Pineda, Pedro.
A short and compendious method for the learning to speak, read, and write the Spanish language: in which each part of speech is separately treated of, after a new method. And a syntax, ... Composed by Pedro Pineda, .
London : printed for T. Woodward, 1726.
ESTC No. N22550.Grub Street ID 11898.
Pineda, Pedro.
A new dictionary, Spanish and English and English and Spanish. Containing the etymology, the proper and metaphorical signification of words, terms of arts and sciences, names of men, families, places, and of the principal plants in Spain and the West-Indies. Together wit the Arabick and Moorish words ... in the Spanish tongue. And an explanation of the difficult words, ... in Don Quixote, ... By Peter Pineda, .
London : printed for I. Vaillant, F. Gyles, T. Woodward, and A. Millar, 1739.
ESTC No. N53319.Grub Street ID 37245.
Pineda, Pedro.
A new dictionary, Spanish and English and English and Spanish. Containing the etymology, the proper and metaphorical signification of words, terms of arts and sciences, names of men, families, places, and of the principal plants in Spain and the West-Indies. Together wit the Arabick and Moorish words ... in the Spanish tongue. And an explanation of the difficult words, ... in Don Quixote, ... By Peter Pineda, .
London : printed for F. Gyles, T. Woodward, A. Millar, and I. Vaillant, 1740.
ESTC No. T201096.Grub Street ID 232513.
Pineda, Pedro.
A new dictionary, Spanish and English and English and Spanish. Containing the etymology, the proper and metaphorical signification of words, terms of arts and sciences; names of men, families, places, and of the principal plants in Spain and the West-Indies. Together wit the Arabick and Moorish words ... in the Spanish tongue, and an explanation of the difficult words, ... in Don Quixote, ... By Peter Pineda, .
London : printed for F. Gyles; T. Woodward; T. Cox and J. Clarke; A. Millar; and P. Vaillant, 1740.
ESTC No. T134064.Grub Street ID 182759.
Pineda, Pedro.
Nuevo dictionario .
London : por F. Gyles, T. Woodward, T. Cox, J. Clarke, A. Millar, y P. Vaillant, 1750.
ESTC No. N65133.Grub Street ID 47051.
Pineda, Pedro.
F`acil y c`orto methodo, ^o introducion para aprehend`er los rudimentos de la l`engua Castell`ana. Dividido en cinco partes. En la prim`era se h`abla del abeced`ario y sus partes. En la seg`unda se tr`ata de las pal`abras de p`ocas y m`uchas silabas, entremescl`ada con cu`entos f`abulas, y c`antos. En la tercera, algunas cartas missivas. En la quarta ay `una doz`ena de di`alogos traduzidos pal`abra por pal`abra, del ingles en espa~n`ol. En la quinta, `unos di`alogos, con ^un no se que de espanismo muy provech`oso. Dedicado a los serenissimos principes, El Principe Jorge, EL Principe Eduardo, El Principe Guillelmo Henrique, El Principe Henrique Frederique, La Princessa Augusta, Y la Princessa Elizabetha; dignos hijos de sus Altezas Reales los Principes de Gales. Por Pedro Pineda.
London] : Impresso p`or el, con Licencia de sus superi`ores, en Londres, A~no M.DCC.L. [1750.
ESTC No. N47289.Grub Street ID 31981.
Pineda, Pedro.
A short and compendious method for the learning to speak, read, and write, the English and Spanish languages. In which each part of speech is separately treated of, after a new method. And a syntax: such as hitherto has never been published in any grammar before this for the modern languages. Composed by Peter Pineda, teacher of the Spanish languages in London. Who has corrected the errors, and supplied the defects of the first impression, and added an English grammar, for the benefit of the Spaniards; also many dialogues, and an hispanism never printed before. He also has taken away all the examples, not only of customs, but also of rReligion, that could offend any religion or country. The second impression.
London : [s.n.], Printed in the year M.DCC.LI. [1751].
ESTC No. T152226.Grub Street ID 197243.
Pineda, Pedro.
A short and compendious method for learning to speak, read, and write, the English and Spanish languages. In which each part of speech is separately treated of, in a new manner. With a syntax: such as never before was published in any grammar for the modern languages. By Peter Pineda, teacher of the Spanish language in London; who has corrected the errors, and supplied the defects of the first impression, and added an English grammar, for the benefit of the Spaniards; also many dialogues, and an Hispanism, never printed before. He also has taken away all the examples, not only of customs, but also of religion, that could offend any persons or country.
The third impression, corrected and amended..
London : printed for J. Nourse in the Strand, 1762.
ESTC No. T134380.Grub Street ID 183039.