Publications of Robert Manning


  • Manning, Robert. The shortest way to end disputes about religion. In two parts. . Brussels [i.e. London?] : printed in the year, 1716. ESTC No. N36933. Grub Street ID 24887.
  • Manning, Robert. The shortest way to end disputes about religion. In five parts. . Brussels [i.e. London?] : printed in the year, 1716. ESTC No. T126238. Grub Street ID 176256.
  • Manning, Robert. The shortest way to end disputes about religion. In two parts. Part I. Antwerp : [s.n.], Printed in the year MDCCXVI. [1716]. ESTC No. N22871. Grub Street ID 12230.
  • Manning, Robert. The shortest way to end disputes about religion. By the Rev. Robert Manning, author of England's conversion and reformation compared. Dublin: stereotyped and printed by J. Hanvey, for the Irish Catholic Book Society, and sold at their depository, 5, Essex Bridge, Parliament Street, [1720?]. ESTC No. N70665. Grub Street ID 51154.
  • Manning, Robert. A plain and rational account of the Catholick faith, with a preface and appendix in vindication of Catholick morals from old calomnies revived and collected in a scurrilous libel. Entituled A Protestant's resolution, &c. [Rouen]: Printed at Rouen, Ann. 1721. ESTC No. T125370. Grub Street ID 175514.
  • Manning, Robert. A plain and rational account of the Catholick faith; with a preface and appendix, in vindication of Catholick morals, from old calumnies revived and collected in a scurrilous libel, entituled, A protestant's resolution, &c. To which is annext The Reform'd churches prov'd destitute of a lawful ministry. The third edition revised and corrected.. Rouen [i.e. London?] : Printed at Rouen, ann., 1721-22. ESTC No. T125371. Grub Street ID 175515.
  • Manning, Robert. The case stated between the Church of Rome and the Church of England in a second conversation betwixt a Roman Catholick lord, and a gentleman of the Church of England. In two parts. [Rouen?]: Printed, Anno 1721. ESTC No. T127907. Grub Street ID 177565.
  • Manning, Robert. The reform'd churches proved destitute of a lavvful ministry. To which is added The antiquity of the doctrine call'd Popery. Reprinted from a book entituled, The shortest way, &c. part.1. ch.4.5. ... [Rouen]: Printed at Rouen, Ann., 1722. ESTC No. T109186. Grub Street ID 161992.
  • Manning, Robert. England's conversion and reformation compared. Or, the young gentleman directed in the choice of his religion. To which is premised, A brief enquiry into the general grounds of the Catholick faith. ... Divided into four dialogues. Antwerp [i.e. London?] : printed for R. C. and C. F., 1725. ESTC No. T78046. Grub Street ID 299952.
  • Manning, Robert. England's conversion and reformation compared. Or, the young gentleman directed in the choice of his religion. To which is premised, A brief enquiry into the general grounds of the Catholick faith. In a conversation between a young gentleman and his preceptor. Divided into four dialogues. Antwerp [i.e. London?] : printed for R. C. and C. F., 1725. ESTC No. T78047. Grub Street ID 299953.
  • Manning, Robert. A single combat or, personal dispute between Mr. Trapp, and his anonymous antagonist. The Contents whereof are all reducible to this one Question, viz. Whether Mr. Trapp, or the Author his Adversary has writ Nonsense?. Antwerp [i.e. London?] : [s.n.], Printed in the Year, MDCCXXVIII. [1728]. ESTC No. T126239. Grub Street ID 176257.
  • Manning, Robert. The rise and fall of the heresy of iconoclasts; or, image-breakers. Being a brief Relation of the Lives and Deaths of those Emperors of the East, who first set it up and maintain'd it, or zealously oppos'd and finally crush'd it. From the Year 717 to 867. collected by R. M. London : printed for Tho. Meighan in Drury-Lane, in the Year, MDCCXXXI. [1731]. ESTC No. T10192. Grub Street ID 155765.
  • Manning, Robert. England's conversion and reformation compared. Or, the young gentleman directed in the choice of his religion. To which is premised, a brief enquiry into the general grounds of the Catholick faith. In a Conversation Between A Young Gentleman and his Preceptor. Divided into four dialogues. By the R. F. R. M. of the S.J. Antwerp: printed for R. C. and C. G., 1736. ESTC No. T129306. Grub Street ID 178773.
  • Manning, Robert. Moral entertainments on the most important practical truths of the Christian religion. In three volumes. By Robert Manning. London : printed for Tho. Meighan, in Drury-Lane, M.DCC.XLII. [1742]. ESTC No. T107067. Grub Street ID 160140.
  • Manning, Robert. England's conversion and reformation compared. Or, the young gentleman directed in the choice of his religion. To which is premised, A brief enquiry into the general grounds of the Catholick faith. In a conversation between a young gentleman and his preceptor. Divided into four dialogues. Antwerp: printed for R. C. and C. F., 1753. ESTC No. T154380. Grub Street ID 198502.
  • Manning, Robert. The shortest way to end disputes about religion. In two parts. By the Rev. Robert Manning, ... Dublin: printed for Pat. Lord, 1754. ESTC No. N22872. Grub Street ID 12231.
  • Manning, Robert. A single combat or, personal dispute between Mr. Trapp, and his anonymous antagonist. ... Dublin: printed for Philip Bowes, 1757. ESTC No. T129145. Grub Street ID 178627.
  • Manning, Robert. Moral entertainments on the most important practical truths of the Christian religion. In two volumes. By Robert Manning, ... Dublin: printed for Bartholomew Gorman, 1764. ESTC No. T170107. Grub Street ID 207850.
  • Manning, Robert. The shortest way to end disputes about religion. In two parts. By the Rev. Robert Manning, Author of England's Conversion and Reformation compared. Dublin: printed by R. Fitzsimons, No. 25, High-Street.. And R. Cross, No. 29, Bridge-Street, M,DCC,LXXVIII. [1778]. ESTC No. T131908. Grub Street ID 180872.
  • Manning, Robert. Of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Extracted from the third volume of the Moral entertainments on the most important practical truths of the Christian religion. By the Reverend Mr. Manning. London : printed, and sold by J. Marmaduke, Bookseller in Great Wild-Street, Lincoln's-Inn-Fields, MDCCLXXXVII. [1787]. ESTC No. T100798. Grub Street ID 154707.
  • Manning, Robert. England's conversion and reformation compared: or, the young gentleman directed in the choice of his religion. To which is premised, a brief enquiry into the general grounds of the Catholic faith; in a conversation between a young gentleman and his preceptor. Divided into four dialogues. Dublin: printed for R. Cross, No. 28, Bridge-Street, M,DCC,XCII. [1792]. ESTC No. T102116. Grub Street ID 155959.
  • Manning, Robert. A plain and rational account of the Catholic faith: with a preface and appendix, in vindication of Catholic morals, ... To which is annexed, The reformed churches proved destitute of a lawful ministry. By the Rev. Robert Manning, ... Dublin: printed by R. Cross, 1794. ESTC No. T206540. Grub Street ID 235997.
  • Manning, Robert. The shortest way to end disputes about religion. In two parts. By the Rev. Robert Manning, ... Dublin: printed by R. Cross, 1795. ESTC No. N22873. Grub Street ID 12232.
  • Manning, Robert. Moral entertainments on the most important practical truths of the Christian religion. In two volumes. By the Rev. Robert Manning. Author of England's conversion and reformation compared;-and other tracts. Dublin: printed by P. Wogan, No. 23, Old-Bridge, 1795. ESTC No. T180951. Grub Street ID 217562.
  • Manning, Robert. The Catholic devotion to the blessed Virgin, with the practice thereof. By the Rev. Robert Manning. The second edition.. London : Printed by J.P. Coghlan, No. 37, Duke-Street, Crosvenor-square, M,DCC,XCVIII. [1798]. ESTC No. T186199. Grub Street ID 222359.