Publications of Ralph Brooke


  • Brooke, Ralph. A discouerie of diuers errors published in print in the much commended Britannia, 1594. very preiudiciall to the discentes and successions of the auncient nobilitie of this realme. By Yorke Herault. [London: J. Windet, 1599]. ESTC No. S5269. Grub Street ID 149073.
  • Brooke, Ralph. A catalogue and succession of the kings, princes, dukes, marquesses, earles, and viscounts of this realme of England, since the Norman Conquest, to this present yeere 1622. Together with their armes, wiues, and children; the times of their deaths and burials, with many o their memorable actions. Collected by Raphe [sic] Brooke, Esquire, Yorke Herauld, and by him inlarged, with amendment of diuers faults, committed by the printer, in the time of the authors sicknesse. [London: printed by William Stansby], 1622. ESTC No. S126175. Grub Street ID 145347.
  • Brooke, Ralph. A discoverie of certaine errours published in print in the much commended Britannia, 1594. Very prejudiciall to the discentes and successions of the auncient nobilitie of this realme. By Ralphe Brooke, ... To which is added, the learned Mr. Camden's answer to this book. London : printed by J. Bettenham, for James Woodman, 1723. ESTC No. T144033. Grub Street ID 190977.
  • Brooke, Ralph. A second discoverie of errours published in the much-commended Britannia, 1594. Very preiudiciall to the discentes and successions of the aunciente nobilitie of this realme. With a reply to Mr. Camden's apology ad lectorem, in his fift edition, 1600. By Rafe Brooke. London : printed for James Woodman, 1723. ESTC No. N21751. Grub Street ID 11106.
  • Brooke, Ralph. A discoverie of certaine errours published in print in the much commended Britannia, 1594. Very preiudicial to the discentes and successions of the auncient nobilitie of this realme. By Ralphe Brooke, Yorke Herault at Armes. Quam quisque norit Artem, in hac se exerceat. To which are added, the learned Mr. Camden's answer to this book; and Mr. Brooke's reply. Now first Published from an Original Manuscript in the Library of John Anstis Esq; Garter King at Arms. London : printed for James Woodman and David Lyon, in Russel-Street, Covent-Garden, M.DCC.XXIV. [1724]. ESTC No. T144032. Grub Street ID 190976.
  • Brooke, Ralph. A discoverie of certaine errours published in print in the much commended Britannia, 1594. Very preiudicial to the discentes and successions of the auncient nobilitie of this realme. By Ralphe Brooke, ... To which are added, the learned Mr. Camden's answer to this book; and Mr. Brooke's reply. ... Now first published from an original manuscript in the library of John Anstis. London : printed for James Woodman and David Lyon, 1724. ESTC No. N60736. Grub Street ID 43733.