Publications of Simon Mason


  • Mason, Simon. The good and bad effects of tea consider'd. Wherein are exhibited, the physical virtues of tea; its general and particular Use; to what Constitutions agreeable; at what Times and Seasons it is most proper to be drank; and when and how prejudicial. To which are subjoined, some considerations on afternoon tea-drinking, and the many subsequent Evils attending it; with a Persuasive to the Use of our own wholsome Product, Sage, &c. By Simon Mason, Author of The Nature of an Intermitting Fever and Ague consider'd, lately publish'd. Entered according to Act of Parliament. London : printed for M. Cooper, at the Globe, in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXLV. [1745]. ESTC No. T35712. Grub Street ID 265787.
  • Mason, Simon. The nature of an intermitting fever and ague consider'd: wherein is explain'd, the cause of each succeeding symptom, and their periodical returns: with the best and most rational method of cure. Such Cures also are accounted for, as have been obtain'd by Spirits, Acids, Charms, Frights, Emeticks, Catharticks, Sudorificks, Hot and Cold Bathing. With Reasons and Cases to prove, How the Bark in many Instances doth cure, and why in many others it doth not, and when judiciously given seldom fails; in Order to obviate the Mistakes of those who are prejudic'd against that Incomparable Medicine. To which is added, An Extraordinary Case of one Widow Sparkes, of Eighty Years of Age, who upon the Cure of an Ulcer in her Leg, had her Menses return, after they had left her Thirty Years, and they continu'd their regular Periods. By Simon Mason, of Cambridge. London : printed for J. Hodges, at the Looking-Glass, over-against St. Magnus Church, London-Bridge, 1745. ESTC No. T75678. Grub Street ID 298308.
  • Mason, Simon. A narrative of the life and distresses of Simon Mason, apothecary. Containing a series of transactions and events, both interesting and diverting. Birmingham: printed for the author; and sold by F. Noble, at his Circulating Library, in King-Street, Covent-Garden; and J. Noble, at his Circulating Library, in St. Martin's-Court, near Leicester-Square, 1752?]. ESTC No. T75680. Grub Street ID 298311.
  • Mason, Simon. A narrative of the life and distresses of Simon Mason, apothecary. Setting forth the injurious treatment he hath met with; with many other transactions, ... Birmingham: printed for the author by T. Warren jun., [1754]. ESTC No. T75679. Grub Street ID 298309.
  • Mason, Simon. Practical observations in physick wherein is exhibited the ætiology, or the rise and nature of the most prevalent distempers, with a plain, rational and concise method of treating them. ... By the late Simon Mason, apothecary. Birmingham: printed by T. Warren, jun., 1757. ESTC No. T76078. Grub Street ID 298566.
  • Mason, Simon. The good and bad effects of tea consider'd. Wherein are exhibited, the physical virtues of tea; its general and particular use; to what constitutions agreeable; at what times and seasons it is most proper to be drank; and when and how prejudicial. . London : printed for John Wilkie, 1758. ESTC No. T7203. Grub Street ID 295582.