The Devil to Pay; The Wife Metamorphos'd, or, Neptune reposing after Fording the Jordan

James Gillray

Lewis Walpole Library, Yale University Library, 791. 

Caricature of Dorothea Jordan with the Duke of Clarence (subsequently William IV); "ford" is an allusion to Jordan's husband Richard Ford (ca. 1759–1806).

Jordan's speech is a quotation from The Devil to Pay, or, The Wives Metamorphosed by Charles Coffey (d. 1745) :

What pleasant Dreams I have had To-night! Methought I was in Paradise, upon a Bed of Violets & Roses, and the sweetest Husband by my Side! Ha! bless me, where am I now? What Sweets are these? No Garden in the Spring can equal them; Am I on a Bed? The Sheet are Sarsanet sure, no Linen ever was so fine. What a gay, silken Robe have I got? O Heav'n! I dream! Yet if this be a Dream, I would not wish to wake again. Sure I died last Night, and went to Heav'n, & this is it.

The writing on the jordan, or bedpan, is an offensive joke punning on Jordan's surname: "Public Jord[an] Open to all Parties." Text below the image reads:

Ten Thousand Transports wait,
To crown my happy State,
Thus kiss'd, and press'd,
And doubly bless'd.

In all this Pomp & State:
New scenes of Joy arise,
Which fill me with Surprise
That Husband I despise:

Then Jobson, now adieu,
Thy Cobbling still pursue,
For hence I will not, cannot, no, nor must not buckle to
The Devil to Pay; The Wife Metamorphos'd, or, Neptune reposing after Fording the Jordan.

Nell Jobson is a reference to the cobbler's wife in the ballad farce The Devil to Pay or, The Wives Metamorphos'd.

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