John Humfreys


  • Grubstreet: 760
A Dictionary of the Printers and Booksellers who were at Work in England, Scotland and Ireland from 1668 to 1725, by Henry Plomer (1922)

HUMPHREYS (J.), printer in London, Bartholomew Lane behind the Royal Exchange, 1697 (?)–1724. Two references to a Mr. Humpheries or Humfreys are found in the early part of the eighteenth century, one in the list of
printers subscribing to the relief fund for William Bowyer in 1713 and the other in Negus's list of 1724. In the latter Mr. Humpheries is described as being printer to the parish clerks. [Timperley, pp. 601,631-2.] He printed Sternhold and Hopkins for the Company in 1723. J. Humphrys printed for John Lawrence. He may also be identical with the J. H. who printed for J. Sprint in 1697 and for J. Robinson, J. Laurence, and J. Wyat in 1710.