Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God. Pathetically discours'd of, in a letter to a friend. By the Honble R.B. Esq;.
London: printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Anchor in the lower walk in the New Exchange, 1659.
ESTC No. R11830.Grub Street ID 60071.
Boyle, Robert.
New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air, and its effects, (made, for the most part, in a new pneumatical engine) written by way of letter to the Right Honorable Charles Lord Vicount of Dungarvan, eldest son to the Earl of Corke. By the Honorable Robert Boyle Esq;.
Oxford: printed by H: Hall, printer to the University, for Tho: Robinson, 1660.
ESTC No. R19421.Grub Street ID 77066.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the Honble Robert Boyle.
The second edition much corrected..
London : printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Anchor in the lower walk in the New Exchange, 1661 [i.e. 1660].
ESTC No. R209935.Grub Street ID 86151.
Boyle, Robert.
Tentamina quaedam physiologica diversis temporibus & occasionibus conscripta `a Roberto Boyle nobili Anglo, ex Anglico in Latinum sermonem translata.
Londini : impensis H. Herringman, 1661.
ESTC No. R227462.Grub Street ID 100365.
Boyle, Robert.
Certain physiological essays, written at distant times, and on several occasions: by the Honourable Robert Boyle.
London : printed for Henry Herringman at the Anchor in the lower walk in the New-Exchange, 1661.
ESTC No. R10.Grub Street ID 58397.
Boyle, Robert.
Some considerations touching the style of the H. Scriptures. Extracted from several parts of a discourse (concerning divers particulars belonging to the Bible) written divers years since to a friend. By the Honorable Robert Boyle, Esq;.
London : printed for Henry Herringman, at the Anchor in the lower walk in the New-Exchange, M.DCLXI. [1661].
ESTC No. R210150.Grub Street ID 86356.
Boyle, Robert.
Specimen unum atque alterum, e quibus constet, quantoper`e experimenta chymica philosophiae corpuscularis illustrationi inserviant.
Londini : impensis H. Herringman, 1661.
ESTC No. R35782.Grub Street ID 118143.
Boyle, Robert.
The sceptical chymist: or, Chymico-physical doubts & paradoxes, touching the spagyrist's principles commonly call'd hypostatical, [a]s they are wont to be propos'd and defended by the generality of alchymists. Whereunto is præmis'd part of another discourse relating to the same subject. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq;.
London : printed by J. Cadwell for J. Crooke, and are to be sold at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXI. [1661].
ESTC No. R37449.Grub Street ID 119683.
Boyle, Robert.
Nova experimenta physico-mechanica de vi aeris elastica, & ejusdem effectibus, facta maximam partem in nova machina pneumatica, et ad (nepotem suum) nobilissimum Dnum Carolum Vicecomitem de Dungarvan, illustrissimi Comitis de Corke snmmi [sic] regni Hyberniæ thesaurarii filium primo-genitum, literis pridem transmissa. Ab Honoratissimo Dno Roberto Boyle, Armig. Ex Anglico in Latinum noviter conversa.
Oxoniæ: excudebat H. Hall Academiæ typographus, impensis Tho: Robinson, 1661.
ESTC No. R35336.Grub Street ID 117749.
Boyle, Robert.
Tentamina quædam physiologica diversis temporibus & occasionibus conscripta à Roberto Boyle ... ; ex anglico in latinum sermonem translata.
Londini : Impensis H. Herringman, 1661.
ESTC No. R43067.Grub Street ID 124150.
Boyle, Robert.
Chymista scepticvs vel Dubia et paradoxa chymico-physica circa Spagyricorum Principia, vulgo dicta hypostatica, prout proponi & propugnari solent a turba alchimistarum. Cui pars premittitur, alterius cujusdem dissertationis ad idem argumentum spectans. A Roberto Boyle, ex Anglico in Latinum sermonem traducta.
Londini : excudebat J[ames]. C[otrell]. veniuntque apud Johannem Crooke sub signo Navis, in C meterio Divi Pauli, 1662.
ESTC No. R26547.Grub Street ID 109847.
Boyle, Robert.
Nevv experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring of the air, and its effects, (made, for the most part, in a new pneumatical engine) written by way of letter to the Right Honorable Charles Lord Vicount of Dungarvan, eldest son to the Earl of Corke. By the Honorable Robert Boyle Esq;.
Oxford: printed by H. Hall, printer to the University [, and J.G.], for Tho: Robinson, 1662.
ESTC No. R26549.Grub Street ID 109849.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the Honble Robert Boyle.
The third edition much corrected..
London : printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Anchor in the lower walk of the New Exchange, 1663.
ESTC No. R16495.Grub Street ID 64332.
Boyle, Robert.
Some considerations touching the style of the H. Scriptures. Extracted from several parts of a discourse (concerning divers particulars belonging to the Bible) written divers years since to a friend. By the Honorable Robert Boyle, Esq;.
London : printed for Henry Herringman, at the Anchor in the lower walk in the New-Exchange, M.DCLXIII. [1663].
ESTC No. R1650.Grub Street ID 64336.
Boyle, Robert.
Defensio doctrinæ de elatere & gravitate aeris, propositæ a'Dno Rob. Boyle, in novis ipsius physico-mechanicis experimentis, adversus objectiones Francisci Lini. Ubi etiam objectoris Funicularis Hypothesis examinatur, eâque occasione nova quædam experimenta adduntur. Ab autore supra-dictorum experimentorum.
Londini : excudebat J. Redmayne impensis Johannis Crook, apud quem venum dantur ad insigne navis in cometerio Paulino, 1663.
ESTC No. R228313.Grub Street ID 101002.
Boyle, Robert.
Experiments and considerations touching colours. First occasionally written, among some other essays, to a friend; and now suffer'd to come abroad as the beginning of an experimental history of colours. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed for Henry Herringman at the Anchor in the lower walk of the New-Exchange, MDCLXIV. [1664].
ESTC No. R19422.Grub Street ID 77067.
Boyle, Robert.
Some considerations touching the usefulnesse of experimental naturall philosophy. Propos'd in a familiar discourse to a friend, by way of invitation to the study of it, by the Honorable Robert Boyle Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society.
Oxford: printed by Hen: Hall printer to the University, for Ric: Davis, Anno Dom. 1664.
ESTC No. R229459.Grub Street ID 101933.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the Honble Robert Boyle.
The fourth edition much corrected..
London : printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Anchor in the lower walk of the New Exchange, 1665.
ESTC No. R1700.Grub Street ID 64806.
Boyle, Robert.
New experiments and observations touching cold, or An experimental history of cold, begun. To which are added an examen of antiperistasis, and an examen of Mr. Hobs's doctrine about cold. By the Honorable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society. Whereunto is annexed An account of freezing, brought in to the Royal Society, by the learned Dr. C. Merret, a Fellow of it.
London : printed for John Crook, at the sign of the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, MDCLXV. [1665].
ESTC No. R16750.Grub Street ID 64567.
Boyle, Robert.
Experimenta et considerationes de coloribus, primùm ex occasione, inter alias quasdam diatribas, ad amicum scripta, nunc verò in lucem prodire passa, ceu initium historiæ experimentalis de coloribus. A Roberto Boyle nobilie anglo, et Societatis Regiæ membro.
Londini : impensis Henrici Herringman, MDCLXV. [1665].
ESTC No. R223871.Grub Street ID 97629.
Boyle, Robert.
Occasional reflections upon several svbjects. Whereto is premis'd a discourse about such kind of thoughts.
London : printed by W. Wilson for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Anchor in the lower-walk in the New Exchange, Anno Dom. MDCLXV. [1665].
ESTC No. R17345.Grub Street ID 66993.
Boyle, Robert.
Roberti Boyle nobilis Angli Cogitationes de S. Scripturæ stylo: ex Anglico in Latinum traductæ.
Oxoniæ: typis W.H. impensis Ric. Davis, Anno 1665.
ESTC No. R35333.Grub Street ID 117747.
Boyle, Robert.
Hydrostatical paradoxes, made out by new experiments, (for the most part physical and easie.) By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royall Society.
Oxford: printed by William Hall, for Richard Davis, anno Dom. M.DC.LXVI. [1666].
ESTC No. R17464.Grub Street ID 67775.
Boyle, Robert.
The origine of formes and qualities, (according to the corpuscular philosophy,) illustrated by considerations and experiments, (written formerly by way of notes upon an essay about nitre) by the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
Oxford: printed by H. Hall printer to the University, for Ric. Davis, An. Dom. MDCLXVI. [1666].
ESTC No. R18303.Grub Street ID 72934.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the Honble Robert Boyle.
Edinburgh: printed by George Swintoun, and James Glen: and are to be sold at their shops, in the Parliament-Yard, anno Dom. 1667.
ESTC No. R170746.Grub Street ID 65312.
Boyle, Robert.
The origine of formes and qualities, (according to the corpuscular philosophy) illustrated by considerations and experiments. (Written formerly by way of notes upon an essay about nitre.) The second edition, augmented by a discourse of subordinate formes. By the Honourable Robert Boyle Fellow of the Royal Society.
Oxford: printed by H. Hall, printer to the University, for Ric: Davis, MDCLXVII. [1667].
ESTC No. R7614.Grub Street ID 127864.
Boyle, Robert.
Tentamina quaedam physiologica diversis temporibus & occasionibus conscripta `a Roberto Boyle nobili Anglo, cum ejusdem historia fluiditatis et firmitatis. Ex Anglico in Latinum sermonem translata.
Editio nova prioribus correctior..
Londini : impensis H. Herringman, 1667.
ESTC No. R232231.Grub Street ID 104072.
Boyle, Robert.
Tentamina quaedam physiologica diversis temporibus & occasionibus conscripta `a Roberto Boyle nobili Anglo, cum ejusdem historia fluiditatis et firmitatis. Ex Anglico in Latinum sermonem translata.
Editio nova prioribus correctior..
Londini : impensis H. Herringman, 1668.
ESTC No. R203647.Grub Street ID 80742.
Boyle, Robert.
Some considerations touching the style of the H. Scriptures; extracted from several parts of a discourse, concerning divers particulars belonging to the Bible, written divers years since to a friend: by the honourable Robert Boyle, Esq;.
The third edition..
London : printed for Henry Herringman, at the Anchor in the lower walk of the New-Exchange, 1668.
ESTC No. R28528.Grub Street ID 111589.
Boyle, Robert.
Paradoxa hydrostatica novis experimentis (maximam partem physicis ac facilibus) evicta. Authore nobilissimo Roberto Boyle, e Societate Regia. Nuper ex Anglico sermone in Latinum versa.
Oxonii: typis Henrici Hall Academiæ typographi, impensis Ri: Davis, 1669.
ESTC No. R26550.Grub Street ID 109851.
Boyle, Robert.
Origo formarum et qualitatum : juxta philosophiam corpuscularem, considerationibus & experimentis illustrata (ad modum annotationum in tentamen circa nitrum primitus conscripta) / A Roberto Boyle, nobili Anglo, e Societate Regia. Ex Anglio sermone in Latinum traducta.
Oxoniæ: Excudebant A: & L: Lichfield, impensis Ric: Davis, Anno Dom. 1669.
ESTC No. R170745.Grub Street ID 65311.
Boyle, Robert.
Origo formarum et qualitatum : juxta philosophiam corpuscularem, considerationibus & experimentis illustrata (ad modum annotationum in tentamen circa nitrum primitus conscripta) / A Roberto Boyle, nobili Anglo, e Societate Regia. Ex Anglio sermone in Latinum traducta.
Oxoniæ: Excudebant A: & L: Lichfield, impensis Ric: Davis, Anno Dom. 1669.
ESTC No. R234271.Grub Street ID 105625.
Boyle, Robert.
Certain physiological essays and other tracts; written at distant times, and on several occasions. By the honourable Robert Boyle. The second edition. Wherein some of the tracts are enlarged by experiments, and the work is increased by the addition of a discourse about the absolute rest in bodies.
London : printed for Henry Herringman at the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New-Exchange, MDCLXIX. [1669].
ESTC No. R17579.Grub Street ID 68553.
Boyle, Robert.
A continuation of nevv experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring and vveight of the air, and their effects. The I. part. Written by way of letter, to the Right Honourable the Lord Clifford and Dungarvan. VVhereto is annext a short discourse of the atmospheres o consistent bodies. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
Oxford: printed by Henry Hall printer to the University, for Richard Davis, in the year 1669.
ESTC No. R34411.Grub Street ID 116937.
Boyle, Robert.
Occasional reflections upon several subjects. Whereto is premis'd a discourse about such kind of thoughts.
The second edition..
London : printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Anchor in the lower-walk of the New Exchange, 1669.
ESTC No. R28527.Grub Street ID 111588.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the Honourable Robert Boyle.
The fifth edition much corrected..
London : printed for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Anchor in the lower walk of the New Exchange, 1670.
ESTC No. R3228.Grub Street ID 115007.
Boyle, Robert.
Tractatus scripti à Roberto Boyle nobili Anglo, è Societate Regiâ. Ubi 1. Mira aeris (etiam citra calorem) rarefactio detecta. 2. Observata nova circa durationem virtutis elasticæ aeris expansi. 3. Experimenta nova de condensatione aeris, solo frigore facta; ejusque compressione fine machinis. 4. Ejusdem quantitatis aeris rarefacti compressi mirè discrepans extensio.
Londini : impensis Henrici Herringman, ad insigne Anchoræ in Bursa Nova, M. DC. LXX. [1670].
ESTC No. R203663.Grub Street ID 80758.
Boyle, Robert.
Experiments and considerations touching colours. First occasionally written, among some other essays, to a friend; and now suffer'd to come abroad as the beginning of an experimental history of colours. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed for Henry Herringman at the Anchor in the lower-walk of the New-Exchange, M DC LXX. [1670].
ESTC No. R28498.Grub Street ID 111558.
Boyle, Robert.
Three tracts written by the honourable Robert Boyle. Of the temperature of the subterraneall. Temperature of the submarine. Bottom of the sea.Regions.
Oxford: printed by W[illiam]. H[all]. for Ric. Davis, 1671.
ESTC No. R26552.Grub Street ID 109852.
Boyle, Robert.
Tractatus scripti à Roberto Boyle nobili Anglo, è Societate Regiâ. Ubi 1. Mira aëris (etiam citra calorem) rarefactio detecta. 2. Observata nova circa durationem virtutis elasticæ aëris expansi. 3. Experimenta nova de condensatione aëris, solo frigore facta; ejusque compressione, fine machinis. 4. Ejusdem quantitatis aëris rarefacti & compressi mire discrepans extensio. Juxta exemplar impressum.
Londini : impensis Henrici Herringman, ad insigne Anchoræ in Bursa Nova, M. DC. LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R218578.Grub Street ID 93224.
Boyle, Robert.
Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle. Fellow of the R. Society. Of a discovery of the admirable rarefaction of the air. New observations about the duration of the spring of the air. New experiments touching the condensation of the air by meer cold; and its compressio without mechanical engins. The admirably differing extension of the same quantity of air rarefied and compressed.
London : printed by T.N. for Henry Herringman, at the Anchor in the New Exchange, 1671.
ESTC No. R37126.Grub Street ID 119372.
Boyle, Robert.
Tractatus scripti à Roberto Boyle nobili Anglo, è Societate Regiâ. Ubi 1. Mira aeris (etiam citra calorem) rarefactio detecta. 2. Observata nova circa durationem virtutis elasticæ aeris expansi. 3. Experimenta nova de condensatione aeris, solo frigore facta; ejusque compressione, sine machinis. 4. Ejusdem quantitatis äeris rarefacti & compressi mire discrepans extensio.
Londini : impensis Henrici Herringman, ad insigne Anchoræ in Bursa Nova, M. DC. LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R216609.Grub Street ID 91489.
Boyle, Robert.
Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle. About the cosmicall qualities of things. Cosmicall suspitions. The temperature of the subterraneall regions. The temperature of the submarine regions. The bottom of the sea. To which is præfixt, an introduction to the history of particular qualities.
Oxford: printed by W.H. for Ric. Davis, M.DC.LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R3181.Grub Street ID 114569.
Boyle, Robert.
Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle. About the cosmicall qualities of things. Cosmical suspitions. The temperature of the submarine regions. The temperature of the subterraneall regions. The botton of the sea. To which is prefixt an introduction to the history of particular qvalities.
Oxford: printed by W.H. for Ric. Davis, 1671.
ESTC No. R33246.Grub Street ID 115887.
Boyle, Robert.
Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle. About the cosmicall qualities of things. Cosmicall suspitions. The temperature of the subteraneall regions. The temperature of the submarine regions. The bottom of the sea. To which is præfixt, An introduction to the history o particular qvalities.
Oxford: Printed by W.H. for Ric. Davis, M.DC.LXX. [1670, i.e. 1671].
ESTC No. R29050.Grub Street ID 112070.
Boyle, Robert.
Some considerations touching the usefulnesse of experimental naturall philosophy, propos'd in a familiar discourse to a friend by way of invitation to the study of it. The second tome, containing the later section of the second part. By the Honorable Robert Boyle Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society.
Oxford: printed by Henry Hall, printer to the University for Ric. Davis, 1671.
ESTC No. R212093.Grub Street ID 87769.
Boyle, Robert.
Some considerations touching the usefulnesse of experimental natural philosophy. Propos'd in a familiar discourse to a friend, by way of invitation to the study of it. By the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society.
Oxford: printed by Hen: Hall printer to the University, for Ri: Davis, Anno Dom: 1664 [i.e. 1671].
ESTC No. R23467.Grub Street ID 105981.
Boyle, Robert.
An essay about the origine & virtues of gems. Wherein are propos'd and historically illustrated some conjectures about the consistence of the matter of precious stones, and the subjects wherein their chiefest virtues reside. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by William Godbid, and are to be sold by Moses Pitt at the White Hart in Little Britain, 1672.
ESTC No. R18997.Grub Street ID 76802.
Boyle, Robert.
Tractatus de qualitatibus rerum cosmicis. Suspicionibus cosmicis. Temperie regionum sub-marinarum. Temperie regionum sub-terranearum. Fundo maris. Unà cum præmissa introductione ad historiam qualitatum particularium. Quibus in hac editione Latina accessêre. Tractatus tres, observationes de sals edine maris. Dissertatio de motu intestino particularum in quiescentibus solidis. Nova experimenta pneumatica respirationem spectantia. A Roberto Boyle nobili Anglo, è Societate Regia.
Londini : impensis Ric. Davis, Oxon., 1672.
ESTC No. R203669.Grub Street ID 80762.
Boyle, Robert.
Tracts written by the Honourable Robert Boyle, containing new experiments, touching the relation betwixt flame and air. And about explosions. An hydrostatical discourse occasion'd by some objections of Dr. Henry More against some explications of new experiments made by the author of these tracts: to which is annex't, an hydrostatical letter, dilucidating an experiment about a way of weighing water in water. New experiments, of the positive or relative levity of bodies under water. Of the air's spring on bodies under water. About the differing pressure of heavy solid and fluids.
London : printed for Richard Davis, book-seller in Oxon, MDCLXXII. [1672].
ESTC No. R10383.Grub Street ID 58758.
Boyle, Robert.
Exercitatio de origine & viribus gemmarum. In qua proponuntur & historicè illustrantur conjecturæ quædam circa materiæ gemmarum consistentiam, necnon subjecta, quibus præcipuæ earum vires inhærent. Authore Roberto Boyle, nobili Anglo, è Societate Regiâ.
Londini : typis Guilielmi Godbid, & venales prostant apud Mosem Pitt, ad insigne albi Cervi, in vico vulgò vocato Little Britain, 1673.
ESTC No. R26548.Grub Street ID 109848.
Boyle, Robert.
Essays of the strange subtilty determinate nature great efficacy of effluviums. To which are annext New experiments to make fire and flame ponderable. Together with A discovery of the perviousness of glass. Also An essay, about the origine and virtue of gems. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society. To which is added The prodromus to a dissertation concerning solids naturally contained within solids giving an account of the Earth, and its productions. By Nicholas Steno. Englished by H.O.
London : printed by W[illiam]. G[odbid]. for M[oses]. Pitt, at the Angel near the little North Door of St Paul's Church, 1673.
ESTC No. R170743.Grub Street ID 65310.
Boyle, Robert.
Essays of the strange subtilty great efficacy determinate nature of effluviums. To which are annext new experiments to make fire and flame ponderable: together with a discovery of the perviousness of glass. By the Honorable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by W[illiam] G[odbid] for M. Pitt, near the little north door of St Paul's Church, 1673.
ESTC No. R15421.Grub Street ID 63363.
Boyle, Robert.
Tracts written by the honourable Robert Boyle, containing new experiments touching the relation betwixt flame and air. and about explosions : an hydrostatical discourse occasion'd by some objections of Dr. Henry More against some explications of new experiments made by the author of these tracts : to which is annex't, an Hydrostatical letter, dilucidating an experiment about a way of weighing water in water .
London : Printed for Richard Davis .., 1673.
ESTC No. R29898.Grub Street ID 112812.
Boyle, Robert.
Essays of the strange subtilty determinate nature great efficacy of effluviums. To which are annext new experiments to make fire and flame ponderable: together with a discovery of the perviousness of glass. By the Honorable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by W[illiam]. G[odbid]. for M[oses]. Pitt, at the Angel near the little North Door of St. Paul's Church., 1673.
ESTC No. R173031.Grub Street ID 66736.
Boyle, Robert.
Tracts consisting of observations about the saltness of the sea: an account of a statical hygroscope and its uses: together with an appendix about the force of the air's moisture: a fragment about the natural and preternatural state of bodies. By the Honourable Robert Boyle. To all which is premis'd a sceptical dialogue about the positive or privative nature of cold: with some experiments of Mr. Boyl's referr'd to in that discourse. By a member of the Royal Society.
London : printed by E. Flesher for R. Davis bookseller in Oxford, MDCLXXIV. [1674, i.e. 1673].
ESTC No. R17503.Grub Street ID 68029.
Boyle, Robert.
Exercitationes de atmosphæris corporum consistentium; déque mira subtilitate, determinata natura, & insigni VI effluviorum. Subjunctis experimentis novis, ostendentibus, posse partes ignis & flammæ reddi stabiles ponderabilésque. Unà cum detecta penetrabilitate vitri à ponderabilibus partibus flammæ. Authore Rob. Boyle nobili Anglo. Ex Anglico in Latinum sermonem versæ.
Londini : typis Guil. Godbid; impensis Mosis Pitt, ad insigne Angeli in C.miterio D. Pauli, M.DC.LXXIII. [1673].
ESTC No. R35335.Grub Street ID 117748.
Boyle, Robert.
De hypothesis mechanicæ excellentia et fundamentis considerationes quædam amico propositæ. A R. Boyle nobili anglo, e. Societate Regia.
Londini : typis T.N. impensis Henrici Herringman, ad insigne Anchoræ in ambulacro inferiori bursæ novæ, 1674.
ESTC No. R30852.Grub Street ID 113691.
Boyle, Robert.
Tracts: containing I. Suspicions about some hidden qualities of the air; with an appendix touching celestial magnets, and some other particulars. II. Animadversions upon Mr. Hobbes's Problemata de vacuo. III. A discourse of the cause of suction by attraction. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by W[illiam]. G[odbid]. and are to be sold by M. Pitt, at the Angel against the Little North Door of St. Paul's Church, 1675.
ESTC No. R230051.Grub Street ID 102433.
Boyle, Robert.
The excellency of theology, compar'd with natural philosophy, (as both are objects of men's study.) Discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By T. H. R.B. E. Fellow of the Royal Society. To which are annex'd some occasional thoughts about the excellency and grounds of the mechanical hypothesis. By the same author.
London : printed by T.N. for Henry Herringman, at the Anchor in the lower walk of the New Exchange, 1674.
ESTC No. R32857.Grub Street ID 115525.
Boyle, Robert.
Animadversions upon Mr. Hobbes's Problemata de vacuo. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by William Godbid, and are to be sold by Moses Pitt, at the Angel over against the little north door of St. Paul's Church, 1674.
ESTC No. R11777.Grub Street ID 60027.
Boyle, Robert.
Tractatus. In quibus continentur, I. Suspiciones de latentibus quibusdam qualitatibus aeris; una cum appendice de magnetibus coeletsibus, nonnullisque argumentis aliis. II. Animadversiones in D. Hobbesii Problemata de vacuo. III. Dissertatio de causa attractionis per suctionem. Authore Roberto Boyle, nobili Anglo, è Societate Regia. Ex Anglico in Latinum sermonem versi.
Londini : typis Gulielmi Godbid, impensis Mosis Pitt, ad insigne Angeli in C.meterio D. Pauli, 1676.
ESTC No. R203673.Grub Street ID 80765.
Boyle, Robert.
Tracts: containing I. Suspicions about some hidden qualities of the air; with an appendix touching celestial magnets, and some other particulars. II. Animadversions upon Mr. Hobbes's Problemata de vacuo. III. A discourse of the cause of attraction by suction. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by W[illiam]. G[odbid]. and are to be sold by M. Pitt, at the Angel against the Little North Door of St. Paul's Church, 1674.
ESTC No. R17545.Grub Street ID 68336.
Boyle, Robert.
Of the cause of attraction by suction a paradox / by the Honourable Robert Boyle .
London : Printed by William Godbid, and are to be sold by Moses Pitt .., 1674.
ESTC No. R36504.Grub Street ID 118773.
Boyle, Robert.
Some considerations touching the style of the Holy Scriptures; extracted from several parts of a discourse, concerning divers particulars belonging to the Bible, written divers years since to a friend: by the honorable Robert Boyle, Esq;.
The fourth edition..
London : printed by Henry Herringman, at the Anchor in the lower walk of the New-Exchange, 1675.
ESTC No. R27222.Grub Street ID 110410.
Boyle, Robert.
Experiments, notes, &c. about the mechanical origine or production of divers particular qualities: among which is inserted a discourse of the imperfection of the chymist's doctrine of qualities; together with some reflections upon the hypothesis of alcali and acidum. By th honourable Robert Boyle, Esq. Fellow of the R. Society.
London : printed by E. Flesher, for R. Davis bookseller in Oxford, 1675.
ESTC No. R22966.Grub Street ID 102101.
Boyle, Robert.
Experiments, notes, &c. about the mechanical origine or production of divers particular qualities: among which is inserted a discourse of the imperfection of the chymist's doctrine of qualities; together with some reflections upon the hypothesis of alcali and acidum. By th Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the R. Society.
London : printed by E. Flesher for R. Davis bookseller in Oxford, 1676.
ESTC No. R14290.Grub Street ID 62329.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the honourable Robert Boyle.
The sixth edition much corrected..
London] : In the Savoy. Printed by T.N. for Henry Herringman, and are to be sold at his shop at the Anchor in the lower walk of the new-Exchange, MDCLXXVIII. [1678.
ESTC No. R2649.Grub Street ID 109795.
Boyle, Robert.
Of a degradation of gold. Made by an anti-elixir, a strange chymical narative.
London : printed by T[homas]. N[ewcomb]. for Henry Herringman, at the Blew Anchor in the Lower Walk of the New Exchange, 1678.
ESTC No. R25940.Grub Street ID 109308.
Boyle, Robert.
Experimentorum novorum physico-mechanicorum continuatio secunda. In qua experimenta varia tum in aere compresso, tum in factitio, instituta, circa ignem, animalia, &c. Unà cum descriptione machinarum continentur. Authore Roberto Boyleo, nobili Anglo, Regiæ Societatis Socio.
Londini : excudebat Milo Flesher, pro Richardo Davis, bibliopola Oxoniensi, MDCLXXX. [1680].
ESTC No. R37443.Grub Street ID 119677.
Boyle, Robert.
The sceptical chymist: or Chymico-physical doubts & paradoxes, touching the experiments whereby vulgar spagirists are wont to endeavour to evince their salt, sulphur and mercury, to be the true principles of things. To which in this edition are subjoyn'd divers experiments and notes about the producibleness of chymical principles.
Oxford: printed by Henry Hall for Ric. Davis, and B. Took at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1680.
ESTC No. R16310.Grub Street ID 64178.
Boyle, Robert.
Experiments and notes about the producibleness of chymicall principles, being parts of an appendix, design'd to be added to The sceptical chymist. By the authour of that booke.
Oxford: printed by H. Hall for Ric. Davis, 1680.
ESTC No. R16311.Grub Street ID 64179.
Boyle, Robert.
The aerial noctiluca: or Some new phonomena, and a process of a factitious self-shining substance. Imparted in a letter to a friend, living in the country. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by Tho. Snowden, and are to be sold by Nath. Ranew, bookseller in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1680.
ESTC No. R22714.Grub Street ID 100049.
Boyle, Robert.
A discourse of things above reason· Inquiring whether a philosopher should admit there are any such. By a Fellow of the Royal Society· To which are annexed by the publisher (for the affinity of the subjects) some advices about judging of things said to transcend reason. Written by a Fellow of the same Society.
London : printed by E.T. and R.H. for Jonathan Robinson at the Golden Lion in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1681.
ESTC No. R214128.Grub Street ID 89449.
Boyle, Robert.
A discourse of things above reason· Inquiring whether a philosopher should admit there are any such. By a Fellow of the Royal Society· To which are annexed by the publisher (for the affinity of the subjects) some advices about judging of things said to transcend reason. Written by a Fellow of the same Society.
London : printed by E.T. and R.H. for Jonathan Robinson at the Golden Lion in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1681.
ESTC No. R11885.Grub Street ID 60117.
Boyle, Robert.
New experiments, and observations, made upon the icy noctiluca. Imparted in a letter to a friend living in the country. To which is annexed a chymical paradox. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by R.E. for B. Tooke, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1681/2.
ESTC No. R13447.Grub Street ID 61548.
Boyle, Robert.
Noctiluca aeria, sive, Nova quædam phænomena in substantiæ factitæ sive artificialis, sponte lucidæ, productione, observata unà cum adnexo ejusdem substantiæ processa : amico cuidam, cure agenti, epistolicè communicata / authore Roberto Boyleo ... ; ex Anglico in Latinum sermonem traduxit J.W.
Londini : Typis R.E. pro B. Tooke bibliopola .., 1682.
ESTC No. R37446.Grub Street ID 119680.
Boyle, Robert.
Experimenta nova atque observata in glacialem noctilucam facta. Epistolicè amico rure degenti communicata. Quibus adnectitur paradoxon chymicum. Authore Roberto Boyleo, nobili Anglo, regiæ societatis socio.
Londini : typis R.E. pro B. Tooke bibliopola, in C.meterio Paulino, 1682.
ESTC No. R37447.Grub Street ID 119681.
Boyle, Robert.
New experiments physico-mechanical, touching the spring of the air, and its effects, made, for the most part, in a new pneumatical engine, written by way of letter to the Right Honorable Charles Lord Vicount of Dungarvan, eldest son to the Earl of Corke. By the Honorable Robert Boyle Esq;.
The third edition whereunto is added a defence of the author's explication of the experiments, against the objections of Franciscus Linus and, Thomas Hobbs..
London : printed by Miles Flesher for Richard Davis, bookseller in Oxford, MDCLXXXII. [1682].
ESTC No. R23366.Grub Street ID 105133.
Boyle, Robert.
A continuation of new experiments physico-mechanical touching the spring and weight of the air, and their effects. The second part: wherein are contained divers experiments made both in compressed and also factitious air, about fire, animals, &c. Together with a description of the engines wherein they were made. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by Miles Flesher, for Richard Davis, bookseller in Oxford, anno Dom. MDCLXXXII. [1682].
ESTC No. R34412.Grub Street ID 116938.
Boyle, Robert.
New experiments and observations touching cold, or, An experimental history of cold, begun. To which are added an examen of antiperistasis, and an examen of Mr. Hobs's doctrine about cold. Whereunto is annexed An account of freezing, brought in to the Royal Society, by the learned Dr. C. Merret, a Fellow of it. Together with an appendix, containing some promiscuous experiments and observations relating to the precedent history of cold. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed for Richard Davis, bookseller in Oxford, 1683.
ESTC No. R1738.Grub Street ID 67169.
Boyle, Robert.
Apparatus ad historiam naturalem sanguinis humani, ac spiritus praecipu`e ejusdem liquoris. Authore Roberto Boyleo nobili Anglo, regiae Societatis Socio. Pars I. Ex Anglico sermone in Latinum traducebat D.A. M.D.
Londini : impensis Samuelis Smith ad insigne principis, in C& 0156;meterio Divi Pauli, MDCLXXXIV. [1684].
ESTC No. R27173.Grub Street ID 110367.
Boyle, Robert.
Experiments and considerations about the porosity of bodies, in two essays. By the honourable Robert Boyle, fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed for Sam. Smith at the Prince's Arms in S. Pauls Church-Yard, 1684.
ESTC No. R17645.Grub Street ID 68978.
Boyle, Robert.
Debita Deo ab humano intellectu summa veneratio ob sapientiam praesertim ac potentiam. Authore nobili Anglo. S.R.S.
Londini : impensis Richardi Davis bibliopolae Oxoniensis, 1684.
ESTC No. R34377.Grub Street ID 116911.
Boyle, Robert.
Tentamen porologicum sive Ad porositatem corporum tum animalium, tum solidorum, detegendam; authore Rob. Boylio nobili Anglo, Societatis Regiæ Socio.
Londini : impensis Samuelis Smith ad insigne Principis in C.miterio Divi Pauli, M.DC.LXXXIV. [1684].
ESTC No. R34378.Grub Street ID 116912.
Boyle, Robert.
Memoirs for the natural history of humane blood, especially the spirit of that liquor. By the Honourable Robert Boyle Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed for Samuel Smith at the Princes Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1684.
ESTC No. R25280.Grub Street ID 108987.
Boyle, Robert.
Of the reconcileableness of specifick medicines to the corpuscular philosophy. To which is annexed a discourse about the advantages of the use of simple medicines by the Honorable Robert Boyle Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed for Sam. Smith at the Princes Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1685.
ESTC No. R7218.Grub Street ID 127497.
Boyle, Robert.
An essay of the great effects of even languid and unheeded motion. Whereunto is annexed an experimental discourse of some little observed causes of the insalubrity and salubrity of the air and its effects.
London : printed by M. Flesher, for Richard Davis, bookseller in Oxford, 1685.
ESTC No. R170742.Grub Street ID 65309.
Boyle, Robert.
Short memoirs for the natural experimental history of mineral waters. Addressed by way of letter to a friend. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed for Samuel Smith at the Prince's Arms in St. Pauls Church-Yard, 1684/5 [1685].
ESTC No. R15100.Grub Street ID 63065.
Boyle, Robert.
Of the high veneration man's intellect owes to God; peculiarly for his vvisedom and power. By a Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by M.F. for Richard Davis, bookseller in Oxford, 1685.
ESTC No. R10996.Grub Street ID 59321.
Boyle, Robert.
An essay of the great effects of even languid and unheeded motion. Whereunto is annexed an experimental discourse of some little observed causes of the insalubrity and salubrity of the air and its effects. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed by M. Flesher, for Richard Davis, bookseller in Oxford, 1685.
ESTC No. R36503.Grub Street ID 118772.
Boyle, Robert.
De specificorum remediorum cum corpusculari philosophia concordia. Cui accessit dissertatio de varia simplicium medicamentorum utilitate usuque Ex Anglico in latinum sermonem traducebat. D.A. M.D. Authore Roberto Boyleo nobili Anglo Societatis Regiæ Socio.
Londini : impensis Sam. Smith ad insigne Principis in c.meterio D. pauli, 1686.
ESTC No. R203648.Grub Street ID 80743.
Boyle, Robert.
A free enquiry into the vulgarly receiv'd notion of nature; made in an essay, address'd to a friend. By R.B. Fellow of the Royal Society. Imprimatur. Carolus Alston, R.P.D. Hen. Episc. Lond. à sacris, Jan. 29. 1685.
London : printed by H. Clark, for John Taylor at the Globe in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1685/6.
ESTC No. R11778.Grub Street ID 60028.
Boyle, Robert.
De ipsa natura, sive libera in receptam naturae notionem disquisitio ad amicum. Authore R.B. nobili Anglo Societatis Regiae socio. Ex Anglico sermone in Latinum traducebat, D.A. M.D.
Londini : typis H[enry]. Clark, impensis Johannis Taylor, ad insigne Globi in C meterio Pauli, MDCLXXXVII. [1687].
ESTC No. R27219.Grub Street ID 110406.
Boyle, Robert.
Reasons why a Protestant should not turn papist: or, Protestant prejudices against the Roman Catholic religion; propos'd, in a letter to a Romish priest. By a person of quality.
London : Printed by H. Clark, for John Taylor at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1687.
ESTC No. R1600.Grub Street ID 63890.
Boyle, Robert.
The martyrdom of Theodora, and of Didymus. By a person of honour.
London : printed by H. Clark, for John Taylor at the Ship in St. Paul's Churchyard, 1687.
ESTC No. R221186.Grub Street ID 95382.
Boyle, Robert.
The martyrdom of Theodora, and of Didymus. By a person of honour.
London : printed by H. Clark, for John Taylor at the Ship, and Christopher Skegnes at the Golden Ball, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1687.
ESTC No. R2732.Grub Street ID 110499.
Boyle, Robert.
Good and solid reasons why a Protestant should not turn papist: or, Protestant prejudices against the Roman Catholick religion; propos'd in a letter to a Romish priest. By a person of quality.
The third edition..
London : printed by H.C. for John Taylor, at the Ship in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1688.
ESTC No. R1007.Grub Street ID 58466.
Boyle, Robert.
A disquisition about the final causes of natural things: wherein it is inquir'd, whether, and (if at all) with what cautions, a naturalist should admit them? By T.H. R.B. Fellow of the Royal Society. To which are subjoyn'd, by way of appendix some uncommon observations about vitiated sight. By the same author.
London : printed by H.C. for John Taylor, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688.
ESTC No. R231094.Grub Street ID 103278.
Boyle, Robert.
De ipsa natura, sive libera in receptam naturæ notionem disquisitio ad amicum. Authore R.B. Nobili Anglo Societatis Regieæ socio. Ex Anglico sermone in Latinum traducebat, D.A.M.D.
Londini : typis H[enry]. Clark, impensis Johannis Taylor; ad insigne Globi in C& 0156;meterio Divi Pauli, MDCLXXXVIII [1688].
ESTC No. R35780.Grub Street ID 118141.
Boyle, Robert.
A disquisition about the final causes of natural things: wherein it is inquir'd, whether, and (if at all) with what cautions, a naturalist should admit them? By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; To which are subjoyn'd, by way of appendix, some uncommon observations about vitiated sight. By the same author.
London : printed by H.C. for John Taylor, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688.
ESTC No. R11832.Grub Street ID 60073.
Boyle, Robert.
Reasons why a Protestant should not turn Papist: or, Protestant prejudices against the Roman Catholick religion; propos'd in a letter to a Romish priest, by a person of quality.
The third edition..
London : printed by H[enry]. C[lark]. for John Taylor, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1688.
ESTC No. R173034.Grub Street ID 66739.
Boyle, Robert.
The Christian virtuoso: shewing, that by being addicted to experimental philosophy, a man is rather assisted, than indisposed, to be a good Christian. The first part. By T.H.R.B. Fellow of the Royal Society. To which are subjoyn'd, I. A discourse about the distinction, that represents some things as above reason, but not contrary to reason. II. The first chapters of a discourse, entituled, Greatness of mind promoted by Christianity. By the same author.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edw. Jones, for John Taylor at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1690.
ESTC No. R216289.Grub Street ID 91210.
Boyle, Robert.
An essay of the great effects of even languid and unheeded motion. Whereunto is annexed an experimental discourse of some little observed causes of the insalubrity and salubrity of the air and its effects. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : sold by Sam. Smith at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690.
ESTC No. R11210.Grub Street ID 59520.
Boyle, Robert.
Experiments, notes, &c. about the mechanical origine or production of divers particular qualities: among which is inserted a discourse of the inperfection of the chymist's doctrine of qualities; together with some reflections upon the hypothesis of alcali and acidum. By th Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society.
The second edition..
London : printed, and sold by Sam. Smith, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1690.
ESTC No. R173032.Grub Street ID 66737.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicina hydrostatica: or, Hydrostaticks applyed to the materia medica. Shewing, how by the weight that divers bodies, us'd in physick, have in water; one may discover whether they be genuine or adulterate. To which is subjoyn'd, a previous hydrostatical way of estimating ores. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed for Samuel Smith at the sign of the Princes Arms, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690.
ESTC No. R17502.Grub Street ID 68020.
Boyle, Robert.
Tracts consisting of observations about the saltness of the sea: an account of a statical hygroscope and its uses: together with an appendix about the force of the air's moisture: a fragment about the natural and preternatural state of bodies. By the honourable Robert Boyle. To all which is premis'd a sceptical dialogue about the positive or privative nature of cold: with some experiments of Mr. Boyle's referr'd to in that discourse. By a member of the Royal Society.
The second edition..
London : sold by S[amuel]. Smith at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1690.
ESTC No. R173037.Grub Street ID 66741.
Boyle, Robert.
The Christian virtuoso: shewing, that by being addicted to experimental philosophy, a man is rather assisted, than indisposed to be a good Christian. The first part. By T. H. R.B. Fellow of the Royal Society. To which are subjoyn'd, I. a discourse about the distinction, that represents some things as above reason, but not contrary to reason. II. The first chapters of a discourse, entituled, Greatness of mind promoted by Christianity. By the same author.
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edw. Jones, for John Taylor at the Ship, and John Wyat at the Golden-Lion, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1690. [i.e. 1691.
ESTC No. R19536.Grub Street ID 77129.
Boyle, Robert.
Experimenta & observationes physicæ: wherein are briefly treated of several subjects relating to natural philosophy in an experimental way. To which is added, a small collection of strange reports, in two parts. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed for John Taylor at the Ship, and John Wyat at the Rose in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCXCI. [1691].
ESTC No. R19615.Grub Street ID 77194.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God. Pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the Honourable Robert Boyle.
The seventh edition much corrected..
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edw. Jones, for Henry Herringman, and sold by John Taylor, at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1692.
ESTC No. R219416.Grub Street ID 93952.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicinal experiments; or, A collection of choice remedies, for the most part simple, and easily prepared. By the Honorable R. Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society.
London : printed for Sam. Smith, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1692.
ESTC No. R954.Grub Street ID 129616.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God. Pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the Honourable Robert Boyle.
The seventh edition much corrected..
In the Savoy [London] : printed by Edw. Jones, for Henry Herringman, and sold by Francis Saunders, at the Anchor in the New-Exchange in the Strand, 1692.
ESTC No. R35781.Grub Street ID 118142.
Boyle, Robert.
General heads for the natural history of a country, great or small; drawn out for the use of travellers and navigators. Imparted by the late Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. Ordered to be published in his life-time, at the request of some curious persons. To which is added, other directions for navigators, etc. with particular observations of the most noted countries in the world: by another hand.
London : printed for John Taylor at the Ship in S. Paul's Church-yard, and S. Holford, at the Crown in the Pall Mall, 1692.
ESTC No. R16299.Grub Street ID 64166.
Boyle, Robert.
The general history of the air, designed and begun by the Honble Robert Boyle Esq. Imprimatur. June 29. 1692. Robert Southwell, P.R.S.
London : printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-Row, near Amen-Corner, MDCXCII. [1692].
ESTC No. R11260.Grub Street ID 59567.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicinal experiments: or, A collection of choice and safe remedies, for the most part simple, and easily prepared: useful in families, and very serviceable to country people. By the honourable R. Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. To which is annexed a catalogue of his theological and philosophical books and tracts.
The second edition..
London : printed for Sam. Smith, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1692 [-1693].
ESTC No. R173033.Grub Street ID 66738.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God. Pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the honourable Robert Boyle.
The seventh edition much corrected..
London] In the Savoy : printed by Edw. Jones, for Henry Herringman, and sold by Thomas Horn in the Piazza under the Royal Exchange, 1692.
ESTC No. R173035.Grub Street ID 66740.
Boyle, Robert.
Experimenta, observationes, &c. circa mechanicam variarum particularium qualitatum originem sive productionem. Accessit tractatus, quo chymistarum de qualitatibus doctrinæ imperfectio detegitur. Necnon quædam in hypothesin de alcali & acido animadversiones. Authore Roberto Boylæo armigero, Regiæ Societatis Socio.
Londini : impensis Samuelis Smith ad insignia Principis in C.miterio D. Pauli, M.DC.XCII. [1692].
ESTC No. R28497.Grub Street ID 111557.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God. Pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the honourable Robert Boyle.
The seventh edition much corrected..
London] In the Savoy : printed by Edw. Jones, for Henry Herringman, and sold by Thomas Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church yard, 1692.
ESTC No. R28529.Grub Street ID 111590.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God. Pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the Honourable Robert Boyle.
The seventh edition..
London : printed for Francis Saunders, at the Blue Anchor in the Lower-Walk of the New-Exchange, in the Strand, 1693.
ESTC No. R232832.Grub Street ID 104477.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicinal experiments: or, A collection of choice and safe remedies, for the most part simple, and easily prepared: useful in families, and very serviceable to country people. By the Honourable R. Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. To which is annexed a catalogue of his theological and philosophical books and tracts.
The second edition..
London : printed for Sam. Smith [and B. Walford], at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1693.
ESTC No. R10015.Grub Street ID 58413.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicinal experiments: or, A collection of choice remedies, chiefly simple, and easily prepared: useful in families, and fitted for the service of country people. By the Honourable R. Boyle Esq; late Fellow of the Royal Society. The third and last volume. Published from the author's original manuscripts. Whereunto is added, several other useful notes explicatory of the same.
London : printed for J. Taylor, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1694.
ESTC No. R1739.Grub Street ID 67249.
Boyle, Robert.
A free discourse against customary swearing. And a dissuasive from cursing. By the late Honourable Robert Boyle. Published by John Williams, D.D.
London : printed by R.R. for Thomas Cockerill, Senr and Junr, at the Three Legs in the Poultrey, over-against Stocks-Market, MDCXCV. [1695].
ESTC No. R27221.Grub Street ID 110409.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicinal experiments: or, A collection of choice and safe remedies, for the most part simple and easily prepared: very useful in families, and fitted for the service of country people. By the Honourable R. Boyle, Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. The first and second volumes. Containing about four hundred choice receipts.
The third edition..
London : printed for Samuel Smith, and B. Walford, printers to the Royal Society at the Prince's Armes in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1696.
ESTC No. R1699.Grub Street ID 64797.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicinal experiments: or, A collection of choice remedies, chiefly simple, and easily prepared: useful in families, and fitted for the service of country people. By the honourable R. Boyle esq; late Fellow of the Royal Society· The third and last volume. Published from th author's original manuscripts. The third edition corrected. Whereunto is added, several other useful notes explicatory of the same.
London : printed for J. Taylor, at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1698.
ESTC No. R31627.Grub Street ID 114409.
Boyle, Robert.
The works of the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq. epitomiz'd. ... By Richard Boulton, of Brazen-Nose College in Oxford. Illustrated with copper plates.
London : printed for J. Phillips at the King's Arms, and J. Taylor at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-Yard [and are to be sold by Thomas Bennet and John Wyat], MDCXCIX. [-1700, i.e. 1699 - 1700].
ESTC No. R9129.Grub Street ID 129236.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God. Pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the Honourable Robert Boyle.
The eighth edition, corrected..
London] : In the Savoy: printed by Edw. Jones, for Henry Herringman; and sold by Thomas Bennet at the Half-Moon in St. Paul's Church-yard, MDCC. [1700.
ESTC No. R16494.Grub Street ID 64331.
Boyle, Robert.
A discourse of things above reason. Inquiring whether a philosopher should admit there are any such. By a fellow of the Royal Society. To which are annexed by the publisher (for the affinity of the subjects) some advices about judging of things said to transcend reason. Written by a fellow of the same Society.
London : printed by E.T. and R.H. for Jonathan Robinson, [1701?].
ESTC No. N55333.Grub Street ID 38849.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicinal experiments: or, a collection of choice and safe remedies, for the most part simple and easily prepared: very useful in families, and fitted for the service of country people. By the Honourable R. Boyle Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society. In three parts. Containing above Five Hundred Choice Receipts.
The fourth edition: enlarged with a supplement..
London : printed for Sam. Smith, at the Princes's-Arms, and Jo. Taylor, at the Ship in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1703.
ESTC No. N10762.Grub Street ID 768.
Boyle, Robert.
Love and religion demonstrated in the martyrdom of Theodora, and of Didymus. By the late Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; Fellow of the Royal Society.
The second edition corrected..
London : printed for John Taylor at the Ship, in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCIII. [1703].
ESTC No. T64724.Grub Street ID 289706.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically discours'd of in a letter to a friend. By the Honourable Robert Boyle.
The ninth edition, corrected..
London : printed for J. Tonson, and sold by R. Parker and J. Phillips, at the Royal Exchange; J. Knapton, W. Taylor, and H. Clements, in St. Paul's Church-Yard; and E. Sanger, at the Temple Gate in Fleetstreet, 1708.
ESTC No. T107651.Grub Street ID 160665.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicinal experiments: or, a collection of choice and safe remedies for the most part simple, and easily prepar'd: very useful in families, and fitted for the service of country-people. By the Honourable R. Boyle, Esq; late Fellow of the Royal Society. In three parts. Containing above Five Hundred Choice Receipts.
The fifth edition corrected..
London : printed for W. Innys, at the Prince's Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1712.
ESTC No. N10759.Grub Street ID 765.
Boyle, Robert.
theological works of the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; epitomiz'd. In three volumes. ... By Richard Boulton, .
London : printed for, and are to be sold by W. Taylor, 1715.
ESTC No. N14341.Grub Street ID 4223.
Boyle, Robert.
The theological works of the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq; epitomiz'd. In three volumes. By Richard Boulton, late of Brazen-Nose College in Oxford.
London : printed for J. Taylor, sold by W. Taylor, at the Ship in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXV. [1715].
ESTC No. T80858.Grub Street ID 301805.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicinal experiments: or, a collection of choice and safe remedies for the most part simple, and easiely prepar'd: very useful in families, and fitted for the service of country people. By the Honourable R. Boyle, Esq; late Fellow of the Royal Society. In three parts. Containing above Five Hundred Choice Receipts.
The sixth edition corrected..
London : printed for W. and J. Innys, Printers to the Royal Society, at the Prince's-Arms in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1718.
ESTC No. T106473.Grub Street ID 159628.
Boyle, Robert.
The philosophical works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; abridged, methodized, and disposed under the general heads of physics, statics, pneumatics, natural history, chymistry, and medicine. The whole illustrated with notes, containing the improvements made in the several parts of natural and experimental knowledge since his time. In three volumes. By Peter Shaw, M.D.
London : printed [in part by Samuel Palmer] for W. and J. Innys, at the west-end of St. Paul's; and J. Osborn, and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XXV. [1725].
ESTC No. T80857.Grub Street ID 301804.
Boyle, Robert.
Medicinal experiments: or, a collection of choice and safe remedies, for the most part simple, and easily prepar'd: Very Useful in Families, and fitted for the Service of Country People. By the Honourable R. Boyle, Esq; late Fellow of the Royal Society. In three parts. Containing above five hundred choice receipts.
The seventh edition corrected..
London : printed for W. Innys, Printer to the Royal Society, at the West End of St. Paul's, MDCCXXXI. [1731].
ESTC No. T129199.Grub Street ID 178681.
Boyle, Robert.
The philosophical works of the Honourable Robert Boyle Esq; abridged, methodized, and disposed under the general heads of physics, statics, pneumatics, Natural History, Chymistry, and Medicine. The whole illustrated with Notes, containing the Improvements made in the several Parts of natural and experimental Knowledge since his time. In three volumes. By Peter Shaw, M.D.
The second edition, corrected..
London : printed for W. Innys and R. Manby , at the West-End of St. Paul's ; and T. Longman, in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC.XXXVIII. [1738].
ESTC No. N19966.Grub Street ID 9387.
Boyle, Robert.
An historical account of a degradation of gold, made by an anti-elixir: a strange chymical narrative. By the Honourable Robert Boyle, Esq;.
The second edition..
London : printed for R. Montagu, at the Book-Ware-House, in Great Wilde-Street, near Lincoln's-Inn Fields, MDCCXXXIX. [1739].
ESTC No. T116362.Grub Street ID 168026.
Boyle, Robert.
The works of the Honourable Robert Boyle. In five volumes. To which is prefixed the life of the author. .
London : printed for A. Millar, opposite Catharine-Street, in the Strand, MDCCXLIV. [1744].
ESTC No. T4460.Grub Street ID 272999.
Boyle, Robert.
Some motives and incentives to the love of God, pathetically discoursed of in a letter to a friend. By the Hon. Robert Boyle.
London : printed for W. Owen, at Homer's Head, Temple-Bar, and R. Goadby, at Sherborne, Dorsetshire, M.DCC.LII. [1752].
ESTC No. T106751.Grub Street ID 159848.
Boyle, Robert.
The works of the Honourable Robert Boyle. In six volumes. To which is prefixed the life of the author. .
A new edition..
London : printed for J. and F. Rivington, L. Davis, W. Johnston, S. Crowder, T. Payne, G. Kearsley, J. Robson, B. White, T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, T. Davies, T. Cadell, Robinson and Roberts, Richardson and Richardson, J. Knox, W. Woodfall, J. Johnson, and T. Evans. MDCCLXXII. [1772].
ESTC No. T113550.Grub Street ID 165476.