Publications of Henry Dodwell


  • Dodwell, Henry. Two letters of advice, I. For the susception of Holy Orders. II. For studies theological, especially such as are rational. At the end of the former, is inserted, a catalogue of the Christian writers, and genuine works that are extant of the first three centuries. Dublin: printed by Benjamin Tooke, printer to the Kings most excellent Majesty; and are to be sold by Joseph Wilde, MDCLXXII. [1672]. ESTC No. R16080. Grub Street ID 63965.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Some considerations of present concernment; how far the Romanists may be trusted by princes of another perswasion; relating to the design of the controversial letters, and some other discourses lately published by that party of them, who have concerned themselves in this subject. London : printed by T[homas]. R[oycroft]. for Benj. Tooke, at the Ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1675. ESTC No. R25562. Grub Street ID 109093.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Two short discourses against the Romanists· 1. An account of the fundamental principle of popery, and of the insufficiency of the proofs which they have for it. 2. An answer to six queries proposed to a gentlewoman of the Church of England, by an emissary of the church of Rome. By Henry Dodwell M.A. and sometimes Fellow of Trinity Colledge near Dublin. London : printed for Benj. Tooke, and are to be sold at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1676. ESTC No. R1351. Grub Street ID 61608.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Separation of churches from episcopal government, as practised by the present non-conformists, proved schismatical from such principles as are least controverted, and do withal most popularly explain the sinfulness and mischief of schism. In this treatise the sin against the Holy Ghost, the sin unto death, and other difficult scriptures are occasionally discoursed of, and some useful rules are given for explication of scripture. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. and sometimes fellow of Trinity-College near Dublin in Ireland. London : printed for Benjamin Tooke, at the Ship in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXIX. [1679]. ESTC No. R13106. Grub Street ID 61232.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Two letters of advice, I. for the susception of holy orders. II. For studies theological, especially such as are rational. At the end of the former, is inserted, a catalogue of the Christian writers and genuine works that are extant of the first three centuries. The second edition corrected and improved. Together with a new appendix to the second letter, concerning Sanchoniathon's Phoenician history, not published before.. London : printed by M[ary]. C[larke]. for Benjamin Tooke, at the ship in St. Pauls Church-yard, 1680. ESTC No. R17455. Grub Street ID 67716.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A discourse concerning Sanchoniathon's Ph.nician history. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. and sometimes fellow of Trinity Colledge near Dublin in Ireland. London : printed by M. Clark, for B. Tooke at the Ship in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1681. ESTC No. R3930. Grub Street ID 121203.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A reply to Mr. Baxter's pretended confutation of a book entituled, Separation of churches from episcopal government, &c. proved schismatical. To which are added, three letters written to him in the year 1673, concerning the possibility of discipline under a diocesan government, (which though relating to the subject of most of his late books, have never yet been answered.) By Henry Dodwell, M.A. and sometimes fellow of Trinity College near Dublin in Ireland. London : printed for Benj. Tooke at the Ship in S. Pauls Churchyard, 1681. ESTC No. R3354. Grub Street ID 116142.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A discourse concerning the one altar and the one priesthood insisted on by the ancients in their disputes against schism. Wherein the ground and solidity of that way of reasoning is explained, as also its applicableness to the case of our modern schismaticks, with particular regard to some late treatises of Mr. Richard Baxter. Being a just account concerning the true nature and principles of schism according to the ancients. By H. Dodwell, M.A. and sometime fellow of Trinity College near Dublin. London : printed for Benj. Tooke, at the Ship in S. Paul's Church-Yard, 1683. ESTC No. R24298. Grub Street ID 108100.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Dissertationes cyprianicæ. Ab Henrico Dodwello A.M. Dubliniensi. Oxoniæ: E Theatro Sheldoniano, Anno 1684. ESTC No. R18393. Grub Street ID 73659.
  • Dodwell, Henry. De jure laicorum sacerdotali, ex sententi^a Tertulliani aliorumque veterum dissertatio. Advers`us anonymum dissertatorem, De coenae administratioue, [sic] ubi pastores non sunt. Ab Henrico Dodwello A.M. Dubliniensi. Londini : impensis Benj. Took, MDCXXXV [1635, i.e. 1685]. ESTC No. R42697. Grub Street ID 123922.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Two short discourses against the Romanists: I. An account of the fundamental principle of popery, and of the insufficiency of the proofs which they have for it. II. An answer to six queries proposed to a gentlewoman of the Church of England, by an emissary of the church of Rome. With a new preface particularly relating to the Bishop of Meaux, and other modern complainers of misrepresentation. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. late of Trinity College near Dublin, now Camden-professor of Oxford. Imprimatur, April 16. 1688. Jo. Battely. London : printed for Benj. Tooke, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R14490. Grub Street ID 62508.
  • Dodwell, Henry. An account of the fundamental principle of Popery, as it is a distinct communion: and of the insufficiency of the proofs which they have for it. With a new preface particularly relating to the Bishop of meaux, and other modern complainers of misrepresentation. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. late of Trinity College near Dublin, now Camden-Professor of Oxford. London : printed for Benj. Tooke, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688]. ESTC No. R171801. Grub Street ID 65897.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Dissertationes in Irenæum. Auctore Henrico Dodwello A.M. historices in Academia Oxoniensi prælectore Cambdeniano. Accedit fragmentum Philippi Sidetæ, hactenus ineditum, de catechistarum Alexandrinorum successione, cum notis. Oxoniæ: E Theatro Sheldoniano, 1689. ESTC No. R6710. Grub Street ID 127031.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Two letters of advice, I. For the susception of holy orders. II. For studies theological, especially such as are rational. At the end of the former, is inserted, a catalogue of the Christian writers and genuine works that are extant of the first three centuries. The third edition corrected and improved. Together with the appendix to the second letter, concerning Sanchoniathon's Phoenician history. By Henry Dodwell, M.ADT and sometime Fellow of Trinity College near Dublin in Ireland. London : printed for Benjamin Tooke, MDCXCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R234750. Grub Street ID 106025.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A discourse concerning Sanchoniathon's Phænician history by Henry Dodwell. London : Printed for Benjamin Tooke and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby, 1691. ESTC No. R27303. Grub Street ID 110484.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Two letters of advice, I. For the susception of holy orders. II. For studies theological, especially such as are rational. At the end of the former, is inserted, a catalogue of the Christian writers and genuine works that are extant of the first three centuries. The third edition corrected and improved. Together with the appendix to the second letter, concerning Sanchoniathon's Ph nician history. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. and sometimes Fellow of Trinity Colledge near Dublin in Ireland. London : printed for B. Tooke, and are to be sold by Walter Kettilby, at the Bishop's-Head in St. Paul's-Church-yard, 1691. ESTC No. R27304. Grub Street ID 110485.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Two letters of advice, I. For the susception of holy orders. II. For studies theological, especially such as are rational. [A]t the end of the former, is inserted, a catalogue of the Christian writers and genuine works that are extant of the first three centuries. The thir edition corrected and improved. Together with the appendix to the second letter, concerning Sanchoniathon's Ph.nician history. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. and sometime Fellow of Trinity College near Dublin in Ireland. London : printed for Benjamin Tooke, and sold by Samuel Simpson and Richard Green, booksellers in Cambridge, 1691. ESTC No. R229681. Grub Street ID 102119.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Prælectiones academicæ in schola historices Camdeniana. Cum appendice. Oxonii: e Theatro Sheldoniano: væneunt in officina Benj. Tooke, bibliopolæ Londinensis, an. Dom. MDCXCII. [1692]. ESTC No. R31362. Grub Street ID 114160.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Henrici Dodwelli De geographorum, quos primum volumen complectitur, ætate & scriptis dissertationes. Oxoniæ: e Theatro Sheldoniano, MDCXCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R174689. Grub Street ID 67807.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Annales Velleiani, Quintilianei, Statiani. Seu vitæ P. Velleii paterculi, M. Fabii quintiliani, P. Papinii statii, (obiterque Juvenalis,) pro temporum ordine, dispositæ. Ab Henrico Dodwello A.M. Dubliniensi. Oxonii: e Theatro Sheldoniano, A. D. MDCXCVIII. [1698]. ESTC No. R222519. Grub Street ID 96494.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Reflexions on a pamphlet entitled, Remarks on the occasional paper, numb. VIII. relating to the controversy betwixt Dr. Hody and Mr. Dodwell. And on another entitl'd A defence of the vindication of the depriv'd bishops, some time since seiz'd and suppress'd by the Government, and now reprinted. With an answer to a third call'd Historical collections concerning church affairs. London : Printed by T. Snowden, for John Everingham, at the Star in Ludgate-street, 1698. ESTC No. R9160. Grub Street ID 129266.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A treatise concerning the lawfulness of instrumental musick in holy offices. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. To which is prefixed, a preface in vindication of Mr. Newte's sermon, concerning the lawfulness and use of organs in the Christian church, &c. From the exceptions of an anonymous letter to a friend in the country, concerning the use of instrumental musick in the worship of God, &c. The second edition, with large additions.. London : printed for William Haws, at the Rose in Ludgate-street, MDCC. [1700]. ESTC No. R14256. Grub Street ID 62302.
  • Dodwell, Henry. S. Caecilii Cypriani opera Recognita & Illustrata a Joanne Fello, oxoniensi episcopo. Accedunt annales cyprianici, sive tredecim annorum, quibus S. Cyprianus inter Christianos versatus est, brevis historia Chronologic delineata a Joanne Pearsonio, cestriensi episcopo. Editio tertia cui additae sunt dissertationes cyprianicae Henrici Dodwelli. Oxonii: E Theatro Sheldoniano, M.DCC. [1700]. ESTC No. R171802. Grub Street ID 65898.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A treatise concerning the lawfulness of instrumental musick in holy offices. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. To which is prefixed, a preface in vindication of Mr. Newte's sermon, concerning the lawfulness and use of organs in the Christian church, &c. From the exceptions of an anonymous letter, to a friend in the country, concerning the use of instrumental musick in the worship of God, &c. London : printed for W. Hawes, at the Rose in Ludgate-street, and Henry Clements, bookseller in Oxford, and W. Burton, bookseller at Tiverton in Devonshire, 1700. ESTC No. R34425. Grub Street ID 116949.
  • Dodwell, Henry. De veteribus Græcorum Romanorumque cyclis, obiterque de cyclo Judæorum ætate Christi, dissertationes decem, cum tabulis necessariis. Inseruntur tabulis fragmenta veterum inedita, ad rem spectantia chronologicam. Opus historiæ veteri ... necessarium. Ab Henrico Dodwello ... Oxonii: e Theatro Sheldoniano. Prostant apud Benj. Tooke Fleetstreet [London], 1701-02. ESTC No. T96067. Grub Street ID 315546.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Annales Thucydidei et Xenophontei. Præmittitur apparatus, cum vitæ Thucydidis synopsi chronologica. Ab Henrico Dodwello ... Oxonii: e Theatro Sheldoniano. Prostant apud Benj. Took, 1702. ESTC No. T193452. Grub Street ID 227590.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A defence of the vindication of the deprived bishops. Wherein the case of Abiathar is particularly considered, and the invalidity of lay-deprivations is further proved, from the doctrine received under the Old Testament, continued in the first ages of christianity, and from our own fundamental laws. In a reply to Dr. Hody and another author. To which is annexed the doctrine of the Church of England, concerning the independence of the clergy on the lay-power, as to those rights of theirs which are purely spiritual, reconciled with our oath of supremacy, and the lay-deprivations of the popish bishops in the beginning of the Reformation. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. London : printed and sold by Sam. Keble, at the Turk's-Head in Fleet-street, 1702. ESTC No. N70280. Grub Street ID 50953.
  • Dodwell, Henry. An admonitory discourse concerning the late English schism, address'd to those of the reformed, as well as roman religion abroad: wherein the ancient rights of bishops, and their independency of the secular magistrate, are asserted and recommended. By Henry Dodwell, A.M. of Dublin. Written originally in Latin, and now faithfully done into English, [sic]. London : printed, and sold by J. Nutt, near Stationers-hall, MDCCIV. [1704]. ESTC No. T95461. Grub Street ID 314967.
  • Dodwell, Henry. De nupero schismate anglicano parænesis ad exteros tam reformatos quam etiam pontificios quâ, jura episcoporum vetera, eorundemque a magistratu seculari independentia omnibus asserenda commendantur. Ab Henrico Dodwello, A.M. Dubliniensi. Londini : impensis Richardi Smith ad insigne Angeli & Bibliorum extra Temple-Bar, MDCCIV. [1704]. ESTC No. T95462. Grub Street ID 314968.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Exercitationes duæ: prima, de ætate Phalaridis; secunda, de ætate Pythagoræ philosophi. Ab Henrico Dodwello, A. M. Dubliniensi. Londini : impensis Richardi Smith, ad Insigne Angeli & Bibliorum extra Temple-Bar, MDCCIV. [1704]. ESTC No. T96434. Grub Street ID 315890.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A case in view consider'd: in a discourse, proving that in case our present invalidly deprived fathers shall leave all their sees vacant, either by death or resignation we shall not then be obliged to keep up our separation from those bishops, who are as yet involved in the guilt of the present unhappy schism. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. London : printed for Samuel Keble at the Great Turks-Head in Fleet-Street, 1705. ESTC No. T95434. Grub Street ID 314938.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Occasional communion fundamentally destructive of the discipline of the primitive catholick church, and contrary to the doctrine of the latest scriptures, concerning church-communion. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. London : printed for S. Keble, at the Turk's Head in Fleetstreet, and R. Smith, at the Angel and Bible without Temple-Bar, 1705. ESTC No. T41888. Grub Street ID 270689.
  • Dodwell, Henry. An epistolary discourse, proving, from the Scriptures and the first fathers, that the soul is a principle naturally mortal: But Immortalized Actually: by the Pleasure of God to Punishment; or, to Reward by its Union with the Divine Baptismal Spirit Wherein is Proved, That None have the Power of Giving this Divine Immortalizing Spirit, since the Apostles, but only the Bishops. With an Hypothesis concerning Sacerdotal Absolution. The second edition corrected. By Henry Dodwell, A.M. London : printed for R. Smith, at the Angel and Bible, without Temple-Bar, MDCCVI. [1706]. ESTC No. N9271. Grub Street ID 54140.
  • Dodwell, Henry. An epistolary discourse, proving, from the scriptures and the first fathers, that the soul is a principle naturally mortal; But Immortalized Actually by the Pleasure of God, to Punishment; or, to Reward, by its Union with the Divine Baptismal Spirit. Wherein is Proved, That None have the Power of Giving this Divine Immortalizing Spirit, since the Apostles, but only the Bishops. By Henry Dodwell, A.M. London : printed for R. Smith, at the Angel and Bible, without Temple-Bar, 1706. ESTC No. T117511. Grub Street ID 169102.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A short discourse concerning sacerdotal absolution: whereby the independent rights of the Church, and the necessity of avoiding schism, are briefly cleared. By Henry Dodwell, . London : printed and sold by J. Nutt, 1706. ESTC No. N22672. Grub Street ID 12022.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A preliminary defence of the epistolary discourse, concerning the distinction between soul and spirit. In two parts. I. Against the Charge of favouring Impiety. II. Against the Charge of favouring Heresie. In the Former is inserted a Digression, Proving, that the Collection of the Code of the Four Gospels in Trajan's Time is no way Derogatory to the sufficient Attestation of them. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. London : printed for George Strahan at the Golden Ball against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1707. ESTC No. T76759. Grub Street ID 299035.
  • Dodwell, Henry. An epistolary discourse, proving, from the Scriptures and the first fathers, that the soul is a principle naturally mortal: but immortalized actually: by the Pleasure of God to Punishment; or, to Reward by its Union with the Divine Baptismal Spirit. Wherein is Proved, That None have the Power of Giving this Divine Immortalizing Spirit, since the Apostles, but only Bishops. With an Hypothesis concerning Sacerdotal Absolution. The second edition, with large additions, and corrected from great erratas by the author's own hand. By Henry Dodwell, A. M. London : printed for R. Smith, and sold by John Phillips, at the Black-Bull, next Door to the Fleece-Tavern in Cornhill, MDCCVII. [1707]. ESTC No. T76762. Grub Street ID 299038.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A further prospect of The case in view, in answer to some new objections. ... By Henry Dodwell, A.M. London : printed for G. Sawbridge, [1707?]. ESTC No. T203557. Grub Street ID 234105.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A further prospect of The case in view, in answer to some New Objections Not There Considered. London : printed, and sold at the publishing-office in Bearbinder-Lane, near Stocks-Market; and by most booksellers in London and Westminster, 1707. ESTC No. T59577. Grub Street ID 285574.
  • Dodwell, Henry. The natural mortality of humane souls clearly demonstrated, from the Holy Scriptures, and the concurrent Testimonies of the Primitive Writers. Being an explication of a famous passage in the dialogue of S. Justin Martyr with Tryphon, concerning the Soul's Immortality. In a Letter to a Friend. With an appendix; consisting of a letter to the Reverend Mr. John Norris of Bemerton. and An Expostulation, relating to the late Insults of Mr. Clark and Mr. Chishull. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. London : printed for E. Curll and E. Sanger at the Peacock without Temple-Bar, and at the Post-House at the Middle-Temple-Gate, 1708. ESTC No. T76758. Grub Street ID 299034.
  • Dodwell, Henry. The scripture account of the eternal rewards or punishments of all that hear of the Gospel, without an immortality necessarily resulting from the nature of the souls themselves that are concerned in those Rewards or Punishments. Shewing particularly: I. How much of this account was discovered by the best Philosophers. II. How far the Accounts of those Philosophers were corrected, and improved, by the Hellenistical Jews assisted by the Revelations of the Old Testament. III. How far the Discoveries fore-mentioned were improved by the Revelations of the Gospel. Wherein the Testimonies also of S. Ireneus and Tertullian are occasionally considered. By Henry Dodwell M. A. Author of the Epistolary Discourse. London : printed for George Straughan at the Golden Ball over against the Royal Exchange in Cornhill, 1708. ESTC No. T76760. Grub Street ID 299036.
  • Dodwell, Henry. An explication of a famous passage in the dialogue of S. Justin Martyr with Tryphon, concerning the immortality of humane souls. Being A letter to the learned author of a book intitul'd, H=e charis dotheisa &c. With an appendix; consisting of a letter to ... John Norris o Bemerton. ... By Henry Dodwell, M.A. London : printed for E. Curll and E. Sanger, 1708. ESTC No. T76761. Grub Street ID 299037.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A discourse concerning the use of incense in divine offices. Wherein it is Proved, That that Practice, taken up in the Middle Ages, both by the Eastern and Western Churches, is, notwithstanding, an Innovation from the Doctrine of the first and purest Churches, and the Traditions derived from the Apostles. Serving also to Evince, That even the Consent of those Churches of the Middle Ages, is no certain Argument, that even the Particulars, wherein they are supposed to Consent, were faithfully derived from the Apostles, Against the modern Assertors of the Infallibility of Oral Tradition. In a Letter to a Friend. By Henry Dodwell, M.A. London : printed by J. Heptinstall, for James Holland at the Bible and Ball in S. Paul's Churchyard, 1711. ESTC No. T95436. Grub Street ID 314939.
  • Dodwell, Henry. The case in view, now in fact, proving, that the Continuance of a separate communion, without substitutes in any of the late invalidly-deprived sees, since the death of William late Lord Bishop of Norwich, is schismatical. With an appendix, proving, That our late Invalidly-Deprived Fathers had no Right to substitute Successors, who might legitimate the Separation, after that the schism had been concluded by the Decease of the last Surviver of those same Fathers. By the author of The case in view. London : printed for S. Keble at the Turks-Head in Fleet-Street, and M. Atkins at the Golden-Ball in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1711. ESTC No. T59578. Grub Street ID 285575.
  • Dodwell, Henry. An appendix. Proving, that our late invalidly-deprived Fathers had no right to substitute successors, who might legitimate the separation, after that the schism had been concluded by the Decease of the last Surviver of those same Fathers. London : printed for S. Keble at the Turks-Head in Fleetstreet, and M. Atkins at the Golden-Ball in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1711. ESTC No. T141232. Grub Street ID 188807.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A letter from the learned Mr. Henry Dodwell. To the Right Reverend the Bishop of Sarum, in which he owns his spiritual character, but not his temporal. With the bishop's answer, and Mr. Dodwell's reply. The second edition.. London : Printed for John Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, 1712. ESTC No. T178115. Grub Street ID 215052.
  • Dodwell, Henry. A letter from the learned Mr. Henry Dodwell to the Right Reverend the Bishop of Sarum, in which he owns his spiritual character, but not his temporal. Together with the Bishop's answer. London : printed for John Baker, 1712. ESTC No. T195355. Grub Street ID 229067.
  • Dodwell, Henry. Henrici Dodwelli De Parma Equestri Woodwardiana dissertatio. Accedit Thomæ Neli Dialogus inter reginam Elizabetham & Robertum Dudleium, Comitem Leycestriae & Academiae Oxoniensis Cancellarium, in quo de academiæ ædificiis præclare agitur. Recensuit ediditque Tho. Hearne, A.M. Oxoniensis, Qui & Dodwelli Operum editorum Catalogum praemisit. Oxonii: e Theatro Sheldoniano, MDCCXIII. Impensis editoris, [1713]. ESTC No. T101149. Grub Street ID 155047.