Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Histoire secrette de la Duchesse D'Hanover, epouse de Georges Premier, roi de la Grande Bretagne. Les malheursde cette infortune'e princesse. Sa prison au hateau d'Alhen o`u ellea Fini ses jours; ses intelligences secrettes avec le Comte de KonigsMarck, assassin'e `a ce sujet.
A Londres : par la Compagnie des Libraires, MDCCXXXII. [1732].
ESTC No. T139924.Grub Street ID 187745.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Histoire secrette de la Duchesse d'Hanover, epouse de Georges Premier, roi de la Grande Bretagne. .
Londres : par la compagnie des libraires, 1732.
ESTC No. T229928.Grub Street ID 249746.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Histoire secrette de la Duchesse d'Hanover, Epouse de Georges Premier, roi de la Grande Betagne [sic]. Les malheurs de cette infortun'ee princesse. Sa prison au ch^ateau d'alhen o`u&elle a fini ses jours; ses intelligences secrettes avec le comte de konigsmarck, assassin'e `a ce sujet.
Londres : Par la compagnie des libraires, M.DCC.XXXII. [1732].
ESTC No. T203346.Grub Street ID 233950.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Mémoires de Charles-Louis Baron de Pöllnitz, contenant les observations qu'il a faites dans ses voyages, ...
Amsterdam: & se vend à Londres, chez Charles Hoguel, & Compagnie, 1735.
ESTC No. T119087.Grub Street ID 170544.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
The memoirs of Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz. Being the observations he made in his late travels from Prussia thro' Germany, Italy, France, Flanders. Holland, England, &c. In letters to his friend. Discovering not only the present state of the chief cities and towns; but the characters of the principal persons at the several courts. In two volumes.
London : printed for Daniel Browne, at the Black-Swan, without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XXXVII. [1737].
ESTC No. T120859.Grub Street ID 171833.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Les amusemens de Spa: or the gallantries of the Spaw in Germany. Containing the nature of the several springs, with their singular virtues and uses. The reasons (besides that of drinking the waters) why they are frequented by people of the first quality. The various diversions and amusements of the place. Many secret histories and adventures of the principal persons resorting to it. Intermixt with innumerable strokes of the most refined wit, humour, gaiety, &c. The whole adorn'd with thirteen copper plates finely engrav'd, representing the town of Spaw, with the several fountains, cascades, walks, and avenues in the neighbourhood of that celebrated village. Translated from the original French. The second edition. In two volumes.
London : printed for and sold by Ward and Chandler at the Ship just without Temple-Bar, and at their shops in York and Scarborough, MDCCXXXVII. [1737].
ESTC No. T131032.Grub Street ID 180081.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Les amusemens de Spa: or the gallantries of the Spaw in Germany. Containing, The Virtues of every Spring; their Nature and several Uses. The Reasons why frequented by Persons of the First Distinction; besides drinking the Waters. The various Diversions and Amusements of the Place. Many entertaining Histories of the principal Persons resorting to Spaw. Intermix'd with several others of Wit, Humour, Gaiety, &c. Translated into English from the French original. In two volumes.
Dublin: printed by and for J. Jones, in Clarendon-Street, opposite to Coppinger's-Lane, MDCCXXXVII. [1737].
ESTC No. T119797.Grub Street ID 171146.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Les amusemens de Spa: or the gallantries of the Spaw in Germany. Containing, the virtues of every spring ; their nature and several uses. The reasons why frequented by persons of the first distinction ; besides drinking the waters. The various diversions and amusements of the place. Many entertaining histories of the principal persons resorting to Spaw. Intermix'd with several others of wit, humour, gaiety, &c. Translated into English from the French original. In two volumes.
London : printed for Ward and Chandler, at the Ship without Temple-Bar, and sold at their shops at the Ship in Coney-Street, York; and the corner of the Long-Room-Street, at Scarborough Spaw, MDCCXXXVII. [1737].
ESTC No. T118915.Grub Street ID 170397.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
The memoirs of Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz. Being the observations he made in his late travels from Prussia thro' Germany, Italy, France, Flanders, Holland, England, &c. In letters to his friend. Discovering not only the Present State of the Chief Cities and Towns; but The Characters of the Principal Persons at the several Courts. In two volumes. .
The second edition, with additions..
London : printed for Daniel Browne, at the Black-Swan, without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XXXIX. [1739].
ESTC No. T68555.Grub Street ID 292714.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
The memoirs of Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz. Being the observations he made in his late travels from Prussia thro' Germany, Italy, France, Flanders. Holland, England, &c. In letters to his friend. Discovering not only the present state of the chief cities and towns; but the characters of the principal persons at the several courts. In two volumes.
The second edition, with additions..
London : Printed for Daniel Browne, at the Black Swan, without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XXXIX. [1739].
ESTC No. T220401.Grub Street ID 244105.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
The memoirs of Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz. Being the observations he made in his ... travels ... thro' Germany, Flanders, Italy, Holland, France, England, &c. .
The second edition, with additions..
London : printed for Daniel Browne, 1739-40.
ESTC No. T207534.Grub Street ID 236719.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
The memoirs of Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz. Being the observations he made in his late travels from Prussia thro' Poland, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Flanders, Holland, England, &c, .
The second edition..
London : printed for Daniel Browne; and John Brindley, 1740.
ESTC No. N35317.Grub Street ID 23585.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Les amusemens de Spa: or, the gallantries of the Spaw in Germany. Containing, the virtues of every spring; their nature and several uses. The Reasons why frequented by Persons of the First Distinction; besides drinking the Waters. The various diversions and amusements of the place. Many entertaining Histories of the principal Persons resorting to Spaw. Intermix'd with several others of Wit, Humour, Gaiety, &c. Translated into English from the French original.
Dublin: printed for James Kelburn, at the Three Golden Balls in George's Lane, opposite Castle-Market, M,DCC,XL. [1740].
ESTC No. N29037.Grub Street ID 18226.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Memoires Du Baron de Pollnitz, contenant les observations qu'il a faites dans ses voyages, et le caractere des personnes qui composent les principales cours de l'Europe.
Quatrieme edition. Augment'ee d'nne [sic] table des matieres..
Londres : Chez Jean Nourse, M.DCC.XLI. [1741].
ESTC No. T172065.Grub Street ID 209540.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Les amusemens de Spa: or, the gallantries of the spaw in Germany. Containing the virtues of every spring ; ... Translated into English from the French original. In two volumes.
The third edition, adorn'd with cuts..
London : printed for S. Birt; and W. Sandby, 1745.
ESTC No. T119696.Grub Street ID 171080.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
The memoirs of Charles-Lewis, Baron de Pollnitz. Being the observations he made in his late travels from Prussia through Germany, Italy, France, Flanders, Holland, England, &c. In Letters to his Friend. Discovering not only the Present State of the Chief Cities and Towns; but The Characters of the Principal Persons at the Several Courts. .
The third edition, with additions..
London : printed for Daniel Browne, at the Black Swan, without Temple-Bar, M.DCC.XLV. [1745].
ESTC No. T68556.Grub Street ID 292715.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Les amusemens de Spa: or, the gallantries of the spaw in Germany. Containing the virtues of every spring; ... Translated into English from the French original. In two volumes.
The third edition, adorn'd with cuts..
London : printed for W. Sandby; and C. Ward, 1745.
ESTC No. N66376.Grub Street ID 48111.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Memoires du Baron de Pollnitz, contenant les observations qu'il a faites dans ses voyaes [sic], et le caractere des personnes qui composent les principales cours de l'Europe.
Cinquie'me edition. Augmentée d'une table des matieres..
Londres : chez Jean Nourse, 1747.
ESTC No. T205967.Grub Street ID 235580.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Lettres du Baron de Pollnitz, contenant les observations qu'il a faites dans ses voyages, et le caractere des personnes qui composent les principales cours de l'Europe. Cinquie'me [sic] edition, augmentée d'une table des matieres. Tome troisieme.
Londres : chez Jean Nourse, 1747.
ESTC No. N33475.Grub Street ID 21949.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
The amusements of Aix la Chapelle. Containing learned and polite conversations ... In which are included, the ancient and present state of the imperial city of Aix, .
London : printed for M. Payne, 1748-50.
ESTC No. N30051.Grub Street ID 19038.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
La saxe galante: or, the amorous adventures and intrigues of Frederick-Augustus II. Late King of Poland, ... Containing, several transactions of his life, not mentioned in any other history. ... Translated from the French, by a gentleman of Oxford.
London] : Printed; and sold by the booksellers of London and Westminster, [1750?.
ESTC No. T110630.Grub Street ID 163140.
Pöllnitz, Karl Ludwig.
Histoire secrette de la Duchesse d'Hanover, epouse de Georges Premier, roi de la Grande-Bretagne. .
Londres : par la compagnie des librairees [sic], 1764.
ESTC No. T139923.Grub Street ID 187744.