Vieyra, Antonio.
A new Portuguese grammar in four parts, containing I. Rules for the modification and use of the different parts of speech. II. The Syntax, in which are explained, after a more copious manner than hitherto attempted, the peculiar uses of the Portuguese Particles. III. A Vocabulary, more particularly containing the Terms of Commerce, War, and Navigation, with a variety of Phrases and familiar Dialogues, taken from common conversation, and the best authors. IV. Various passages extracted from the most approved modern and ancient writers, with a view to facilitate the reading of the ancient and most valuable Portuguese books. By Anthony Vieyra Transtagano, Teacher of the Portuguese and Italian Languages.
London : printed for J. Nourse, Bookseller to His Majesty, MDCCLXVIII. [1768].
ESTC No. T133257.Grub Street ID 182102.
Vieyra, Antonio.
A dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages, in two parts, Portuguese and English: and English and Portuguese. Wherein I. The Words are explained in their different Meanings, by Examples from the best Portuguese and English Writers. II. The Etymology of the Portuguese generally indicated from the Latin, Arabic, and other Languages. Throughout the Whole are interspersed A Great Number of Phrases and Proverbs. In two volumes. By Anthony Vieyra Transtagano, Teacher of the Latin, Arabic, &c.
London : printed for J. Nourse, Bookseller to His Majesty, MDCCLXXIII. [1773].
ESTC No. T82137.Grub Street ID 302736.
Vieyra, Antonio.
A new Portuguese grammar in four parts, Containing I. Rules for the modification and use of the different parts of speech. II. The syntax, in which are explained, after a more copious manner than hitherto attempted, the peculiar uses of the Portuguese particles. III. A vocabulary, more particularly containing the terms of commerce, war, and navigation, with a variety of phrases and familiar dialogues, taken from common conversation, and the best authors. IV. Various passages extracted from the most approved modern and ancient writers, with a view to facilitate the reading of the ancient and most valuable Portuguese books. The second edition. By Anthony Vieyra Transtagano, teacher of the Portuguese and Italian languages.
London : Printed for J. Nourse, bookseller to His Majesty, MDCCLXXVII. [1777].
ESTC No. T115430.Grub Street ID 167170.
Vieyra, Antonio.
Animadversiones philologicæ in nonnulla Corani loca. Accedunt illustrationes in V. T. ex arabismo, necnon persismo depromptæ. Pro specimine edidit R. Antonius Vieyra, ...
Dublinii: in ædibus academicis, impressit Josephus Hill, 1779.
ESTC No. T193476.Grub Street ID 227606.
Vieyra, Antonio.
Animadversiones philologicæ in nonnulla Corani loca, cum illustrationibus in V.T. ex Arabismo, ac Persismo depromptis; quibus recognitis atque auctis in hac nova editione accedunt specimina quinque, ostendentia L.L. Lat. Ital. Hisp. Gall. Lusit. ac Angl. cum Arabica aut persica affinitatem. In usum arabizantium tyronum composuit ediditque R. Antonius Vieyra, L.L.B. ac L.L. Hisp. et Ital. P. Reg. in Col. S.S. et Ind. Trin. Dublin.
Dublinii: apud L. White, Bibliopolam, in vico Damestreet. MDCCLXXXV. Sumptibus Universitatis, [1785].
ESTC No. T198432.Grub Street ID 231095.
Vieyra, Antonio.
Brevis, clara, facilis ac jucunda, non solm Arabicam linguam; sed etiam hodiernam Persicam, cui tota fer Arabica intermixta est, addiscendi methodus; ... denuò edit ejusdem methodi auctor Antonius Vieyra, ...
Dublinii: apud L. White, 1788.
ESTC No. T166697.Grub Street ID 204869.
Vieyra, Antonio.
Brevis, clara, facilis ac jucunda, non solm Arabicam linguam; sed etiam hodiernam Persicam, cui tota fer Arabica intermixta est, addiscendi methodus; Quam non ita pridm quinque Speciminibus comprehensam, editamque; nunc autem novis, ac ben multis vocabulis locupletatam, (inter quae plurima Celtica, imò et aliquot Asiatica et Americana, quò nonnullorum Asiae, Novique Orbis populorum felici origines investigentur exitu, reperiuntur) cum Arabicis aut Persicis affinitatem habentibus, in Usum Utriusque Ling. Tyronum, denuò edit ejusdem methodi auctor Antonius Vieyra, L. L. Hisp. ac Ital. Prof. Regius; Arab. et Pers. Lector in Universitate Dublinensi; ac Reg. Academ. Hibernae ad Scientiarum, Politioris Humanitatis, ac Antiquitatum studia promovenda institutae Socius.
Dublinii: apud L. White, Bibliopolam, in Vico Dame-Street, MDCCLXXXIX. [1789].
ESTC No. T112556.Grub Street ID 164548.
Vieyra, Antonio.
A new Portuguese grammar in four parts; containing I. Rules ... II. The syntax, ... III. A vocabulary, ... IV. Various passages ... The third edition. By Anthony Vieyra Transtagano, .
London : printed for F. Wingrave, successor to Mr. Nourse, 1794.
ESTC No. N20349.Grub Street ID 9747.
Vieyra, Antonio.
A dictionary of the Portuguese and English languages, in two parts; Portuguese and English, and English and Portuguese: wherein I. The words are explained in their different meanings, by examples from the best Portuguese and English writers. II. The etymology of the Portuguese generally indicated from the Latin, Arabic, and other languages. Throughout the whole are interspersed a great number of phrases and proverbs. By Anthony Vieyra, Transtagano, teacher of the Latin, Arabic, &c.
A new edition, carefully revised and improved..
London : printed for F. Wingrave, successor to Mr. Nourse; J. Johnson; J. Sewell; W. Richardson; R. Faulder; G. and T. Wilkie; H. Murray, M.DCC.XCIV. [1794].
ESTC No. T113570.Grub Street ID 165497.
Vieyra, Antonio.
A new Portuguese grammar in four parts; containing I. Rules ... II. The syntax, ... III. A vocabulary, ... IV. Various passages ... The fourth edition. By Anthony Vieyra, .
London : printed by Luke Hansard, for F. Wingrave, successor to Mr. Nourse, 1800.
ESTC No. N41592.Grub Street ID 27939.