Whitby, Daniel.
Romish doctrines not from the beginning, or a reply to what S.C. (or Serenus Cressy) a Roman Catholick hath returned to Dr. Pierces sermon preached before His Majesty at Whitehall, Feb. 1. 1662. In vindication of our church against the novelties of Rome. By Daniel Whitbie M.A. and Fellow of Trin. Coll. Oxon.
London : Printed by R.W. for Tho. Basset in St. Dunstans Church-yard in Fleet-street, and Ja. Magnes in Coven-Garden, 1664.
ESTC No. R39058.Grub Street ID 121074.
Whitby, Daniel.
Dos pou st?. Or, An answer to Sure footing, so far as Mr. Whitby is concerned in it. Wherein the rule and guide of faith, the interest of reason, and the authority of the Church in matters of faith, are fully handled and vindicated; from the exceptions of Mr. Serjeant, and petty flirts of Fiat lux. Together with An answer to five questions propounded by a Roman Catholick. By Daniel Whitby, M.A. Coll. Trin. Oxon. Soc.
Oxford: printed by W. Hall, for R. Davis, 1666.
ESTC No. R38592.Grub Street ID 120668.
Whitby, Daniel.
Logos t?s piste?s or An endeavour to evince the certainty of Christian faith in generall, and of the resurrection of Christ in particular. By Daniel Whitbie chaplain to the Right Reverend Father in God Seth Lord Bishop of Sarum, and Fellow of Trin. Coll. Oxon.
[Oxford]: Printed [by H. Hall] at the theater in Oxford and are to sold [sic] by George West, ann. Dom. M DC LXXI. [1671].
ESTC No. R37213.Grub Street ID 119456.
Whitby, Daniel.
A discourse concerning the idolatry of the Church of Rome: wherein that charge is justified; and the pretended refutation of Dr. Stillingfleet's discourse is answered. By Daniel Whitby, D.D.
London : printed for Tho. Basset, at the George near St. Dunstans Church in Fleetstreet, and Ja. Magnes near the Piazza in Covent Garden, 1674.
ESTC No. R34745.Grub Street ID 117256.
Whitby, Daniel.
The fallibility & falsehood of the Church of Rome, briefly detected and made manifest, both in several instances thereof, and in the Scripture assertion thereabout. Together vvith some reasons of so many retaining or returning to communion with her, notwithstanding so many and clear discoveries of her falshood, and the great danger of everlasting destruction: that such persons, especially that after seperation from her, return to her communion, do rush themselves upon. VVritten for the preservation of such as are under any temptation, to turn aside unto her; an for the recalling and reclaiming such as have been or are seduced by her. By way of letter to a friend.
London : printed for Benjamin Southwood at the Star next to Searjants Inn in Chancery-Lane, 1676.
ESTC No. R204218.Grub Street ID 81220.
Whitby, Daniel.
A sermon in confutation of R. H. the author of The guide in controversies. Shewing that his most plausible arguments produced against Protestants, do more effectually conclude for Judaism against Christianity. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. chantor of the church of Sarum.
London : printed for H. Brome at the Gun in S. Pauls Church-Yard, R. Bentley and M. Magnes in Russelstreet Covent-Garden, 1679.
ESTC No. R222007.Grub Street ID 96068.
Whitby, Daniel.
The absurdity and idolatry of host-worship, proved, by shewing how it answers what is said in scripture and the writtings of the fathers, to shew the folly and idolatry committed in the worship of heathen deities. Also a full answer to all those pleas by which papists would wipe off the charge of idolatry. And an appendix against transubstantiation; with some reflexions on a late popish book called The guide in controversies. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. Chantor of the Church of Sarum.
London : printed for H. Brome at the Gun in St. Pauls Church-Yard, R. Bentley and M. Magnes in Russelstreet Covent-Garden, 1679.
ESTC No. R39040.Grub Street ID 121058.
Whitby, Daniel.
The Protestant reconciler, humbly pleading for condescention to dissenting brethren, in things indifferent and unnecessary, for the sake of peace: and shewing, how unreasonable it is to make such things the necessary conditions of communion. The second edition. By a well-wisher to the Churches peace, and a lamenter of her sad divisions.
London : printed for Awnsham Churchil, at the Black-Swan near Amen-Corner, 1683.
ESTC No. R35239.Grub Street ID 117667.
Whitby, Daniel.
The Protestant reconciler, humbly pleading for condescention to dissenting brethren, in things indifferent and unnecessary, for the sake of peace: and shewing, how unreasonable it is to make such things the necessary conditions of communion. By a well-wisher to the churches peace, and a lamenter of her sad divisions.
London : printed for Awnsham Churchil, at the Black-Swan near Amen-Corner, 1683.
ESTC No. R14926.Grub Street ID 62901.
Whitby, Daniel.
The Protestant reconciler. Part II. Earnestly perswading the dissenting laity to joyn in full communion with the Church of England; and answering all the objections of the non-conformists against the lawfulness of their submission unto the rites and constitutions of that Church. By a well-wisher to the Churches peace, and a lamenter of her sad divisions.
London : printed for Awnsham Churchil, at the Black-Swan near Amen-Corner, 1683.
ESTC No. R39049.Grub Street ID 121067.
Whitby, Daniel.
Ethices compendium, in usum academicæ juventutis. Authore Daniele Whitby.
Oxonii: typis Lichfieldianis, prostat apud Joannem Langley bibliopolam, M.DC.LXXXIV. [1684].
ESTC No. R24548.Grub Street ID 108323.
Whitby, Daniel.
Three sermons preach'd at Salisbury. The first, A.D. 1680. and again before the militia, at their going against the late Duke of Monmouth: in which the doctrine of not resisting the higher powers, on any pretence whatsoever, taught by the Church of England, is established from Scripture, reason, and antiquity. The second, preach'd before the Right Reverend Father in God, Seth, Lord Bishop of Sarum, A.D. 1681. and published by his command. In which the formality and hypocrisie of our phanatical pretenders to the power of godliness is discover'd. The third, preach'd, A.D. 1683, at the election of the mayor, and published with some enlargement, upon occasion of a discourse with Mr. Nelthrop in the goal of Sarum. In which the doctrine of the author of Julian the Apostate, viz. that where the true religion is by law established, subjects are not obliged to suffer for it, but may, if persecuted for it, defend themselves against their lawful sovereign, is proved to be contrary to Scripture, reason.
London : printed for T. Basset, at the George in Fleetstreet, 1685.
ESTC No. R28389.Grub Street ID 111464.
Whitby, Daniel.
A treatise in confutation of the Latin service practised, and, by the order of the Trent Council, continued in the Church of Rome.
London : printed by M. Flesher, for Walter Kettilby at the Bishop's Head, in St. Paul's Church-yard, 1687.
ESTC No. R34746.Grub Street ID 117257.
Whitby, Daniel.
The fallibility of the Roman Church, demonstrated from the manifest error of the 2d Nicene & Trent Councils, which assert, that the veneration and honorary worship of images, is a tradition primitive and apostolical. Imprimatur. Maii 28. 1687. Guil. Needham.
London : Printed by J.D. for Aunsham Churchill at the Black Swan near Amen-Corner, MDCLXXXVII. [1687].
ESTC No. R201796.Grub Street ID 79119.
Whitby, Daniel.
The errors of the Church of Rome: or, A demonstration, that that Church and her councils have actually erred: from the manifest falshood of that assertion of the second Nicene and Trent Councils, that the veneration and honorary worship of images, is a tradition primitive and apostolical. Imprimatur. Guil. Needham. Maii 28. 1687.
London : printed by J.D. for A. Churchill at the Black Swan near Amen-Corner, 1687.
ESTC No. R221996.Grub Street ID 96059.
Whitby, Daniel.
The fallibility of the Roman Church, demonstrated from the manifest error of the 2d Nicene & Trent Councils, which assert, that the veneration and honorary worship of images, is a tradition primitive and apostolical. Imprimatur. Maii 28. 1687. Guil. Needham.
London : printed by J.D. for Randal Taylor near Stationers Hall, M.DC.LXXXVII. [1687].
ESTC No. R8848.Grub Street ID 128979.
Whitby, Daniel.
A treatise of traditions. Part I. Where it is proved, that we have evidence sufficient from tradition; I. That the Scriptures are the word of God. II. That the Church of England owns the true canon of the books of the Old Testament. III. That the copies of the Scripture have not been corrupted. IV. That the romanists have no such evidence for their traditions. V. That the testimony of the present Church of Rome can be no sure evidence of apostolical tradition. VI. What traditions may securely be relyed upon, and what not.
London : printed by J. Leake, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, M DC LXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R38306.Grub Street ID 120423.
Whitby, Daniel.
A treatise of traditions. Part I. Where it is proved, that we have evidence sufficient from tradition; I. That the Scriptures are the word of God. II. That the Church of England owns the true canon of the books of the Old Testament. III. That the copies of the Scripture have not been corrupted. IV. That the romanists have no such evidence for their traditions. V. That the testimony of the present Church of Rome can be no sure evidence of apostolical tradition. VI. What traditions may securely be relyed upon, and what not.
London : printed by J. Leake, for Awnsham Churchill at the Black Swan in Ave-Mary Lane, M DC LXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R14878.Grub Street ID 62857.
Whitby, Daniel.
A demonstration that the Church of Rome, and her councils have erred: by shewing, that the councils of Constance, Basil, and Trent, have, in all their decrees touching communion in one kind, contradicted the received doctrine of the Church of Christ. With an appendix, in answer to the XXI. chapter of the author of A papist misrepresented, and represented.
London : printed by J. Leake, for Awnsham Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Ave-Mary-Lane, MDCLXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R226161.Grub Street ID 99269.
Whitby, Daniel.
A demonstration that the Church of Rome, and her councils have erred: by shewing, that the councils of Constance, Basil, and Trent, have, in all their decrees touching communion in one kind, contradicted the received doctrine of the Church of Christ. With an appendix, in answer to the XXI. chapter of the author of A papist misrepresented, and represented.
London : printed by J. Leake, and are to be sold by Randal Taylor, M DC LXXXVIII. [1688].
ESTC No. R14977.Grub Street ID 62944.
Whitby, Daniel.
A letter from a city-minister to a Member of the High and Honourable Court of Parliament, concerning the present affairs. Being a vindication of the Church of England-clergy, for their owning and praying for K. William & Q. Mary.
London : printed for Thomas Newborough at the Ball in S. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCLXXXIX. [1689].
ESTC No. R41166.Grub Street ID 122883.
Whitby, Daniel.
Considerations humbly offered for taking the oath of allegiance to King William and Queen Mary.
London : printed by J. Leake, for Awnsham Churchill, at the Black-Swan at Amen-Corner, M DC LXXXIX. [1689].
ESTC No. R30191.Grub Street ID 113077.
Whitby, Daniel.
A treatise of traditions. Part II. Shewing the novelty of the pretended traditions of the Church of Rome; as being, I. Not mentioned by the ancients of their discourses of traditions apostolical, truly so called, or so esteemed by them. Nor, II. In their avowed rule, or symbol of faith. Nor, III. In the instructions given to the clergy, concerning all those things they were to teach the people. Nor, IV. In the examination of a bishop at his ordination. Nor, V. In the ancient treatises designed to instruct Christians in all the articles of their faith. VI. From the confessions of Romish doctors. With an answer to the arguments of Mr. Mumford for traditions. And a demonstration, that the heathens made the same plea from tradition as the Romanists do; and that the answer of the fathers to it doth fully justifie the Protestants.
London : printed by J. Leake, for Awnsham Churchill at the Black Swan in Ave-Mary Lane, M DC LXXXIX. [1689].
ESTC No. R234356.Grub Street ID 105712.
Whitby, Daniel.
An historical account of some things relating to the nature of the English government, and the conceptions which our fore-fathers had of it. With some inferences thence made for the satisfaction of those who scruple the Oath of allegiance to King William and Queen Mary. Licens'd, Decemb. 19. 1689. J. Fraser.
London : printed for Awnsham Churchill at the Black Swan in Ave-Mary Lane, MDCXC. [1690].
ESTC No. R8904.Grub Street ID 129034.
Whitby, Daniel.
Dr. Daniel Whitby's several tracts collected into one volume. Viz. I. A treatise in confutation of the Latin service, &c. II. The fallibility of the Roman church as to worship of images. III. A treatise of tradition, part 1. IV. --- Part 2. V. Errors of the church of Rome touching communion in one kind. VI. Considerations humbly offered for taking the oaths to King William and Queen Mary. VII. An historical account of the English government, and the conceptions our forefathers had of it, &c.
London : printed for A[wnsham]. & J[ohn]. Churchil at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-Row, [1690].
ESTC No. R186472.Grub Street ID 75124.
Whitby, Daniel.
Brevissimum metaphysicæ compendium, secundum mentem nominalium.
Oxonii: Typis L[eonard]. Lichfield, sumptibus Hen. Clements bibliop. Oxoniensis, an. Dom. 1690.
ESTC No. R26367.Grub Street ID 109692.
Whitby, Daniel.
Tractatus de vera Christi deitate, adversus arii & socini hæreses. Authore Daniele Whitby, SS.T.D. Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Sarum Præcentore. Imprimitur, Jonath. Edwards, Vice-Can. Oxon. Apr. 25. 1691.
[Oxford]: Typis L. Lichfield, sumptibus Awnsham Churchil, Bibliop. London, MDCXCI. [1691].
ESTC No. R186474.Grub Street ID 75126.
Whitby, Daniel.
Tractatus de vera Christi deitate, adversus Arii & Socini hæreses. Authore Daniele Whitby, SS.T.D. Ecclesiæ Cathedralis Sarum Præcentore. Imprimatur, Apr. 25. 1691. Jonath. Edwards, Vice-Can. Oxon.
Oxoniæ: typis L. Lichfield, sumptibus Joh. Howel. Et Awnsham Churchil, Bibliop. London, M DC XCI. [1691].
ESTC No. R22679.Grub Street ID 99728.
Whitby, Daniel.
A discourse, confirming the truth and certainty of the Christian faith from the extraordinary gifts and operations of the Holy Ghost, vouchsafed to the Apostles and primitive professors of that faithDT By Daniel Whitby, D.D. and chantor of the Church of Sarum.
London : printed for A. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCXCI. [1691].
ESTC No. R39042.Grub Street ID 121060.
Whitby, Daniel.
A discourse of the love of God. Shewing, that it is well consistent with some love or desire of the creature. And answering all the arguments of Mr. Norris in his sermon on Matth. 22, 37. And of the letters philosohical and divine to the contrary. By Daniel Whitby, chantor of the church of Sarum.
London : printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1697.
ESTC No. R1639.Grub Street ID 64247.
Whitby, Daniel.
Ethices compendium, in usum academicæ juventutis. Authore Daniele Whitby, S.T.P.
Oxonii: typis L. Lichfield: impensis Geo. West, Joh. Crosley, Joh. Wilmot, Hen. Clements, Mariæ Howell, & Ant. Peisley, 1699.
ESTC No. R39045.Grub Street ID 121063.
Whitby, Daniel.
A paraphrase and commentary upon all the epistles of the New Testament. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. and chantor of the church of Sarum.
London : printed by W. Bowyer, for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, M.DCC. [1700].
ESTC No. R222005.Grub Street ID 96066.
Whitby, Daniel.
A sermon concerning the great duty of self-denial. Shewing that it is highly reasonable upon the principles of Christianity. And that the philosophy of the heathens affordeth no sufficient motive to perform it. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. and chantor of the Church of Sarum.
London : Printed by W.B. for A. and J. Churchil, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1703.
ESTC No. T10317.Grub Street ID 156825.
Whitby, Daniel.
A discourse of the necessity and usefulness of the Christian revelation; by reason of the corruptions of the principles of natural religion among Jews and Heathens. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. and Chantor of the Cathedral Church of Sarum.
London : printed by W. B. for A. and J. Churchil at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1705.
ESTC No. T145311.Grub Street ID 192054.
Whitby, Daniel.
Some passages in Dr. Whitby's Paraphrase and annotations upon the New-Testament, contrary to Scripture, and the receiv'd doctrine of the Church of England.
London : printed, and sold by John Nutt near Stationers-Hall, MDCCVI. [1706].
ESTC No. T49332.Grub Street ID 277164.
Whitby, Daniel.
Reflections on some assertions and opinions of Mr. Dodwell, contain'd in a book, entituled, An epistolary discourse, proving from the Scriptures, and the First Fathers, that the Soul is a Principle naturally Mortal. Shewing the Falshood, and the pernicious Consequences of them. To which is added, an answer to a pamphlet, entituled, Some passages on Dr. Whitby's Paraphrase, and annotations on the New Testament, contrary to Scripture, and the Receiv'd Doctrin of the Church of England. By Daniel Whitby, Chanter of the Cathedral Church of Sarum.
London : printed by. H. Clark, for Awnsham and John Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1707.
ESTC No. T105307.Grub Street ID 158661.
Whitby, Daniel.
Of the nature of the sin against the Holy Ghost, and the reason why it is said, to be such as will never be forgiven; by Daniel Whitby, D.D. ...
Edinburgh: printed by John Reid, 1708.
ESTC No. T186002.Grub Street ID 222168.
Whitby, Daniel.
A discourse concerning, I. the true import of the words election and reprobation; and the things signified by them in the Holy Scripture. II. The Extent of Christ's Redemption. III. The Grace of God; where it is enquired, Whether it be vouchsafed sufficiently to those who improve it not, and irresistibly to those who do improve it; and whether Men be wholly passive in the Work of their Regeneration? IV. The Liberty of the Will in a State of Tryal and Probation. V. the perseverance or defectibility of the saints; with some Reflections on the State of Heathens, the Providence and Prescience of God. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. and Chantor of the Cathedral Church of Sarum.
London : printed for John Wyat, at the Rose in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, MDCCX. [1710].
ESTC No. T109595.Grub Street ID 162335.
Whitby, Daniel.
Additional annotations to the New Testament; with seven discourses; And an appendix entituled examen variantium lectionum Johannis Millii, S.T.P. in Novum Testamentum. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. and chantor of the Church of Sarum.
London : Printed by W. Bowyer for A. and J. Churchill at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1710.
ESTC No. T152719.Grub Street ID 197410.
Whitby, Daniel.
Examen variantium lectionum Johannis Millii, S.T.P. in Novum Testamentum. ... Opera & studio Danielis Whitby, .
Londini : typis Guil. Bowyer, impensis vero A. & J. Churchill, 1710.
ESTC No. N6502.Grub Street ID 46951.
Whitby, Daniel.
Four discourses shewing, I. That the Apostle's words, Romans the ninth, have no relation to any personal election or reprobation. II. That the Election, mentioned in St. Paul's Epistles to the Gentiles, is only that of the Gentiles to be God's Church and People. III. That these Two Assertions of Dr. John Edwards, viz. (1.) That God's Fore-Knowledge of all Futurities depends on his Decree, and that he fore-knows them, because he hath decreed them. (2.) That God did, from all Eternity, decree the Commission of all the Sins in the World, are False, Blasphemous, and render God the Author of Sin. IV. Being a Vindication of my Annotations from the Doctor's Cavils. To which is added, as an appendix, a short answer to the Doctor's Discourse concerning the fixed term of human life. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. and Chantor of the Cathedral Church of Sarum.
London : printed for John Wyat, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1710.
ESTC No. N7009.Grub Street ID 50837.
Whitby, Daniel.
Sermons on the attributes of God. In two volumes. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. and Chantor of the Church of Sarum.
London : printed for A. and J. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1710.
ESTC No. T104976.Grub Street ID 158393.
Whitby, Daniel.
Four discourses shewing, I. That the Apostle's words, Romans the ninth, have no relation to any personal election or reprobation. II. That the Election, mentioned in St. Paul's Epistles to the Gentiles, is only that of the Gentiles to be God's Church and People. III. That these Two Assertions of Dr. John Edwards, viz. (1.) That God's Fore-Knowledge of all Futurities depends on his Decree, and that he fore-knows them, because he hath decreed them. (2.) That God did, from all Eternity, decree the Commission of all the Sins in the World, are False, Blasphemous, and render God the Author of Sin. IV. Being a Vindication of my Annotations from the Doctor's Cavils. To which is added, as an appendix, a short answer to the Doctor's Discourse concerning the fixed term of human life. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. and Chantor of the Cathedral Church of Sarum.
London : printed for John Regma, at the Rose in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1710.
ESTC No. T73037.Grub Street ID 296382.
Whitby, Daniel.
A short view of Dr. Beveridge's writings. Which may serve as a preliminary discourse to an examination of his articles.
London : printed, and are to be sold by A. Baldwin, at the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, 1711.
ESTC No. T48222.Grub Street ID 276151.
Whitby, Daniel.
Tractatus de imputatione divina peccati Adami posteris ejus universis in reatum. Authore Dan. Whitby, S. T. P. Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis Praecentore.
Londini : impensis J. Wyat, ad Insigne Rosae in Coemeterio Divi Pauli, MDCCXI. [1711].
ESTC No. T109206.Grub Street ID 162012.
Whitby, Daniel.
A full answer to the arguments of the Reverend Dr. Jonathan Edwards, for the opinion of St. Austin concerning the imputation of the first sin of Adam, for guilt to all his posterity; Proving That Doctrine to be contrary, I. To the Common Principles of Mankind. II. To the clear Evidence of Reason. III. To the Scriptures expounded by the Holy Fathers. IV. To the Sentiments of most of the Ancients before St. Austin's Time, and of the Greek and Eastern Churches at, and after that Time. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. and Chantor of the Church of Sarum.
London : printed for John Wyat at the Rose in St. Paul's-Church-Yard, 1712.
ESTC No. T73038.Grub Street ID 296383.
Whitby, Daniel.
Ethices compendium, in usum academicæ juventutis. Authore Daniele Whitby, S.T.P.
Auctiùs & emendatiùs tertiò editum..
Londini : impensis Gul. Innys, ad Insignia Principis, in Areâ Boreali D. Pauli, MDCCXIII. [1713].
ESTC No. T109726.Grub Street ID 162389.
Whitby, Daniel.
A discourse of the love of God. Shewing that it is well consistent with some love or desire of the creature. And answering all the arguments of Mr. Norris in his sermon on Matth. 22. 37 ... By Daniel Whitby,.
London : printed for Awnsham and John Churchill, 1713.
ESTC No. N55273.Grub Street ID 38796.
Whitby, Daniel.
H=e Logik=e latreia or a sermon proving that reason is to be our guide in the choice of our religion; And That nothing ought to be admitted as an Article of Faith, which is Repugnant to the Common Principles of reason, or is Unintelligible to Human Understanding. By Daniel Whitby, Chantor of the Church of Sarum.
The second edition, with an appendix in vindication of it..
London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXIV. [1714].
ESTC No. T41123.Grub Street ID 270086.
Whitby, Daniel.
H=e Logik=e latreia: or a sermon proving That Reason is to be our Guide in the Choice of our Religion; And That nothing ought to be admitted as an Article of Faith, which is Repugnant to the Common Principles of Reason, or is Unintelligible to Human Understanding.
London : printed for J. Roberts, near the Oxford-Arms in Warwick-Lane, MDCCXIV. [1714].
ESTC No. T5157.Grub Street ID 278795.
Whitby, Daniel.
Dissertatio de S. Scripturarum interpretatione secundum patrum commentarios. In Qua Probatur, Prim`o, S. Scripturam esse Regulam Fidei unicam, ex qu^a de omnibus Articulis Fidei creditu necessariis ad Salutem, Judicium ferendum est. Secund`o, Patres sive Primaevos, sive Subsequentes, non esse idoneos S. Scripturae Interpretes. Terti`o, Non posse controversias de S. Trinitate motas ex Patribus, Conciliis, aut Traditione ver`e Catholic^a cert`o definiri. Authore Daniele Whitby, Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis Praecentore.
Londini : impensis J. Churchill, ad Insigne Nigri Cygni, Vico vulg`o dicto Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXIV. [1714].
ESTC No. T109597.Grub Street ID 162337.
Whitby, Daniel.
A dissuasive from enquiring into the doctrine of the Trinity: or, the difficulties and discouragements which attend the study of that doctrine. In a letter to a friend.
London : printed for John Baker, at the Black Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, [1714].
ESTC No. T53301.Grub Street ID 280264.
Whitby, Daniel.
A discourse, shewing that the expositions which the Ante-Nicene Fathers have given of the texts alleged against the Reverend Dr Clarke by a learned layman, are more agreeable to the interpretations of Dr Clarke, than to the interpretations of that learned layman. By a Clergyman in the Country.
London : printed for Ferd. Burleigh, in Amen-Corner, [1714].
ESTC No. T26540.Grub Street ID 258532.
Whitby, Daniel.
A sermon preach'd at the cathedral church of Sarum, November the 5th, 1715. By Daniel Whitby, ...
Sarum: printed and sold by Sam. Farley, and John Courtney; and to be had in the cities of London, Oxford, Bristol and Exeter, [1715?].
ESTC No. T263.Grub Street ID 258438.
Whitby, Daniel.
A true account and confutation of the doctrine of the Sabellians.
London : printed for John Baker, at the Black-Boy in Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXVI. [1716].
ESTC No. T112857.Grub Street ID 164810.
Whitby, Daniel.
Irrisio Dei panarii Romanensium. The derision of the breaden God worshipped in the Romish Church, gathered out of the Holy Scriptures, the Apocryphal Books, and Writings of the Holy Fathers. To which is added, a sermon preach'd at the Cathedral-Church of Sarum, the first Sunday in Advent, 1715. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. and Chantor of the Cathedral Church of Sarum.
London : printed for John Churchill, at the Black-Swan in Pater-Noster-Row, 1716.
ESTC No. N2132.Grub Street ID 10699.
Whitby, Daniel.
An answer to the Reverend Dr. Snape's second letter to the Right Reverend Father in God, Benjamin lord bishop of Bangor. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. and chantor of the Cathedral-Church of Sarum.
London : printed for W. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-Row, MDCCXVII. [1717].
ESTC No. T22096.Grub Street ID 244446.
Whitby, Daniel.
An answer to the Reverend Dr. Snape's second letter to the Right Reverend Father in God, Benjamin lord bishop of Bangor. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. and chantor of the Cathedral-Church of Sarum.
The second edition..
London : Printed for W. Churchill, at the Black Swan in Pater-noster-Row, MDCCXVII. [1717].
ESTC No. T22098.Grub Street ID 244458.
Whitby, Daniel.
Disquisitiones modest? in clarissimi bulli defensionem fidei Nicen?. Authore Daniele Whitby, D.D.
Londini : impensis W. Churchill, ad Insigne Nigri Cygni, in Vico vulg? dicto Pater-Noster-Row, MDCCXVIII. [1718].
ESTC No. N6524.Grub Street ID 47145.
Whitby, Daniel.
A defense of the propositions contain'd in the Lord Bishop of Bangor's sermon, from page xi. to page xvii. And also, of what is said in his preservative, concerning real sincerity, and our title to the favour of god. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. and Chantor of the Cathedral Church of Sarum.
London : Printed for J. Knapton, at the Crown in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1718.
ESTC No. T32298.Grub Street ID 263018.
Whitby, Daniel.
Examen variantium lectionum Johannis Millii, S.T.P. in Novum Testamentum. ... Opera & studio Danielis Whitby, .
Editio altera priori emendatior..
Londini : impensis W. Churchill, 1718.
ESTC No. N6504.Grub Street ID 46970.
Whitby, Daniel.
A defence of the propositions contain'd in the Lord Bishop of Bangor's sermon from page xi. to page xvii. and also, of what is said in his preservative, concerning real sincerity, and our title to the favour of God. ... By Daniel Whitby.
London : printed for J. Knapton, 1718.
ESTC No. T201312.Grub Street ID 232649.
Whitby, Daniel.
A dissuasive from enquiring into the doctrine of the Trinity: or, the difficulties and discouragements which attend the study of that doctrine. In a letter to a friend.
The second edition..
London : printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church Yard, [1719].
ESTC No. T53302.Grub Street ID 280265.
Whitby, Daniel.
Sermons on several occasions: viz. I. Reason our guide in religion. II. Rules for the due understanding the Divine Attributes. III. The Holy Scripture our Rule of Faith. IV. The Right of all Christians to examine the Truth of all Things that are proposed to them as Articles of Faith. V. A sincere Enquiry an Excuse for unwilling Errors. VI. The Assurance of an happy Immortality from a virtuous Life. Vii. The Faith once delivered unto the Saints. Viii. Of Heresy. IX. Another Gospel. X. The Nature of Absolution. XI. Ritual observations to give place to charity. Also an appendix, Proving that there can be no Assurance of an Uninterrupted Succession of Bishops, Presbyters, and Deacons, from the Days of the Apostles, to our present Times, but rather a strong Presumption, if not full Evidence to the contrary. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. Chantor of the Cathedral Church of Sarum.
London : printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St Paul's Church-Yard, 1720.
ESTC No. T109614.Grub Street ID 162349.
Whitby, Daniel.
A reply to Dr Waterland's objections against Dr Whitby's disquisitiones modestae. Shewing, I. That he hath not answered one material argument in the whole book. II. That he hath grossly misrepresented and disguised the sentiments of the ante-nicene fathers. By Daniel Whitby, D.D. chantor of the Cathedral-Church of Sarum.
London : Printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St Paul's Church-yard, 1720.
ESTC No. T44623.Grub Street ID 273021.
Whitby, Daniel.
Disquisitiones modestæ in clarissimi Bulli defensionem fidei Nicenæ. Authore Daniele Whitby, D.D.
Editio secunda..
Londini : impensis A. Bettesworth ad Insigne Leonis Rubri, & J. Batley ad Insigne Columbae, in Vico vulgo vocato Pater-Noster-Row, 1720.
ESTC No. T109205.Grub Street ID 162011.
Whitby, Daniel.
The second part of a reply to Dr. Waterland's objections against Dr. Whitby's Disquisitiones modest?. Shewing, That He hath grossly Misrepresented and Disguised the Sentiments of the Ante-Nicene Fathers. To which is added, an appendix, being a defence of the first part of the Reply. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. Chantor of the Cathedral-Church of Sarum.
London : printed for James Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1721.
ESTC No. N21134.Grub Street ID 10522.
Whitby, Daniel.
Ethices compendium, in usum academicæ juventutis. Authore Daniele Whitby, S.T.P.
Auctiùs & emendatiùs quartò editum..
Londini : impensis Gulielmi & Johannis Innys, in Areâ Occidentali D. Pauli, MDCCXXIV. [1724].
ESTC No. T108970.Grub Street ID 161799.
Whitby, Daniel.
XII sermons preach'd at the cathedral church of Sarum: viz. I. Of the immortality of the soul. II. Of the spiritual Nature of the Soul. III. and IV. Of the Duty of Delighting in God. V. Of the Resurrection, and its Consequences. VI. Of Moral Good and Evil. Vii. and Viii. Of the Advantages of Self-Denyal. IX. Of the Satisfaction of Christ. X. The Commands of God not grievous. XI. The Necessity of Holiness of fit Men for Heaven. XII. God neither advantaged by our righteousness, nor a sufferer by our sins. To which are added, two sermons, The One, Concerning the Incapacity of a Popish Prince to govern a Protestant Kingdom. The Other, Concerning the inhuman Barbarities of the Church of Rome to all whom they call Hereticks, or Schismaticks. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. and Chantor of the said Church.
London : printed by W. Botham, for James and John Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, MDCCXXVI. [1726].
ESTC No. T109616.Grub Street ID 162350.
Whitby, Daniel.
Hysterai phrontides. Or, the last thoughts of Dr. Whitby. Containing his correction of several passages in his commentary on the New Testament. To which are added, five discourses. Published by his express order.
London : printed for James and John Knapton, 1727.
ESTC No. T99916.Grub Street ID 319013.
Whitby, Daniel.
Examen variantium lectionum Johannis Millii, S.T.P. in Novum Testamentum. I. Lectionum harum fundamenta incerta plane esse, & ad lectionem textus hodierni convellendam protinus inidonea. II. Lectiones variantes quae sunt momenti alicujus, aut sensum textus mutent, paucissimas esse, atque in iis omnibus lectionem textus defendi posse. Ubi ostenditur III. Lectiones variantes levioris momenti, quas latius expendimus, tales esse in quibus a lectione recepta rarissime recedendum est. IV. Millium in hisce variantibus lectionibus colligendis saepius arte non ingenua usum esse, falsis citationibus abundare, & sibimet ipsi multoties contradicere. Opera & studio Danielis Whitby, S. T. P. & Ecclesiae Sarisburiensis Praecentoris. Editio altera priori Emendatior.
Editio altera priori emendatior..
Londini : impensis A. Bettesworth; W. Mears; W. & J. Innys; J. Batly; A. Ward; T. Ward; J. Clarke; F. Jackson; & S. Billingsley, MDCCXXVII. [1727].
ESTC No. T94408.Grub Street ID 314001.
Whitby, Daniel.
Hysterai phrontides. Or, the last thoughts of Dr. Whitby. Containing his correction of several passages in his commentary on the New Testament. To which are added, five discourses. Published by his express order.
The second edition..
London : printed for James and John Knapton, at the Crown in St. Paul's Church-Yard, 1728.
ESTC No. T126924.Grub Street ID 176786.
Whitby, Daniel.
A discourse concerning I. the true import of the words election and reprobation; and the things signified by them in the Holy Scripture. II. The Extent of Christ's Redemption. III. The Grace of God; where it is enquired, Whether it be vouchsafed sufficiently to those who improve it not, and irresistibly to those who do improve it; and whether Men be wholly passive in the Work of their Regeneration? IV. The Liberty of the Will in a State of Trial and Probation. V. the perseverance or defectibility of the saints; with some Reflections on the State of Heathens, the Providence and Prescience of God. By Daniel Whitby, D. D. and late Chantor of the Cathedral Church of Sarum.
The second edition corrected..
London : printed for Aaron Ward, at the King's Arms in Little Britain, and Richard Hett, at the Bible and Crown in the Poultry, MDCCXXXV. [1735].
ESTC No. T109596.Grub Street ID 162336.
Whitby, Daniel.
The guilt of Adam's transgression not imputed to his posterity. A treatise, concerning original sin. Written in latin by Daniel Whitby, ... Translated into English by Henry Heywood. With a large introduction, by the translator.
London : printed for John Noon, 1739.
ESTC No. N2618.Grub Street ID 15556.