John Williams the first (fl. 16341683)


  • Grubstreet: 775


  • Bookseller


  • Freedom: 1634

John Williams, bookseller, at the Crown in St. Paul's Churchyard; at the Blue Anchor in Little Britain; at the Crown in Cross Keys Court, Little Britain; at the Crane in St. Paul's Churchyard. Succeeded by his son, John Williams junior.

A Dictionary of the Booksellers and Printers who were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1641 to 1667, by Henry Plomer (1907)

WILLIAMS (JOHN), bookseller in London, (1) Crown, St. Pauls Church Yard, 1636–66; (2) Blue Anchor in Little Britain, 1667. Took up his freedom September 15th, 1634. [Arber, iii. 687.] Paid ten shillings as his proportion of the poll tax in 1641. [Domestic State Papers, Charles I, vol 483 (11).] Joint publisher with F. Eglesfield, q.v. of Herrick's Hesperides, 1648. The John Wilcox, q.v., recorded by Hazlitt is probably intended for John Williams.