Publications of James Ussher


  • Ussher, James. Gravissimae quæstionis, de Christianarum Ecclesiarum, in occidentis præsertim partibus, ab apostolicis temporibus ad nostram usq[ue] ætatem, continuâ successione & statu, historica explicatio. Authore Jacobo Usserio, Sæ. Theologiæ in Dubliniensi Academiâ, apud Hibernos, Professore. Quid in tractatus hujus parte, quam jam damus, primâ & secundâ contineatur, elenchus capitum, operi præfixus, declarabit. Londini: Excudebat [Eliot's Court Press for] Bonham Norton, serenissimæ Regiæ Maiestatis in Latinis, Græcis & Hebraicis typographus, Ann. MDCXIII. [1613]. ESTC No. S118953. Grub Street ID 138597.
  • Ussher, James. The substance of that vvhich was deliuered in a sermon before the Commons House of Parliament, in St. Margarets Church at Westminster, the 18. of February, 1620. By Iames Vssher, Professor of Diuinity in the Uniuersity of Dublin, in Ireland. Imprinted at London: By Felix Kyngston, for Iohn Bartlet: and are to be sold at the signe of the gilded Cup, in the Goldsmiths Rowe in Cheapside, 1621. ESTC No. S118943. Grub Street ID 138588.
  • Ussher, James. A sermon preached before the Commos-House [sic] of Parliament, in Saint Margarets Church at Westminster, the 18. of February. 1620. By Iames Vssher. Professor of Diuinitie in the Vniuersitie of Dublin, in Ireland. London: Printed by I.D[awson] for Iohn Bartlett, and are to be sould at the golden Cup in the Goldsmiths Rowe in Cheapside, 1624. ESTC No. S119955. Grub Street ID 139594.
  • Ussher, James. An ansvver to a challenge made by a Iesuite in Ireland. Wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truely delivered, and the noveltie of the now romish doctrine plainly discovered. By Iames Vssher Bishop of Meath. Dublin: printed by the Societie of Stationers [and Eliot's Court Press, London], 1624. ESTC No. S118933. Grub Street ID 138578.
  • Ussher, James. A briefe declaration of the universalitie of the Church of Christ, and the unitie of the catholike faith professed therein: delivered in a sermon before His Majestie the 20th of Iune, 1624. at Wansted, by Iames Vssher, Bishop of Meath. London: Printed by Robert Young for Thomas Downes and Ephraim Dawson, and are to be sold at the Rain-bow neere the Inner Temple Gate in Fleet-street, [1624]. ESTC No. S118936. Grub Street ID 138581.
  • Ussher, James. An ansvver to a challenge made by a Iesuite in Ireland. Wherein the iudgement of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the noveltie of the now romish doctrine plainely discovered by Iames Vssher bishop of Meath. Whereunto is added a sermon preached before His Majesty at Wansted, by the same author. London: Printed [by Humphrey Lownes] for the Society of Stationers, 1625. ESTC No. S118934. Grub Street ID 138579.
  • Ussher, James. A briefe declaration of the universalitie of the Church of Christ, and the unitie of the Catholike faith professed therein: delivered in a sermon before His Majestie the 20th. of Iune, 1624. at Wansted, by Iames Ussher, Bishop of Meath. London: Printed by Robert Young for Thomas Downes and Ephraim Dawson, and are to be sold at the Rain-bow neere the Inner Temple Gate in Fleet-street, 1625. ESTC No. S118940. Grub Street ID 138585.
  • Ussher, James. A briefe declaration of the universalitie of the Church of Christ, and the unitie of the Catholike faith professed therein: delivered in a sermon before His Maiestie the 20th. of Iune 1624. at Wansted. By Iames Ussher, Bishop of Meath. London: Printed by Iohn Dawson, for Ephraim Dawson, and are to be sold at the Rain-bow neere the Inner Temple Gate in Fleet-street, 1629. ESTC No. S118942. Grub Street ID 138587.
  • Ussher, James. A sermon preached before the Commons House of Parliament in St. Margarets Church at Westminster, the 18. of February, 1620. By Iames Vssher, Professor of Diuinity in the Vniuersitie of Dublin, in Ireland. Imprinted at London: By I[ohn] L[egat] for Iohn Bartlet: and are to be sold at the signe of the gilded Cup, in the Goldsmiths Rowe in Cheapside, 1631. ESTC No. S118947. Grub Street ID 138592.
  • Ussher, James. A briefe declaration of the universalitie of the Church of Christ, and the unitie of the Catholike faith professed therein: delivered in a sermon before the Kings Majestie the 20th of Iune, 1624. at Wansted. By Iames Vssher, Bishop of Meath. London: Printed by T[homas] C[otes] for Thomas Downes, 1631. ESTC No. S118948. Grub Street ID 138593.
  • Ussher, James. A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and Brittish. By Iames Vssher Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland. London: Printed by R[obert] Y[oung] for the Partners of the Irish Stocke, 1631. ESTC No. S118950. Grub Street ID 138595.
  • Ussher, James. A speech delivered in the castle-chamber at Dublin, the XXII. of November, anno 1622. At the censuring of certaine officers, who refused to take the Oath of Supremacie. By Iames Bishop of Meath. London: Printed by R[obert] Y[oung] for the Partners of the Irish Stocke, 1631. ESTC No. S118952. Grub Street ID 138596.
  • Ussher, James. Gotteschalci, et prædestinatianæ controversiæ ab eo motæ, historia: vnà cum duplice ejusdem confessione, nunc primm in lucem editâ, à Iacobo Vsserio Archiepiscopo Armachano, & totius Hiberniæ Primate. Dublinii: Ex typographiâ Societatis Bibliopolarum, Anno MDCXXXI. [1631]. ESTC No. S118974. Grub Street ID 138618.
  • Ussher, James. Immanuel, or, The mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God; unfolded by Iames Archbishop of Armagh. Dublin: Imprinted by the Society of Stationers, 1638. ESTC No. S118941. Grub Street ID 138586.
  • Ussher, James. Immanuel, or The mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God; unfolded by Iames, Archbishop of Armagh. London: Printed by I[ohn] H[aviland] for John Parker, &c. [i.e. the partners in the Irish stock], 1638. ESTC No. S121201. Grub Street ID 140797.
  • Ussher, James. Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquitates. Quibus inserta est pestiferæ adverss Dei gratiam à Pelagio Britanno in Ecclesiam inductæ hæreseos historia. Collectore Iacobo Vsserio Archiepiscopo Armachano, totius Hiberniæ Primate. Dublinii: Ex officinâ typographicâ Societatis Bibliopolarum, Anno M DC XXXIX. [1639]. ESTC No. S119082. Grub Street ID 138727.
  • Ussher, James. The iudgement of Doctor Rainoldes touching the originall of episcopacy. More largely confirmed out of antiquity by James Archbishop of Armagh. London: printed by G.M. for Thomas Dovvnes, and are to be sold by William Lee at the Turkes head in Fleetstreet, 1641. ESTC No. R7442. Grub Street ID 127708.
  • Ussher, James. Vox Hiberniæ or rather the voyce of the Lord from Ireland: a sermon preached in Saint Peters Church at Westminster, before divers of the Right Honorable, the Lords of the upper House in the High Court of Parliament, on the last publike fast day, being Wednesday the 22th. of December. 1641. VVherein the miserable estate of the kingdome of Ireland at this present is laid open, and the people and kingdome of England, earnestlie exhorted to turne to almighty God by true repentance least the same iudgements or worse fall upon us. By the laborious and reverend Doctor Iames Vsher Bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland. Printed at London: for Iohn Nicolson, under Saint Martins Church within Ludgate, 1642. ESTC No. R233006. Grub Street ID 104635.
  • Ussher, James. Vox Hibernæ [sic] or rather the voyce of the Lord from Ireland: a sermon preached in Saint Peters Church at Westminster, before divers of the Right Honorable, the Lords of the upper House in the High Court of Parliament, on the last publike fast day, being Wednesday the 22th. of December. 1641. VVherein the miserable estate of the kingdome of Ireland at this present is laid open, and the people and kingdome of England, earnestlie exhorted to turne to almighty God by true repentance least the same iudgements or worse fall upon us. By the laborious and reverend Doctor Iames Vsher Bishop of Armagh and Primate of Ireland. Printed at London: for Iohn Nicolson, under Saint Martins Church within Ludgate, 1642. ESTC No. R19731. Grub Street ID 77298.
  • Ussher, James. Immanuel, or The mystery of the incarnation of the son of God; unfolded by James, Archbishop of Armagh. Oxford: printed by Leonard Lichfield, printer to the Vniversity, 1643. ESTC No. R7064. Grub Street ID 127353.
  • Ussher, James. A geographicall and historicall disquisition, touching the Asia properly so called, the Lydian Asia (which is the Asia so often mentioned in the New Testament) the Proconsular Asia, and the Asian Diocese. By James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland. Oxford: printed by Henry Hall, 1643. ESTC No. R27036. Grub Street ID 110253.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of Christian religion: with a briefe method, of the body of Christian religion, shewing the connexion, and coherence of the chiefe points thereof: with a more particular declaration of some principall heads of doctrine, which for more plainnes sake, were but shortly touched in the former summe. By James Usher, Bish. of Armagh. London: printed by T.B. for Geo. Badger, and are to bee sold at his shop, in St. Dunstans Church-Yard, in Fleet-Street, 1644. ESTC No. R203862. Grub Street ID 80927.
  • Ussher, James. The soveraignes power, and the subiects duty: delivered in a sermon, at Christ-Church in Oxford, March 3. 1643. By J. Armagh. Oxford [i.e. London?]: printed for W.W., 1644. ESTC No. R23316. Grub Street ID 104755.
  • Ussher, James. In Polycarpianam epistolarum Ignatianarum syllogen annotationes; numeris ad marginem interiorem appositis respondentes: in quibus Græcorum Ignatii exemplarium, & inter se, & cum utrâque vetere Latinâ interpretatione, comparatio continetur. Oxoniæ: excudebat Henricus Hall, 1644. [i.e. 1645]. ESTC No. R233435. Grub Street ID 104971.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinitie, or The summe and substance of Christian religion, catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer: methodically and familiarly handled. Composed long since by James Vsher B. of Armagh. And at the earnest desires of divers godly Christians now printed and published. VVhereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel, or The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God; heretofore writen and published by the same authour. London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for Tho. Dovvnes and Geo: Badger, and are to be sold in S. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, MDCXLV. [1645]. ESTC No. R19025. Grub Street ID 76829.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of Christian religion: sumarily sett dovvne according to the word of God: together with a breife epittomie of the bodie of divinitie. By James Usher Bishop of Armaugh. London: printed by R.B. for Geo. Badger, and are to bee sold at his shop, in St. Dunstans Church Yard, in Fleet-Street, 1645. ESTC No. R215733. Grub Street ID 90706.
  • Ussher, James. Immanuel, or, The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God unfolded by James Vsher ... London: Printed by M.F. for Rich. Royston, and are to be sold at his shop .., MDCXLV [1645]. ESTC No. R38387. Grub Street ID 120495.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinitie, or The summe and substance of Christian religion; catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer: methodically and familiarly handled. Collected long since out of sundry authors, and reduced unto one common method, by James Vssher B. of Armagh. And now, this second edition, corrected and much amended. Whereinto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel, or The mystery of the incarnation of the son of God. Heretofore written and published by the same authour. London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for Tho: Dovvnes and Geo: Badger, and are to be sold in S. Dunstans Church-yard, and at the three Daggers, near the Inner-Temple gate in Fleetstreet, MDCXLVII. [1647]. ESTC No. R18996. Grub Street ID 76801.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Vsserii Armachani de Romanæ Ecclesiæ symbolo apostolico vetere, aliisque fidei formulis, tum ab occidentalibus tum ab orientalibus, in primâ catechesi & baptismo proponi solitis, diatriba. Accesserunt, I. Athanasii symbolum, à græcis interpolatum. II. Symbolum aliud eidem etiam à quibusdam tributum. III. Hymnus matutinus & vespertinus veteris ecclesiæ. IV. Hildeberti cenomanensis de confessione trinitatis hymnus, & oratio ad dominum. Jo. Cassianus. Symbolum ecclesiarum omnium fidem loquitur. Londini: excudebant T. Ratcliffe & E. Mottershed, impensis Johannis Stafford, prope ecclesiam S. Brigidæ, M.DC.XLVII. [1647]. ESTC No. R11161. Grub Street ID 59473.
  • Ussher, James. Immanuel, or The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. Unfolded by James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh. London: printed by Susan Islip for Thomas Downes and George Badger, 1647. ESTC No. R230522. Grub Street ID 102831.
  • Ussher, James. Appendix Ignatiana. In quâ continentur: I. Ignatii Epistolæ genuinæ, à posterioris interpolatoris assumentis liberæ, ex Græco Mediceo exemplari expressæ; & novâ versione Latinâ explicatæ. II. Ignatii martyrium, à Philone, Agathopode, & aliis qui passioni illius interfuerant, descriptum; ex duabus antiquis Latinis ejusdem versionibus nunc primm in lucem editum. III. Tiberiani, Plinii Secundi & Trajani Imp. de constantiâ martyrum illius temporis, epistolæ. IV. Smyrnensis Ecclesiæ de Polycarpi martyrio epistola, cum antiquâ Latinâ ejusdem metaphrasi, integr nunc primm edita. V. In Ignatii & Polycarpi acta, atque in epistolas etiam Ignatio perperàm adscriptas, annotationes Jacobi Vsserii Armachani. Londini: excudebat R.B. impensis Georgii Thomasoni ad insigne Rosæ Coronatæ in C?miterio S. Pauli, 1647. ESTC No. R16361. Grub Street ID 64222.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of Christian religion: summarily sett downe according to the word of God: together with a breife epitomie of the bodie of divinitie. By James Usher Bishop of Armagh. London: printed by F.B. for G. Badger, and are to be sold at his shop, in St Dunstans Church-Yard, in Fleet-Street, 1647. ESTC No. R208733. Grub Street ID 84960.
  • Ussher, James. The rights of primogeniture: or, The excellency of royall authority. In a sermon preached before His Majesty in the Isle of Wight, upon the anniversary of his birth-day. By the r.r. father in God, James, L. Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland. London: printed for R. Lowndes, 1648. ESTC No. R24650. Grub Street ID 108416.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Usserii Armachani de Macedonvm et Asianorvm anno solari, dissertatio: cum Græcorum astronomorum parapegmate, ad Macedonici et Juliani anni rationes accommodato. Londoni: typis M. Flesher, & prostant apud Cornelium Bee, in vico vulgò vocato Little Britain, 1648. ESTC No. R12365. Grub Street ID 60557.
  • Ussher, James. Polycarpi et Ignatii epistolae: una cun vetere vulgata interpretatione Latina, ex trium manuscriptorum codicum collatione, integritati suæ restitutâ. Accessit & Ignatianarum epistolarum versio antiqua alia, ex duobus manuscriptis in Angliâ repertis, nunc primm in lucem edita. Quibus præfixa est, non de Ignatii solum? & Polycarpi scriptis, sed etiam de apostolicis constitutionibus & canonibus Clementi Romano tributis. Iacobi Vsseri Archiepiscopi Armachani dissertatio. Oxoniæ: excudebat Hen. Hall Academiæ typographus impensis Hen: Curteyn., A.D. M.DC.XLVIII. [1648]. ESTC No. R216992. Grub Street ID 91833.
  • Ussher, James. The principle[s] of Christian religion: summarily set downe according to the Word of God. Together, with a briefe epitomie of the body of divinity. By James Usher, Bishop of Armagh. London: printed for George Badger, and are to be sold at his shop, in St Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, 1649. ESTC No. R235740. Grub Street ID 106768.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinity, or The summe and substance of Christian religion; catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer: methodically and familiarly handled. Collected long since out of sundry authors, and reduced unto one common method, by James Vsher B. of Armagh. And at the earnest desires of divers godly Christians lately printed. And now, this third edition, corrected and much amended. Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel, or the mystery of the incarnation of the son of God. Heretofore written and published by the same authour. London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for Tho: Dovvnes and Geo: Badger, and are to be sold in S. Dunstans Church-yard, and at the three Daggers, near the Inner-Temple gate in Fleetstreet, MDCXLVIII. [1648, i.e. 1649]. ESTC No. R226431. Grub Street ID 99457.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinity, or The summe and substance of Christian religion; catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer: methodically and familiarly handled. Collected long since out of sundry authors, and reduced unto one common method, by James Vsher B. of Armagh. And at the earnest desires of divers godly Christians lately printed. And now, this third edition, corrected and much amended. Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel, or The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. Heretofore written and published by the same authour. London: printed by M[iles]. F[lesher]. for Tho: Dovvnes and Geo: Badger, and are to be sold by Thomas Dring at the signe of the George neer Cliffords-Inn in Fleet-street, M DC XLIX [1649]. ESTC No. R30177. Grub Street ID 113062.
  • Ussher, James. Immanuel: or The mystery of the incarnation of the son of God. Unfolded by James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh. London: printed by Susan Islip for Thomas Downes and George Badger, 1649. ESTC No. R34689. Grub Street ID 117204.
  • Ussher, James. Annales veteris testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti: una cum rerum Asiaticarum et Ægyptiacarum chronico, a temporis historici principio usque ad Maccabaicorum initia producto. Jacobo Usserio armachano digestore. Londini: ex officina J. Flesher. & prostant in ædibus G. Bedell, prope januam Medii Templi in platea dicta Fleetstreet, M DC L. [1650]. ESTC No. R220743. Grub Street ID 95032.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of Christian religion, summarily set downe according to the Word of God: together, with a briefe epitomie of the body of divinity. By James Usher, Bishop of Armagh. London: printed for George Badger, and are to be sold at his shop, in St Dunstans Church-Yard, in Fleet-Street, 1650. ESTC No. R215738. Grub Street ID 90711.
  • Ussher, James. Annales Veteris Testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti: una cum rerum asiaticarum et ægyptiacarum chronico, a temporis historici principio usque ad Maccabaicorum initia producto. Jacobo Usserio Armachano digestore. Londini: ex officina J. Flesher, & prostant apud L. Sadler, ad insigne Leonis deaurati in vico vulgò voc. Little-Britain, M DC L. [1650]. ESTC No. R10432. Grub Street ID 58805.
  • Ussher, James. Annales veteris testamenti, a prima mundi origine deducti: una cum rerum Asiaticarum et Aegyptiacarum chronico, a temporis historici principio usque ad Maccabaicorum initia producto. Jacobo Usserio armachano digestore. Londini: ex officina J. Flesher, & prostant apud J. Crook & J. Baker, sub insigi Navis in C?meterio S. Pauli, M DC L. [1650]. ESTC No. R34687. Grub Street ID 117202.
  • Ussher, James. A method for meditation or a manuall of divine duties, fit for every Christians practice. By Ja. Ussher arch-bishop of Armagh, and Lord Primate of Ireland &c. London: printed by T[homas]. W[arren]. and are to be sold by John Place, at his shop at Furnivall's Inn gate, 1651. ESTC No. R185901. Grub Street ID 74790.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Vsserii Armachani De textus Hebraici veteris testamenti variantibus lectionibus ad Ludovicum Cappellum Epistola. Cui addita est et consimilis argumenti altera, ante annos XLV à Guilielmo Eyrio ad eundem Jacobum data, epistola. Londini: typis J. Flesher, impensis J. Crook, & J. Baker, sub insigne Navis in C?miterio D. Pauli, M DC LII. [1652]. ESTC No. R207090. Grub Street ID 83517.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinitie, or The summe and substance of Christian religion, catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer: methodically and familiarly handled. Composed long since by James Usher B. of Armagh: and at the earnest desires of divers godly Christians now printed and published. The fourth edition; corrected and much enlarged by the author. Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel, or The mystery of the incarnation of the son of God; heretofore written and published by the same author. London: printed for Tho. Downes and Geo. Badger, and are to be sold by John Williams and Francis Eglesfield in St. Pauls Churchyard, MDCLIII. [1653]. ESTC No. R23153. Grub Street ID 103563.
  • Ussher, James. Immanuel, or, The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. Unfolded by James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh. London: printed by Will. Hunt, for Thomas Downs and George Badger, 1653. ESTC No. R35225. Grub Street ID 117652.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of Christian religion: with a briefe method of the doctrine thereof. Now fully corrected, and much enlarged by the author, James Vssher, Archbishop of Armagh. With his preface thereunto. London: printed for George Badger, at his shop in St Dunstans Church-yard, in Fleet-street, 1653. ESTC No. R208932. Grub Street ID 85151.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Usserii armachani Annalium pars posterior. In qua, præter Maccabaicam et Novi Testamenti historiam, imperii Romanorum cæsarum sub C. Julio & Octaviano ortus, rerúmque in Asiâ & Ægypto gestarum continetur chronicon: ab Antiochi Epiphanis regni exordio, usque ad Imperii Vespasiani inita atque extremum templi & reipublicæ Judaicæ excidium, deductum. Londini: typis J. Flesher, impensis Johanis Crook: apud quem prostant sub insigni navis in Cœmeterio Paulino, MDCLIV. [1654]. ESTC No. R6971. Grub Street ID 127268.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Usserii Armaghani Annales. In quibus, præter Maccabaicam et Novi Testamenti historiam, Imperii Romanorum Cæsarum sub C. Julio & Octaviano ortus, rer?umque in Asiâ & Ægypto gestarum continentur chronicon: ab Antiochi epiphanis regni exordio, usque ad Imperii Vespasiani initia atque extremum Templi & Reipublicæ Judaicæ excidium, deductum. Londini: typis J. Flesher, impensis Johannis Crook: apud quem prostant sub insigni Navis in Coemeterio Paulino, M DC LIV. [1654]. ESTC No. R217140. Grub Street ID 91964.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Vsserii Armachani De Græcâ Septuaginta, interpretum versione syntagma: cum libri Estheræ editione origenicâ, & vetere Graecâ alterâ, ex Arundelliana Bibliotheca nunc primm in lucem productâ. Accesserunt, ob argumenti cognationem, de Cainane, in Vulgatâ LXX. edition superaddito, ex ejusdem chronologiâ sacrâ nondum editâ, dissertatio: unâ cum ejusdem edita ad Ludovicum Cappellum, de variantibus textûs Hebraici lectionibus, anno 1652. et alterâ à Gulielmo Eyrio ad eundem Jacobum anno 1607. datâ, epistolâ. Londini: prostant vænales apud Johannem Crook: sub insigni navis in Cœmeterio Paulino, anno Dom. 1655. ESTC No. R17182. Grub Street ID 65911.
  • Ussher, James. The reduction of episcopacie unto the form of synodical government received in the ancient Church: proposed in the year 1641. as an expedient for the prevention of those troubles, which afterwards did arise about the matter of church-government. By the most reverend and learned father of our Church Dr. James Usher, late Arch-Bishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland. A true copy set forth by Nicolas Bernard, D.D. preacher to the Honourable Society of Grayes Inne occasioned by an imperfect copy lately printed. London: printed by E.C. for R. Royston at the Angel in Ivie-lane, 1656. ESTC No. R203884. Grub Street ID 80944.
  • Ussher, James. The reduction of episcopacie unto the form of synodical government received in the antient Church: proposed as an expedient for the compremising of the now differences, and the preventing of those troubles that may arise about the matter of Church-government. By Ja: Usher, Armachanus. And now published, seriously to be considered by all sober conscientious persons, and tendred to all the sons of peace and truth in the three nations, for recovering the peace of the Church, and setling its proper government. London: printed by T.N. for G.B. and T.C. and are to be sold at the Middle Temple Gate, 1656. ESTC No. R203885. Grub Street ID 80945.
  • Ussher, James. A method for meditation: or, A manuall of divine duties, fit for every Christians practice. By Ja. Ussher Arch-bishop of Armagh, and Lord Primate of Ireland, &c. London: printed for Joseph Nevill at the Plough in Pauls Church yard, 1657. [i.e. 1656]. ESTC No. R208384. Grub Street ID 84637.
  • Ussher, James. The judgement of the late Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland, 1. Of the extent of Christs death, and satisfaction, &c. 2. Of the Sabbath, and observation of the Lords day. 3. Of the ordination in other reformed churches. With a vindication of him from a pretended change of opinion in the first; some advertisements upon the latter; and, in prevention of further injuries, a declaration of his judgement in several other subjects. By N. Bernard, D.D. and preacher to the Honourable Society of Grayes-Inne, London. London: printed for John Crook, at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1657. ESTC No. R203859. Grub Street ID 80923.
  • Ussher, James. Iacobi Usserii Armachani de Romanæ Ecclesiæ symbolo apostolico vetere, aliisq; fidei formulis, tum ab occidentalibus tum ab Orientalibus, in prima catechesi & baptismo proponi solitis, diatriba. Cui subjicitur, ex inedito Thecaræ Constantinopolitani monachi horologia, Athanasii symbolum à græcis interpolatum. Jo. Cassianus. Symbolum ecclesiarum omnium fidem loquitur. Londini: excudebat T.R[atcliffe]. & E.M[ottershed]. Prostat venale apud Iohannem Stafford ad insigne Georgii, in vico vulgo vocato Fleetstreet prop[ ]pontem, 1657. ESTC No. R187658. Grub Street ID 75842.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinitie, or The summe and substance of Christian religion, catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer: methodically and familiarly handled. Composed long since by James Usher B. of Armagh: and at the earnest desires of divers godly Christians now printed and published. The fifth edition; corrected and much enlarged by the author. Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel. Or the mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God; heretofore written and published by the same author. London: printed by I. Owsley and P. Lillicrap, and are to be sold by Iohn Williams and Francis Eglesfield in S. Pauls Church-yard, MDCLVIII. [1658]. ESTC No. R222261. Grub Street ID 96283.
  • Ussher, James. The annals of the world. Deduced from the origin of time, and continued to the beginning of the Emperour Vespasians reign, and the totall destruction and abolition of the temple and common-wealth of the Jews. Containing the historie of the Old and New Testament, with tha of the Macchabees. Also all the most memorable affairs of Asia and Egypt, and the rise of the empire of the Roman Cæsars, under C. Julius, and Octavianus. Collected from all history, as well sacred, as prophane, and methodically digested, by the most reverend James Ussher, Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland. London: printed by E. Tyler, for J. Crook, at the sign of the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, and for G. Bedell, at the Middle-Temple-Gate, in Fleet-Street, M.DC.LVIII. [1658]. ESTC No. R22172. Grub Street ID 95826.
  • Ussher, James. Y llwybraidd-fodd byrr o gristianogawl grefydd, gyd agadroddiad hynodob oryw fannau o athrawiaeth, or hyn, (er mwyn eglurwch) a grvbwyll. wyd yn y Llyfran or blaen. Gwaith Jago Usher Escob Armagh, A Chyfiethiad Row. Vaughan, Esq. Llundain: Argraphedig gan Joan Streater, tros Philip Chetwinde, 1658. ESTC No. R21633. Grub Street ID 91250.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of Christian religion: with a briefe method of the doctrine thereof. Now fully corrected, and much enlarged by the author. James Usher, archbishop of Armagh. With his preface thereunto. London: printed for Theodore Crowley, at his shop in St Dunstans Church-yard, in Fleet-street, 1658. ESTC No. R230463. Grub Street ID 102779.
  • Ussher, James. The judgement of the late Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland, 1. Of the extent of Christs death and satisfaction, &c. 2. Of the Sabbath, and observation of the Lords day. 3. Of the ordination in other reformed churches: with a vindication of him from a pretended change of opinion in the first; some advertisements upon the latter; and, in prevention of further injuries, a declaration of his judgement in several other subjects. By N. Bernard, D.D. and preacher to the honourable society of Grays-Inne, London. London: printed for John Crook, at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1658. ESTC No. R24649. Grub Street ID 108414.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinitie, or The summe and substance of Christian religion, catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer: methodically and familiarly handled. Composed long since by James Usher B. of Armagh: and at the earnest desires of divers godly Christians now printed and published. The fifth edition; corrected and much enlarged by the author. Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel. Or The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God; heretofore written and published by the same author. London: printed by William Hunt for Theodore Crowley, at his shop in S. Dunstands [sic] Church-yard in Fleet-street, M DC LVIII. [1658]. ESTC No. R222409. Grub Street ID 96409.
  • Ussher, James. Prifannau crefydd gristnogawl a llwybraidd foddbyrr or Athrawideth o honi O waith Jago Usher Escob Armagh, a chyfieithiad Row. Vaughan, Esq. Llundain: Argraphedig gan Joa. Streater, tros Philip Chetwinde, 1658. ESTC No. R7662. Grub Street ID 127906.
  • Ussher, James. Examen quotidianum Ymboliad beunyddiol : neu, gyhyddiad pechod ar orseddfarn cydwybod, a dynnwyd allan o bregeth y gwir barchedig dad, Archescob Armach ... : a gyfieythwyd yn gymraeg, er mwyn cyfarwyddo, ac hyfforddi fynghydwladwyr o lmru yn y gwafanaeth hwnnw. [Oxford]: A brintiwyd yn Rhydychen gan Leonard Lichfield .., 1658. ESTC No. R34688. Grub Street ID 117203.
  • Ussher, James. Immanuel, or, The mystery of the incarnation of the son of God. Unfolded by James Usher, Archbishop pf Armagh. London: Printed by William Hunt, 1658. ESTC No. R17119. Grub Street ID 65495.
  • Ussher, James. Certain discourses, viz. Of Babylon (Rev. 18. 4.) being the present See of Rome. (With a sermon of Bishop Bedels upon the same words.) Of laying on of hands (Heb. 6.2.) to be an ordained Ministry. Of the old form of words in ordination. Of a set form of prayer. Each being the judgment of the late Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland. Published and enlarged by Nicholas Bernard D.D. and Preacher to the honourable society of Grayes-Inne, London. Unto which is added a character of Bishop Bedel, and an answer to Mr. Pierces fifth letter concerning the late Primate. London: printed for John Crook, at the signe of the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1659. ESTC No. R10033. Grub Street ID 58431.
  • Ussher, James. The judgement of the late Arch-bishop of Armagh, and Primate of Ireland. Of Babylon (Rev. 18. 4.) being the present See of Rome. (With a sermon of Bishop Bedels upon the same words.) Of laying on of hands (Heb. 6. 2.) to be an ordained ministery. Of the old form of words in ordination. Of a set form of prayer. Published and enlarged by Nicholas Bernard D.D. and preacher to the Honourable Society of Grayes-Inne, London. Unto which is added a character of Bishop Bedel, and an answer to Mr. Pierces fifth letter concerning the late primate. London: printed for John Crook, at the sign of the Ship in S. Pauls Church-yard, 1659. ESTC No. R209661. Grub Street ID 85892.
  • Ussher, James. Eighteen sermons preached in Oxford. 1640. Of the doctrine of repentance, speedy conversion, and redemption by Christ, seasonable for these times. By the late Reverend James Usher, Lord Primate of Ireland. Taken from his mouth by a faithful minister, and compared with the notes of several schollars then resident in Oxford. With a preface concerning the worthy author, by the Reverend Mr. Stanly Gower, now minister in Dorchester. London: printed for John Rothwell at the Fountain in Goldsmiths-Row in Cheapside. 1659. And for Will: Churchill book-seller in Dorchester, [1659]. ESTC No. R207852. Grub Street ID 84171.
  • Ussher, James. Iacobi Usserii Armachani Chronologia Sacra. Seu, annorum et paidopoiias patriarchum, parokias Isra'litarum in Ægypto, annorum etiam judicum, regum Judae & Isra'lis 'apodeixis chronologica. Opus posthumum hucusque anekdoton. Oxoniæ: excudebat W[illiam]. Hall, impensis Joh: Forrest., 1660. ESTC No. R185898. Grub Street ID 74787.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Vsserii Armachani Chronologia sacra. Seu annorum & paidopoiias patriarcharum, paroikias Isra'litarum in Ægypto, annorum etiam Judicum, regum Judæ & Isra'lis 'apodeixis chronologica. Opus posthumum hucusque anekdoton. Editionem accurante Thoma Barlow Coll. Reg. præposito, & B.B.P. Oxoniæ: excudebat W. Hall, impensis Rich: Davis, Eduardi & Jo: Forrest, Anno Dom. 1660. ESTC No. R203869. Grub Street ID 80933.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Vsserii Armachani de Romanæ Ecclesiæ symbolo Apostolico vetere aliisque fidei formulis, tum ab occidentalibus tum ab orientalibus, in primâ catechesi & baptismo proponi solitis, diatriba. Accesserunt, I. Athanasii symbolum, à Græcis interpolatum. II. Symbolum aliud, eidem etiam à quibusdam tributum. III. Hymnus matutinus & vespertinus veteris Ecclesiæ. IV. Hildeberti Cenomanensis de confessione trinitatis hymnus, & oratio ad Dominum. Jo. Cassianus. Symbolum ecclesiarum omnium fidem loquitur. Oxonii: excudebat G. Hall, impensis, J.S. & venales prostant apud Ric. Davis, Ed. Forrest, & Joh. Forrest, Anno Dom. 1660. ESTC No. R203870. Grub Street ID 80934.
  • Ussher, James. Eighteen sermons preached in Oxford 1640. Of conversion, unto God. Of redemption, & justification, by Christ. By the Right Reverend James Usher, late Bishop of Armagh in Ireland. Published by Jos: Crabb. Will: Ball. Tho: Lye. ministers of the Gospel, who writ them from his mouth, and compared their copies together. With a preface concerning the life of the pious author, by the Reverend Stanly Gower, sometime chaplain to the said bishop. Now minister in Dorchester. London : printed by S. Griffin, for John Rothwell at the Fountain in Cheapside, 1660. ESTC No. R220744. Grub Street ID 95033.
  • Ussher, James. Eighteen sermons preached in Oxford 1640. Of conversion unto God. Of redemption, & justification, by Christ. By the right reverend James Usher, late Bishop of Armagh in Ireland. Published by Jos: Crabb. Will: Ball. Tho: Lye. ministers of the Gospel, with a preface concerning the life of the pious author, by the Reverend Stanly Gower sometime chaplain to the said Bishop. London : printed by I[ohn]. R[edmayne]. for Thomas Bassett, in St. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleetstreet, and Nathaniel Ranew at the Angel in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1660. ESTC No. R23552. Grub Street ID 106601.
  • Ussher, James. Chronologia sacra sive chronologia annorum regum Israelis & Judæ, ad calculum redacta et illustrata per Jacobum Usserium armachanum. Additur, ejusdem authoris, de Romanæ ecclesiæ symbolo apostolico vetere, aliisque fidei formulis, tum ab occidentalibus, tum ab orientalibus in primâ catechesi & baptismo proponi solitis, diatriba. Tho. Barlow coll. reg. Oxon. præpositus nunc primm publicavit. Oxoniæ: typis Guil. Hall, impensis Rich. Davis Edw. & Jo. Forrset, M.DC.LX. [1660]. ESTC No. R233936. Grub Street ID 105349.
  • Ussher, James. Eighteen sermons preached in Oxford 1640 of conversion, unto God. Of redemption, & justification, by Christ. By the Right Reverend James Usher, late Arch-bishop of Armagh in Ireland. Published by Jos: Crabb. Will: Ball. Tho: Lye. ministers of the Gospel, who writ them from his mouth, and compared their copies together. With a preface concerning the life of the pious author, by the Reverend Stanly Gower, sometime chaplain to the said bishop. London : printed by S. Griffin, for Will: Churchill book-seller in Dorchester, 1660. ESTC No. R217597. Grub Street ID 92367.
  • Ussher, James. The povver communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject. Briefly laid down, and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, testimony of the primitive church. Dictates of right reason, and opinion of the wisest among the heathen writers. By the most reverend father in God, James, late Lord Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland. Faithfully published out of the original copy, written with his own hand, by the reverend father in God, Robert Lord Bishop of Lincoln, with his Lordships preface thereunto. London : printed for Anne Seile, over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1661. ESTC No. R29577. Grub Street ID 112540.
  • Ussher, James. Eighteen choice sermons preached in Oxford in the time of the wars, before His late Majesty of blessed memory. Of Conversion, unto God. redemption, justification, by Christ. By the Reverend Father in God James Usher, late Lord Bishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland. London : printed by the use and benefit of Thomas Gibbs, gent., 1662. ESTC No. R32916. Grub Street ID 115577.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinity, or, The summe and substance of Christian religion catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer, methodically and familiarly handled. Composed long since by James Usher B. of Armagh: and at the earnest desires of divers godl Christians now printed and published. The sixth edition, corrected and much enlarged by the author. Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel. Or, The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God, heretofore written and published by the same author. London : printed for Nathaniel Ranew, and Jonathan Robinson, at the Kings Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1670. ESTC No. R19024. Grub Street ID 76828.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinity, or The sum and substance of Christian religion, catechistically propounded, and explained, by way of question and answer, methodically and familiarly handled. Composed long since by James Usher B. of Armagh: and at the earnest desires of divers godly Christians now printed and published. The sixth edition, corrected, and much enlarged by the author. Whereunto is adjoyned a tract, intituled Immanuel. Or The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God; heretofore written and published by the same author. London : printed for Nath. Ranew, and J. Robinson, at the Kings Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1670. ESTC No. R222410. Grub Street ID 96411.
  • Ussher, James. Immanuel, or, The mystery of the incarnation of the son of God unfolded by James Usher . London : Printed by T.R. and M.D. for Jonathan Robinson and Nathanael Ranew .., 1670. ESTC No. R21497. Grub Street ID 90107.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of Christian religion: with a brief method of the doctrine thereof. Now fully corrected, and much enlarged by the author. James Ussher, Archbishop of Armagh. With his preface thereunto. London : printed for Nathaniel Ranew and Jonathan Robinson at the Kings-Arms in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1671. ESTC No. R218122. Grub Street ID 92832.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinity: or, The sum and substance of Christian religion. Catechistically propounded and explained, by way of question and answer. Methodically and familiarly handled, for the use of families. To which is adjoyned a tract intituled Immanuel: or, The mystery of the incarnation of the Son of God. By the most Reverend James Usher, late Arch-Bishop of Armagh. The seventh edition, carefully corrected from very many errors in former editions. To which is now added the life of the author, containing many remarkable passages: with an alphabetical table, never before published. The seventh edition, carefully corrected from very many errors in former editions.. London : printed by J[ohn]. D[arby]. for Nathaniel Ranew and Johnathan Robinson, at the Kings Arms and Golden Lion in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1677. ESTC No. R32915. Grub Street ID 115576.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher, late L. Arch-Bishop of Armah, and Lord Primate of Ireland. Giving an account of his fortelling I. The rebellion in Ireland forty years before it came to pass. II. The confusions and miseries of England, in church and state. III. The death of King Charles the first. IV. His own poverty and want. V. The divisions in England in matters of religion. Lastly, of a great and terrible persecution which shall fall upon the reformed churches by the papists, wherein the then pope should be chiefly concerned. Written by the person who heard it from this excellent persons own mouth, and now published earnestly to perswade us to that repentance and reformation which can only prevent our ruin and destruction. Licensed, Novembed [sic] the 16th. London : printed for R.G., 1678. ESTC No. R235771. Grub Street ID 106796.
  • Ussher, James. Twenty sermons preached at Oxford, before His Majesty, and elsewhere. By the most Reverend James Usher late Arch-Bishop of Armagh. Perused and published by his Lordship's chaplains. London : Printed for Nathanael Ranew at the King's Arms in St. Paul's Church Yard, 1678. ESTC No. R13437. Grub Street ID 61538.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher, late L. Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Lord Primate of Ireland. Giving an account of his foretelling I. The rebellion in Ireland forty years before it came to pass. II. The confusions and miseries of England, in church and state. III. The death of King Charles the First. IV. His own poverty and want. V. The divisions in England in matters of religion. Lastly, of a great and terrible persecution which shall fall upon the reformed churches by the papists, wherein the then Pope should be chiefly concerned. Written by the person who heard it from this excellent persons own mouth, and now publisht earnestly to perswade us to that repentance and reformation which can only prevent our ruin and destruction. Licensed, November the 16th. London : printed for R.G., 1678. ESTC No. R7048. Grub Street ID 127339.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of Christian religion; with a large body of divinity, methodically and familiarly handled by way of question and answer, for the use of families· Together with Immanuel, or The mystery of the incarnation of the son of God· By the most reverend James Usher late Arch-Bishop of Armagh. The seventh edition corrected and amended from many errors. To which is now added twenty sermons, preached at Oxford, before his Majesty, and elsewhere. Perused and published by his Lordship's chaplains. With the life of the author, containing many remarkable passages. And an alphabetical table, never before extant. London : printed for Nathaniel Ranew at the King's Arms in S. Paul's Church Yard, 1678. ESTC No. R1757. Grub Street ID 68481.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher, late L. Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Lord Primate of Ireland. Giving an account of his foretelling I. The rebellion in Ireland forty years before it came to pass. II. The confusions and miseries of England, in church and state. III. The death of King Charles the First. IV. His own poverty and want. V. The divisions in England in matters of religion. Lastly, of a great and terrible persecution which shall fall upon the reformed churches by the Papists, wherein the then Pope should be chiefly concerned. Written by the person who heard it from this excellent persons own mouth, and now publisht earnestly to perswade us to that repentance and reformation which can only prevent our ruine and destruction. Licensed, November the 16th. London : printed for R.G., 1678. ESTC No. R220946. Grub Street ID 95175.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the holy learned, and excellent Iames Usher, late L. Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Lord Primate of Ireland. Giving an account of his foretelling I. The rebellion in Ireland forty years before it came to pass. II. The confusions and miseries of England in church and state. III. The death of King Charles the first. IIII. His own poverty and want. V. The divisions in England in matters of religion. Lastly, of a great and terrible persecution which shall fall upon the reformed churches by the Papists, wherein the then Pope should be chiefly concerned. Written by the person who heard it from this excellent persons own mouth, and now published earnestly to perswade us to that repentance and reformation which can only prevent our ruin and destruction. Licensed, November the 16th. Corke: reprinted by William Smith, in the year 1679. ESTC No. R222338. Grub Street ID 96358.
  • Ussher, James. The Protestant school: or, A method, containing several forms of prayer, Psalms, lessons, thanksgivings, and graces, for the bringing up, and well grounding children and elder persons in the Protestant religion, by the most reverend and learned Bishop Usher: also a catalogue of all the English words, beginning with one syllable, and proceeding by degrees to eight, divided and not divided; the readiest way for teaching children and elder persons to spell, pronounce, read and write true English. To which is added, an historical account of several plots and remarkable passages, from Queen Elizabeth to this present time, lively represented in copper plates; with an explanation to every figure, with copies of several hands which are used in England, and many other things which are useful for so necessary a work. Fitted to the common use of all English schools; having a thousand words more than any yet extant. By Moses Lane, schoolmaster in London. London : printed for Langly Curtiss on Ludgate Hill near Fleet Bridge, 1681. ESTC No. R25176. Grub Street ID 108884.
  • Ussher, James. The Protestant school: or, A method, containing several forms of prayer, psalms, lessons, thanksgivings, and graces, for the bringing up, and well grounding children and elder persons in the Protestant religion, by the most reverend and learned Bishop Usher: also a catalogue of all the English words, beginning with one syllable, and proceeding by degrees to eight, divided and not divided; the readiest way for teaching children and elder persons to spell, pronounce, read and write true English. To which is added, copies of several hands which are used in England, and many other things which are useful for so necessary a work. Fitted to the common use of all English schools; having a thousand words more than any yet extant. By Moses Lane, school-master in London. London : printed for L.C. and are to be sold by Tho. Fabian at the sign of the Bible in St. Paul's Church-yard, a corner shop next Cheap-side, 1681. ESTC No. R232994. Grub Street ID 104622.
  • Ussher, James. Bishop Ushers second prophesie which he delivered to his daughter on his sick-bed. Wherein is contained divers prophetick sayings for the years 1680, 1681, 1682, 1683, 1684. which were by him predicted for the said years. Wherein also is laid down the divers revolutions fo the ensuing years. Likewise a very strange prophesie concerning the Kings restauration, which he gave to a person of quality in the time of his sickness. Also he foretels that the papists were the persons that should cause all the calamities that would ensue. London : printed for John Hunt at the sign of the Black Spread Eagle without Temple-Bar, 1681. ESTC No. R4892. Grub Street ID 125383.
  • Ussher, James. Prifannau y grefydd [sic] gristionogawl [sic]. Wedi eu crynoi gan yr Escob Usher. Printiedig yn Llundain: gan Alice Grover, yn y flwyddyn [sic], 1682. ESTC No. R232993. Grub Street ID 104621.
  • Ussher, James. The Protestant school: or, A method, containing several forms of prayer, Psalms, lessons, thanksgivings, and graces, for the bringing up, and well grounding children and elder persons in the Protestant religion, by the most reverend and learned Bishop Usher: also a catalogue of all the English words, beginning with one syllable, and proceedings by degrees to eight, divided and not divided; the readiest way for teaching children and elder persons to spell, pronounce, read and write true English. To which is added, an historical account of several plots and remarkable passages, from Queen Elizabeth to this present time, lively represented in copper plates; with an explanation to every figure, with copies of several hands which are used in England, and many other things which are useful for so necessary a work. Fitted to the common use of all English schools; having a thousand words more than any yet extant. By Moses Lane, schoolmaster in London. London : printed for John Kidgell, at the Atlas in Cornhill, near the Royal Exchange, 1682. ESTC No. R21359. Grub Street ID 89006.
  • Ussher, James. The power communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject. Briefly laid down, and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, the testimony of the primitive church, the dictates of right reason, and the opinion of the wisest among heathen writers. By the most reverend father in God, James late Lord Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland. Faithfully published out of the original copy, (written with his own hand) by the reverend father in God, Robert Saunderson L. Bishop of Lincoln, with his Lordships preface thereunto. The second edition corrected.. London : printed by Mary Clarke for Charles Harper at the Flower-de-luce over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1683. ESTC No. R22333. Grub Street ID 97141.
  • Ussher, James. An answer to a challenge made by a Jesuite in Ireland. Wherein, the judgment of antiquity in the points questioned is truly delivered, and the novelty of the now Romish doctrine plainly discovered. To which is added A discourse of the religion anciently professed by the Irish and British, by the most reverend and learned James Usher, late Lord Arch-Bishop of Ardmagh, and primate of all Ireland. The fourth edition corrected and augmented from a copy left under the authors own hand.. London : printed for Benjamin Tooke, at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-Yard, MDCLXXXVI. [1686]. ESTC No. R19057. Grub Street ID 76858.
  • Ussher, James. Britannicarum ecclesiarum antiquitates: quibus inserta est pestiferae advers`us Dei gratiam `a Pelagio britanno in ecclesiam inductae haereseos historiaDT Accedit gravissimae quaestionis de Christianarum ecclesiarum successione & statu historica explicatio. A Jacobo Usserio Archiepiscopo Armachano, totius Hiberniae Primate. Editio secunda, in utraque parte ipsius reverendissimi autoris manu passim aucta & nusquam non emendata.. Londini : impensis Benj. Tooke, MDCLXXXVII. [1687]. ESTC No. R9506. Grub Street ID 129588.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Usserii Archiepiscopi Armachani, opuscula duo, nunc prim`um Latin`e edita: quorum alterum est de episcoporum, et metropolitanorum origine: alterum de Asia proconsulari. Accessit veteris Ecclesiae gubernatio patriarchalis, ab E.B. descripta. Interprete R.R.E B.P. Praetere`a accedit appendix, de antiqu^a Ecclesiae Britannicae libertate, et privilegiis. Londini : impensis Samuelis Smith, ad insignia Principis in Coemiterio D. Pauli, MDCLXXXVII. [1687]. ESTC No. R17454. Grub Street ID 67708.
  • Ussher, James. The great necessity of unity and peace among all protestants, and the bloody principles of the papists made manifest. By the most eminently pious and learned Bishop Usher, sometime lord Primate of Ireland. London : printed and sold by J. Wallis in White-Friars, 1688. ESTC No. R23183. Grub Street ID 103776.
  • Ussher, James. The power communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject. Briefly laid down, and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, the testimony of the primitive church, the dictates of right reason, and the opinion of the wisest among heathen writers. By the most Reverend Father in God, James late Lord Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland. Faithfully published out of the original copy, (written with his own hand) by the Reverend Father in God, Robert Saunderson L. Bishop of Lincoln, with his Lordships preface thereunto. The third edition corrected.. London : printed for Charles Harper at the Flower-de-luce over against St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, 1688. ESTC No. R7608. Grub Street ID 127860.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Usserii Archiepiscopi Armachani, opuscula duo, nunc prim`um Latin`e edita: quorum alterum est de episcoporum, et metropolitanorum origine: alterum de Asia proconsulari. Accessit veteris ecclesiae gubernatio patriarchalis, ab E.B. descripta. Interprete R.R.E.B.P. Praetere`a accedit appendix, de antiqu^a ecclesiae Britannicae libertate, et privilegiis. London : impensis Samuelis Smith, ad insignia Principis in Coemeterio D. Pauli, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R22024. Grub Street ID 94650.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Usserii, Armachani Archiepiscopi, Historia dogmatica controversiæ inter orthodoxos & pontificios de scripturis et sacris vernaculis. Nunc primùm edita. Accesserunt ejusdem dissertationes II. de pseudo-dionysii scriptis, & de epistolâ ad Laodicenos; antehac ineditæ. Descripsit, digessit, & notis atque auctario locupletavit Henricus Wharton, A.M. reverendissimo in Christo Patri ac Domino, Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi, à sacris domesticis. Londini : typis R[obert]. R[oberts]. impensis Richardi Chiswell ad insigne Rosæ Coronatæ in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, MDCLXXXIX. [1689]. ESTC No. R14697. Grub Street ID 62702.
  • Ussher, James. Jacobi Usserii, Armachani Archiepiscopi, historia dogmatica controversiæ inter orthodoxos & pontificios de Scripturis et sacris vernaculis. Nunc primùm edita. Accesserunt ejusdem dissertationes II. de pseudo-Dionysii scriptis, & de epistolâ ad Laodicenos; antehac ineditæ. Descripsit, digessit, & notis atque auctario locupletavit Henricus Wharton, A.M. reverendissimo in Christo patri ac Domino, Archiepiscopo Cantuariensi, à sacris domesticis. Londini : typis R.R. impensis Richardi Chiswell ad insigne Rosæ Coronatæ in Cœmeterio D. Pauli, MDCXC. [1690]. ESTC No. R23577. Grub Street ID 106794.
  • Ussher, James. The power communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject briefly laid down and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, the testimony of the primitive church, the dictates of right reason, and the opinion of the wisest among heathen writers / b James, late Lord Archbishop of Armagh and Primate of all Ireland ; faithfully published out of the original copy (written with his own hand) by Robert Saunderson, with His Lordships preface thereunto. The third edition corrected.. London : Printed for C.H. and are to be sold by Rich. Parker, 1691. ESTC No. R26342. Grub Street ID 109668.
  • Ussher, James. The Protestant school: or, A method, containing several forms of prayer, psalms, lessons, thanksgivings, and graces, for the bringing up, and well grounding children and elder persons in the Protestant religion. By the most reverend and learned Bishop Usher. Also a catalogue of all the English words, beginning with one syllable, and proceeding by degrees to eight, divided and not divided; the readiest way for teaching children and elder persons to spell, pronounce, read and write true English. Fitted to the conmon [sic] use of all English schools; having a thousand words more than any yet extant. By Moses Lane, school-master in London. London : printed for L.C. and are to be sold by Mary Fabian, in Mercers-Chappel, at the lower end of Cheapside, 1698. ESTC No. R215873. Grub Street ID 90831.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of Christian religion, briefly explain'd. Together, with the scriptures on which they are grounded. By Archbishop Usher. Now fully corrected and much enlarged. Also, a summary of the same. By the incomparable Judge Hale. To which is added, the catechism, and Thirty nine articles of the Church of England, containing the true doctrine thereof. Very necessary and profitable for all persons, and proper to be given away by such who are charitably inclin'd. The third edition.. London : printed for J. Hartley, over-against Gray's-Inn in Holbourn, 1700. ESTC No. R231644. Grub Street ID 103650.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher, late Lord Arch-bishop of Armagh, ... Written by the person who heard it from this excellent person's own mouth, ... Dublin: re-printed, at the Post-Office-Coffee-House, 1701. ESTC No. T111174. Grub Street ID 163607.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the holy, learned and excellent James Usher, late L. Arch-Bishop of Armagh, and Lord Primate of Ireland. ... Written by the person who heard it from excellent persons own mouth, ... [Dublin?]: Printed anno, 1702. ESTC No. T76292. Grub Street ID 298776.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of Christian religion: or, a short catechism. By James Usher, . London : printed for J. Luntley, 1702. ESTC No. T221556. Grub Street ID 244799.
  • Ussher, James. A body of divinity: or, the sum and substance of Christian religion. Catechistically propounded and explained, by way of question and answer. Methodically and familiarly handled, for the Use of Families. To which are adjoined a tract, intituled, Immanuel: or, The Mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God. By the most Reverend James Usher, late Arch-Bishop of Armagh. To which are added, the life of the author, containing many remarkable Passages: His Model of Church Government, and Advices to Young Ministers. With an Alphabetical Table. And likewise the Principles of Christian Religion in short, for the use of Younger People. The eighth edition, carefully corrected from very many errors in former editions.. London : printed by R.J. for Jonathan Robinson, A. and J. Churchill, J. Taylor, and J. Wyatt, 1702. ESTC No. T65284. Grub Street ID 290190.
  • Ussher, James. A short catechism of the principles of Christian religion. Now fully corrected, and much enlarged by the author, James Usher, late Archbishop of Armagh. London : printed for J. Luntley, 1702. ESTC No. N26139. Grub Street ID 15515.
  • Ussher, James. A short catechism: or, The principles of the Christian religion. Now fully corrected, and much enlarged by the author, James Usher, late. archbishop of Armagh. London : Printed for J. Luntley, at the Three Bibles in Portugal-Street, Little Lincolns-Inn-Fields, 1702. ESTC No. T224487. Grub Street ID 246697.
  • Ussher, James. The reduction of episcopacy unto the form of synodical government, received in the antient Church, proposed in the year 1641. ... Proposed now again, anno 1703. for removing the differences in the Church of Scotland, by the author of the essay for promoving [sic] nationa love and unity. ... Edinburgh: re-printed in the year, 1703. ESTC No. T170879. Grub Street ID 208545.
  • Ussher, James. The principles of the Christian religion, briefly explain'd. Together, with the scriptures on which they are grounded. By Archbishop Usher. ... Also, A summary of the same by ... Judge Hale. To which is added, The catechism, and thirty nine articles of the Church of England, . The fourth edition.. London : printed for J. Hartley, 1703. ESTC No. N63698. Grub Street ID 45817.
  • Ussher, James. The reduction of episcopacy unto the form of synodical-government, received in the ancient Church, proposed in the year 1641. ... Proposed now again, anno 1706; for removing the differences in the Church of Scotland: by the author of the essay for promoving [sic] nationa love and unity. ... Edinburgh: re-printed in the year, 1706. ESTC No. T170880. Grub Street ID 208547.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophesies and prodictions [sic] of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher, ... Edinburgh: re-printed by Mr. Andrew Symson and are to be sold at his printing house, in the year, 1708. ESTC No. T16267. Grub Street ID 201388.
  • Ussher, James. The power communicated by God to the prince, and the obedience required of the subject. Briefly laid down, and confirmed out of the Holy Scriptures, the testimony of the primitive church, the dictates of right reason, and the opinion of the wisest among heathen writers. By the most Reverend Father in God, James late Lord Archbishop of Armagh, and Primate of all Ireland. Faithfully published out of the original copy, (written with his own hand) by the Reverend Father in God, Robert Saunderson L. Bishop of Lincoln, With his Lordships preface thereunto. The third edition corrected.. London : printed for, and sold by Samuel Keble at the Turks Head over against Fetterlane in Fleetstreet, 1710. ESTC No. N62725. Grub Street ID 45011.
  • Ussher, James. A waring to Europe: or, the predictions of that eminent, pious & learned prelate, James Usher, ... that the sharpest stroak of papal persecution is yet to come, . London : printed for S. S., 1712. ESTC No. T198194. Grub Street ID 230972.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophesies and predictions of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher, late Lord Arch-bishop of Armagh, ... Written by the person who heard it from this excellent person's own mouth, ... Glasgow: printed by Robert Sanders, 1716. ESTC No. T180163. Grub Street ID 216835.
  • Ussher, James. The remarkable prophecy of that learned Bishop James Usher, late lord primate of Ireland. The second edition.. London : printed: and sold by J. Roberts, 1716. ESTC No. N55478. Grub Street ID 38976.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophecies and predictions of the holy, learned and excellent, James Usher, ... Dublin: printed by G. Needham, 1717. ESTC No. T180166. Grub Street ID 216838.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophecies and predictions of the holy, learned and excellent James Usher, late Archbishop of Armaugh [sic]. ... Written by the person who heard it from this excellent person's own mouth, ... Glasgow: printed by James Duncan in the year, 1737. ESTC No. T180161. Grub Street ID 216833.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophecies and predictions of the holy, learned and excellent James Usher, late Archbishop of Armaugh [sic], ... Written by the person who heard it from this excellent person's own mouth, ... Edinburgh: printed and sold by Tho. Lumisden and Jo. Robertson, 1737. ESTC No. T229097. Grub Street ID 249141.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophecies and predictions of the holy, learned and excellent James Usher. Late Archbishop of Armaugh [sic], ... Written by the person who heard it from this excellent person's own mouth; ... Edinburgh: printed and sold by T. Lumisden and J. Robertson, 1743. ESTC No. T180164. Grub Street ID 216836.
  • Ussher, James. The genuine and remarkable prophecies of Archbishop Usher. Containing Not only those which have been already verified according to his Predictions, but likewise those which are yet to come. To which is added, an appendix, giving an account of divers other prophecies and predictions, no less remarkable and surprizing. London : printed for J. Wilford at the Three-Flower-de-Luces in Fleet-Lane, near the Old-Bailey, [1745]. ESTC No. T104205. Grub Street ID 157757.
  • Ussher, James. Bishop Usher's prophecy being an account of the remarkable prophecies, of that holy and learned man, several of which have appear'd true. ... With several other wooderful [sic] and remarkable prophesies, . London : prihted [sic] for and sold by J. Ware, in Smithfield, [1757]. ESTC No. N62655. Grub Street ID 44952.
  • Ussher, James. Strange and remarkable prophecies and predictions of the holy, learned, and excellent James Usher, late Lord Archbishop of Armagh, ... Written by the person who heard it from this excellent man's own mouth, . London : printed and sold by R. G. and S. Popping. Sold also at the Globe in Meath-street, Dublin, 1770. ESTC No. N23400. Grub Street ID 12761.
  • Ussher, James. The genuine and remarkable prophecies of Archbishop Usher. Containing Not only those which have been already verified according to his Predictions, but likewise those which are yet to come, To which is added, An Appendix, giving an Account of divers other Prophecies and Predictions, no less remarkable and surprizing. Leeds: printed by James Bowling, in Boar-Lane, 1779. ESTC No. T184746. Grub Street ID 221047.
  • Ussher, James. Immanuel. Neu Ddirgelwch dyfodiad Mab Duw yn y cnawd. Wedi ei agor gan y gwir Barchedig Dad yn Nuw, James Usher Gynt Arch-Esgob Armagh, YN YR Iwerddon. Newydd ei gyfiaethu i'r Gymraeg gan W. Williams, Gweinidog YR Efengyl. Trefecca: argraphwyd yn y flauyddyn, MDCCLXXXVI [1786]. ESTC No. T66873. Grub Street ID 291534.
  • Ussher, James. The prophecies and predictions of the late learned Rev. James Usher, lord Archbishop of Armagh, and lord primate of Ireland, relating to England, Scotland, and Ireland. Intended as an accompaniment to fleming's prophetic discourse on the rise and fall of papacy. London : Printed for G. Terry, No. 54, Paternoster-Row, 1793. ESTC No. T222325. Grub Street ID 245264.
  • Ussher, James. The prophecies and predictions of the late learned Rev. James Usher, ... relating to England, Scotland, and Ireland intended as an accompaniment to Fleming's prophetic discourses on the rise and fall of Papacy. London : printed for G. Terry, 1793. ESTC No. T196267. Grub Street ID 229680.
  • Ussher, James. Eight sermons on the necessity of repentance, By the Rev. James Usher, Archbishop of Armagh, preached in Oxford, in the year 1640. And now revised with a preface By the Rev. P. Oliver, A. M. Chester: printed by P. Broster, [1793?]. ESTC No. T225582. Grub Street ID 247424.
  • Ussher, James. The prophecies and predictions of the late learned Rev. James Usher, Lord Archbishop of Armagh, and Lord Primate of Ireland, relating to England, Scotland, and Ireland. Intended as an accompaniment to Fleming's prophetic discourses on the rise and fall of Papacy. London : printed for G. Terry, No. 54, Paternoster-Row, 1793. ESTC No. T103434. Grub Street ID 157064.
  • Ussher, James. Some striking and remarkable predictions, of the holy, learned, and excellent Archbishop Usher, sometime Lord Primate of Ireland, in the Reign of King Charles the First. To which are added, a few interesting extracts, from other eminent religious authors, concerning The Nature and End of a a spiritual life. Bristol: printed by R. Edwards, for Richard Adams, of Kitcott, Devonshire, 1797. ESTC No. T111187. Grub Street ID 163619.