Publications of John Smith


  • Smith, John. A true relation of such occurrences and accidents of noate as hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that collony, which is now resident in the south part thereof, till the last returne from thence. Written by Captaine Smith Coronell of the said collony, to a worshipfull friend of his in England. London: Printed [by Edward Allde] for Iohn Tappe, and are to bee solde at the Greyhound in Paules-Church-yard, by W[illiam] W[elby], 1608. ESTC No. S987. Grub Street ID 153966.
  • Smith, John. A true relation of such occurrences and accidents of noate as hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that collony, which is now resident in the south part thereof, till the last returne from thence. Written by Th. Watson Gent. one of the said collony, to a worshipfull friend of his in England. London: Printed [by Edward Allde] for Iohn Tappe, and are to bee solde at the Greyhound in Paules-Church-yard, by W[illiam] W[elby], 1608. ESTC No. S988. Grub Street ID 153967.
  • Smith, John. A true relation of such occurrences and accidents of noate as hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that collony, which is now resident in the south part thereof, till the last returne from thence. Written by Captaine Smith one of the said collony, to a worshipfull friend of his in England. London: Printed [by Edward Allde] for Iohn Tappe, and are to bee solde at the Greyhound in Paules-Church-yard, by W[illiam] W[elby], 1608. ESTC No. S111009. Grub Street ID 130947.
  • Smith, John. A trve relation of such occurrences and accidents of noateas hath hapned in Virginia since the first planting of that collony, which is now resident in the south part thereof, till the last returne from thence. Written by a Gentleman of the said collony, to a worshipfull friend of his in England. London: printed [by Edward Allde] for Iohn Tappe, and are to bee solde at the Greyhound in Paules Church-yard, by W[illiam]. W[elby]., 1608. ESTC No. S95234. Grub Street ID 153276.
  • Smith, John. A map of Virginia. VVith a description of the countrey, the commodities, people, government and religion. VVritten by Captaine Smith, sometimes governour of the countrey. Whereunto is annexed the proceedings of those colonies, since their first departure from England, with the discourses, orations, and relations of the salvages, and the accidents that befell them in all their iournies and discoveries. Taken faithfully as they were written out of the writings of Doctor Russell. Tho. Studley. Anas Todkill. Ieffra Abot. Richard Wiefin. Will. Phettiplace. Nathaniel Povvell. Richard Pots. And the relations of divers other diligent observers there present then, and now many of them in England. By VV.S. At Oxford: Printed by Joseph Barnes, 1612. ESTC No. S121887. Grub Street ID 141452.
  • Smith, John. For the Right Honourable the Lord Elesmore [sic] Lord High Chancelor of England. A description of New England: or The obseruations, and discoueries, of Captain Iohn Smith (admirall of that country) in the north of America, in the year of our Lord 1614: with the successe of sixe ships, that went the next yeare 1615; and the accidents befell him among the French men of warre: with the proofe of the present benefit this countrey affoords: whither this present yeare, 1616, eight voluntary ships are gone to make further tryall. At London: Printed by Humfrey Lownes, for Robert Clerke; and are to be sould at his house called the Lodge, in Chancery lane, ouer against Lincolnes Inne, 1616. ESTC No. S986. Grub Street ID 153965.
  • Smith, John. A description of New England: or The obseruations, and discoueries, of Captain Iohn Smith (admirall of that country) in the north of America, in the year of our Lord 1614: with the successe of sixe ships, that went the next yeare 1615; and the accidents befell him among the French men of warre: with the proofe of the present benefit this countrey affoords: whither this present yeare, 1616, eight voluntary ships are gone to make further tryall. At London: Printed by Humfrey Lownes, for Robert Clerke; and are to be sould at his house called the Lodge, in Chancery lane, ouer against Lincolnes Inne, 1616. ESTC No. S111023. Grub Street ID 130959.
  • Smith, John. Nevv Englands trials. Declaring the successe of 26. ships employed thither within these sixe yeares: with the benefit of that countrey by sea and land: and how to build threescore sayle of good ships, to make a little navie royall. Written by Captaine Iohn Smith. London: Printed by VVilliam Iones, 1620. ESTC No. S111021. Grub Street ID 130957.
  • Smith, John. Nevv Englands trials. Declaring the successe of 80 ships employed thither within these eight yeares; and the benefit of that countrey by sea and land. With the present estate of that happie plantation, begun but by 60 weake men in the yeare 1620. And how to build a fleete of good shippes to make a little nauie royall. Written by Captaine Iohn Smith, sometimes Gouernour of Virginia, and Admirall of New England. London: Printed by William Iones, 1622. ESTC No. S110996. Grub Street ID 130935.
  • Smith, John. The generall history of Virginia, the Somer Iles, and New England, with the names of the aduenturers, and their aduentures. Also a catalogue of their names who were the first treasurers heere, and planters and gouernours there; and how they haue yeerely succeeded, from their first beginning in 1584. to this present 1623. with the proceedings of these seuerall colonies, and the accidents that befell them in all their iourneys and discoueries, with the mappes and descriptions of those countries, commodities, people, gouernment, customes, and religion yet knowne, for the generall good of all them who belong to those plantations and all their posterities. Discouered, obserued, or collected by Captaine Io. Smith sometime Gouernour of Virginia, and Admirall of New England. [London: J. Dawson, 1623]. ESTC No. S95232. Grub Street ID 153274.
  • Smith, John. The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: with the names of the adventurers, planters, and governours from their first beginning. an?: 1584. to this present 1624. With the procedings of those severall colonies and the accidents that befell them in all their journyes and discoveries. Also the maps and descriptions of all those countryes, their commodities, people, government, customes, and religion yet knowne. Divided into sixe bookes. By Captaine Iohn Smith sometymes governour in those countryes & admirall of New England. London: printed by I[ohn]. D[awson]. and I[ohn]. H[aviland]. for Michael Sparkes, 1624. ESTC No. S111882. Grub Street ID 131648.
  • Smith, John. The generall historie of Virginia, Nevv-England, and the Summer Iles: with the names of the adventurers, planters, and governours, from their first beginning, an? 1584. to this present 1625. VVith the proceedings of those severall colonies, and the accidents that befell them in all their iourneyes and discoveries. Also, the maps and descriptions of all those countries, their commodities, people, government, customes, and religion yet knowne. Divided into sixe bookes. By Captaine Iohn Smith, sometimes governour in those countries, and admirall of Nevv-England. London: Printed by I[ohn] D[awson] and I[ohn] H[aviland] for Michael Sparkes, 1625. ESTC No. S111883. Grub Street ID 131649.
  • Smith, John. The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: with the names of the adventurers, planters, and governours from their first beginning. an?: 1584. to this present 1626. With the procedings of those severall colonies and the accidents that befell them in all their journyes and discoveries. Also the maps and descriptions of all those countryes, their commodities, people, government, customes, and religion yet knowne. Divided into sixe bookes. By Captaine Iohn Smith sometymes governour in those countryes & admirall of New England. London: Printed by I[ohn]. D[awson]. and I[ohn]. H[aviland]. for Michael Sparkes, 1626. ESTC No. S111884. Grub Street ID 131650.
  • Smith, John. An accidence or The path-way to experience. Necessary for all young sea-men, or those that are desirous to goe to sea, briefly shewing the phrases, offices, and words of command, belonging to the building, ridging, and sayling, a man of warre; and how to manage a fight a sea. Together with the charge and duty of every officer, and their shares: also the names, vveight, charge, shot, and powder, of all sorts of great ordnance. With the vse of the petty tally. Written by Captaine Iohn Smith sometimes governour of Virginia, and admirall of New England. London: Printed [by Nicholas Okes] for Ionas Man, and Benjamin Fisher, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot, in Aldersgate streete, 1626. ESTC No. S110991. Grub Street ID 130932.
  • Smith, John. The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: with the names of the adventurers, planters, and governours from their first beginning. an?: 1584. to this present 1626. With the procedings of those severall colonies and the accidents that befell them in all their journyes and discoveries. Also the maps and descriptions of all those countryes, their commodities, people, government, customes, and religion yet knowne. Divided into sixe bookes. By Captaine Iohn Smith sometymes governour in those countryes & admirall of New England. London: Printed by I[ohn] D[awson] and I[ohn] H[aviland] for Michael Sparkes, 1627. ESTC No. S111885. Grub Street ID 131651.
  • Smith, John. An accidence or The path-way to experience. Necessary for all young sea-men, or those that are desirous to goe to sea, briefly shewing the phrases, offices, and words of command, belonging to the building, ridging, and sayling, a man of warre; and how to manage a fight a sea. Together with the charge and duty of every officer, and their shares: also the names, vveight, charge, shot, and powder, of all sorts of great ordnance. With the vse of the petty tally. Written by Captaine Iohn Smith sometimes governour of Virginia, and admirall of New England. London: Printed [by Nicholas Okes] for Ionas Man, and Benjamin Fisher, and are to be sold at the signe of the Talbot, in Aldersgate streete, 1627. ESTC No. S110999. Grub Street ID 130937.
  • Smith, John. A sea grammar, vvith the plaine exposition of Smiths Accidence for young sea-men, enlarged. Diuided into fifteene chapters: what they are you may partly conceiue by the contents. Written by Captaine Iohn Smith, sometimes gouernour of Virginia, and admirall of Nevv-England. London: Printed by Iohn Hauiland, 1627. ESTC No. S111000. Grub Street ID 130940.
  • Smith, John. The true travels, adventures, and observations of Captaine Iohn Smith, in Europe, Asia, Affrica, and America, from anno Domini 1593. to 1629. His accidents and sea-fights in the straights; his service and stratagems of warre in Hungaria, Transilvania, Wallachia, and Moldavia, against the Turks, and Tartars ... After how he was taken prisoner by the Turks, sold for a slave ... and escaped ... Together with a continuation of his generall History of Virginia, Summer-Iles, New England, and their proceedings, since 1624. to this present 1629; as also of the new plantations of the great river of the Amazons, the iles of St. Christopher, Mevis, and Barbados in the West Indies. All written by actuall authours, whose names you shall finde along the history. London: Printed by I[ohn]. H[aviland]. for Thomas Slater, and are to bee sold [by Michael Sparke] at the Blew Bible in Greene Arbour, 1630. ESTC No. S111906. Grub Street ID 131672.
  • Smith, John. Advertisements for the unexperienced planters of New-England, or any where. Or, The path-way to experience to erect a plantation. With the yearely proceedings of this country in fishing and planting, since the yeare 1614. to the yeare 1630. and their present estate. Also how to prevent the greatest inconveniences, by their proceedings in Virginia, and other plantations, by approved examples. With the countries armes, a description of the coast, harbours, habitations, land-markes, latitude and longitude: with the map, allowed by our royall King Charles. By Captaine Iohn Smith, sometimes governour of Virginia, and admirall of Nevv-England. London: Printed by Iohn Haviland, and are to be sold by Robert Milbourne, at the Grey-hound in Pauls Church-yard, 1631. ESTC No. S121885. Grub Street ID 141450.
  • Smith, John. The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles. Divided into sixe bookes. London: Printed by J. D[awson] and J. H[aviland] for Michael Sparkes, 1631. ESTC No. S95233. Grub Street ID 153275.
  • Smith, John. The generall historie of Virginia, New-England, and the Summer Isles: with the names of the adventurers, planters, and governours from their first beginning. an?: 1584. to this present 1626. With the procedings of those severall colonies and the accidents that befell them in all their journyes and discoveries. Also the maps and descriptions of all those countryes, their commodities, people, government, customes, and religion yet knowne. Divided into sixe bookes. By Captaine Iohn Smith sometymes governour in those countryes & admirall of New England. London: Printed by I[ohn] D[awson] and I[ohn] H[aviland] for Edward Blackmore, 1632. ESTC No. S111886. Grub Street ID 131652.
  • Smith, John. An accidence for the sea. Very necessary for all young sea-men, or those that are desirous to goe to sea , briefly shewing the phrases, offices and words of command, belonging to the building, rigging, and sayling a man of warres, and how to manage a Navy and fight at sea. Together with the charge and duty of every officer, and their shares. Also the names, weight, charge, shot, and powder, all of sorts of great ordinance. With the use of the petty tally. London: Printed by T[homas] H[arper] for Benjamin Fisher, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Talbot in Aldersgate street, 1636. ESTC No. S110778. Grub Street ID 130758.
  • Smith, John. The sea-mans grammar: containing most plain and easie directions, how to build, rigge, yard, and mast any ship whatsoever. With the plain exposition of all such terms as are used in a navie and fight at sea. Whereunto is added a table of the weight, charge, shot, powder, and the dimensions of all other appurtenances belonging to all sorts of great ordnance. With divers practicall experiments in the art of gunnery. Also the charge and duty of every officer in a ship and their shares: with the use of the petty tally. Written by Captain John Smith, sometimes governou of Virginia, and admiral of New England. Imprinted at London: and are to be sold by Andrew Kemb, at St. Margarets Hill in Southwark, 1653 [i.e. 1652]. ESTC No. R4224. Grub Street ID 123651.
  • Smith, John. The sea-mans grammar and dictionary, explaining all the difficult terms in navigation: and the practical navigator and gunner: in two parts. Containing, I. Most plain and easie directions, to build, rigg, yard, and mast any ship whatsoever. With the manner of working of a ship in all weathers: - and how to manage a fight at sea: - also the charge and duty of every officer in a ship, and their shares - and the use of the petty-tally. II. An abstract of the art of gunnery, (or shooting in great ordnance and morter-pieces:) wherein the principles of that art are plainly taught both by arithmetical calculation, and by tables ready calculated - with the compositions for the making of several fire-works useful in war both at sea and land. - And an appendix how by several geometrical ways to take heights, depths, and distances, accessible or inaccessible. By Captain John Smith, sometimes Governour of Virgnia [sic], and Admiral of New England:. Now much amplified and enlarged, with variety of experiments, since his time, made by several experienced navigators and gunners.. London : printed, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor near Stationers Hall, MDCXCI. [1691]. ESTC No. R37567. Grub Street ID 119791.
  • Smith, John. The sea-mans grammar and dictionary, explaining all the difficult terms in navigation: and the practical navigator and gunner: in two parts. Containing, I. Most plain and easie directions, to build, rigg, yard, and mast any ship whatsoever. With the manner of working of a ship in all weathers: - and how to manage a fight at sea: - also the charge and duty of every officer in a ship, and their shares - and the use of the petty-tally. II. An abstract of the art of gunnery, (or shooting in great ordnance and morter-pieces:) wherein the principles of that art are plainly taught both by arithmetical calculation, and by tables ready calculated - with the compositions for the making of several fire-works useful in war both at sea and land. - And an appendix how by several geometrical ways to take heights, depths, and distances, accessible or inaccessible. By Captain John Smith, sometimes Governour of Virgnia [sic], and Admiral of New England[:]. Now much amplified and enlarged, with variety of experiments, since his time, made by several experienced navigators and gunners.. London : printed for Tho. Dring and B. Griffin, and are to be sold at the Harrow at Chancery-Lane end in Fleetstreet, 1692. ESTC No. R25765. Grub Street ID 109160.
  • Smith, John. The sea-man's grammar and dictionary, explaining all the difficult terms in navigation: and the practical navigator and gunner: in two parts. I. Most plain and easy directions, to build, rigg, yard, and mast any ship whatsoever. With the manner of working of a ship in al weathers:-And how to manage a fight at sea:-Also the charge and duty of every officer in a ship, and their shares-and the use of the petty-tally. II. An abstract of the art of gunnery, (or shooting in great ordnance and morter-pieces): wherein the principles of that art are plainly taught, both by arithmetical calculation, and by tables ready calculated-with the compositions for the making of several fire-works useful in war, both at sea and land.-And an apendix how by several geometrical ways to take heights, depths, and distances, accessible or inaccessible. By Captain John Smith, sometimes Governour of Virginia, and Admiral of New England. Now much amplified and enlarged, ... made by several experienced navigators and. London : printed for Richard Mount, at the Postern on Tower-Hill, 1699. ESTC No. R232298. Grub Street ID 104122.
  • Smith, John. The sea-man's grammar and dictionary, explaining all the terms in navigation: and in the art of gunnery. ... By Captain John Smith. London : printed for Richard Mount, 1705. ESTC No. N21378. Grub Street ID 10756.