a true call unto all people to meet the Lord by speedy repentance, an vvait to yeild him ready obedience, for here is the right way of the Lord open'd. Also the state of professors plainly manifested, wherein they may see how they are erred, and hovv the Serpent hath deceived and betrayed them. With a warning unto all the tender hearted amongst them to arise, and receive the hand of love, that they may no longer abide in darkness, but walk in the way of righteousness, where true rest and peace is enjoyed. Also, truth defended and cleared from the lyes and slanders declared by Ionathan Iohnson of Lincoln, a Baptist in profession. From one who bears no evil will to any man, but wisheth well to all men, and am known to many by the name of William Smith. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R38932. Grub Street ID 120968.
  • Smith, William. The day-spring from on high visiting the world: or Gods salvation revealed, and the work of redemption declared, and the way opened into the everlasting rest. Also the two births discovered, and their several image, and the enmity that is betwixt them. With the lambs appearance in glory, and his power and government exalted. By William Smith. London: printed for Thomas Simmons, at the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1659. ESTC No. R30147. Grub Street ID 113034.
  • Smith, William. Some queries propounded to this professing generation the people called Baptists, or any of the professors upon the earth for them to answer, and heedfully to weigh and consider. [London: printed for M.W., in the year 1659]. ESTC No. R229335. Grub Street ID 101839.
  • Smith, William. The true light shining in England, to give unto all her inhabitants the knowledge of their ways; wherin they may behold things past, and things that are, and thereby come to repentance, and escape that which is to come. Also, something demonstrated concerning the people of God (called Quakers) as to their principle and practice; with what they own, and dare not deny: and also, what they cannot own, nor joyn withall for conscience sake. Published in tender love unto all England's inhabitants, rulers, teachers, and people; that all may see what hath been neglected, and every one in their place may labour to amend it; and they who have any desires after the knowledge of the people of God, as to their principle or practice, or what they own or disown, may here briefly see some things opened, not in many words to please men, but in the power of God, through one who seeks to please God; whose name is, William Smith. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-Spread-Eagle and Windmil, in Martins Le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R10265. Grub Street ID 58654.
  • Smith, William. An holy kiss of peace, sent from the seed of life greeting all the lambs and little ones with a tender salutation. With a few words; entituled, relief sent forth into the camp of Israel. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle and Wind-mill, in Martins Le Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R21311. Grub Street ID 88629.
  • Smith, William. A tender visitation of the Fathers love, to all the elect-children: or An epistle unto the righteous congregations, who in the light are gathered, and are worshippers of the Father in spirit and truth. To be read amongst them in the pure fear of the Lord God, when they are assembled and met together in his name. By William Smith. London : printed, and are sold by Robert Wilson at the sign of the Black-spread Eagle and Windmill, in Martins near Aldersgate, 1660. ESTC No. R2609. Grub Street ID 109445.
  • Smith, William. The morning-watch: or, A spiritual glass opened. Wherein a clear discovery is made of that which lies in darknesse, from whence wars, contentions, and destructions do arise concerning a professed religion. With a few words of tender counsel unto the Pope, prelate, presbyter, Independent & Baptist, &c. That they may all watch to the morning, and in the glass behold themselves, ... By one vvho travels for Israel's freedom, William Smith. London : printed, and are to be sold by Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle and Wind-Mill in Martins near Aldersgate, 1660. ESTC No. R132. Grub Street ID 61321.
  • Smith, William. Sweet oyle poured forth through the horn of salvation, and is freely sent abroad to search the wounded spirits, and to relieve the weak and feeble travellers. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-Spread-Eagle and Windmill in Martins Le-Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R2815. Grub Street ID 111247.
  • Smith, William. Carmen triumphale: or, Englands triumph for her restored libertie. With White-Halls speech to her royal master, Charles the Second King of Great Britain, France and Ireland, also her sad complaint against the pretended Committee of Safety, Rumpers, and the rest of those cruel tyrants, and the unjust judges, who not only defaced and spoiled her stately buildings, but also unjustly condemned her to be sold. With two short panagyricks to the right honourable the city of London, and the University of Cambridge. By William Smith, Gent. London : printed for W. Jones, 1660. ESTC No. R13222. Grub Street ID 61342.
  • Smith, William. A short testimony on the behalf of truths innocency; declared in plainesse and simplicity, being done at the command of the Lord God, that all out of the truth may see their way and proceed no further. VVith a discovery of the national ministry, whose time now is, and is no more. By one who loves truth and rightousnesse, and desires the nations peace, and the good of all people, who amongst many brethren is called a Quaker, but known by the name of William Smith,. London : printed for Thomas Simmons at the signe of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660. ESTC No. R15197. Grub Street ID 63153.
  • Smith, William. To the present authority or heads of the nation of England. This among others is my testimony which for the Lord is given, as well to them that were in authority, as to the suffering seed which hath layen under and suffered hitherto by both those powers. London : printed for Robert Wilson at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle and Windmill in Martins L'Grand, 1660. ESTC No. R8809. Grub Street ID 128945.
  • Smith, William. A short testimony on the behalf of truths innocency, declared in plainness and simplicity, being done at the command of the Lord God, that all out of the truth may see their way and proceed no further. VVith a discovery of the national ministry, whose time now is, and is no more. By one who loves truth and righteousness, and desires the nations peace, and the good of all people, who amongst many brethren is called a Quaker, but known by the name of William Smith. London : printed for Thomas Simmons at the sign of the Bull and Mouth near Aldersgate, 1660. ESTC No. R233082. Grub Street ID 104700.
  • Smith, William. Christendoms call to repentance, who is adulterated, and gone out from the life of her maker, and gone into the spiritual whoredoms, from the life which was among the apostles, which with the light, is seen and made manifest, which now shineth, that comes from the VVord which was in the beginning, before whom all things are bare and naked, and nothing can be hid. By W.S. London : printed for Thomas Simmons, at the signe of the Bull and Mouth, near Aldersgate, 1661. ESTC No. R19004. Grub Street ID 76809.
  • Smith, William. The nevv-creation brought forth, in the holy order of life; wherein the immortal birth is revealed, and the precious pearl, out of the mixture, extracted: declared in the following particulars. Viz. 1. The state of man in the creation. 2. The state of man in the degeneration, and also the serpents working. 3. The state of man in the separation, and also the serpents working. 4. The way and works of man in the separation, and also the serpents working. 5. What it is that doth convince man of evil, and also the serpents working. 6. How man stands in a convinced state, and also the serpents working. 7. How man stands in a converted state, and also the serpents working. 8. The new birth in the regeneration, and also the serpents working. 9. The new creation in the holy order. 10. The way and work of man in the new creation. From one who dearly loveth the creation of God, and patiently waiteth to behold its perfect freedom, William Smith. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black-spread-Eagle and Windmil, in Martins Le Grand, 1661. ESTC No. R2552. Grub Street ID 109081.
  • Smith, William. The cause plainly shewed of the persecution which is now upon the innocent people called Quakers; and here is also a true declaration of their just and honest intentions; and in this all moderate people may see the ground of their sufferings. By William Smith. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the Black-spread-Eagle and Windmill in Martins Le grand, 1661. ESTC No. R16448. Grub Street ID 64296.
  • Smith, William. The banner of love, under which the Royal Army is preserved, and safely conducted. Being a clear and perfect way out of wars & contentions; with a short testimony unto the vvay of peace. Given forth for the edification and comfort of all that truly fear God. Written by the hand of one who bears good will to all men, William Smith. London : printed for Robert Wilson, at the sign of the Black Spread-Eagle and Wind-Mill, in Martins Le Grand, 1661. ESTC No. R3922. Grub Street ID 121154.
  • Smith, William. A Christian life manifested wherein is shewed who they are which follow the lamb in meekness and patience. [London]: Printed for M.W., [1661]. ESTC No. R43758. Grub Street ID 124641.
  • Smith, William. A Christian life manifested, wherein is shewed who they are which follows the Lamb in meekness and patience. W.S. The night of apostacy having overspread the earth, and the darkness of it having covered the people, the wisdome below hath sought out many inventions, and the name of Christians have been taken up from something observed which the wisdome below hath invented; . London: for M. W[estwood]., 1661. ESTC No. R184391. Grub Street ID 73970.
  • Smith, William. A nevv primmer: wherein is demonstrated, the new and living way; held forth by way of question and answer, as from a child's enquiry after truth, to be informed by the father. Here being divers particulars answered, and plainly opened; that may be profitable both in this present age, and ages to come. Published for the benefit of all sorts of people, and may be very serviceable for every family, and of great use for young children to learn in, so soon as they can understand their language, that they in the fear of God may be instructed, and remember their Creator in the days of their youth. For which I travel, enduring affliction for the truths sake, William Smith. London : printed for Robert Wilson, 1662. ESTC No. R43761. Grub Street ID 124643.
  • Smith, William. Something of truth manifested for the travelling birth to peruse and meditate. Man by transgression having lost his first estate of innocencie, simplicitie, and uprightness, he is altogether uncapable of recovering himself, . London : printed for Robert Wilson, 1663. ESTC No. R469100. Grub Street ID 125053.
  • Smith, William. A message from the spirit of truth unto all the world. By William Smith. London : printed for Robert Wilson, in the year, 1663. ESTC No. R28168. Grub Street ID 111259.
  • Smith, William. Liberty of conscience pleaded by several weighty reasons on the behalf of the people of God called Quakers; and also, on the behalf of others whose consciences are tender towards God. With a tender message of love unto the King. Written by William Smith. London : printed, and are to be sold by William Warwick, 1662 [i.e. 1663]. ESTC No. R4178. Grub Street ID 123320.
  • Smith, William. Ingratitude reveng'd, or, A poem upon the happy victory of His Majesties naval forces against the Dutch, June the 3 and 4, 1665 under the auspicious conduct of His Royal Highness James Duke of York, Lord Admiral of England &c. London : Printed by T.J. for Dixy Page, 1665. ESTC No. R26926. Grub Street ID 110166.
  • Smith, William. Ingratitude reveng'd, or, A poem upon the happy victory of His Majesties naval forces against the Dutch; June the 3. and 4. 1665. Under the auspicious conduct of His Royal Highness, James Duke of York, Lord High Admiral of England &c. London : printed by T. J. for Dixy Page, at the Turks-head in Cornhil, near the Royal Exchange, 1665. ESTC No. R184390. Grub Street ID 73969.
  • Smith, William. A poem on the famous ship called the Loyal London. Begun at the charge of the Right Honourable the Lord Mayor, aldermen, and commoners of the city of London, in the year 1665. and lanched June 10. 1666. which they presented to His Majesty as a testimony of their loyalty and dutiful affection; and built at Deptford by Captain Taylor. By William Smith. London : printed for Nath: Brook, at the Angel in Cornhill, 1666. ESTC No. R221515. Grub Street ID 95655.
  • Smith, William. De urbis Londini incendio elegia. Accedit eti`am ad eandem urbem & ad Britanniam Carmen Heroicum. Authore Guilhelmo Smith. Londini : typis G. Godbid prostantque apud Radulphum Needham in vico vulgo vocato Little St. Bartholomews, M.DC.LXVII. [1667]. ESTC No. R13343. Grub Street ID 61451.
  • Smith, William. Poema, in honorem dignissimi Dom. Di. Guilhelmi Turner equitis aurati, urbis Londini praetoris. Londini : excudebat Jacobus Cotterellus, 1669. ESTC No. R221517. Grub Street ID 95657.
  • Smith, William. The unjust mans doom: as examined by the several kinds of Christian justice, and their obligation. With a particular representation of the injustice & danger of partial conformity. By William Smyth, D.D. London : printed by W. Godbid for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops Head in Duck-Lane, 1670. ESTC No. R10096. Grub Street ID 58493.
  • Smith, William. Two sermons preached at two publick assizes for the county of Suffolk, in the sheriffalty of Will. Soame of Hawleigh, in Suffolk, Esq,. By Will. Smyth D.D. Pr. Nor. and vic. of Mendlesham in Suffolk. London : printed by Andr. Clark for Walter Kettilby at the Bishops-head in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1674. ESTC No. R21663. Grub Street ID 91510.
  • Smith, William. Two sermons preached at the Cathedral Church of Norwich. The one upon the 3d of May, being Wednesday in Rogation week. The other upon the 29th day of May, being the solemnization of His Majesties birth and restauration. Published at the desire of the chief magistrates of the city of Norwich. By William Smith, D.D. Preb. London : Printed by J.M. for Walter Kettilby at the sign of the Bishops-head in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1677. ESTC No. R23652. Grub Street ID 107280.
  • Smith, William. Pio, invicto, faelici principi Johanni Poloniae regi, magno duci Lithuaniae, &c. Carmen Panegyricum; quo stupendae illae victoriae a turcis reportatae ordine recitantur. Authore Guilhelmo Smitho, Anglo. Londini : impensis Johannis Gellibrand, bibliopolae Londinensis, 1679. ESTC No. R223753. Grub Street ID 97526.
  • Smith, William. A sermon preached on the fourth Sunday in Lent, in the Cathedral Church of NorwichDT Wherein is represented the great sin and danger of neglecting the Holy Communion. By W. Smyth, D.D. Prebend of Norwich. London : printed for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's-Head, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680. ESTC No. R17812. Grub Street ID 69980.
  • Smith, William. Mr. Smyth's discovery of the Popish sham-plot in Ireland, contrived to correspond with their sham-plot in EnglandDT By which it appears, that it has been the joynt design of the papists in both kingdoms, to make people believe their real plot to be a sham-plot, and their sham-plot a real plot. Necessary for the information of all His Majesties Protestant subjects. London : printed for R. Baldwin, 1681. ESTC No. R16472. Grub Street ID 64315.
  • Smith, William. A just account of the horrid contrivance of John Cupper, and Judith Brown his servant, in poysoning his wife. Who were tryed at the assizes held at Shrewsbury, the 21st. day of July, 1684. Cupper to be hang'd in chains, and Judith Brown to be burnt. Together with their dying confessions. Published by me William Smith, Rector of Bitterley, their minister, to prevent false reports. London : printed for Edward Robinson, bookseller in Ludlow, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R203381. Grub Street ID 80483.
  • Smith, William. A just account of the horrid contrivance of John Cupper, and Judith Brown his servant, in poysoning his wife. Who were tryed at the assizes held at Shrewsbury; Cupper to be hang'd in chains, and Judith Brown to be burnt. Together with their dying confessions. Published b me William Smith, rector of Bitterley, their minister, to prevent false reports. London : printed for Edw. Robinson, bookseller in Ludlow, MDCLXXXIV. [1684]. ESTC No. R212892. Grub Street ID 88432.
  • Smith, William. A full account of the late ship-wreck of the ship called the President: which was cast away in Montz-Bay in Cornwal on the 4th of February last, as it was deliver'd to His Majesty, (both in writing and discourse) by William Smith and John Harshfield, the only persons tha escaped in the said wreck. Together with all the remarkable adventures in the said voyage from their sailing out of the sound of Plimouth, on May-Day, 1682. Particularly their engagement with six pirate-ships at once on the coast of Malabar. The whole relation being taken in private conference wit the said William Smith. London : printed for Randal Taylor, near Stationers Hall, 1684. ESTC No. R13255. Grub Street ID 61369.
  • Smith, William. Intrigues of the Popish Plot laid open: with depositions sworn before the Secretary of State. By William Smith, M.A. late school-master of Islington. London : printed for the author, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, anno Dom. 1685. ESTC No. R4348. Grub Street ID 124455.
  • Smith, William. Contrivances of the fanatical conspirators in carrying on their treasons under the umbrage of the Popish Plot, laid open with depositions sworn before the secretary of state, wherein it most plainly appears, this present horrid rebellion hath been design'd by the republicans many years, and that James the late D. of Monmouth, &c. were long since highly concern'd therein : with some account of Mr. Disney, who was lately apprehended for printing the rebellious traiterous declaration written by a gentleman who was formerly conversant amongst them. London : Printed by the Author, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, Anno Dom. 1685. ESTC No. R41326. Grub Street ID 122973.
  • Smith, William. The mysteries and intrigues of the Popish Plot laid open: with depositions sworn before the Secretary of State. By William Smith, M.A. late school-master of Islington. London : printed for C.W. and are to be sold by Walter Davis in Amen-Corner, M DC LXXXV. [1685]. ESTC No. R204274. Grub Street ID 81262.
  • Smith, William. Contrivances of the fanatical conspirators, in carrying on their treasons under the umbrage of the Popish-plot, laid open: with depositions sworn before the secretary of state. Wherein it most plainly appears, this present horrid rebellion hath been design'd by the republicans many years. And that James the late D. of Monmouth, &c. were long since highly concern'd therein. With some account of Mr. Disney, who was lately apprehended for printing the rebellions traiterous declaration. Written by a gentleman who was formerly coversant amongst them. London : printed for the author, and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, anno Dom. 1685. ESTC No. R184388. Grub Street ID 73967.
  • Smith, William. Augustissimo et invictissimo Principi Jacobo II]0. Angliae, Scotiae, Franciae & Hiberniae Regi, fidei defensori, carmen panegyricum. Londini : impensis authoris, MDCLXXXVI. [1686]. ESTC No. R25768. Grub Street ID 109163.
  • Smith, William. A future world, in which mankind shall survive their mortal durations, demonstrated by rational evidence, from natural and moral arguments against the atheist's pretentions. By William Smyth, D.D. London : printed by T.M. for R. Clavel at the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688. ESTC No. R25769. Grub Street ID 109164.
  • Smith, William. The great salvation in another world, ascertain'd as to faith, and consider'd as to practice. By William Smith, D.D. London : printed for R. Clavel, at the Peacock in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1696. ESTC No. R13254. Grub Street ID 61368.
  • Smith, William. The history of the Holy Jesus. Containing a brief account of the birth and life, ... of Our Blessed Saviour. ... Adorned with cuts. London] : Printed by C. Brown, and T. Norris, for Eben Tracy, at the Three bibles on London-bridge, [1701?. ESTC No. T190033. Grub Street ID 225290.
  • Smith, William. Remarks, upon Mr. George Keiths three sermon[s] preached in May, 1700 upon his turning to the Church of England. By William Smith. London : Printed for the author, 1701. ESTC No. T177368. Grub Street ID 214313.
  • Smith, William. A discourse concerning Baptism: Wherein is shewed, that infants have neither faith, nor right to Baptism. Prov'd by Holy Scripture: testified also by divers authors both antient and modern. Being an answer to a late book of Mr. John Hunt's entituled, Infants faith and right to Baptism. By William Smith. London : [s.n.], Printed in the year 1701. ESTC No. T202450. Grub Street ID 233379.
  • Smith, William. Elixir poylychrestum vindicatum: or, my elixir of many virtues, vindicated from the false aspersions that have been raised against it. ... Also a plain demonstration of the quality of the blood, and with what it abounds. To which is added, some choice receipts ... By William Smith, philo-chymicus. London : printed for the author, 1701. ESTC No. N50760. Grub Street ID 34793.
  • Smith, William. Oratio in qua, inclytæ academiæ marischallanæ abredonensis, nobilissimus parens, illustres mæcenates, ... ad annum M. DC. XCVI. commemorantur. ... à Gulielmo Smith ... Abredeis: excudebat Ioannes Forbesius, Anno Dom., 1702. ESTC No. T134260. Grub Street ID 182925.
  • Smith, William. The unpardonable sin; or the sin against the Holy Ghost discovered ... By William Smith, M.A. London : printed for Eben. Tracy, 1703. ESTC No. T228645. Grub Street ID 248978.
  • Smith, William. The history of the Holy Jesus. Containing a brief account of the birth and life, ... of Our Blessed Saviour; ... To which is added, the lives and deaths of the holy evangelists ... Enlivened with pictures. The third edition corrected. By William Smith, A.M. London : printed for Eben. Tracy, 1705. ESTC No. N33292. Grub Street ID 21778.
  • Smith, William. The unpardonable sin; Or, The sin against the Holy Ghost discovered. Shewing, I. What the sin against the Holy Ghost is. II. How any person may assuredly know whether he is, or has been guilty of this great sin. III. Some motives to perswade sinners speedily to repent, and turn to god; and not to despair of his mercies toward them. With encouragements to sincere tho' doubting Christians, to walk on chearfully in their Chirstian course, till they arrive to eternal happiness. By William Smith, M.A. London : Printed for Eben. Tracy, at the three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1705. ESTC No. T181935. Grub Street ID 218456.
  • Smith, William. The history of the Holy Jesus. Containing a brief account of the birth and life, the Death, Resurrection, and Ascension of Our Blessed Saviour; And of the Prophecies, Predictions, and Prodigies, Relating to him; Recorded both in Holy Writ and other Gentile Authors. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the holy evangelists and Apostles. Collected from the Holy Seriptures, the Writings of the Ancient Futhers, and other Authors of undoubted Verity. Dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Anne. Enlivened with pictures. The fourth edition corrected. By William Smith, A.M. London : printed for Eben. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1707. ESTC No. T118829. Grub Street ID 170311.
  • Smith, William. The history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of those blessed Christians, who were contemporary with, or immediately succeeded the Apostles. ... Collected from sacred writ, ... With pictures of the several ways by which they were put to death ... By William Smith, . London : printed for Eben. Tracy, 1707. ESTC No. T118830. Grub Street ID 170313.
  • Smith, William. The benefit of good instruction. A sermon Preach'd before the Gentlemen Educated at St. Paul's School. On the 26th of January, 1707/8. At the Cathedral Church of St. Paul. By William Smith, M. A. Preacher at St. Clement-Danes. Published at the Request of the Stewards. London : printed by J. Heptinstall, for Robert Pawlet, at the Unicorn in Pater-Noster-Row, 1708. ESTC No. T8333. Grub Street ID 303736.
  • Smith, William. Theses philosophicæ. Quas, propitio summo numine, generosi & ingenui juvenes laureæ magisterialis candidati, in celeberrima academia Marischallana. Universitatis Carolinae Abredonensis, Eruditorum Subjicient examini, ad Diem H. L. Q. S. Sub præsidio Gulielmi Smith P.P. Abredeis: excudebant successores Ioannis Forbesii, Urbis & Universitatis Typographi, 1708. ESTC No. T134246. Grub Street ID 182916.
  • Smith, William. The history of the holy Jesus. Containing a brief account of the birth and life, the death, resurrection, and ascension of our blessed Saviour: and of the prophecies, predictions, and prodigies, relating to him; recorded both in holy writ, and other gentile authors. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the holy evangelists and apostles. Collected from the Holy Scriptures, the Writings of the Ancient Fathers, and other Authors of undoubted Verify. Dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Anne. Enlivened with pictures. The fifth edition corrected. By William Smith, A.M. London : printed for Eben. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1708. ESTC No. N17692. Grub Street ID 7161.
  • Smith, William. The history of the holy Jesus. Containing a brief account of the birth and life, the death, resurrection, and ascension of our blessed Saviour: and of the prophecies, predictions, and prodigies, relating to Him; recorded both in holy writ, and other gentile authors. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the holy Evangelists and apostles. Collected from the Holy Scriptures, the Writings of the Ancient Fathers, and other Authors of undoubted Verity. Dedicated to her majesty Queen Anne. Enlivened with Pictures. The sixth edition corrected. By William Smith. A. M. London : printed for Eben. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1709. ESTC No. T89661. Grub Street ID 309535.
  • Smith, William. The history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of those blessed Christians, who were contemptorary [sic] with, or, immediately succeeded the apostles. As also the most eminent fathers of the primitive church, who professed, and suffered for the Christian faith; for some hundreds of years after the death of our Lord and Saviour. ... By William Smith, . London : printed for Eben. Tracy, 1709. ESTC No. T89664. Grub Street ID 309538.
  • Smith, William. The history of the holy Jesus. Containing a brief account of the birth and life, the death, resurrection, and ascension of our blessed Saviour. And of the prophecies, predictions, and prodigies, relating to Him; recorded both in holy writ, and other gentile authors. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the Holy Evangelists and appostles. ... Dedicated to her majesty Queen Anne. ... The seventh edition corrected. By William Smith, . London : printed for Eben. Tracy, 1711. ESTC No. N66618. Grub Street ID 48325.
  • Smith, William. The history of the holy Jesus. Containing a brief account of the birth and life, the death, resurrection, and ascension of our blessed Saviour: and of the prophecies, predictions, and prodigies, relating to Him; recorded both in holy writ, and other gentile authors. To which is added, The lives and deaths of the holy evangelists and apostles. ... The eighth edition corrected. By William Smith, . London : printed for Eben. Tracy, 1712. ESTC No. N66622. Grub Street ID 48330.
  • Smith, William. The history of the Holy Jesus. Containing a brief account of the birth and life, the death, resurrection, and ascension of Our Blessed Saviour: And of the Prophecies, Predictions, and Prodigies, relating to him; Recorded both in Holy Writ, and other Gentile Authors. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the holy evangelists and apostles. Collected from the Holy Scriptures; the Writings of the Ancient Fathers, and other Authors of undoubted Verity. Dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Anne. Enlivened with Pictures. The ninth edition corrected. By William Smith, A.M. London : printed for Eben. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1713. ESTC No. T119405. Grub Street ID 170829.
  • Smith, William. Dissertatio philosophica, inauguralis de natura spirituum, quam, ... pro gradu magisterii, ... propugnabit Gulielmus Smith ... [Glasgow]: Excudebat Hugo Brown, in academia Glasguensi, 1714. ESTC No. T198885. Grub Street ID 231299.
  • Smith, William. The history of the holy Jesus. Containing, a brief account of the birth and life, the death, resurrection, and ascension of our blessed Saviour: and of the prophecies, predictions, and prodigies, relating to Him; recorded both in holy writ and other gentile authors. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the Holy Evangelists and appostles Collected from the Holy Scriptures; the Writings of the Ancient Fathers, and other Authors of undoubted Verity. Dedicated to her majesty Queen Anne. Enlivened with Pictures. The tenth edition corrected. By William Smith, A. M. London : printed for Eben. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1715. ESTC No. T89663. Grub Street ID 309537.
  • Smith, William. The history of the holy Jesus. Containing a brief account of the birth and life, the death, resurrection, & ascension of our blessed saviour: and of the prophecies, predictions, & prodegies [sic], relating to him; recorded both in holy writ, and other gentile writers. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the holy evangelists and apostles. Collected from the Holy Scriptures; the writings of the ancient fathers, and other authors of undoubted verity. By William Smith, A.M. Boston: Printed by T. Fleet & T. Crump, for Nicholas Buttolph at the lower end of Corn-Hill, 1716. ESTC No. W4668. Grub Street ID 353609.
  • Smith, William. The history of the holy Jesus. Containing, a brief account of the birth and life, the death, resurrection, and ascension of our blessed Saviour: and of the prophecies, predictions, and prodigies, relating to him, recorded both in holy writ, and other gentile authors. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the holy evangelists and apostles. Collected from the Holy Scriptures, the writings of the ancient fathers, and other authors of undoubted verity. Dedicated to her majesty Queen Anne. Enlivened with pictures. The eleventh edition corrected. By William Smith, A.M. London : printed for Eben Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1717. ESTC No. T89662. Grub Street ID 309536.
  • Smith, William. The history of the Holy Jesus, Containing a brief account of the birth and lilf, the death, resurrection, and ascension of Our Blessed Saviour: and of the prophecies, predictions, and prodigies, relating to Him, recorded both in holy writ, and other gentile authors. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the Holy Evangelists and Apostles. Collected from the Holy Scriptures, the writing of the antient fathers, and other authors of undoubted verity. Dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Anne. Enlivened with pictures the twelfth edition corrected. By William Smith, A.M. London : Printed for H. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1718. ESTC No. T186661. Grub Street ID 222802.
  • Smith, William. The works of William Smith M.A. In three parts. I. The history of the life, death, and resurrection and ascension of our blessed Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ; with the lives and deaths of the holy evangelists and apostles. II. The lives, acts, and martyrdoms, of those blessed Christians, who were contemporary with or immediately succeeded the apostles; as also, the most eminent fathers of the primitive church, who professed and suffered for the Christian faith. III. Pious breathings: or, The soul's ascent to the throne of grace; containing forms of devotion, both upon ordinary and extraordinary occasions. With a rational account of all the feasts and fasts observed in the Church of England. Adorned with forty curious cuts. humbly dedicated by the author to Her Most Excellent Majesty, Anne Queen of Great Britain. London : printed for H. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1718. ESTC No. T222598. Grub Street ID 245451.
  • Smith, William. Pious breathings: Or, The soul's ascent to the throne of grace. Being forms of devotion upon all occasions. Ordinary and extraordinary, prayers, meditations, thanksgiving and hymns. ...ed to the use of persons of all ranks and conditions and adapted to their various wants and necessities. To which is added, An explanation of all the feasts and fasts observed in the Church of England. By William Smith, M.A. London : Printed for E. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bride, 1718. ESTC No. T181229. Grub Street ID 217813.
  • Smith, William. The history of the holy Jesus, containing a brief account of the birth and life, the death, resurrection, and ascension of our blessed Saviour: And of the Prophecies, Predictions, and Prodigies, relating to him, Recorded both in Holy Writ, and other Gentile Authors. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the holy Evangelists and Apostles. Collected from the Holy Scriptures, the Writings of the Ancient Fathers, and other Authors of undoubted Verity. Dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Anne. Enlivened with pictures. The thirteenth edition, corrected. By William Smith, A.M. London : printed for H. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London Bridge, 1721. ESTC No. T82744. Grub Street ID 303311.
  • Smith, William. The history of the Holy Jesus, Containing a brief account of the birth, life, death, resurrection, and ascension of Our Blessed Saviour: with a collection of the prophecies, predictions and prodigies, relating to him, recorded both in sacred and prophane writings. To which is added, the lives and deaths of the Holy Evangelius and Apostles. Collected from the Holy Scriptures the writings of the ancient fathers, and other authors of undoubted verity. Dedicated to Her Majesty Queen Anne. Enlivened with pictures. The fourteenth edition, corrected By William Smith, A.M. London : Printed for J. Tracy, at the Three Bibles on London-Bridge, 1724. ESTC No. N8481. Grub Street ID 53385.
  • Smith, William. The history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of the bishops, fathers, and doctors of the primitive Church, who immediately succeeded the Apostles: with an account of the cruel sufferings and tortures they underwent. Adorned with above twenty curious cuts. By William Smith, A. M. Author of the History of the Holy Jesus. London : printed by Edw. Midwinter, at the Looking-glass on London-bridge, [between 1724 and 1729?]. ESTC No. N8542. Grub Street ID 53442.
  • Smith, William. The history of the holy Jesus. Containing, a brief account of the birth and life, the death, resurrection and ascension of our blessed Saviour; and of the prophecies, predictions and prodigies, relating to them: recorded both in holy writ and other gentile authors. To which are added, the lives and deaths of the Holy Evangelists and appostles. Collected from the Holy Scriptures, ... William Smith, ... [Dublin]: London, printed: and, Dublin, reprinted by I. Jackson, [1725?]. ESTC No. N66620. Grub Street ID 48328.
  • Smith, William. The annals of University College. Part I. Proving William of Durham the true founder: ... By William Smith, ... Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by John White, 1728. ESTC No. T193460. Grub Street ID 227593.
  • Smith, William. The annals of University-College. Proving William of Durham the true founder: and answering all their arguments who ascribe it to King Alfred. By William Smith, ... Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by John White, and sold by T. Osborn, London, 1728. ESTC No. T56068. Grub Street ID 282615.
  • Smith, William. A pocket companion for free-masons. Containing I. The history of masonry. ... VIII. A list of the warranted lodges in Ireland, Great Britain, ... Dublin: printed by E. Rider; T. Jones; and J. Pennel, 1735. ESTC No. N40386. Grub Street ID 27400.
  • Smith, William. A pocket companion for free-masons. Deus nobis sol & scutum. Dedicated to the Society. London : Printed and sold by E. Rider in Blackmore-street, near Clare-market, MDCCXXXV. [1735]. ESTC No. T56384. Grub Street ID 282841.
  • Smith, William. The book M: or, masonry triumphant. In two parts. Part I. containing, the history, ... of free masons; ... Part II. containing, the songs usually sung in lodges, ... Newcastle upon Tyne: printed by Leonard Umfreville and Company, 1736. ESTC No. T208326. Grub Street ID 237228.
  • Smith, William. The free mason's pocket companion: ... By W. Smith, . London : printed for John Torbuck, 1736. ESTC No. T56383. Grub Street ID 282840.
  • Smith, William. The new creation brought forth in the holy order of life; wherein the immortal birth is revealed, and the precious pearl, out of the mixture extracted. From one who dearly loveth the creation of God, and patiently waiteth to behold its perfect freedom, William Smith. [Philadelphia?]: Reprinted in the year, 1738. ESTC No. W41454. Grub Street ID 351281.
  • Smith, William. National prosperity or adversity dependent upon the virtuous or vicious state of a nation. A sermon preached in the parish-church of the Holy Trinity, in Chester, on Wednesday, Feb. 4. 1740. ... By William Smith. London : printed for P. Potter, bookseller in Chester, [1740]. ESTC No. T86813. Grub Street ID 306920.
  • Smith, William. A new voyage to Guinea: describing the customs, manners, soil, Climate, Habits, Buildings, Education, Manual Arts, Agriculture, Trade, Employments, Languages, Ranks of Distinction, Habitations, Diversions, Marriages, and whatever else is memorable among the Inhabitants. Likewise, an account of their animals, minerals, &c. With great Variety of entertaining Incidents, worthy of Observation, that happen'd during the Author's Travels in that large Country. Illustrated with Cutts, engrav'd from Drawings taken from the Life. With an alphabetical index. By William Smith, Esq; Appointed by the Royal African Company to survey their Settlements, make Discoveries, &c. London : printed for John Nourse, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, MDDCXLIV [1744]. ESTC No. T59354. Grub Street ID 285370.
  • Smith, William. A new voyage to Guinea: describing the customs, manners, soil, Climate, Habits, Buildings, Education, Manual Arts, Agriculture, Trade, Employments, Languages, Ranks of Distinction, Habitations, Diversions, Marriages, and whatever else is memorable among the Inhabitants. Likewise, an account of their animals, minerals, &c. With great Variety of entertaining Incidents, worthy of Observation, that happen'd during the Author's Travels in that large Country. Illustrated with Cutts, engrav'd from Drawings taken from the Life. With an alphabetical index. By William Smith, Esq; Appointed by the Royal African Company to survey their Settlements, make Discoveries, &c. The second edition.. London : printed for John Nourse, at the Lamb without Temple-Bar, MDDCXLV [1745]. ESTC No. T173478. Grub Street ID 210732.
  • Smith, William. The gospel an actual friend to the liberties of mankind. An assize sermon Preach'd at Lancaster, Before the Honourable Sir Thomas Dennison, Knt. One of the Justices of the King's-Bench, And the Honourable Charles Clarke, Esq. One of the Barons of the Exchequer, On Thursday the 31st Day of July, 1746. By William Smith, A. M. Rector of the Parish of the Holy Trinity in Chester, and Chaplain to the Right Honourable the Earl of Derby. London : printed for William Sandby, at the Ship over-against St. Dunstan's Church, in Fleet-Street, and sold by Thomas Ledsham, Bookseller, in Chester, [1746?]. ESTC No. T35750. Grub Street ID 265809.
  • Smith, William. The deceitful Irishman, and artful cheat; being the whole life and remarkable robberies and forgeries, committed by William Smith, who was executed at Tyburn on Wednesday the 3d of October. Shewing how he was bred at the University, and the artful Tricks he made use of to rob and defraud his Master and several Bankers to the amount of Five Hundred Pounds. Escapes on Board the Surprize Man of War, and is promoted to be Captain's Clark, and as a mark of his Gratitude, robs the Ship of above Two Hundred Pounds in money belonging to the poor Seamen, and a large Quantity of Plate. Likewise a Remarkable Piece of Ingratitude to his Friend who cloath'd him and had him cur'd of a bad Distemper, which Kindness being done him, he cheats his Friend of a large Sum of money, and going under Pretence of thanking the Doctor, claps a Pistol to his Head in his own House in order to rob him, is disappointed, and makes out a mournful Tale whereby he gets more money of the Doctor than by robbing him. With man. London : printed by T. Jones in the Old-Bailey, [1750?]. ESTC No. T121737. Grub Street ID 172495.
  • Smith, William. An authentic account of the life and memoirs of Mr. William Smith, an unfortunate convict, executed at Tyburn, on the 3d of October, 1750, for forgery. In which are inserted some orginal letters, and an ode, never yet published. Also the speech of Great Prelate, to an eminent lady, on her presenting a petition in his behalf. The whole carefully supervised by a gentleman, late of Trinity-College, Dublin, to whom he committed the inspection of all his letters, papers, &c. for the satisfaction of the public. Written by himself. London : printed for J. Jefferies, at the Bible and Crown in Ludgate-Street, and sold at the pamphlet-shops in London and Westminster, 1750. ESTC No. T22764. Grub Street ID 248571.
  • Smith, William. An authentic account of the life and memoirs of Mr. William Smith, an unfortunate convict, executed at Tyburn, on the 3d of October, 1750, for forgery. In which are inserted some orginal letters, and an ode, never yet published. Also The Speech of a Great Prelate, to an Eminent Lady, on her presenting a Petition in his Behalf. The Whole carefully supervised by a Gentleman, late of Trinity-College, Dublin, to whom he committed the Inspection of all his Letters, Papers, &c. for the Satisfaction of the Public. Written by himself. The fourth edition.. London : printed for J. Jefferies, at the Bible and Crown in Ludgate-Street, and sold at the pamphlet-shops in London and Westminster, 1750. ESTC No. N4585. Grub Street ID 30718.
  • Smith, William. A pocket companion for free-masons. Containing I. The history of masonry. ... VIII. A list of the warranted lodges in Ireland, Great Britain, France, ... Dublin: printed and sold by Ebenezer Rider, 1751. ESTC No. N61157. Grub Street ID 44069.
  • Smith, William. The absurdity of an unworking faith and satisfactoriness of a faith like Abrahams which wrought with his works, and by works was perfected. A sermon preached at the Cathedral Church of Norwich, October 13th, 1751. By William Smith, A.M. curate of St. Martins at Palace, and published at the request of several of the hearers. London : Printed for J. Whiston and B. White, in Fleet-street, and J. Carlos, at Norwich, 1751. ESTC No. T18971. Grub Street ID 225079.
  • Smith, William. The christian's encouragement to read the holy scriptures, With Rules and Directions How to do it to the best Advantage, in two discourses. By William Smith, M. A. Curate of St. Martin's at Palace in Norwich. Norwich: printed and sold by William Chase, 1756. ESTC No. T27531. Grub Street ID 259447.
  • Smith, William. The Christian's encouragement to read the holy scriptures, with rules and directions how to do it to the best advantage, in two discourses. By William Smith, ... Norwich: printed and sold by William Chase, 1756. ESTC No. T193977. Grub Street ID 227991.
  • Smith, William. An authentic journal of the expedition to Belleisle, and of the siege of the citadel of Palais. To which is prefixed, a map of Belleisle, ... By William Smith, ... Dublin: printed by H. Saunders, and J. Potts, 1761. ESTC No. N30600. Grub Street ID 19524.
  • Smith, William. An authentic journal of the expedition to Belleisle, and of the siege of the citadel of Palais. To which is prefixed, a Map of Belleisle, divided into Parishes; exhibiting all the Villages, Bays, Rivers, Capes, and Landing Places round that Island. Dedicated to The Right Hon. the Earl of Bute, and The Right Hon. William Pitt, Esq; His Majesty's Secretaries of State. By William Smith, Gent. a Volunteer. London : printed for G. Woodfall, the Corner of Craig's-Court, Charing-Cross; and M. Cooper in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCLXI. [1761]. ESTC No. T99591. Grub Street ID 318693.
  • Smith, William. A pocket companion for free-masons. Containing, I. The history of Masonry. II. The Charges of a Free-Mason, &c. III. General Regulations for the Use of the Lodges in and about the City of Dublin. IV. The Manner of constituting a New Lodge, according to the antient Usage of Masons. V. A Short Charge to be given to a new admitted Brother. VI. A Collection of the Songs of Masons, both Old and New. Vii. Prologues and Epilogues, spoken at the Theatres in Dublin and London, for the Entertainment of Free-Masons. Viii. A list of the warranted lodges in Ireland, Great Britain, France, Spain, Germany, East and West-Indies, &c. Approved of, and Recommended by the Grand Lodge. Deus nobis Sol & Scutum. Belfast: printed by and for James Magee, at the Bible and Crown in Bridge-Street, M,DCC,LXIV. [1764]. ESTC No. N25549. Grub Street ID 14901.
  • Smith, William. Peace and unity recommended: or, a method proposed for compromising the difference, and coalescing the two respective bodies of seceders. In a letter from a burgher-seceder in Glasgow, to an anti-burgher. Published at the Request of some on both Sides. Glasgow: printed and sold by John Bryce and William Smith. at their Shops in the Salt-Mercat; and by the Booksellers in Town and Country, 1766. ESTC No. T197882. Grub Street ID 230782.
  • Smith, William. Peace and unity defended: being a candid review of a pamphlet, intitled, Peace and truth recommended, by John Muckarsie, minister at Kinkell. In a letter to a friend. In which the author's loose principles and unfair representations are detected; the state of the difference between the two bodies of seceders enquired into; and the censures copiously considered. With an account of the agreement between the two parties in America; an enumeration of the doctrinal errors the antiburghers are charged with; and a new plan of accommodation proposed. By William Smith, G.T. Author of Peace and Unity Recommended. Glasgow: printed and sold by William Smith, at his shop, in the foot of the Saltmercat, MDCCLXVI. [1766]. ESTC No. T197883. Grub Street ID 230783.
  • Smith, William. Peace and unity defended: being a candid review of a pamphlet, intitled, Peace and truth recommended, by John Muckarsie, ... In a letter to a friend. ... By William Smith, ... Glasgow: printed and sold by William Smith, 1766. ESTC No. T197884. Grub Street ID 230784.
  • Smith, William. A dissertation upon the nerves; containing an account, I. Of the nature of man. 2. Of The Nature Of Brutes. 3. Of The Nature And Connection Of Soul And Body. 4. Of The Threefold Life Of Man. 5. Of the symptoms, causes and cure of all nervous diseases. By W. Smith, M.D. London : printed for the author; and sold by W. Owen, in Fleet-Street; W. Drummond, at Edinburgh; D. Prince, at Oxford; W. Frederick, at Bath; and C. Pugh, at Hereford, M.DCC.LXVIII. [1768]. ESTC No. T134261. Grub Street ID 182926.
  • Smith, William. A new and general system of physic, in theory and practice. Containing the pharmacopoeias of the Royal Colleges of London and Edinburgh, and many other Simples and Compositions, disposed according to their Nature and Virtues, under different Classes: To each of which is added, A great Variety of useful and elegant Formulae: The Natural, Chymical, and Pharmaceutic History of each Simple and Composition is given; with their Medicinal Virtues, Manner of Operation, and Dose. To the whole is subjoined, an index of diseases and their Remedies, with an Alphabetical Catalogue of all the Simples and Compositions, shewing the Page, Class, Denomination, Part used, and Dose. The whole is collected from and compared with the best medical writers. By William Smith, M.D. London : printed for the author, and sold by W. Owen in Fleet-Street, M.DCC.LXIX. [1769]. ESTC No. N5446. Grub Street ID 38200.
  • Smith, William. The student's vade mecum. Containing an account, I. Of knowledge and its general divisions. ... 7. Of mathematics. ... By William Smith,. London : printed for the author; and sold by W. Owen, 1770. ESTC No. T59352. Grub Street ID 285368.
  • Smith, William. The history of England, from the earliest accounts to the Revolution in 1688. By William Smith, M.D. London : printed for the author; and sold by W. Owen, 1771. ESTC No. T222351. Grub Street ID 245287.
  • Smith, William. The nature and institution of government; containing an account of the feudal and English policy. By William Smith, ... In two volumes. . London : printed for the author; and sold by W. Owen, 1771. ESTC No. T221808. Grub Street ID 244951.
  • Smith, William. Joyful tidings to the begotten of God in all. With a few words of counsel unto Friends concerning marriage. By William Smith. London : re-printed by Mary Hinde, at No 2, in George-Yard, Lombard-Street, 1774. ESTC No. T89670. Grub Street ID 309542.
  • Smith, William. Nature studied with a view to preserve and restore health. Containing An Explanation of the Animal Oeconomy. The Nature and Cause of Diseases and their Cure. The Uncertainty and pernicious Effects of Physic. The Insufficiency of Theory in the Cure of Diseases. Nature proved to be the best Physician. How to continue and restore Health by simple and easy Methods. With an account of a most powerful and safe deobstruent medicine, of great service in many diseases, particularly in Asthma's, Consumptions, King's-Evil, Palsy, and in the worst Kind of Fevers, &c. By William Smith, M.D. London : printed for W. Owen, between the Temple Gates, Fleet-Street, MDCCLXXIV. [1774]. ESTC No. T134254. Grub Street ID 182923.
  • Smith, William. State of the gaols in London, Westminster, and Borough of Southwark. To which is added, an account of the present state of the convicts sentenced to hard labour on board the Justitia upon the River Thames. By William Smith, M.D. London : printed for and sold by J. Bew, No 28, Pater-Noster Row, M.DCC.LXXVI. [1776]. ESTC No. T134248. Grub Street ID 182918.
  • Smith, William. A sure guide in sickness and health, in the choice of food, and use of medicine. Containing an Account I. Of the Primary Material Agents in Nature. II. Of the Animal Oeconomy and Nature of Circulation. Of Animation, wherein it consists. III. The General Causes of Diseases. The Nature, Qualities, and Choice of Food. The Danger of Intemperance in Eating and Drinking, and Advantage of Air, Exercise, and Sleep. Directions how to use the Non-Naturals for the Preservation of Health. IV. Of Nervous Diseases, Epilepsy, Apoplexy, Frenzy, Palsy. Nervous Intermittent, Remittent, and Continued Fevers. V. Of the Gout. VI. Of the Rheumatism. VII. Of the Asthma. VIII. Of a Common Cold, Cattarrh, Hectic Fever and Consumption. IX. Of Fevers and Infection. X. Of Dysenteries. XI. Of the Scurvy and King's-Evil. XII. Of the Leprosy. By William Smith, M.D. London : printed for and sold by J. Bew No 23, Pater-Noster-Row; and J. Walter, Charing-Cross, M.DCC.LXXVI. [1776]. ESTC No. T56381. Grub Street ID 282839.
  • Smith, William. A sure guide in sickness and health, in the choice of food, and use of medicine. ... By William Smith, M.D. Second edition.. London : printed for and sold by J. Bew; and J. Walter, 1776. ESTC No. N37621. Grub Street ID 25584.
  • Smith, William. Mild punishments sound policy: or observations on the laws relative to debtors and felons. With an account of the frauds practised by swindlers, sharpers and others. Also some clauses necessary in any future insolvent act; and a plan for the relief of poor distressed families and others. By William Smith, M.D. London : printed for and sold by J. Bew, 1777. ESTC No. N4480. Grub Street ID 30107.
  • Smith, William. Mild punishments sound policy: or Observations on the laws relative to debtors and felons, with an account of the frauds practised by swindlers, sharpers and others. Also, some clauses necessary in any future insolvent act; and a plan for the relief of poor distressed families and others, the second edition, with an appendix, wherein hard labour, substituted in place of transportation, is elucidated and proved to be sound policy, and profitable to the state. By William Smith, M.D. London : printed and sold by J. Bew, No. 28, Pater-noster Row, MDCCLXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T39355. Grub Street ID 268620.
  • Smith, William. Nine discourses on the beatitudes. By the Rev. William Smith, D.D. Dean of Chester. London : printed for John, Francis, and Charles Rivington, No. 62, St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCLXXXII. [1782]. ESTC No. T89667. Grub Street ID 309541.
  • Smith, William. The history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of those blessed Christians, who were cotemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles. As also the most eminent Fathers of the primitive Church, who professed and suffered for the Christian Faith, for some Hundred of Years after the Death of our Lord and Saviour: collected from sacred Writ, and the Records of Antiquity. With Cuts of the several Ways by which they were put to Death by their bloody Persecutors. And an elegant Frontispiece, representing Christ recommending a Religious Life Collected from the best authors. Manchester: printed by J. Imison, Black Swan-Yard, Smithy-Door, M.DCC.LXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T125942. Grub Street ID 175994.
  • Smith, William. The history of the lives, acts, and martyrdoms of those blessed Christians, who were cotemporary with, or immediately succeeded the apostles. As also the most eminent fathers of the primitive church, who professed and suffered for the Christian Faith, for some Hundred of Years after the Death of our Lord and Saviour: collected from sacred writ, and the records of antiquity. With cuts of the several ways by which they were put to death by their bloody Persecutors. And an elegant Frontispiece, representing Christ recommending a Religious Life. Manchester: printed by J. Imison, Black Swan-Yard, Smithy-Door, M.DCC,LXXXV. [1785]. ESTC No. T105383. Grub Street ID 158697.
  • Smith, William. Joyful tidings to the begotten of God in all. Philadelphia: Printed by Joseph James, Chesnut-Street, M.DCC.LXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. W4669. Grub Street ID 353610.
  • Smith, William. A catalogue of all the neat and genteel household furniture, and manufactured stock in trade, &c. Belonging to the Late Mr. Samuel Hall, cabinet-maker (deceased) at his late dwelling-house and warehouse in Market-Street, near St. James's Market; which will be sold by auction, by William Smith, on the premises, on Thursday next, the 1st of March, 1787, precisely at eleven o'clock, by order of the executrix. To be viewed on Wednesday and till the time of sale, when catalogues may be had at the place of sale, and of Mr. Smith, Mint-Square, Southwark. N.B. at one o'clock the same day, will be put up for sale, the unexpired term of the lease of the dwelling-house and commodious workshops, [...] years unexpired, at a low rent. London]: Geoghegan, printer, at No. 30 in Kent-street, Borough, Southwark, [1787. ESTC No. T232403. Grub Street ID 257514.
  • Smith, William. The poetic works of the Reverend William Smith, D.D. late Dean of Chester: with some account of the life and writings of the author; by Thomas Crane, ... Chester: printed for T. Crane, by P. Broster; and sold by the booksellers in London, 1788. ESTC No. T42694. Grub Street ID 271467.
  • Smith, William. A discourse, at the opening of the convention of clerical and lay-delegates of the church, in the state of Rhode-Island. Delivered in Trinity-Church, Newport, Thursday, the 18th of November, 1790. [Four lines from Psalms] By William Smith, A.M. Rector of Trinity-Church, Newport. Providence: Printed by J. Carter, [1790]. ESTC No. W37958. Grub Street ID 348760.
  • Smith, William. The convict's visitor: or, Penitential offices, (in the antient way of liturgy) consisting of prayers, lessons, and meditations; with suitable devotions before, and at the time of execution. [Four lines from Luke] By William Smith, A.M. Rector of Trinity Church in Newport. Newport (Rhode-Island): Printed by Peter Edes, [1791]. ESTC No. W4663. Grub Street ID 353604.
  • Smith, William. A discourse, delivered before the Grand Lodge of the Most Antient and Honorable Fraternity of Free and Accepted Masons, of the state of Rhode-Island, and Providence-Plantations, in Trinity-Church, Newport, on the 27th of June, 1791. The day by them appointed for celebrating the festival of St. John, the Baptist. [One line from Hebrews] By William Smith, A.M. Rector of Trinity-Church, Newport. Printed at Providence: by Bennett Wheeler, [1791]. ESTC No. W38021. Grub Street ID 348829.
  • Smith, William. A discourse delivered in Christ's Church at Norwich-Landing. in the state of Connecticut, on Wednesday, the 24th day of August, being the day of introducing an organ into that church. By William Smith, A.M. Rector of Trinity Church, Newport, Rhode-Island State. [One line from Psalms]. Norwich [Conn.]: Printed by John Trumbull, M,DCC,XCI. [1791]. ESTC No. W38027. Grub Street ID 348835.
  • Smith, William. Silent submission to the will of God. A funeral sermon, preached at Brentford, February 17th, 1793, on account of the death of Mr. William Aiton, His Majesty's Principal Gardener at Kew, and Published at the Earnest Request of a True Friend. London : printed by T. Gillet, No. 19, Bartholomew Close, Smithfield, 1793. ESTC No. T66485. Grub Street ID 291233.
  • Smith, William. A discourse delivered in St. John's Church, Providence, before the Right Reverend Samuel, Bishop of Connecticut and Rhode-Island, and the clerical and lay delegates of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the State of Rhode-Island, on Wednesday the 31st of July, A.D. 1793, at the ordination of the Rev. John Usher, of Bristol. [Two lines from Luke] By William Smith, A.M. Rector of Trinity Church, Newport. Printed at Providence: by J. Carter, M,DCC,XCIII. [1793]. ESTC No. W38034. Grub Street ID 348843.
  • Smith, William. An attempt to render the pronunciation of the English language more easy to foreigners: being the abridgment of a larger work ... entitled. A dictionary of the English and French languages, ... By William Smith, A.M. London : printed for the author, by T. Gillet; and sold by C. Dilly; W. Brown and T. Kay; and W. Creech, Edinburgh, 1795. ESTC No. T56385. Grub Street ID 282842.
  • Smith, William. A discourse, delivered on the 18th of October, 1797, (being the festival of St. Luke.) In Trinity Church, in New-Haven, before the ecclesiastical convention, of the state of Connecticut; assembled there to witness the consecrating of the Right Rev. Abraham Jarvis, D.D. t the Episcopal Chair of said state; and to recognize him as their ecclesiastical superior. By the Rev. William Smith, D.D. Rector of St. Paul's Church, Norwalk. Newfield [Conn.]: Printed by Lazarus Beach, for the convention, [1798]. ESTC No. W38053. Grub Street ID 348864.
  • Smith, William. A letter from Connecticut to Elder Elias Lee, Anabaptist teacher in the vicinity of Ballstown, state of New-York. [New Haven: s.n, 1799]. ESTC No. W4664. Grub Street ID 353605.
  • Smith, William. The Christmas dispute revived, in a letter from Mr. William Smith, of Norwalk, Conncticut [sic], to Elder Elias Lee, of Ballston, state of New-York, now published with a reply by Mr. Lee. Ballston [N.Y.]: Printed by W. Child for Elder Elias Lee.--A few rods north of the court-house, 1800. ESTC No. W26870. Grub Street ID 336940.
  • Smith, William. This is to caution all persons against printing or publishing any paper or thing whatsoever, relating to the trade or commercial concerns of the house of Smith, Travers, and Kemble, of Swithin's Lane, London; or to the concerns of William Smith, of Park Street, Westminster; or Joseph Travers, of Cannon Street, partners in the said house, without special direction of the said William Smith and Joseph Travers. London] : Printed by March & Teape, Tower-Hill, [1800. ESTC No. T199088. Grub Street ID 231393.